Dancing Queen

By Bells0808

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"You're like...really pretty." "I am?" More



221 3 0
By Bells0808

Carrie allowed for Mitch to sit closer to Pink while she sat by the open window smoking her joint. She tuned the boys out until they stopped. 

"Mitch." Carrie says as she leans up to look at him. "Yeah?" Mitch questions. Carrie gives Pink a look and he chuckles nervously. 

"Hey man, look. Since the party is not going on me and some of the other guys will probably end up just riding around. You want us to stop by and pick you up?" Pink questions, Carrie grinned happily.

"What you think that's a good idea?" Mitch questions awkwardly. "Oh yeah, sure man no problem. Even after you've gotten it bad even the guys that haven't got you will give you a few days to rest. It'd be a pretty cool move to show up and let them know it doesn't bother you that much." Pink reassures.

"Yeah, okay cool." Mitch replies, a small smile making its way. "See you later." Pink says. 

"Yeah sure. Thanks for the ride man." Mitch says. "Hey, man, er. Put some ice on it for a while. After that it won't be anything a few beers can't take care of." Pink says.

"Maybe a joint too." Carrie says with a wink. Mitch smiles and nods, jogging inside his house. 

"Hey man, could you drop me off at home so I can get changed?" Carrie questions as she looks down at her outfit, the jersey from earlier still clung to her body.

"Sure thing." Pink says as he begins to drive them to her house. He pulled into the driveway, the girl got out and ran inside, Pink chuckling as he watched her stumble slightly.

When Carrie came out, she walked back towards Pink's car and got in. "You're like...really pretty." Pink says causing Carrie to giggle.

"I am?" She questions. "The prettiest girl ever, I can't believe I was so stupid to let you go." Pink says, Carrie smiling softly. 

"You're so sweet." She says as she grabs his face in her hands, holding it softly. "But you, you're really pretty." Carrie says as she kisses his lips swiftly.

"Oh, come on." Pink whines. "Nuh-uh, come on you have to get changed now." Carrie says.

While Pink was changing, Carrie stood outside of his car, the girl inhaling the night air. "Slater!" She hears Wooderson shout, the girl grinning. "Wooderson!" She shouts as she walks over.

Pink came out and saw the two conversing. "Hey Pink." Wooderson says. "Wooderson, we taking your car?" Pink questions, Carrie nodding. "Yep, oh by the way, we have another person to pick up." Carrie says as she recites Mitch and Jodi's address to him.

When they drove up, Mitch ran out the door and towards the car. Pink sat up front with a beer, Carrie sat in the back with a grin on her face. 

"Hey Mitch." Carrie says. "Hey." Mitch says as he climbs in next to her. "How's it going man?" Wooderson says. "Mitch, this is Wooderson." Carrie introduces.

"Hey. Pretty good, how's it going with you?" Mitch questions. "Say man. You got a joint?" Wooderson questions. "Er, no not on me man." Mitch says awkwardly.

"It'd be a lot cooler if you did. Slater." Wooderson says, Carrie already handing him a joint.

"Alright, alright, alright." Wooderson says as he drives into the parking lot of the emporium. "Hey, man, you still driving into Houston in the morning to get those Aerosmith tickets?" Pink questions.

"Oooh you're damn right. Evening ladies. Oww." Wooderson calls. "Nice." Pink says. "You need me to pick you up a couple?" Wooderson questions.

"Yeah, two." Pink says. "Cool." Wooderson says.

"Hey man, you sure I'm okay in here?" Mitch questions nervously as Wooderosn pulls into a spot. "Ah yeah man you'll be okay. Look if anyone starts messing with you just play cool." Pink replies.

Carrie caught sight of Pickford and walked over. "Hey man, where's my brother, or Michelle?" Carrie questions, Pickford nodding his head in their direction. 

"Shelly." Carrie says as she walks over and hugs the girl, Michelle grinning and hugging back. "Where've you been man, I've been looking everywhere." Slater says as he drapes an arm around Carrie's shoulders.

"I've been out man, doing some things y'know?" Carrie says as they walk outside. But when her brother led her back to Pink and Mitch she smirked slightly. "Hey man, Pickford's got a dube we're about to burn. Are you with us?" Slater says as he hands Carrie his cigarette.

"Are you cool man?" Slater questions Mitch. "Well, like how?" Mitch questions, Slater grinning. "Okay. Hey man, wait up." Slater shouts. "I'm gonna go with them." Carrie says as she motions to her brother.

"You sure?" Pink questions. "I may just take a nap before the party, and being with you guys, I know I won't." She says with a smile.

"Okay, but just know that you won't be able to switch cars once you go with." Pink says, Carrie scoffing. "I doubt that." She says confidently.

"If you say so." Pink says as Carrie climbs into the backseat of Pickford's car. "I'll see you at the party!" The girl exclaims as she sits back, leaning her head on her brother's shoulder, slowly falling asleep.

But when she woke up, she was next to Shavonne and another girl. "How the fuck did I get here?" Carrie questions. "Switched you when we stopped." Jodi says from the front seat.

"Hey Jods, I just saw your brother like, I don't even know ago." Carrie says as she holds her head. "Here!" Darla exclaims as they park the car in front of the emporium. 

"Aw man, I just left here." Carrie whines as she gets out of the car. She and the other girls lean against the wall drinking from their bottles of beer, one was saved for Carrie of course.

"Pink." Carrie says as she walks over to him. "I see you found your way back." Pink says as he leans against the wall in front of her. "I did, and I still don't know how." She says confused.

"Well, I'm glad you're back." Pink says as he moves closer. Carrie turns around to the girls, clearly stoned with a large grin on her face, pointing subtly at Pink.

"Aw, you're glad I'm back." Carrie says as she looks up at him, a lazy smile on her face. "Pink." Jodi says as she walks over, wrapping an arm around Carrie's shoulders, the other girl still smiling at Pink.

"Hey." Pink says as he takes his eyes off Carrie to greet Jodi. "Hey. Did you hear anything more about a beer bust?" Jodi questions, Pink motioning to Wooderson. 

"Talk to this man right here." Pink says. "Patience darling, patience." Wooderson says.

Carrie grabs Pink's hand and giggles. "I didn't know there was a beer bust tonight man." She says as she fiddles with his fingers. "Yeah babe, it's gonna be really cool." Pink says, Carrie flushing red slightly.

"I'll bet." She says as she looks around, biting her lip slightly. "Carrie!" Darla shouts over, the girl waving. Carrie shakes her head and holds up hers and Pink's hands. 

Darla giggles and nods, Pink laughing while looking at Carrie. "Hey Carrie." Pink says causing her to look back at him. "Yes?" She questions with a grin. 

"You wanna go to the Aerosmith concert with me?" He questions, the girl nodding happily. "Oh, but you'll need another ticket, Wood-" "The second ticket is for you." Pink says, Carrie's eyes widening.

"No way." Carrie says in shock. "Way." Pink says with a smirk. Carrie grins widely and hugs him, laughing loudly. "Of course, I'll go with you!" She exclaims happily. 

"Yo, Carrie!" Slater shouts as he hangs his upper body out the window. "Slater!" Carrie shouts from hers and Pink's hugging position.

But when Slater fell out of the car, Carrie laughed louder than she had before, breaking away from Pink to get her brother.

"Up, up." She says as she picks him up, the boy frowning. "I lost my j man." Slater says as he fixes his hat on his head, looking everywhere around where he fell.

Pickford waved from the driver's seat. "Pickford, my man." She says as she and him do a handshake, both laughing airily. 

When Don, Pink, and Mitch all walk over, Carrie distances herself. "Listen. I'm going to give to shotgun. But I want you to know it's because only 'cos I'm going inside. Keep that in mind alright." Slater says as he gets out of the car.

Carrie smiles down at Pink from the small window which was opened. "Have fun." She says as she leans down and kisses his cheek. Pink grins and salutes her. "Bye babe." Pink says as the car pulls out, driving away.

"Y'all are back on?" Don questions from up front. "I mean I haven't officially asked her." Pink says as he looks back to where Carrie once stood, she was now walking into the emporium with Slater.

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