Chapter 13- Leave me forever, Darling.

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I could see my breath coming out of my mouth before I felt it escaping from my mouth. I feel asleep reading to Ellie last night, and I made a promise to tell her everything, but I want to make sure everything is final before I tell her. That is why I'm in the house of one of the most influential of our sister packs. I have a meeting with their alpha and their witch.

I smelt her before I saw her, her fiery red hair that you could see from a mile away. She was followed by her witch who was small and thin, who's hair was shorter than mine.

"Nice to see you Grayson," Scarlett, the alpha, purred. I nodded and sat down at the table opposite of her.

"We have found connections in the shadow packs bloodline, like you have asked. We have located the alpha." Violetta, the witch moved closer when she spoke.

I sighed, "was it who I suspected?" She nodded. Holy shit.

"The parents of the alpha had their child's power stripped at birth by a friend of Violetta's. She can restore her powers, if that is what you want."

I blinked, "will it hurt?"

"The powers being returned will cause some pain, but it will not cause extreme pain. But, I'm guessing the alpha already know's what's happening to them. We haven't been completely honest with you, I'm afraid."

I growled and stood up, "what do you mean?"

Scarlett smiled, "well, we had to start the preparation which might cause the alpha to be a little uncomfortable. Nothing too big, but we must continue with it, if you don't want the alpha to die."

I shouted, "No! What do you want? You never stated the conditions, and I've been foolish to trust you."

Scarlett looked at Violetta and Violetta gave me a small frown, "we want you." My mind immediately went to Ellie. She's waiting for me right now. I thought about the pack, they were hearing all of this through my mind right now and they have instructions not to allow Ellie to hear their thoughts. Declan is in agreement with the process, she might not be able to handle the news.

"You want do what?" I waited for her answer and I started to sweat.

"You must live here, among our pack. You must mate with one of ours." No. I'll never love anyone other than Ellie.

"I'm already with someone, and I can't leave her behind." My canines were showing now.

"She must not know about where you are going, lie, just leave, I don't care. She must not know. She is destructive and we do not want her involved with our pack until after you are officially initiated." She avoided my answer. "Did you read her the enchantment like we agreed?" I nodded. I read the enchantment to her during the old poems by the packs to rid away evil spirits and nightmares. The enchantment was used to keep her calm and safe while the alpha is changing.

I couldn't leave Ellie, but the pack needed another alpha. My pack needs this alliance.


I woke up at 11:52, I guess I was catching up on my sleep. I immediately took a shower and washed my cuts and I washed the dry rainwater out of my hair. I gently brushed my hair and wet my toothbrush, put toothpaste on it, and wet it again before sticking it into my mouth.

I rinsed and spit with a wince, I noticed more blood. My gums have been hurting a lot lately, it must be the adjustment from eating mushy hospital food to eating steaks. My mind was oddly quiet, I'm usually able to hear all the pack members thoughts as soon as I wake up, but I can't hear anything. Which caused me to run downstairs, they were all in the backyard, playing soccer.

The Shadows of the Alpha~Jacob Black~Where stories live. Discover now