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tvwriteher tarafΔ±ndan

2.6K 147 1.2K

This season picks up 2 months later now at the end of summer. Senior year is here for most of the characters... Daha Fazla

Episode 10: Imaginary Players
Episode 11: COUNTDOWN
Episode 12: Homecoming
EPISODE 14: Love Yourz
Episode 16: RUNNIN
EPISODE 17: Apple Pie Γ  la mode
EPISODE 18: Wargames
Episode 21: 11:59 It's January.
Episode 22: PART TWO (on the run)


96 6 9
tvwriteher tarafΔ±ndan


We see a montage of Kent working on his game.  Shooting around. Suicides. He's focused.

KENT-(v.o) When you make a choice and say, "Come hell or high water, I am going to be this" then you should not be surprised when you are that. It should not be something that is intoxicating or out of character because you have seen this moment for so long that when that moment comes of course it is here because it has been here the whole time because it has been in your mind the whole time.

Hours go past he's still working out. He goes up for a dunk-

KENT-(v.o) We psych ourselves up too much. Like if you try to talk yourself into, 'Oh, this is a big moment, this is a big shot you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself. You shot that shot hundreds and thousands of times. Just shoot another one.

When he finishes the dunk we lean into:


REPORTER- Another ferocious dunk by Kent Davis  and this crowd is on their feet.

KENT-(v.o) Neal is gone, but that doesn't mean the season is over. As a matter of fact, I'd say it's just beginning. You might want to stay out of my way for a while.

The cheer leaders cheer at the sideline.  Kent and Taylor lock eyes. Taylor gives him a half smile.

TAYLOR-looking good seven.

Kent tries not to blush.

KENT-(v.o) no one has ever had the affect on me Taylor has.

Taylor smiles a little. Kent goes back on defense.

TAVON- get off your cakes man.

Kent laughs.

KENT-(v.o) life is funny...it never goes how you plan in it....I never thought I would be out of mind in love with someone....and I never thought I would love a town so much....this place....these people...my family...it's like what I said about basketball....it's been here the whole time.


Deandre Neal and Kelly are watching the game on tv. Neal is proud.

NEAL- (smiling) K has gone full Ice Berg Slim man....

DEANDRE-he knows what he has to do.

NEAL- Yeah....I wish I could be out there with him.

DEANDRE- you sure you can't play?

NEAL- doctors says I'm limited so...I don't want to play like that...being half way in isn't good enough.

DEANDRE- Neal at least try.

NEAL- really don't wanna talk about it right now...I just wanna hang out with you watch the game.

DEANDRE- we gotta talk about it eventually.

NEAL- I know.

KELLY- what are your plans for thanksgiving?

NEAL- Me T and Kent spending it together. It's our little tradition. But I think Taylor's family will be there and grandma Kate.

KELLY- Taylor is cooking?

NEAL- yes and no...I think she's cooking and Kent is catering.

They all laugh.

DEANDRE-what's going on with T and her internship?

NEAL- she's still going....her boss has been on a leave of absence so she thinks it's been okay.

DEANDRE- What? She hasn't reported that nigga?

Deandre tries to stand but he's a little weak.


DEANDRE- I'm good.

KELLY- this is Taylor's choice you can't make it for her.

DEANDRE- she's a kid.

KELLY- and she's a victim...we can't tell her how to be in this situation we just have to be there for her.


Morgan Taylor and Zhuri stand outside in the hall. Cameron approaches them and hugs Morgan.

CAMERON- You did great out there.

MORGAN- thanks.

Cameron kisses her.

CAMERON- see you tomorrow?

MORGAN- (forcing a smile) yup.

CAMERON- (to Taylor and Zhuri) see y'all.

Cameron leaves. Morgan looks Taylor and Zhuri.

MORGAN- go ahead say I'm a evil conniving bitch...I know.

TAYLOR- I'm actually minding my business because I have absolutely no room talk.

Kent walks pass them.

TAYLOR- another 30 point...good game.

KENT- thanks.

They begin to walk together towards the door. Tavon approaches Morgan and Zhuri.

MORGAN- what's up gang?

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- still can't say it right.

MORGAN- you're a hater.

TAVON- (to Zhuri) Hey.


They look at each other for a moment.

TAVON- Okay...um I'll see y'all around...gang.

MORGAN- my impact!

Zhuri laughs Tavon walks off.

TAYLOR- um...I know Kate is probably cooking or doing something at the house but I was hoping to see you-

KENT- I wouldn't spend thanksgiving anywhere else Taylor....me you and Neal made that promise last year....and I don't break promises.

Taylor looks at him. Kent leaves.  Morgan and Zhuri both look at Taylor.

TAYLOR- it's better than yesterday's game when all he said was thanks back and left.

ZHURI- So you cheated on Cam and you're lying to Kent...and then there's me....I'm not in any relationship drama right now....I love that for me.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- bitch.

Zhuri smiles.

MORGAN- aht aht not to fast...you haven't broken up with Debo yet.

TAYLOR-(laughing) Debo?

ZHURI- Darius my God...and he's been out of town so I haven't had the chance too.

MORGAN- I'm sorry do they not have technology to help with communication in 2023?

ZHURI- you don't break up with someone over the phone.

TAYLOR- again I have no opinion at all.

MORGAN- what the hell are you keeping from him?

ZHURI- from us honestly?

TAYLOR- can we not ruin the day?

MORGAN- you know what need?

Zhuri smiles.

ZHURI-Beyoncé wig.

Morgan smiles.

MORGAN-Beyoncé wig right now.

Morgan and Zhuri grabs Taylor's hand and pulls her as she pouts.

TAYLOR- Beyoncé is tired.


Kent is getting in his car when Amari approaches him.

KENT- oh shit what the hell you doing here boy?

They dap each other up.

AMARI- I came to see the Kent Davis show.

Kent laughs.

KENT- shut up man...seriously what you doing here?

AMARI- It's thanksgiving break and my mom was visiting some family in dc and I figured I would stop by a game.

KENT- oh that's what's up... yo y'all was hooping the other day man.

AMARI- I'm telling you UCLA is everything they say it is man.

KENT- I bet it is.

AMARI- you still thinking about Cali?

KENT-Yeah but Neal is leaning towards ucla I'm thinking about Stanford.

AMARI-their basketball team is ass fuck Stanford come to ucla man.

KENT- I don't care about a team being ass I can fix that.

AMARI- bro this is not like high school...college is really where your brand starts....nobody checking for Stanford.

KENT- and that's what I like about it. I like challenges.

AMARI- bro fuck that...do that shit in the NBA. Which I'll be next year.

Kent looks shocked.

KENT- you doing one and done?

AMARI- one and done.

KENT- damn.

AMARI- and I'm going be real with you...I'm here because UCLA wants you.

KENT- What?

Amari smiles.

AMARI- Yeah bro...they want to set up a whole system around you....you gotta come it's not better place to hoop man.

KENT- nigga anywhere I hoop is the place to hoop,

Kent laughs.

AMARI- here you go.

KENT- but nah I um I gotta think about it.

AMARI- what you about to get into now?

KENT- some family shit. I'll hit you tomorrow.

AMARI- bet I'll be at the next game.

KENT- Cool.


Mekhi and Jordan are on top of his bed making out.

JORDAN- how was your game?

MEKHI- it was good. 13 points 6 steals.

Mekhi begins to kiss his neck.

JORDAN- I wish I could of been there.

MEKHI- they aired it on espn.

JORDAN- I know but I didn't watch it...it's  not the same.

MEKHI- I know but what else am I supposed to do?

JORDAN- have you tried talking to your Dad?

MEKHI- (quickly) about us? Hell no.

JORDAN- (sarcastic) isn't that romantic.

MEKHI- I didn't mean it like that....I just look my Dad is not with anything that isn't the norm and I don't want to deal with that...him judging me or disappointed in me the lectures...I just want enjoy my senior year and get to college and that's it.

JORDAN- and I want to be able to bring my boyfriend to thanksgiving dinner.

Mekhi looks at him.

JORDAN- guess we can't all have what we want....I think you should go.

MEKHI- Jordan?

JORDAN- I'll call you.

MEKHI- Don't even waste your time...I won't answer.

Jordan looks shocked. Mekhi leaves.


Nate is helping Ava with her homework and there's a knock on the door.

NATE- one second baby girl.

Nate goes to open the door and it's Kent.

NATE- Mr.Taylor what's up?

Kent laughs and walks in.

KENT- very funny.

NATE- where's Kyle?

KENT- he went to the movies with Dave to accidentally run into Heaven.

Nate laughs.

Ava runs over and hugs Kent.

AVA- Hi Kent.

KENT- Hey pretty girl.

NATE- is one daughter not enough for you?

Kent laughs. Ava goes to her room.

KENT- at this point Ava is the only one of your daughters that likes me right now.

NATE- Ashley too?

KENT- like fifty percent.

Nate laughs.

NATE- so what's going on?

KENT- have you talked to T?

NATE- a little bit yesterday after Kyle's game...but she's kinda be hard to get ahold of lately.

Kent smiles like he knows the exact feeling.

KENT- I think I'm losing her....I don't know what's going on and I don't know why....and I just want to figure it out and fix it.

Nate looks at him.

NATE- so what exactly is the problem?

KENT- I told you she just not talking to me like she usually does sometimes she barely looks at me.

NATE- and this just came out of no where?

KENT-Yeah one day it was just all changed.

NATE- it's a always a moment maybe you just don't notice it right now....

Nate takes a seat at the dining room table. Kent follows and takes a seat too.

NATE- back right before Taylor was born. I was working overnight Ashley was young and Toya was working over at downtown locker room at mondawmin. We were unit like a real team...we had plans for what we were going do...and she started to take the LSAT's getting ready for law school...and that's when everything changed.

KENT- what did she do?

NATE- stopped acting like we were a team like she was doing everything herself...like she didn't need me anymore.

KENT- I know that feeling....T is acting the same way...so what was the change stress from school?

NATE- that's what I thought but all of these years later....I found out she was in love with someone else.

Kent looks at him.

KENT- so what did you do?

NATE- I wasn't sure about it until now....but I had feelings back then that things were changing with us I just wasn't sure why. At first I thought it was because she was pregnant with Taylor because the last time she was pregnant things with us changed too.

KENT- I mean but things are gonna always change when it's a new baby right?

NATE-yeah but it was more than just that... I had a full offer to UCLA had just took my team to the a state championship we lost but I took em there.

Kent laughs.

NATE- but I couldn't go anymore I had to give up everything to be a father a husband....and really it was like I gave up myself.

KENT- (v.o) I can't imagine not being able to play basketball again but even more I can't imagine a life without Taylor. I'm pretty sure that's tens times worse.


Neal is unpacking some boxes and listening to music.

NEAL-(rapping and unpacking) That's my next mission, that's why I can't quit Just like LeBron, get my niggas more chips Just put the Rollie right back on my wrist.

He opens another box and smiles. He pulls out a comic book.

NEAL- The book Tae made me....wait.

Neal walks over to gaming system and picks up his Spider- Man 4 video game.

NEAL- (thinking) Hm.


Neal is on his computer working on a template completely focused. Tony knocks on the door and enters.

TONY- Master Carter.

NEAL-(still typing) Just Neal man.

TONY- the door is for you.

Neal gets up from his seat still smiling at the computer screen that reads "Baby Face Assassin"


Neal walks downstairs, Taina stands.

NEAL- Taina what are you doing here?

TAINA- I need to talk to you.

NEAL-  what's up?

TAINA- I seen you...with Morgan at the hospital.

NEAL- Oh...um listen I was going talk to you but things happened so fast.

TAINA- you know I'm not even mad about the kiss...like I get it it's your ex maybe you got caught up in the moment....but the way you were talking to her about everything you were feeling....you never did that with me no matter how much I tried to get you to open up.

NEAL- Taina you have to understand I've known Morgan for a long time we just met-

TAINA- We just never and yet I never stood a chance if it's not Morgan it's Taylor if it's not Taylor it's Kent....so many people are your priority.

Neal looks at her.

TAINA- and you know what my priority is? My future. Making sure I get everything I want.

NEAL- and you should want that.

TAINA- but what I don't like is being made a fool of...

Neal looks at her and Taina pulls out her phone.

TAINA- I recorded you and Morgan's conversation at the hospital.

NEAL-(annoyed) okay what are you going do with that show the school? I didn't cheat on you we weren't official.

TAINA- I showed a school but not the school you're thinking of.

Neal looks at her confused.

NEAL- what are you talking about?

Neal phone begins to ring.

TAINA- that's probably ucla....I wasn't sure if you told them about your heart condition being the reason you're away from the team for a while.

Neal looks worried.

NEAL- you wouldn't do that.

Taina smirks

TAINA- This was always one of my favorite things about you Neal....so naive to everything that's in his face.

Neal looks at her.

TAINA-better answer that call and better start looking for another dream school.

Taina rolls her eyes and leaves. Neal answers the phone.

NEAL- (on the phone) yes this is Neal Carter....yes I understand. Thank you.


Kim is digging through Morgan's things.

KIM- come on it has to be something with that girls name.

She finds pictures of Morgan Taylor and Zhuri but nothing else. She shakes her head.

KIM- you know what.

Kim storms out walking pass Morgan Taylor and Zhuri.

ZHURI- Damn she on a mission.

Taylor laughs.


Zhuri sits on the and Taylor sits on the bean bag chair. Morgan goes inside her closed and comes back with a blonde Beyoncé styled wig.

MORGAN- alright...whose first.

ZHURI- obviously Taylor I have nothing to hide.

TAYLOR- What? neither do I.

ZHURI- you said you were lying to Kent.

TAYLOR- no you said I just simply said I cannot comment on relationship advice right now.

MORGAN- Taylor.

TAYLOR- one of you whores go first.

MORGAN- regardless of who goes first you're going.

Taylor avoids them looking at her nails. Zhuri laughs and takes the wig and places it on.

ZHURI- me and Tavon have been texting everyday since the mock trail and I want to ask him to break up with Jaeden and be with me.

MORGAN- oh shit.

TAYLOR- whoa....that's like....wow um what kinda texts?

MORGAN- wow you really are a journalist asking the important questions.

ZHURI- small stuff like just talking about our days sending funny tweets we see. And we just started watching Breaking Bad together.

Taylor takes a piece of gum out of her purse and begins to chew it.

TAYLOR- emotional cheating 101.

ZHURI- that's what I was thinking...like that means he still has feelings for me right?

MORGAN- Yeah but what about your boyfriend when are you going break up with him?

ZHURI- he should be back tomorrow and once he does I'll talk to him then.

MORGAN-what if Tavon doesn't break up with Jaeden?

ZHURI- honestly...I haven't thought about that.

Zhuri takes off the wig and hands it to Morgan.

ZHURI-Your turn.

Morgan puts the wig on.

MORGAN- um well....I know y'all know me and Neal kissed the other night and....basically I still have feelings for him....and I was going break up with Cameron.


MORGAN- I don't know I've just been thinking things seem so good but is it only good because it's other people in the way and because we're not officially together?

ZHURI- why do you feel like that?

MORGAN- me and Neal's problems were never about having passion. That's always been our thing but it's the other stuff the pushing each other away when things get hard the miscommunication. What if that hasn't changed? And with Cameron it's just easier.

TAYLOR-well duh because you don't care about him.

ZHURI- you didn't even say I love you back.

MORGAN- okay and? He understands....I'm not ready for that yet.

TAYLOR- you don't make yourself ready for love you're either in love or you're not.

MORGAN- Okay miss know it all..

Morgan takes off the wig and hands it to Taylor.

MORGAN- since you know everything tell us your secret.

Taylor rolls her eyes and puts it on.

TAYLOR- do we really have to do this? Don't we have homework or something?

MORGAN- yes we have to do it....this is something that we're going do forever.

ZHURI- okay sentimental.

MORGAN- right? Ew that's so Neal.

Zhuri laughs.

Toya sits on the couch going through paper work when there is a knock on the door. She gets up to answer it and it's Kim.

TOYA- what the hell are you doing here?

KIM- I figured it's about time we talk since you can't seem to keep your legs closed around my husband.

Toya laughs.

TOYA- I'm not doing this with you today. Go talk to your husband.

Kim walks in.

KIM- he doesn't talk to me. The only person who wants to talk to you.

Kim looks around the house.

TOYA- you don't know what you're talking about.

KIM- I see after all these years he's still saving you. Fixed up your house...got you a job and even opened up a bank account for you. (Hurt) Took money out of my account to give to you.

TOYA- The only thing he gave me is a job....everything that you think you know....you're wrong.

KIM- He gave you his heart....something he never gave to me....and I could never find out why....I did everything....I was everything he needed me to do but still wasn't good enough.

Toya looks at her.

KIM- And it wasn't because I didn't love him right or because he wasn't attracted to me. It was because my entire marriage was about you.

Toya looks at her still in shocked and confusion.

KIM- And all these years I tried to be pleasant....a good wife. I understood that with his dreams I would have to make sacrifices... all the times he showed up late. All the times I sat alone with two children...figuring it out on my own. And at first you know that was fine I was even fine when I first found out about the two of you around the time when he first opened up the firm. Morgan and Zhuri were babies. He was so happy at first but then he changed he started to become so cold....I didn't understand why because he wanted kids...I thought maybe it wasn't what he thought it would be....but then it was that one day in the park...I saw you....and I thought you would come over and say hey but you had this look on your face, this look like you lost everything like you were heartbroken and it I figured Marvin must of told you he couldn't see you anymore because he has a family and I thought that's why he was being so cold because he felt guilty about having a affair....but now I realize he was so cold because.

Toya looks at her.

KIM- and he wanted all the things he created with me...to be with you but you left him...you broke his heart. And I could never make him happy after that. So instead I was stuck in 20 year marriage just existing unhappy and now it's starting again...and I can't do it. You can have him.

TOYA- he married you he choose you. You're making scenarios in your head.

KIM- either you're a delusional bitch or just a bitch.

TOYA- Let's watch the bitches....I think you said enough....it's time for you to go,

Kim stands up.

KIM- I just have one last question...the bank account...it's really not for you?

TOYA- No Kim.

KIM- that doesn't make sense because who else would be TA?

Toya shrugs and then walks over to her door and opens it. Kim smirks looking at Toya one last time and then leaves.


ZHURI- okay come T..what's going on what you been hiding?

Taylor sighs.

TAYLOR- a few weeks ago um....(she looks down) my boss he kissed me.

MORGAN- kissed you? Wait did you like it?

TAYLOR- no I was freaked out.

Zhuri looks at her worried.

MORGAN- (relieved but worried) Okay I'm sorry I just wanted to be sure.

TAYLOR- he apologized for it... and I thought I could just forget about it you know? But then things started to get worse. He would literally say these things to make me uncomfortable. Like about what I wore that day or my hair or what I was writing. He made it seem like it was my fault like I was teasing him or leading him on.

ZHURI- that's why you changed your hair.

MORGAN- and the way you dress.

TAYLOR- I thought I could just tune him out...but then he tried it again... this time it was worse....the night of halloween....but I had Dre stand near by. ..so he saved me before it could get worse... and he well you know Dre handled it like you can only imagine Dre would....and now he's taken a leave of absence ever since.

ZHURI- T Im so sorry....I can't believe you were going through all of that.

TAYLOR- it's okay...I mean I'm the one keeping it to myself, how could you know.

MORGAN-(pankicking) T you have to tell someone...back at school Ms. Porter could get you another internship...and the police need to do something....and you need to tell Kent-

TAYLOR- Morgan stop I cant...Kent would kill him and I would lose my internship.

MORGAN- Kent should kill him and there are plenty more internships...and it's not like you need one anyway.

TAYLOR- why wouldn't I need one?

MORGAN- T you get straight A's you won on the debate team you have a successful podcast and your own paper....and I'm not even going say what the cherry on top of that is.

TAYLOR- and I wanted this internship.

MORGAN-  why?! Why this one?!

TAYLOR- because no one thought I would be there!

Morgan looks at her.

TAYLOR- I've wanted ti be where I am right now since the eight grade...the eight grade Morgan. This is the Baltimore sun.

MORGAN- and this is your mental health what's more important?

Taylor looks at her.

MORGAN- and you and Neal and this thing you do when you try to think for everyone else around you....it's not fair. You're doing the exact same thing Neal did with me last summer to Kent. That's wrong Taylor.

TAYLOR- Me stopping him from doing something crazy that's wrong?

MORGAN- Yes, because you're lying to him and look at how you been lately you're not happy...it's killing you. You're doing all this to stay at internship that you're not even enjoying anymore.

TAYLOR- this is why I didn't want to tell you.

MORGAN- Why because you know that we care about you? You would just rather walk around bottling stuff in than talking to the people who actually care about you because you're so scared of what?

TAYLOR- the last time something involved me it changed everything.

ZHURI- but T this has already changed everything...you're not even yourself anymore....and Kent thinks you don't love him....and once everyone else finds out they're gonna be upset that you kept this from them. We're supposed to be sandbox no secrets.

Taylor begins to cry a little bit wiped her tears.

TAYLOR- (voice breaks m) I just don't want.....I don't want another person to go through everything Neal went through last year again...especially Kent. He's so close to everything he's ever wanted....and maybe that's wrong and maybe Neal was wrong for New York but we both came from parents who grew up bitter because they lost their dream....we seen it first hand.

MORGAN- I get that....I broke up with Neal at prom because I thought we were becoming my parents but then you both told me I'm not my mother so I'm telling you...Kent is not your Dad...would you rather him walk around thinking your unhappy because of him or know what's going on with you? Like come on Taylor this is Kent.

Taylor looks at him. Morgan sighs. Taylor phone begins to ring.

TAYLOR- it's my internship.

MORGAN- let me answer!

ZHURI- Morgan.

Taylor answers.

TAYLOR-Hello...Yeah I'll he right there.

Taylor hangs up.

TAYLOR- I gotta go I'll see y'all tomorrow.

ZHURI- after everything that was just said?

TAYLOR- what am I supposed to do?

MORGAN- Taylor if you don't tell Kent or Mrs.Porter or even your parents.....I'm going to.

Taylor looks betrayed.

TAYLOR- What? You wouldn't do that.

MORGAN- I'm being so serious....if you get mad at me I'll live. Would rather you be mad at me then you to not be on the planet..

Taylor looks at her confused.

ZHURI- We um.... We saw your wrists in the locker room the other day.

TAYLOR- so you set me up? You didn't really want to talk about Neal or Tavon....what is this some kind of intervention?

MORGAN- sucks to have yours think for you out of love huh?

TAYLOR- I'm never gonna talk to y'all again.

Taylor walks out of the room. Zhuri and Morgan both fall on the bed.

ZHURI- I feel bad.

MORGAN- me too...but if not us than who?

ZHURI- Yeah.

Morgans phone begins to ring. She looks at it and smiles a little.

MORGAN- ah these are the people from my interview.

Zhuri smiles.

MORGAN-(answering) Hello.....Yes I accep- I'm sorry....there must be some mistake.....maybe you could run it again? Oh you did. Well thanks again for the opportunity.

Morgan hangs up and looks disappointed.

ZHURI- what did they say?

MORGAN-they said I failed the drug test.

ZHURI- (confused) what?


Taylor is walking pass going towards the front door. Marvin notices her.

MARVIN- Taylor can I borrow you for a second?

Taylor puts on a brave face.

TAYLOR-I'm actually kinda on my way out.

MARVIN- it will only take a second.

Taylor sighs and then walks in his office. Marvin takes a seat behind his desk. Taylor still stands.

MARVIN- you can take a seat.

TAYLOR- I'm kinda in a hurry so.

Marvin smiles a little.

MARVIN- okay um my firm always picks a few kids every year to help with their tuition for college.

Taylor looks at him confused.

MARVIN- I wanted to choose you.

Marvin hands her a check. Taylor eyes widened.

TAYLOR- whoa um this is a lot of money?

Kim walks inside the house and overhears them.

MARVIN- college is expensive.

TAYLOR- Yeah but I kinda don't have a problem in that department....um doesn't Tavon work for you right now I'm sure he could really use it more than me.

MARVIN- I choose you and it's no such thing as having too much money....even if you don't use it for school use it for something.

Kim comes to realization.


Taylor enters walking towards the interns office passing Christopher and no smirks at her. Then she's stopped by an associate VALERIE ANDERSON 40s very stern.

VALERIE- Taylor this way please.

Taylor looks at her confused but follows Valerie to her office.

VALERIE- you can have a seat.

Taylor sits down slowly.

TAYLOR- is something wrong?

VALERIE- This is about Christopher.

TAYLOR- It is?

VALERIE- I'm in a very difficult position here....I'm sorry it has to come to this....but I think you're a very talented writer....

Taylor looks at her confused.

VALERIE- It seems your infatuation with Christopher has crossed the line.

TAYLOR-(defensive) My infatuation?!

VALERIE- He's filed a restraining order against you.

TAYLOR- What? He's the one who attacked me?!

VALERIE- that's not what he's saying...and another associate has come forward as a witness for him.

TAYLOR- another associate? What do you mean another associate?

VALERIE- I'm sorry Taylor but we're gonna have to let you go.

Taylor stands up quickly.

TAYLOR- So you're telling me harassed me...made the last few weeks of my life hell to the point where I don't even recognize who I am anymore and I get fired?

Valerie looks at Taylor.

TAYLOR- Please as another woman try to understand....I wouldn't make this up the only thing I ever wanted to do here was write.

VALERIE- my hands are tied.

TAYLOR-(sadly) I just wanna be a journalist.

VALERIE- I'll make sure you'll still get the credit for your co op to take back to school. And we can put this behind us.

TAYLOR- I swear I am telling the truth.

VALERIE- I'll walk you to your desk to collect your things.


Valerie is walking a crying Taylor to the elevator as Taylor holds a box of her things. Zach and Christopher walk pass her talking and laughing with each other. Taylor becomes furious.

TAYLOR- is that what you what do you?

Christopher and Zach both turn to her.

TAYLOR-(to Christopher) I looked up to you....I wanted to be just like you and you took advantage of me like some dumb naive little girl.

CHRISTOPHER- (smirking) I'm sorry things didn't work out for you here Taylor....I wish you the best of luck.

Christopher turns back to Zach and laughs.

CHRISTOPHER- (laughing) Some interns just can't handle the pressure.

TAYLOR- you sexually harassed me!

Zach looks at her.

TAYLOR- (to Zach) and let me guess you're the associate that came forward as a witness because you can't get over me choosing Kent over you.... I wish I could do it again....see your face again when I did it you're such a loser.

A security guard tries to grab Taylor's arm and she pulls away quickly.

TAYLOR- don't touch me! I'm leaving.


Taylor pulls up and parks and gets out of the car knocks on the door. Still crying her eyes red. Toya opens the door.

TOYA-T? What's wrong? Why are you crying?

TAYLOR- (crying) I know you um...I know you don't care about me anymore...but I really I really just want my mom right now.

TOYA-Taylor come here.

Toya hugs her.


Toya sits on the couch and Taylor lays across her lap with blanket over top of her. Toya comforting her

TOYA- I'm so sorry Taylor.

TAYLOR- (crying) no it's my fault... I should of wore different types of clothes......or stopped being so eager to talk to him.

TOYA- Taylor stop blaming yourself nothing you did caused this...he's a creep....he took advantage of his position of power... those type of men do that to plenty of woman just because they know they can get away with it.

TAYLOR- I should of went to the police or filed a complaint at The Baltimore Sun....I handled this all wrong Ma.

TOYA-and that's what I'm sorry for.

Taylor looks at her confused.

TOYA-I'm sorry that you think being a strong woman means you have to go through things alone...and that you think without a internship you have nothing.

TAYLOR-(crying) but you said I wasn't special...and that I wouldn't amount to anything without Kent.

Toya pauses.

TOYA- And I'm sorry for that... I didn't mean it. I was so.....it's no excuse for it but I was going through my own issues and I was taking it out on you... because of me being jealous of you.

Taylor begins to wipe the tears on her face and looks confused.

TAYLOR- jealous of me?

TOYA- Yes.. you're doing all the things I could never have the courage to do....and on top of that you found a person that you love so much that you would do anything to avoid crushing their dreams...where me when I was your age all I could think about was saving

TAYLOR- saving yourself?

Toya moves Taylor's hair out of her face

TOYA- it doesn't matter... what matters is I need you to know....I love you and I'm proud of you.....and I'm sorry for not showing it more and I'm sorry for putting some much of my anger on to you. I did everything I said I would never do....I'm just I'm sorry.

TAYLOR- you do love me?

TOYA- I might even love you most...you're the most like me but just tens times better...don't tell Kyle.

Taylor laughs a little.

TOYA- you are the most special and brightest girl in the world. Always have been....even after my terrible job look at you baby girl...you didn't let me stop you that's how I know you're not gonna let this stop you.

Taylor lays on Toya and Toya with a determine look on her.

TAYLOR- Ma I don't know how to overcome this.

TOYA- don't worry....I do.


Neal and Tavon sit on Kent's bed as Kent sits on a bean bag chair on his iPad. Mekhi enters holding a plate of food.

MEKHI- yo K I think you're grandmother is in love with me. She just made me the most bomb sandwich ever.

KENT- (still looking at his iPad) bitch ain't you in a open marriage?

Tavon busts into laughs.

MEKHI- damn fuck you Angry man Davis I told you it was annulled...and you know me I'm mourning over Jordan right now.

Kent doesn't say anything still looking at his iPad.

TAVON- who the fuck is Jordan?

NEAL- Michael?

TAVON- you are so corny.

Neal smirks.

MEKHI- Neal so what the doctors saying about you?

NEAL- heart medication blah blah that I'm not taking.

KENT-(still looking at his iPad) yes you are.

Tavon smiles.

TAVON- I've missed this...let's see what happens next.

NEAL- medicine will keep tired...no.

KENT-(still looking at his iPad) medicine will you keep you alive.

Neal rolls his eyes.

NEAL- what is so important on that damn iPad? Porn?

Mekhi laughs.

KENT- yeah because sitting in a room full of all y'all niggas just turns me on so much.

Mekhi starts to talk.

KENT- shut up nigga.

Neal looks at him and then quickly snatches the iPad,

KENT- Neal!

Kent tries to take it back as Neal reads.

NEAL- nigga is this graph about you and Taylor?

TAVON-(laughing) a graph bro?

KENT-it's a breakdown of our relationship.

MEKHI- my God stand up have some shame.

Mekhi Neal and Tavon begin to laugh.

KENT- Look I love my girl I don't care...I just wanna know what went wrong....and y'all are the last ones that should be laughing Mr. names his computer and drops off old ass cake....mr playlist....mr fall in love three times a day.

Mekhi Neal and Tavon look at each other and then back at Kent.

NEAL- man that cake was good.

TAVON- nothing wrong with a little playlist.

MEKHI- so what is this PowerPoint about?

Kent sighs.

KENT- Basically me and Taylor been having small arguments since we got back from France...but then when we had our almost Vegas trip everything was settled,,,until a month ago then everything changed, so I was listing the thing that's changed...basketball season started...she started her internship...I really wanna say the internship is the big thing but I don't want to sound like I want her to not do it because I do...I just I don't know man.

Neal looks at him.

TAVON- what's different though? Like y'all just started arguing because of schedule changes ?

KENT- Nah it's like we don't talk...when we do talk it's like I'm pulling information from her to talk and it's still short...can't touch her she don't touch me....it's just a whole 360....which isn't her even when she didn't have her memories Taylor kissed me....physical touch is her thing.

Neal looks at Mekhi having a realization that he knows something about Taylor.

MEKHI- Maybe the internship is just hard....and she's stressed.

KENT- wait...it just hit me when I brought up no memory Taylor.


KENT- she was dating Zach...whose she works at the internship with.

TAVON- bro I know you're not hinting at Taylor cheating.

KENT- I don't think she would but I'm just weighing all my options.

Kent takes the iPad back and begins to type in it.

NEAL- you're seriously adding that in? Come on K this iPad.

Kent puts down the iPad.

KENT- you're right actually.

Neal smiles Kent grabs his jacket and begins to leave.

NEAL- Where are you going?

KENT- to talk to Zach. 

Tavon smiles. Neal and Mekhi looked shocked.

NEAL- Why are we doing that?

KENT- No we...just me.

NEAL- look um how about you talk to Taylor .

KENT- I've tried to talk to Taylor.

Kent walks out of his room door. Tavon smiled and follows.

NEAL-(low voice to Mekhi) what do you know?!

MEKHI-(low voice) Taylor only told about...her arms what do you know?!

NEAL- her arms?

They hear the front door close.

NEAL- fuck.


Kent is walking towards her car and Mekhi and Neal run outside.

NEAL- K you can't do this.

KENT- why not?

TAVON- the real question is...can we come to I just wanna see.

NEAL- because I need to talk to you.

KENT- I'm sure it can wait.

NEAL- it can't.

Kent looks at him.

KENT- what is it Neal?

NEAL- Im....I'm gay.

Tavon laughs. Kent rolls his eyes and begins to get in his car.

NEAL- I'm telling the truth!

Kent pulls off.

TAVON- why are you trying to stop this?

Neal pulls out his phone and calls Taylor.

NEAL-(on the phone) T call me back immediately.

Neal hangs up.

TAVON- Okay it's not funny anymore...What the fuck is going on?

MEKHI- Yeah I'm feeling like it's more than what I know.

Neal looks at both of them.


Kent's gets off the elevator and Zach is walking out with a cup of coffee.

KENT-(v.o) no way this is the guy he's such a loser.

ZACH- Kent?

KENT- Yeah what's up...we need to talk.

ZACH- look if this is about Taylor-

KENT- Yeah it is about Taylor...you can tell me to my face.

ZACH- tell you what? I have nothing to do with this you need to talk to Christopher.

KENT- Christopher? Her Boss?

Zach points to Christopher in his office talking to another associate. Kent looks at Zach confused and then walks over to Christopher office walks inside.

CHRISTOPHER-(to associate) The only reason the mayor even entertains him is because he practically proposes marriage to him in every op-ed.

ASSOCIATE-(laughing) I know what you mean.

KENT- Excuse me...Christopher.

Christopher looks over at him. The associate walks away.

CHRISTOPHER- Thee Kent Davis, the basketball guy What do I owe the pleasure?

KENT-(v.o) is everyone in this office just a loser?

KENT- I'm here to talk to you about Taylor.

CHRISTOPHER- I don't have anything to say. In fact I'm late for a press conference.

Christopher begins to walk out of the door.

KENT- Taylor literally went nonstop talking about this internship but she's been different ever since she got  here...I'm just trying to figure out why.

CHRISTOPHER- she didn't love it enough to keep her job unfortunately.

KENT- What are you talking about?

Christopher turns around to Kent a bit shocked and then he smirks.

CHRISTOPHER- Oh you don't know?

Kent looks at him confused.

CHRISTOPHER- Kent Taylor is obsessed with me.

KENT- I mean she idolizes you a bit but obsessed is a stretch.

CHRISTOPHER- No she is in love with me.

KENT-(v.o) I've had a lot of pain in my life like physical pain. Sprained shoulder taken tough charges....nothing hurt worse than hearing that.

CHRISTOPHER- it caused a-lot of problems. The only solution was for her to be fired.

KENT- you're lying.

Christopher taps his shoulder.

CHRISTOPHER- sorry you had to find out like this.

Christopher walks off. Kent looks heartbroken.


Kent pulls up and parks. He sits with himself for a moment before he gets out of the car. Then he goes to the door and knocks. Taylor answers.


Kent looks at her for a moment.

KENT-(v.o) I was just mad the entire drive here and now I don't even want to be I just....I just want to take her home.

TAYLOR- how did you know I was here?

KENT- just instinct.....um I saw Christopher today.

TAYLOR-(scared) you what?

KENT- I went down to the Baltimore sun to see if maybe if I knew what going on there I could find out what was going on with you.

TAYLOR- and what did he say to you?

KENT-You were in love with him....obsessed even and that you got fired.

Taylor shakes her head panicking.


KENT- Tell me that's not true Taylor...tell me after everything we've been through that this isn't what's next for us? Tell me that please...I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on.

Taylor looks at him and then looks away crying a little.

TAYLOR- a few weeks ago...Christopher he um he kissed me.

Kent looks hurt.

TAYLOR- We talked and he apologized, and I thought I handled it. (Voice cracking) But then he tried it again...The night of Halloween...but this time it was worse...if Dre wasn't there....

Kent hugs her.

TAYLOR- Dre made sure I was safe and then he fought him ...after that he took a leave of absence...he came back today and decided to fire me.

KENT- T why didn't you tell me?

TAYLOR- (crying) I don't know. Just add that to the list of the other things, I've done wrong. I idolized Christopher, wrong. I didn't file a formal complaint right away , wrong. I didn't go to the police wrong again....(crying harder) I feel so gross and so guilty...he was just saying these things I can't get out of my head.

Kent holds her tighter.

KENT- Baby I'm so sorry. (Kisses her forehead) I'm so sorry.... That bastard abused his position and you got fucked over.

TAYLOR- you don't blame me?

KENT- No....you thought I would go crazy didn't you?

TAYLOR- This isn't one of those moments where I'm asking you to reassure me because I already know and that's why didn't want you to get involved in this and comes back on you and then you lose everything you worked for. I will always protect that....but I guess with doing that  I went crazy myself.

KENT- We'll get through this.

TAYLOR- I'm sorry I lied to you...I'm sorry for hurting you it killed me to do that...I was just thinking of so many different things...I thought I was making the right decision....I thought I was protecting you.

KENT-because you love me right?

TAYLOR- Kent...I love you more than anything....always have always will.

KENT- I know...and Taylor I love you too and I'm gonna be honest....I am going to react with this situation...I'm not sure what that reaction will be but I can't sit back knowing someone has hurt you... the truth is that's a guy I'll never be. A guy that stands by and watches as the world hurts you.

Taylor looks at him like she's never looked at him before. Truly in love and relieved and in this moment.

TAYLOR-  If you're done, just take me home cause I'm mentally exhausted and I miss you and I love you (kissing him) every version of you.

KENT- that's all I been wanting to do...was take you home.

Taylor smiles at him. Kent kisses her.


Morgan is in the kitchen with a towel across her head. Zhuri is on her way out of the door.

MORGAN- and where are you going?

ZHURI- to the movies to see that new hunger games movie.

MORGAN- Oh boring. I take it Darius is back in town.

ZHURI- look at you remembering his name.

Morgan laughs. Zhuri smiles and leaves. Morgan goes upstairs and she stops when she overhears crying. She walks towards Marvin and Kim's room.


Morgan walks inside walking all the way to Kim's shoe closet where Kim sits on the floor crying.

MORGAN- Ma what happened?

Kim tries to fix herself.

KIM- Nothing...just go to your room please.

MORGAN- Ma nothing wouldn't make you cry...I've never seen you cry like this. What's going on? You can tell me.

Morgan sits next to Kim on the floor and holds her Kim cries harder.

MARVIN-(O.S) Kim Morgan Zhuri!

KIM- Morgan go see what he wants and tell him I'm sleep.


KIM- Morgan please.


Morgan walks downstairs and Marvin stands next to REGINALD 60s and GRACE 60s ALEXANDER.

MORGAN- Grandma! Granddad! Oh my God.

Morgan hugs them.

GRACE- look at you. You've gotten so beautiful.

Morgan smiles.

MORGAN- Thank you.

REGINALD- How many boys are you causing trouble for?

Morgan laughs.


Reginald laughs.

MARVIN- Morgan is about to start working at the hippodrome theater.

Reginald and Grace smile proudly.

REGINALD- is that so?

Morgan looks nervous.

MORGAN- Very so.

REGINALD- just like your father.. a hard worker.

Marvin smiles.

MARVIN- Morgan where is your mother?

MORGAN- she's sleeping.

GRACE- of course she is.

MORGAN- (quickly) let me show you to your room.


Zhuri parks and gets out of her car and walks towards the theater. She smiles as she spots a standing Tavon.

TAVON- about time girl.

ZHURI- you literally just texted me that you wanted to go.

TAVON- you live like ten minutes away Owings mills.

ZHURI- can I not get dressed?

TAVON- you was getting cute or something?

ZHURI- a little...do you think I look cute?

Tavon blushes.

TAVON- you look cute.

Zhuri' smiles.

TAVON- come on let's go get some snacks.

ZHURI- I already got some snacks...I don't eat that stuff in there Ew.

TAVON- here you go...wait is that why you got that big ass bag?

Zhuri laughs and hits his shoulder.

ZHURI- shut up.

TAVON- (laughs) but movie theater popcorn is safe it's vegan.

ZHURI- look at you doing your homework. But I wanted some chocolate.

TAVON- you just wanted to be a criminal it's okay.

Zhuri laughs.

TAVON- I'm definitely drowning my popcorn in butter though going full unhealthy.

ZHURI- okay Butter.

Tavon laughs.


Kent is taking a bath while talking to Taylor.

KENT- T I swear I've been so tense...this was so needed.

TAYLOR- I told you a bath would do you good.

KENT- come here.

Taylor walks over to him smiling.


KENT- get in with me.

TAYLOR-(blushing) no, nasty.

KENT- come here.

Neal enters.

NEAL- guys  I need help. The Baby Face assassin needs a weakness.

KENT- would you get out ya creep?

NEAL- neither of you have nothing I haven't seen before.

KENT- excuse me?

NEAL- use to take baths with her many years ago and I've seen you naked plenty of times.

KENT- when did you see me naked?!

Taylor laughs.

NEAL- doesn't matter anyway what's a good weakness?

Kent looks at Taylor and pulls her in the tub with him.


They begin to kiss.

NEAL- y'all are disgusting.

Kent and Taylor continue to kiss.

NEAL- wait...I know his weakness now.


Taylor knocks on the door and enters.

TAYLOR- hey can we talk?

NEAL- yeah what's up.

TAYLOR- Neal  I'm sorry for making you hold my secret especially that type of secret...I know that must of been hard for you...and that was very selfish of me.

NEAL- T if it was anytime to be selfish it was then. I hated lying to K and I can't lie after today if he still didn't know I probably would of folded.

They both laugh.

TAYLOR- I'm thankful that after all this time you're still my best friend and we can still be us no matter what other relationships we have....I love you...so much.

Neal hugs her.

NEAL- I love you too...it's nobody that could ever break this up.


The cheerleaders walk out as the opponent team is warming up. Jaeden walks into the gym and goes to the bleachers.

TAYLOR- I'm sorry about yesterday...I didn't mean it.

MORGAN- mean what?

TAYLOR- that I wouldn't talk to you guys again. You're my best friends it's even more than that.

MORGAN- Oh I wasn't paying you any mind you were gonna talk to me.

Taylor laughs.

ZHURI- I'm happy you're okay Taylor.

TAYLOR- me too.

They continue to walk onto the court.

MORGAN- Wait we're playing Kent's old school?

TAYLOR- Oh this is gonna be good.

Cameron and Neal walks into the gym at the same time.

CAMERON- do you notice you're always around?

NEAL- Does that threaten you or something?

Cameron smirks,

CAMERON- I got the girl why would it do that?

Cameron walks over to the bleachers and sits down. Neal stands and him and Morgan lock eyes.

TAYLOR- yikes.

MORGAN- shut up.

Zhuri laughs.

The wildcats begin to run out on the court.

TAYLOR- God he looks so good.

ZHURI- be calm harlot.

TAYLOR- sorry it's been a while.

Morgan laughs.

The wildcats goes to shake hands with St.James.

BRYAN- Kent I'm so happy we're gonna be the ones to kick you out the playoffs.

KENT- You still missing your free throws, Bryan?

BRYAN- Who cares? They don't show free throws on Sports Center. But, I heard you guys lost your point guard . So I guess your season's over, huh?

KENT- Nah we're pretty undefeated in the play offs right now.

BRYAN- doesn't matter now you're playing us.  And, unless you win this tournament, you're not making post-season. And you're not gonna win this tournament, beacause we are.

Kent smirks.

KENT- see you on the court man.


Deandre and Kelly are watching the game. Kelly holding faith.

DEANDRE- Come on fellas.


Kent is defending Bryan.

BRYAN- you can't stop me.

KENT- the scoreboard saying tied B.

BRYAN- for now....how does it feel losing to your team? Your old brothers?

KENT- that's the thing B.

Bryan tries to go past Kent but Kent steals the ball and passes it to Tavon who shoots a three pointer.  ITS GOOD!

KENT- y'all  were never my brothers.

Bryan is pissed. St.James calls a time out.

ZHURI- Go Tae!

Morgan and Taylor look at her.

ZHURI- I mean teammmm. Go team!

Morgan and Taylor laughs. Jaeden looks over at Zhuri.


COACH SHERMAN- Come on Kent is having the game of his life. You gotta get in his head.

Bryan looks over at Taylor. St.James walks back on the court.

Bryan walks over to check the ball but he bumps into Taylor. Taylor pushes him.

ZHURI- you did that on purpose clown.

MORGAN- Stupid!

Kent Mekhi and Tavon run over and they all begin to fight.

REFEREE- Break it up!

NEAL- Come on man.

Kent steps to the line for two free throws.

REFEREE- Okay, gentlemen, let's get set. Shooting two, . Hold on, guys. I've got blood here. Coach !

Taylor looks at Kent. Whose bleeding through his jersey.  The wildcats assistant coach calls Kent over.

Kent goes on the bench so that the doctor examines it.

DOCTOR- he needs stitches.

ASSISTANT COACH- sorry Kent you're done for.

KENT- What? It's no way you can get me out of this game?

ASSISTANT COACH- you're bleeding.

KENT- so stitch me up!


KENT- Coach, if we lose this game, then we lose our shot at the Notational  Championship. Dre sacrificed everything for us to be here.  We ran two-a-days until we puked. Neal literally gave himself until he was exhausted. I lost half my childhood because of the this moment right here. Don't let some lame like Bryan and St.James take this away from us.

The coach looks at Kent.

ASSISTANT COACH- All right, take him back there and stitch him up, find him another jersey.

Tammie watches from the gym entrance and smiles to herself.


MARVIN- you don't think you should be downstairs helping my mom out for dinner tomorrow? It could bring y'all closer to together.

KIM- that would be a good idea if a gave a hell about your judgmental ass mother.


KIM- I don't know why she's cooking anyway. Caterers will be here tomorrow.

MARVIN- You're ridiculous.

KIM- I don't care,

Kim walks into the bathroom.

Kent returns to the game in Neal's jersey to applauses.


BRYAN- you should of stayed in the locker room.

Kent grabs the ball and Bryan begins to defend him with his shoulder. Kent brushed his off he shoots the ball and it's good.


35 seconds left of the clock. St.James point guard has the ball.

KENT- Damn B you don't want to take the last shot?

Bryan scoffs.

BRYAN- Ball!

Kent fouls him.

KENT- oh no B you gotta make those free throws.

Bryan goes to the free throw line.

KENT-Don't brick it now. (Bryan misses). Take it easy, man. It's an new backboard. That's right. Nice and easy. Don't think about it. (He misses again). Wow. Nice touch.


ESPN ON THE TV- And the Wildcats are gonna get the ball back, down by three with 18 seconds on the clock and Kent Davis on fire. I'm telling you, folks, win or lose, you're gonna regret missing this one. The two teams are huddled up now. We'll get back to live action in a moment.

KELLY- you don't look a bit of nervous.

DEANDRE- He's ready... they all are.


COACH SHERMAN- All right, listen to me. We knew it would be like this with Kent he's  having the game of his life so they'll be going to him. When he catches the ball, you foul him. They'll only get two free throws and they're down by three.

BRYAN- I got it...let's go win.

SJ TEAM- 123. win!

They walk back into the court and Kent dribbles the ball up.

KENT- (v.o) From the beginning, I wanted to be the best. I had a constant craving, a yearning, to improve and be the best. It started out just being about basketball....but now it's more than that.

Kent looks in the crowd to Neal whose smiling and nodding at him.

KENT- God, I love this game. ...but I love the person I've become so much more.

BRYAN- nobody touch him! He's mine.

Kent shoots the ball it's GOOD but he's fouled.

TAMMIE- fuck it's

REFREE- Two shots!

ESPN REPORTER- Kent Davis will have one free throw to win it for the Wildcats.

TAYLOR- (to herself) You got this K.


A young Kent is working on his free throws with Garret.

YOUNG KENT- We've been at this all day Dad I'm tired.

GARRET- Do you think Kobe Bryant ever got tired?

YOUNG KENT-(mumbles) yeah.

Garret tosses him the ball.

GARRET- second chance points win championships, Kent. Remember that.

Kent looks at him still annoyed but then shoots the ball.


Kent is close to shooting the ball. He looks at Taylor who sticks her tongue out at him he blushes.

KENT-(v.o) You ever heard the expression, "the best things in mu life are free"? Well, that expression's true.

The entire gym is is silent everyone focused on Kent. The pressure is all on him.

BRYAN- Just like your old man...you got nothing Davis.

Kent looks at him smirks and shoots the ball still not looking and it's good. LYNVIEW WINS. Everyone runs onto the court.

Taylor jumps into Kent's arms.  Tavon hugs Zhuri and sound her around. Jaeden see's and leaves. Neal runs over and hugs Morgan. Cameron see's.

TAYLOR- you were so good. I love you.

Taylor kisses him. Tammie approaches him.

TAMMIE- I know it doesn't mean a lot coming from me of all people but...I'm very proud of you and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

Kent looks at her. Tammie begins to leave.

KENT-(v.o) Every once in a while, people step up. They rise above themselves. (Cameron walks over to Morgan and they leave Neal watches them go). Sometimes they surprise you.

NEAL- do y'all think Cameron and Morgan talk about me?

KENT- why would they talk about you?

Taylor laughs.

NEAL- Neal is perfect conversation starter.


Taylor kisses Kent all over his face.

TAYLOR- wake up let's start cooking.

KENT-(half sleep) like sex?

Taylor hits him.

TAYLOR- no thanksgiving dinner.

KENT- You talking about cooking food?


KENT-Baby...I love you. And I'm so happy we're back.

Taylor smiles.

KENT- but I think we should let the caterers do their thing.

TAYLOR- caterers?! No we can cook.

Neal walks in.

NEAL- T he trying to say you can't cook.

Kent hits him with a pillow.

KENT- shut up Neal.

TAYLOR- that's what you're saying?

KENT- I think you can do anything you put your mind too....

Taylor glares at him.

KENT- and sometimes that's just not cooking.

Taylor hits him with the pillow.

Neal laughs.

TAYLOR- I don't care what y'all are saying we're cooking,

NEAL- We? I'm still making the stills of my video game.

TAYLOR- you can take a break. Come let's go. We got a Turkey and ham and whole lot of dishes to make.

Kent and Neal look at each other.

NEAL- it's your fault.

KENT- she's your best friend.

NEAL- she's your wife make her obey you or something,

TAYLOR- I'm sorry what?

NEAL- love you.

TAYLOR- Yeah whatever get in the kitchen.


Morgan knocks on Zhuri's door and walks in.

MORGAN- you look pretty...feel like curling my hair?

ZHURI- compliment then asks for a favor? So Morgan.

Morgan laughs.

ZHURI- come on.

Morgan sits in front of Zhuri's mirror and Zhuri plugs in the hair curlers.

ZHURI- how long do you think  we have before Mommy kicks out grandma?

Morgan laughs a little.

ZHURI- what's wrong?

MORGAN- I seen mommy crying really hard yesterday.

Zhuri begins to curl Morgan's hair,

ZHURI- what?

MORGAN- whatever is going with her and Dad....it's bad Z.

Zhuri looks at Morgan through the mirror.


Landy is in the kitchen cooking. Tavon walks out of his room dressed.

LANDY- Where you going?

TAVON- dinner at Jaedens. I won't be long.

LANDY- (sarcastic) don't you sound excited?

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- it's not like that. It's just I wanna get back home to be with you.

Landy smiles.

LANDY- have fun..I'm not going anywhere.


Tavon knocks on the door. Maurice answers it.

MAURICE- Tavon...come in.

Tavon smiles  and walks in.

TAVON- Smells good in here.

Maurice laughs.

MAURICE- Jaeden..Tavon's here!

JAEDEN- Coming!

MAURICE- you can sit in the living room some of my family is there watching the game.

TAVON- Okay.


Tavon sits down on a chair and Jaeden walks out and sits next to him.

TAVON- Hey pretty.

Jaeden has a half smile.


TAVON- what's wrong?

JAEDEN- nothing just happy you're here.

TAVON- I told you I was coming.

JAEDEN-I know. I know.

Tavon kisses her.

TAVON- stop worrying girl. Smile.

Jaeden smiles at him.

TAVON- did you make anything?

JAEDEN- no sir I don't touch the stove that's all my Dad.

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- So if I was hungry you wouldn't cook for me?

JAEDEN- maybe.

Jaeden begins to kiss him.

MAURICE- (O.S) Jaeden come try this.

JAEDEN-(with Tavon) come with me.


JAEDEN- you made red velvet cake!

MAURICE- no it's chocolate.

JAEDEN- Dad..seriously?!

MAURICE- look it's stuff in here you and Tavon can make one.

TAVON- (laughing) oh no I cannot bake at all man.

MAURICE- you should learn it's the way to a women's heart.

Jaeden smiles at Tavon.


Taylor is in the kitchen. Neal and Kent are playing the video game in the living room.

TAYLOR-(O.S) Y'all are no help!

There's a knock at the door. Kent goes to answer it and it's Toya.

KENT-  (shocked) Hey everybody.

TOYA- why you look like you seen a ghost?

KENT- I didn't know you guys were coming....well you and I kinda invited-

Nate appears Kyle and Ava appears.

TOYA- Nate?

KYLE- What's up K.

AVA- Hi Kent!

NATE- Happy Thanksgiving.

Taylor walks out.

TAYLOR- (smiling) family...mommy can you help me?

TOYA- yes with what?

TAYLOR- everything.

Toya laughs.

KENT- caterers can still come.

TAYLOR- Shut up!

Kent laughs.


Grace Morgan Reginald and Zhuri are playing spades together.

ZHURI- and we win again!

Zhuri and Reginald high five.

GRACE- Morgan you and that damn phone.

MORGAN- (looking at her phone) sorry. Cameron's here.

Morgan walks over to the door.

REGINALD- Mr. Cameron.

Morgan opens the door as it's Darius.

ZHURI- Darius?

Morgan smiles.

DARIUS- Happy thanksgiving everybody.

MORGAN- let's see what happens next.

GRACE- who is Darius?

Cameron walks to the door.

MORGAN- Zhuri's boyfriendd.

ZHURI- Morgan shut up...Darius what are you doing are you doing here I thought you got back tomorrow.

DARIUS- I thought I would surprise you. I missed you.

ZHURI-  (forcing a smile) I missed you too.

Cameron walks over to Grace and Reginald and shakes their hands.

CAMERON- nice to meet you...I'm Cameron McCarthy.

REGINALD- That's a politician grip right there.

Cameron laughs.

ZHURI- Grandma and Grandpa this is Darius.


REGINALD- you fellas plays spades?


CAMERON- spades?

MORGAN- Oh God Cameron how do you not know how to play spades.

ZHURI- white people don't play spades.

CAMERON- Italian.


CAMERON- if you guys teach me I'm sure I'll be good I'm a quick learner.

REGINALD- okay let's go Mr. Cameron.

Morgan smiles at them.


Ava Kent Kyle Nate and Neal sit at the table talking with each other.

KYLE- Y'all really trusted T to cook thanksgiving dinner?

NATE-leave your sister alone.

KYLE- I'm hungry.

TAYLOR-(O.S) it's coming stupid!

KYLE- your stupid.

NEAL- Kent your stupid.

KENT- why am I stupid?

NEAL- I don't know I just wanted argue like real siblings.

KENT- fair.

Taylor and Toya walk out carrying food. Taylor covered in powder.

TOYA- dinner is served.

KYLE- what did Taylor make?

TAYLOR-(smiling) why you wanna try it?

KYLE- no I wanna avoid it.

Kyle laughs Taylor hits him.


TOYA- Taylor don't hit him.

TAYLOR- tell him to shut up.

TOYA- Kyle leave your sister alone. Taylor made the Ham stuffing and macaroni and cheese. I promise she did good.

Taylor smiles proudly.

KENT- Aww baby.

Kent tries to kiss her.

TAYLOR- shut up you didn't believe in me.

KENT- fair.

TAYLOR- Dad...can you try the Mac first?

Nate smiles.

NATE- of course baby girl.

Toya hands Nate a spoon and they share a look.

Nate takes a scoop of macaroni and cheese and puts it on his plate and begins to eat it everyone looks at him waiting for his reaction.


NATE- (smiling) you did  good T.


Everyone claps.

NEAL- See I knew I raised her right.

TAYLOR- shut up.

TOYA- okay let's pray and eat.

KYLE- whose saying the prayer?



TAYLOR- yes. You're the man of the house.

Kent blushes.

KENT- Say that again.

Kent leans in to kiss her. Nate looks at him.

KENT- you said I could marry her.

NATE- that doesn't mean kiss in front of  me.

Ava laughs.

KENT- Well one day I will be kissing her in front of all of you.

Kent grabs Taylor hand.

KENT- at our real wedding.

TOYA- And when will this be?

Kent smirks.

KENT- We'll see.

NEAL- Will we see though? Because the last time-

KENT-Neal I promise you will be apart of every inch of  the wedding. 

NEAL- Yeah I bet I will.

KENT-you're insane.

AVA- can we say Grace please?!

Everyone laughs.

KENT- I got you A.


Tavon is setting the table and Landy is in the kitchen cooking while music plays.

LANDY-Tae come taste this.

Tavon phone vibrates.

TAVON- Be right there.

Tavon checks his phone.

TEXT MESSAGE ZHURI- when your mom forgets to tell the caterers to make vegans dessert 🙃

TAVON TEXT MESSAGE- that's a sign to have a cheat day lol.


Tavon walks into the kitchen.

TAVON- Ma you think the store closed?

LANDY- probably in bout a hour. Why you need something else?

TAVON- I want to try and make a vegan cake.

Landy smiles.

LANDY- since when are you vegan?

Tavon smirks.

TAVON- I dab a little.

LANDY- Yeah okay boy.

Tavon laughs and grabs his car keys.

TAVON- I'll be right back.


Everyone is sitting at the dinner table food in their plates eating. Kim is drinking out of wine glass trying to tune out the story Grace is telling.

MARVIN- so Darius what are your plans after high school?

ZHURI- Dad please.


Darius laughs.

DARIUS- it's okay Zhuri.... I'm thinking about taking a gap year and then majoring in literature art.

MARVIN- Gap year? Did you not get accepted into colleges?



DARIUS- I've actually got four college offers. Full rides.

MORGAN- Okay smart guy. He got you Dad.

MARVIN- that's good to hear.

Zhuri begins to text on her phone.

GRACE- Morgan and Zhuri what are your plans?

Zhuri is still texting. Darius taps her.


ZHURI- oh um what was the question?

DARIUS- who are you texting?

MORGAN- Well my plans are...I'm still trying to figure out my plans...I have been thinking about Juilliard but I'm not sure.

REGINALD- Not sure yet...it's November.

MARVIN- Morgan has always been our free spirit but she's getting there.

Cameron laughs. Morgan glares at him and Marvin.

MARVIN- but this young man here. He has a full ten year plan.

REGINALD- ten year plan?

CAMERON- yes sir. My plan is to intern at the medical center and few research programs.

Morgan rolls her eyes. Reginald gets excited.

REGINALD- wait do we have another future doctor in the family?

CAMERON- I'm leaning towards it.

REGINALD- Morgan hold on to this one.

Morgan fakes a smile.

GRACE- it's very important who you decide to date even now when you're young.

Kim laughs and her drinks have kicked in.

GRACE- what's funny about that?

KIM- is that what you told your son?

MARVIN- Kim not now.

GRACE- no what are you trying to say?

KIM- in high school did you tell your son it's important who he dated.

GRACE- it is.

KIM- that all makes sense now....he was scared to bring home Toya because lord knows you wouldn't of approved of her and that's why Marvin couldn't wait ti fuck her when he ran into her again...finally being able to be with his high school crush with no mommy and daddy around to judge him...but let's not care about the fact you ruined your damn marriage and created another family...what would mommy and Daddy say about that?

Everyone looks at her.


REGINALD-what do you mean another family?

ZHURI- Mom you're drunk.

MARVIN-I can't believe you....you will do anything to ruin me and this family.

KIM- how do you do that? How do you talk yourself into believing anything want to believe? Convince yourself that you are completely blameless in every situation? Did you get that from your Daddy? Something passed on from one Alexander to the next?

REGINALD- excuse me?

MARVIN- This conversation is done Kim.

Kim stands up.

KIM- now I want hear it tell me how all this damage is my fault tell me how you having a child out of this marriage is my fault.

MORGAN- a what?

MARVIN- shut the hell up!

KIM- No! What are you embarrassed? Your family knows you're nothing but a disappointment of a men...sitting here grilling these kids about college because that's the only good thing you've been able to achieve.

Marvin begins to drink from his glass.

KIM- yeah take another sip....we're just getting started.

MARVIN- You are ridiculous...you walking around like I made your life miserable when I gave you everything you ever asked for. You wanted a house? You got it. You wanted kids? I gave you two. You want for nothing while I got nothing in return!

KIM- I gave you everything! I did everything I was supposed to do but it was never enough because I can't compete with your stupid high school crush....you set us up to fail!

MARVIN- you're right you can't.

Morgan looks at Kim and then at Marvin shocked at how cold he is.

MORGAN- what is this talk about a child?

KIM- You wanna tell them Marvin or should I?

ZHURI- well somebody talk?!

GRACE- and quick.

KIM- I found out today that Taylor is Marvin's daughter.

ZHURI- what?

Morgan laughs.

MORGAN- okay jokes over can we finish eating?

MARVIN- it's true.

Morgan looks at him devastated.

MORGAN-no....you wouldn't do that you wouldn't have another kid-

MARVIN- I didn't know-

MORGAN- I hate you....I hate you so much.

Morgan gets up from the table.

MARVIN- Morgan!

Cameron goes after her.

ZHURI- this was the one thanksgiving I actually thought could be okay....but you two just had to make it about yourself's.

Zhuri gets up from the table. Darius follows her.

CAMERON- Morgan maybe-

MORGAN- I think you should go home.

CAMERON- what?

MORGAN- I said you should go home....unless you want to stay because I'm leaving.

CAMERON- talk to me.

MORGAN- I need space right now....I'm sorry.

Morgan leaves.

DARIUS- Zhuri we can go somewhere and talk?

ZHURI- actually I'm gonna go too. I'll call you.

Darius hugs her.

DARIUS- okay.


Landy and Tavon are sitting at the table empty plates and cups in front do them and they're playing uno.

TAVON- Uno out again!

LANDY- that's because you're cheating!

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- you are sore loser Ma that's not good for your age.

Landy shoves him.

LANDY- boy don't play with me.

TAVON- wanna go again?

LANDY- I thought we were gonna do just dance?

TAVON- Ma who wants to dance after eating all that food.

LANDY- you need to fat boy.

Tavon laughs. And there's a knock at the door.

TAVON- me getting up to answer the door is exercise.

Landy laughs. Tavon opens the door and it's Zhuri.


ZHURI- my house is um...it's kinda crazy right now...you're the only person I want to talk to.

Tavon looks at her.

TAVON- Come in what's wrong?

Zhuri walks in and Tavon closes the door.

TAVON- what's going on?


Everyone sits in the living room watching home alone. Taylor is alseep on Kent. Neal quotes the entire movie.

NATE- why did we let him pick this?

NEAL- because I'm the king around here.

Kent laughs.

KYLE- is Taylor really sleep?

KENT- Yeah.

KYLE- good I didn't want her to hear that ham was really bussin.

TAYLOR- heard that.

KYLE-(mocks her) heard that.

TAYLOR- you are so annoying that's why Heaven doesn't like you.

KYLE- shut up she does like me I'm about to text her right now.

TAYLOR-yeah on Instagram.

KYLE- I'm working on it!

Taylor laughs.

TOYA-(to Nate) can we talk?

Nate looks at her.

NATE- come on.

They walk into the kitchen and there's a knock at the door but everyone continues watching the movie.

NEAL- oh no don't get up guys I'll get it.

KENT- thanks man.

TAYLOR- appreciate you my guy.

Neal rolls his eyes and walks over to the door and opens it. It's a very sad Morgan.

NEAL- Morgan....what's wrong?

Morgan hugs him.

MORGAN- (crying) Neal it's so bad.

NEAL- It's okay....I got you it's okay.

MORGAN- where is Taylor?

TAYLOR- Im here what's wrong?

MORGAN- um wow this is so.... This is so hard.

TAYLOR- Morgan you're scaring me.

Nate and Toya walk out of the kitchen seeing them.

MORGAN- um we were at dinner and my parents started to argue.....and it was bad I mean like really bad....and it came out that...My dad and your mom they had an affair years ago.

Taylor looks at her confused.

MORGAN- Taylor...you're me and Zhuri's sister...Marvin he's your Dad.

Taylor is in shocked and begins to laughs.

TAYLOR- girl shut up if you wanted to ditch thanksgiving at your house to come here that's all you have to say.

MORGAN- T....I'm not joking.

TAYLOR- Marvin is not my father,

Taylor looks at Toya.

TAYLOR-right ma?

Toya walks over to Taylor.

TOYA- Taylor I was going tell you.

Taylor backs away.

TAYLOR- (stern) tell me what?

NATE- go ahead Toya tell her the truth.

TOYA- Taylor I thought it would never come out....and I didn't think it mattered because Nate has always been apart of your life....he's your father blood doesn't change that.

TAYLOR- (hurt) No....(to Nate) you're not my Dad....and you knew that's why you took Ava and Kyle this summer....that's why you left....and you wasn't gonna tell me?

NATE- (hurt) baby girl....I didn't want it to be true. I didn't know what to say.

AVA- what does this mean? Taylor is still my sister right?

Taylor begins to cry. Kent holds her.

KENT- I think y'all go.

TOYA- what?

KENT- y'all have been fucking up her life since forever it's old....y'all not doing this shit no more she's been through fucking enough.

NATE- That's why we should talk about this.

KENT- Nate I respect you I do but I wasn't asking....y'all gotta go.

Nate looks at Taylor.

NATE- I'm so sorry...but you have to know this doesn't change anything.

Taylor looks at him.

TAYLOR- this changes everything.

TOYA- Taylor.

TAYLOR- everything we talked about the other day....you can forget it....just go....I'll bring Kyle and Ava home tomorrow.

Taylor goes up Kent follows her.

Nate looks heartbroken.

NATE- you haven't even begun to pay for this.

Nate leaves. Toya looks at Kyle and Ava and leaves.


Tavon and Zhuri sit across from each other at the table playing uno.

ZHURI- Your hand looking kinda full there sir.

TAVON- don't worry this is nothing trust me., watch.

ZHURI- I would but....I'm uno out!

Zhuri throws down her last two cards.

TAVON- Man nah you hiding cards.

ZHURI- you wanna come check me?

Tavon looks at her.

LANDY-(o.s) Tae don't forget to put that food away.

TAVON- I got you.

ZHURI- I'll help you.

They both stand up and walk over to the kitchen and Tavon takes out the aluminum foil and they begin to wrap the food.

TAVON- I'm sorry about your Dad Z.

ZHURI- thanks...you know I'm actually okay I'm just ready to be eighteen and gone...I'm so tired of them ruining me and Morgan's life.

TAVON- you still not doing college?

ZHURI- I don't see it.

TAVON- you know they have some really good schools you could major in photography in.

ZHURI- I don't think I need to major in photography I'be already been doing that.

TAVON- Well excuse me.

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- wait you have Just Dance? Oh let's play.

TAVON- Look I let you win uno but if you put on Just dance I'm not holding back.

ZHURI- I'll be you can't dance...butter.

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- here you go. I can dance you know what's up with me.

Zhuri looks at him.

ZHURI- I do.

They walk into the living and Tavon turns on the game.

TAVON- you can even pick the first song because it doesn't matter.

ZHURI- do you remember the first song we danced to?

TAVON- Yeah. Beyoncé's best song. Dangerously in love m.

ZHURI- that's not her best song but I'll let you cook.

Zhuri laughs.

TAVON- But of course I remember it.

ZHURI- You surprised so much that night.

TAVON- yeah you surprised me too.

ZHURI- Because I left?

TAVON- yeah.

ZHURI- I wish I could back and change that.  I wanted to change it that night.

TAVON- it's okay.... I think made us pretty even this even with this summer. 

ZHURI- Whew this summer.

TAVON- I think about it all the time.

ZHURI- you do?

TAVON- Yeah reminds of how bad I messed up...I wouldn't want to do that again.

Zhuri looks at him.

TAVON- oh wait look what I made it is the best vegan pound cake you will ever have in your life.

Zhuri smiles.

ZHURI- you made me a vegan cake?

TAVON- you said you didn't have any desserts.

Tavon cuts her a slice and let's her taste it.

ZHURI- Oh my God this is amazing.

TAVON- told you.

ZHURI- okay relax.

Tavon laughs.

ZHURI- how did you even know you were going see me today?

TAVON- I would of brought it to you.

Zhuri smiles at him. Tavon hands her the switch stick.

TAVON- come on let's play.


Morgan lays across Neal's bed. Neal sits next to her.

MORGAN- Neal do you think you will ever forgive your Dad for what he did?

NEAL- No. I mean apart of me will always love him because he's my Dad but he's the reason why Kent doesn't have a Dad now and Faith will never know her Dad...and we almost lost Faith like I just cant forgive that because apart of me feels like I don't even know him anymore.

MORGAN- that's how I feel....I mean all this time.,..and you know I can't stand my mom but I feel so bad for her I never seen her look that hurt before.

NEAL- I'm sorry you had to see that Morgan.

Neal rubs her shoulder.

MORGAN- Everything is changed now....I feel so lost. Like if my dad was a phony all this time and I loved him so much....who am I?

Neal walks over to his iPad and brings it over to the bed.

NEAL-guess what I decided to make?


Neal lays next to her.

NEAL- a video game.

MORGAN- what seriously?

NEAL- Yeah...based off the comic book Tavon made for me.

Neal shows her the graphics on his iPad. Morgan scrolls.

NEAL- it's still in early stages I have a lot to do.

MORGAN- (laughing) The baby face assassin?

NEAL- He's fast. Super strong. He can fly. He can beat you without killing your and he only has one weakness.

MORGAN- and what's that?

Neal scrolls through on the iPad a little faster and lands on a picture. 

NEAL- Her name is Angel Face.

Morgan looks at him and then back at the iPad.

MORGAN- this is me?

NEAL- she's faster stronger and she has no weaknesses but the only one who knows this about her is The Baby Face assassin....they do great apart but it's a spark that they get when they're together that's unmatched...they can never lose.

MORGAN- Neal...this is so...this is amazing... I love it. I needed to see this. I really don't know how you do it...after all this time.

NEAL- do what?

MORGAN- you always know what to say and what to do. I never have to tell you...you just you always get me.

NEAL- you do the same for me even when your not around that's why I'm able to make stuff like this.

Morgan smiles.

NEAL- (smiling) what?

MORGAN- last year I found your American dream essay.

NEAL- Oh you were in my room for the time...and  you haven't left since.

Morgan kicks him.

MORGAN- shut up.

Neal laughs.

Morgan pulls out her phone and shows it to Neal.

NEAL- what's this?

MORGAN- it's old but um I wrote it when you were in Boston.

NEAL- you lie you just wrote this.

MORGAN- look at the date stupid.

NEAL- New Year's Eve?

MORGAN- read it.

NEAL- (reading) Neal you once said that your American Dream was being with me. Well I never believed in much until I met you. I hope by this time next year we're back together and I don't have to hope anymore.

Neal looks at her.

NEAL-why didn't you ever tell me this?

MORGAN- I don't know....we was just kinda over the place since you got back...I just wanted to hold on to it.

NEAL-and what about now?

MORGAN- I just wanted you to know I think about you all the time too and this is the best we've been in a long time I don't wanna mess that up you know?

Neal looks at her understanding.

NEAL- Yeah um I know.

MORGAN- but can I help with the video game? I have ideas.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- Like what?

MORGAN- okay first off I would not wear this.

NEAL- it's purple.

MORGAN- so it's too much purple like let's relax.

Neal laughs.

MORGAN- and you gave me way bigger curves than I have sir.

NEAL- I had to put emphasis on the assets.

Morgan hits him.

MORGAN-(laughing) would you shut up?


Taylor lays across the bed Kent holds her.

KENT- T you haven't said a word in like two hours.

TAYLOR- can you beat up my Dad?

Kent laughs.

KENT- Nate got that jail strength I don't know if I can compete with that sweetheart.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- Kent it's not funny I hate thanksgiving.

KENT- you love thanksgiving.

TAYLOR-(like a baby) no.

KENT- you cooked more than pie this year and you  got your  family under one roof peacefully it was cut short maybe but still peaceful.

TAYLOR- My Dad is not my Dad Kent. Everything about me is lie.

KENT- no it's not.

TAYLOR- yes it is...all this time I'm walking about with Marvin's genes....and me Morgan and Zhuri are freaks sisters.

KENT- y'all were always sisters.

Taylor looks at him.


KENT- look I'm not saying this isn't fucked up because it is but blood doesn't make you a father, Nate is your father that doesn't change unless you let it. Marvin bring your biological Dad doesn't erase those memories or that love....Tammie is biological my mother but she is not my mother. Never will be.

Taylor looks at him.

KENT- it's okay to be sad but you can't let this break you down T. It's gonna be okay I promise.

TAYLOR- how do you know it's gonna be okay?

KENT- because we survived last years thanksgiving and made it okay...we're still here me and you. This time even stronger....I love you even more than I did last year.

Taylor rubs his face.

TAYLOR- I always knew you worth it. You always made me feel safe. That feeling hasn't changed. (Taylor laughs) Even the times I couldn't remember it was just this feeling you gave me....it's real.

Kent kisses her.

TAYLOR- oh and no plan B's this year.

Kent laughs. They high five.

TAYLOR- look at us that's growth.

KENT- let's be sure to keep that for next November.

Kent phone begins to ring. Taylor picks it up.

TAYLOR- Why is Giselle's calling you?

KENT- huh?

Taylor hits him.

KENT- domestic violence sheesh.

TAYLOR- answer the question Gabriel.

KENT- they were gonna cater and I told them if they don't hear from by eight to bring food over because I'm probably starving to death.

Kent bursts into laughs and Taylor begins to hit him with a pillow.

TAYLOR- you are so!

Morgan and Neal enter.

NEAL- damn have some shame fight back.

TAYLOR- you shut up.

Morgan laughs.

KENT- you okay Morgan?

MORGAN- Yeah I'm fine. (To Taylor) you?

TAYLOR- Still confused but you know nothing we can do now huh.

NEAL- does this mean I'm related to Morgan?

KENT- this literally has nothing-

MORGAN- I mean nothing to do with you.

TAYLOR- Neal we aren't blood related.

NEAL- oh I know I just wanted to make sure y'all know.

Taylor laughs.

MORGAN- Hey Kent you think I could have apartment it could even be you and T's old one? I don't care.

KENT- you can have whichever one you want...you're good.

Morgan smiles.

MORGAN- because I'm your Bestfriend?

KENT- no. You're not my best friend.

MORGAN-(smiling) yes I am.

Kent laughs.


Zhuri now in one of Tavon's T shirts and and shorts sits on his bed.   Tavon enters.

TAVON- you good? I'm about to go to bed.

ZHURI- yes I'm fine but you know you could stayed in here and I took the couch.

TAVON- you know me better than that.

Zhuri smiles.

TAVON- Z I'm really happy we can be in this place that we're in right now...still being able to show up for each other really be there for each other.

ZHURI- I'll always be there for you.

TAVON- me too...I really missed my friend.

Zhuri looks at him.

TAVON- goodnight Z.

ZHURI- good night Tae.

Tavon closes the door. Zhuri lays down head hitting the pillow she smiles but then she sits up.

ZHURI- Zhuri he's right there...and today was great just go out there and tell him how you feel and everything will be fine. That's it.

Zhuri  dashes out of Tavon's room  into the living room with a huge  smile on her face. But then she stops dead in her tracks.

Tavon sits on the sofa on FaceTime with Jaeden.

JAEDEN- I wish you could of stayed longer...I miss you.

TAVON- I miss you too.

Zhuri draws back sadly and goes back into the room.


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