The Shadows of the Alpha~Jaco...

By EmilyJean96

163K 3.9K 599

I walked slowly over to him and he looked up over his book. He smirked, “yes?” I sat on his lap and wrapped... More

Chapter 1- The Escape from Hell
Chapter 3- Nightmares
Chapter 4- The dvd
Chapter 5 - The Cure
Chapter 6- Is any of this real?
Chapter 7- Hope
Chapter 8- Open the window
Chapter 9- Outcast
Chapter 10- Memories collide
Chapter 11- Lets Hang Out Sometime
Chapter 12- Love me forever, Darling.
Chapter 13- Leave me forever, Darling.
Chapter 14- Destructive
Chapter 15- Shooting Stars
Chapter 16- Wolfsbane
Chapter 17- Trigger Spot
Chapter 18- The Replacement
Chapter 19- Heartbreaking Realization
Chapter 20- The Deepest Sacrifice
Chapter 21- All I see is him.
Chapter 22- Talon.
Chapter 23- Almost dead.
Chapter 24- This is war.
Chapter 25- Plan of Attack
Chapter 26- Don't be sorry.
Chapter 27- Captured
Chapter 28- Everything Will Fall
Chapter 29- Painfully Alone
Chapter 30- More pain..
Chapter 31- I am the Alpha Queen.

Chapter 2- Judgemental eyes

16.8K 360 82
By EmilyJean96


I looked around the bedroom Jake lead me to. It was cute and small and it smelled like the forrest. The bathroom door was located in the corner of the room, and it looked safe. I couldn't help but think about the mental hospital.

She shoved me towards the shower, her eyes cold and showing no emotion. She turned her back as I walked into the shower. I bit my lip as I held back my tears.

My roommate Ava slit open her wrists with a plastic knife she stole from the cafeteria during breakfast. I woke up to find her in a pool of blood, I held her cold lifeless body until the nurses came in. They sedated me again and I watched unable to talk as they took away her body. Practically throwing it on the stretcher, as if it were a chore.

I pulled my shirt up in order to unwrap my gauzed arm, I sighed when I realized I couldn't do it with one hand.I let out a sigh, trying to forget about that hell hole. I jumped and ran to the corner of the room, anxiety racing through my veins as the door opened.

"Cool your shit, I just have towels for you." I let out an embarrassed breath and walked closer to Jake.

I walked closer to him and grabbed the towels from him, my fingers gliding against his warm ones. I thanked him, but he just looked at me. No doubt I looked like shit, my hair in knots, I probably have permanent dark circles, and I'm pretty sure I'll always smell like bleach.

He took a step closer to me, "do you need help?" I watched his gaze travel to my arm. I didn't want anything else from him, not if he was going to be a dick the whole time. But how else was I going to get this off?

I nodded, "please"

His large, warm fingers ran up my cold skin and he carefully ripped the gauze. He didn't look at me as he pulled it off. He lightly ran his fingers over my stitches and gave me a pained look.

"Carlisle left some medicine and new gauze, I'll wait in here while you take a shower so I rewrap your arm when you get out." His cheeks were burning red and I chose to ignore it.

I grabbed the towels and clothes from my backpack and moved towards the bathroom. I shut the door and quickly turned the lock. I stripped at put my clothes in a pile next to the toilet and I looked at myself in the mirror. Bruises down my sides from the nurses harsh hands, bruises down my arm from injections. I looked at my bloody, bitten down fingernails and sighed as I stepped into the burning water.

I finally let everything out in the shower, I was sobbing. Sobs slivered through my body as I prayed the water would get hotter. We were never allowed hot water in the hospital. I had so many questions. How did Carlisle get me out of the hospital? Did he know my brother too? Did they know who I was? What I was capable of?

I couldn't help but think about Poppy, Clover, and Willow, did they have boyfriends yet? Had Poppy confessed her love for my brother while I was gone? Had they thought about getting my out of there. Had my grandparents given it a second thought after they heard my begging screams as they took me away?

I thought about Jax and his ability to make everyone smile. My mind also wandered to the other members of my brothers pack, mostly our new alliance members. All boys and one girl, their newly found king, Grayson, and I have become good friends. Well, we were before I left. I became close with all of my brothers friends. They were my family, and I couldn't help to be saddened by how long I was in the hospital. I thought about Ander, Cole, Kylie, and Grant, had they coped well with the loss of the rest of their pack, especially their parents?

I had so many questions. I just wanted to hear their voices, I wanted to hear their laughs and I wanted to hear their heartbeats. Did they feel the same about me? I get attached to people very easily but I know they care about me, so why hadn't they come to get me?

My hair was clean and so was my skin and as much as my whole body hurt, I felt a little better. I slowly pulled on my black skinny jeans over my underwear and pulled the muscle tee that Grayson got for me. I traced my fingers over the words on the front, whispering them to myself, "to the moon and back."

I brushed my hair and teeth, careful not to cause my busted lip to start bleeding again. I hissed when I accidently touched the bruise that covered my left cheekbone. I really looked terrible.

I left my towel in the wicker hamper in the corner of the bathroom and clutched my black and red flannel in my hand. I walked over towards Jake as I tried to keep my heart from beating out of my chest. I really hope he hadn't heard my crying in the shower.

He pointed to the gauze he laid out on the bed, " ready?" I nodded and sat down quietly on the bed.

"Thanks for helping me, I know you're probably hungry." He didn't say anything as he gently wrapped gauze around my arm. I was sure he could feel my rapid pulse underneath his fingers and I tried not to let heat creep up my face.

"Let's go," he motioned towards the door. I carefully put on my flannel, although the muscles in my back refused.

I followed him out.


The burgers were cooking on the grill when we walked out and the rest of the boys were playing football, all barefeet and without shirts.

The burgers Sam was cooking made my mouth water, "is your room okay?" I jumped at Emily's voice.

I nodded, "It's great. Thank you."

She smiled, " I hope you're comfortable here. When Carlisle told us he was going to get you, we were all so excited." I followed her gaze to the boys as they yelled at eachother. I snuck a glance at her scar while she was looking at them, but I didn't have to look for long. I followed her eyes that met Sam's.

She smiled and turned the music down a smidge, "we don't have many guests." I thanked her once again and I put her number in my phone when she insisted that I have it. She was going to be a good friend. What am I thinking? I already have friends.

I couldn't help but bring Carlisle, " Do you know Dr. Cullen very well?" She didn't seem shocked by my question.

"Our families have been every close for about a year or so. They have a lovely family, and they help us out whenever we need it. I think Carlisle's coming to check on you tomorrow morning." Why would he do that? I don't know any of them. Unless my brother has been trying to make alliances, I don't see why so many people are willing to take care of me.

I smiled to mask the hurricane of thoughts making it's way through my brain. I just wanted to go home, I wanted to see my brother and my friends. I'm tired of feeling like a burden, I haven't seen them in months and I just want to feel safe again.

"Where are your shoelaces?" I looked up at a smirking face. If I remember correctly, his name is Paul.

"I'm sorry, what?"

The boys and Leah gathered around the table with paper plates in their hands and started stacking burgers on their unstable paper plates.

"Why don't you have shoe laces?" I sighed.

"They didn't let me have them at the hospital.They take away shoelaces, belts, stuff like that." I didn't want to lie, even though it wasn't any of his business. They have accepted me into their home and they deserved respect.

"Why?" It was Seth who interrupted. I looked down at my ugly white shoe-laceless shoes.

"They take them from at risk patients, dumb," Leah hissed as she walked to the end of the table.

"At risk?" He genuinely didn't know. He wasn't much younger than me, maybe fifteen.

"Suicide," I said blankly.

Jacob came to my rescue, well sort of. He grumbled, "let her get some food."

They all left me to walk in the line behind Brady and I stood silently even though I could feel their eyes searching me up and down. I reached the end of the table with a burger with just cheese and ketchup and a scoop of fruit.

Everyone had almost finished their first plate and a couple were going back for seconds. I bent my head and clasped my hands together below the table. I silently said grace, as I did everyday and I breathed an "amen."

I picked up my plastic fork and stabbed a strawberry to find everyone still staring at me.

My eyes widened, " do I have something on my face?"

Sam let out a low chuckle, "they didn't expect you to say grace. After everything you've been through."

I took a low sigh, "I didn't mean to offend you, I just always make sure to say a prayer at least everyday."

Emily practically yelled, " Oh! Of course you didn't! You are welcome to do whatever you want to. It's not offensive at all. In fact, Paul. Why don't you say grace, eh?"

I smirked as he glared at her, "Sure."

He clasped his hands together with a loud smack and said, "Uh. God? I just wanted to personally thank you for giving me the strength to not punch Brady in the face for taking the last burger and I also wanted to say a big thanks for sending some weird chick into our house. I think I might get to like her. Probably not. Amen."

I could feel Emily kick him under the table, "Apologize right now!"

I took a sip of my water, "he doesn't have to apologize. He has the right to his own opinion."

He smirked at her as if to put her in her place and shoved a handful of chips in his mouth.

Sam shot him a dirty look and took a sip of his beer, " So Elizabeth, what kind of things do you do for fun?"

I thought about the time before the hospital, my full bookshelf and my mac book full of my stories. I thought about my journals overflowing with ideas and the list of books I wanted to buy.

"Please, call me Ellie."

He nodded as I continued, "I like reading and writing."

"Nerd," Paul snickered.

I thought about saying what was really in my head, about fighting back. I was too exhausted to fight back. I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of being sad. I'm tired of being alone.

I just want to go home.


There was a whisper in the back of my mind. It sounded how Grayson would whisper my name.

I love you.

I took a deep sigh and closed my eyes.

Come find me.

I know it couldn't be him. Not really. He's with Declan and the rest of my family. He couldn't be here so early. Could he?

I had to find out.

I looked around at everyone at the table, they all went stiff. Everyone but Emily.

How could I leave without them following me? Would they even follow me? I looked up at Sam and met his eyes. He stared right at me and let out a small sigh. I took a bite out of my burger and followed it with a sip of water.

"Excuse me, " I said pushing my chair back. I shoved my phone in my back pocket and prayed my ankle would stop pounding.

"Ellie wait," It was Jacob. I wanted to hear what he had to say, but I needed to see if Grayson was here. I needed to make sure he wasn't. If he was here than that means something must've went wrong.


I walked around the forest for about a half an hour. I was running pretty fast, and I didn't check to see if anyone was following me. It must have all been in my head, he wasn't really here. No one was.

I walked back to the house, I was in no hurry to be in the presence of those judging stares and looks of pity. I clutched my phone in my hand and pushed myself further back to the house, despite my pleading ankle. It was really going to need ice before bed.

I thought I was dreaming as I walked up towards the house to see everyone acting the same as they were. Everyone except for Sam and Jacob, they were busy talking to Grayson. My Grayson. He was here. The moment I stepped foot on the grass, he was running over towards me. His black hoodie and black pants matched the color of his hair. I started running towards him and we stopped a foot away from eachother.

"Grayson," I said steadily as I bowed in front of him. Instead of kissing my hand, he grabbed me and pulled me into the tightest hug I've ever gotten.

I shivered as he whispered, "Elizabeth," into my ear. I hugged him tighter, so much that I started to cry. He was the one to come see me first, after everything

"What are you doing here? Where's everyone? Where's Declan?" I couldn't help but bombard him with questions through my tears. I needed answers and I had so many questions I could interrogate him for days.

"Everyone is fine. We're all safe. But I can't stay for long, I just had to see you. I ran all the way here to make sure you were going to be okay." His thumb grazed my lip and my cheekbone.

"What happened to you?"

"Why didn't you come to get me from the hospital?" I avoided his question.

"I didn't know you were in the hospital. None of us did, your grandparents told everyone that you were staying with them to learn more about your situation. We didn't know until a few days ago. That's when Declan called some of his friends and told everyone to say goodbye because we were moving up here. Declan knew he couldn't get to you fast enough so he asked for some help."

They didn't know. That's why they didn't come for me. They had no idea. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"What? You thought we'd purposely leave you there? We love you, Ells. I love you."

"I love you too."

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