Summoning the Five Power Defe...

By jikdot

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The Nations of the Five Power Defence Arrangements; the United Kingdom, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and Ne... More

Prolouge: First Contact
Chapter 1: Conference Talk and The Outcomes
Chapter 2: Invasion of Qua-Toyne and The Fall of Gim
Chapter 3: Lending a hand
Chapter 4: Against the Eastern Conquest Navy
Chapter 5: FPDA's mobilization
Chapter 6: Saving the elven refugees
Chapter 7: Louria Is Under Attacked by Swordfishes
Chapter 8: Qua-Toyne's Emergency Meeting
Chapter 9: Gim's Recapture and Adem's demise
Chapter 10: Situation in Gim
Chapter 11: Bows and Arrows against bolts of Lightning
Chapter 12: No Fate
Chapter 13: Final Assault (Part 1)
*Hiatus Announcement*
Chapter 14: Final Assault (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Corollary
Chapter 16: Refurbishment of the Forgotten Weapons
Chapter 17: The Lions against The Lucifers (Part 1)
Chapter 18: The Lions against The Lucifers (Part 2)
Chapter 19: Fenn Kingdom's Open Sea Battle
Chapter 20: Assault on Altaras
Chapter 22: The Imperial Conference of the Parpaldia Empire
Chapter 23: Diplomacy
Chapter 24: Nishinomiyako - A Success and A Failure
Chapter 25: An Intentional Conflict
Chapter 26: The Unexpected Turn and The Call to Arms
Chapter 27: Preemptive Strike

Chapter 21: The Great Eastern Conference and The Federation of Mu

738 19 40
By jikdot

Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 11, Rodenius Continent

It's been months since the end of the Louria Kingdom's conquest threat to the continent of Rodenius. If it's not because of the Five Power Defence Arrangements, the Qua-Toyne Principality and the Quila Kingdom had never been this conceited before - the standard of living has greatly improved, with contemporary conveniences such as gas stoves, water purification systems, railroads, transportation, communication and infrastructure improvements. 

Despite knowing that they cannot obtain advanced military technology, at least they can obtain protection from them against any threats. In return for their aid against the Lourians, the Qua-Toynians and the Quilans decided to lend their hands to help them, particularly the United Kingdom, Australia and Malaysia in constructing their warships by supplying raw materials as well as additional manpower, among them were mages and skilled metallurgist, to their disposal.

With this, the completion of HMS Belfast (F90), HMAS Hunter, HMS Venturer and KD Mat Salleh met their milestone within seven months after the final touch for their construction was halted for moments following the great transference. 

While Belfast, Hunter and Venturer celebrated their launching ceremony on the same day, Mat Salleh faced a delay due to the unexpected change in weather and had to be rescheduled to another day. 

As for the Louria Kingdom? If it were not for the FPDA's Stabilization Forces, the nation would collapsed at an alarming rate before it turned into a civil war following the arrest of the king. 

Many months ago, under the guidance of the FPDA, the Qua-Toyne Principality, Quila Kingdom, Sios Kingdom and the Topa Kingdom took the initiative to free the Lourian society, culture, press, economy, judiciary, and politics from racism, human suprematism and expansionism, aimed at the hegemony of the human race over the demi-human in the continent.

This initiative includes the imprisonment of those who had been suspected of being strong supporters and influencers of such heinous crimes aside from promoting better understanding between the humans and the demi-humans. 

Now, the people of the Louria have turned over a new leaf. Rising from its former shell, the nation emerged as a republic. The supreme council and the feudal monarchy have been abolished, replaced by a democratic government led by Maus himself. With this, the Republic of Louria established diplomatic and economic relations with the FPDA, allowing them to experience the same benefits as their neighbours.



Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 11, Day 14. Great Eastern Countries Conference, Qua-Toyne Principality, Rodenius Continent

The Great Eastern Countries Conference, as the name speaks, is an international conference by countries that belong to the so-called 'Outside Civilization Area', mostly countries that come from the East, to discuss the major events occurring around the world.

This conference wasn't held regularly - if only major events were occurring in the World. While it's crystal clear that the Eastern nations considered the conference great, the nations of the Third Civilisation Area, including the Parpaldia Empire, are the opposite. They considered it to be unnecessary, a waste of valuable time and meaningless because the event was proposed by what they referred to as 'barbarians'.

Because of this, the participating countries talked relatively openly about their intentions, unlike previous conferences.

On this faithful day, the Qua-Toyne Principality organized the conference to discuss the new countries that suddenly appeared in the East - the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore, or what they referred themselves as the Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA). 

Other nations that participated in the conference include the Quila Kingdom, the Mao Kingdom, the Topa Kingdom, the Sios Kingdom and the Awan Kingdom. Each said Kingdom is represented by their faithful ambassadors, and among them are the active members of the conference itself.

Before the conference had even started, several guests could be faintly heard discussing what recently happened to the Altaras Kingdom and the Fenn Kingdom, and it's a matter that needs to be taken seriously as Altaras had fallen into the hands of the Parpaldian. In contrast, the Fenn is on the verge of war against the Parpaldian, too.

It was when Yagou, representing the hosting nation of the conference, decided to interfere.

"Order! Order of the Conference, please! We will continue the agenda today with a statement regarding the FPDA that mysteriously emerged from the East about seven months ago. If any of you ladies and gentlemen have anything to say, please speak it clearly,"

The representatives from each nation that was present contributed whatever information they had about the FPDA as the main focus of their talks.

"Representing the Topa Kingdom, I at this moment would like to make a shocking truth back in our country - the Demon Lord Nosgorath and his army of monsters have been confirmed to make a massive comeback..." 

The statement from the Topa Kingdom's representative left everyone jaw-dropped, shocked by what they heard.

"Y-Y-You can't be that serious! Do you know just how dangerous and powerful is that evil Demon Lord!?" The Mao's Representative retorted.

"R-Regarding the Demon Lord, do your nation request the assistance of the Parpaldia Empire's ground and aerial forces to seal them?" the Awan Kingdom representative asked.

"Now... Now... Calm down, folks. Calm down. Nosgorath and his evil forces are no more," 

the Topa Kingdom's statement again caused the rest to become baffled even further.

"How is that possible!? I mean... The Demon Lord... Like I said just now..." The Mao Kingdom's ambassador tried to explain but was quickly cut off by the Topan representative.

"Yes, I know. The one that helped us to defeat the Demon Lord and his army forever wasn't the Parpaldia Empire - the FPDA sent reinforcement and defeated them with an outstanding performance!"

Everyone blinked their eyes in disbelief.

"D-Defeat, you say? Y-You mean... The FPDA..."

"Yes, our Singaporean and Malaysian comrades from the FPDA. They defeated them for good," 

"Not sealed, but defeated, you say?"

"Exactly! Our country has secretly established diplomatic relations with the FPDA via our first contact with Singapore beforehand to avoid angering the Parpaldia Empire, but now, with the death of the Demon Lord and his Army in the hands of the FPDA, it is likely they [the Parpaldia Empire] knows about it, hehe..." The Topa Kingdom's representative said with a slight regret in his tone, knowing the chances for the Parpaldia Empire to endanger his people further.

"I see..." The Sios Kingdom's representative said before he proceeded with his opinion. 

"We, the Sios Kingdom, do have relations with the countries of the FPDA. Yet, we haven't witnessed any known form of military feat like what you claimed. Even after seven months of their arrival to this World, I still couldn't my ears with the fact that they defeated the Lourians..."

"Should that be the truth, isn't this form of arrangement making them a formidable force to reckon with? In my opinion, the FPDA is dangerous for us and the world's peace," the Mao Kingdom's representative expressed his concerns.

"If that's truly the case, the FPDA is a five-nation alliance that's also trying to be a hegemon like the Parpaldia Empire that has already reached its peak but still wants to go even further, wouldn't their military forces occupy the Principality of Qua-Toyne and the Quila Kingdom?"

The Awan Kingdom's representative agreed with the representative of the Mao Kingdom's statement but he seems to disagree with it.

"Like what my late father always said, 'Look at every corner of this house and shall you find the differences'. Rather than having that kind of antagonistic perspective, isn't it more constructive to think about how we can get along with the FPDA like how Qua-Toynian and Quilan friends have?

Hearing that, Yagou took the chance to express his gratitude.

"Representative from the Awan Kingdom, I would like to convey my gratefulness for acknowledging my country's and the Quila Kingdom's relationship with the FPDA. In fact, for the past seven months after the defeat of the Louria Kingdom, Qua-Toyne has been able to develop until now because of our good relationship of trust with the United Kingdom, Singapore, New Zealand, Malaysia and Australia. Our country hopes that this Conference will try to develop and build a friendly relationship with them [the FPDA],"

After Yagou finished, it was Hanki's turn to talk.

"Haha... I truly believe that they [the FPDA] defeated the Demon Lord. Not just that... Five days ago, they solved the situation in Fenn's open sea as well! From what a Fennesse merchant told me, the Parpaldian unexpectedly attacked their Kingdom, and the Royal Malaysian Navy thwarted them with ease. To sum up? The FPDA are strong, and I'm very sure about it,"

After Hanki, it was the Quila Kingdom's representative's turn.

"Representing the Quila Kingdom, we are currently exporting what they [the FPDA] called 'raw oil' to them, and we received many benefits onwards. As far as I know, the only countries that wanted this 'raw oil' were the FPDA, the Federation of Mu, a nation from the Second Civilization Area, the Gra Valkas Empire and concurrently, the Divine Republic of Kain. Yet, we were forced to decline the Republic from any access," 

"Why so?" asked Yagou as he and the others tensed up, raising their shoulders in apprehension.

"It appears that the Divine Republic of Kain, represented by a diplomat whose name is Ehrhard requested us to fully hand over the oil wells built by the FPDA and even threatened us to use the means of force if we don't comply,"

"What happened next? And why until now, we're not aware of this matter?" asked the Mao Kingdom's representative.

"As I said previously, we nearly got ourselves in a dire situation when their two warships that acted as an escort opened fire towards the capital of Barrat, and if it's not the fact that our kingdom received protection from the RAAF and the Royal Navy, we're doomed to submission," said the Quila Kingdom's representative.

"And as for the reason why all of you aren't aware of this matter is that our King had agreed that everyone in the Quila Kingdom should keep this matter a secret so that it doesn't worsen. The said Rostoran warships were put out of action with ease in the airstrike conducted by the RAAF; one of them ended up being sunk by HMS Trenchant whereas the other one was heavily damaged but still afloat and was later scuttled. The survivors, including Ehrhard himself, were taken prisoners,"

After that, everyone eased, glad that it ended with the FPDA getting the upper hand, and proceeded with their talks. The discussion over the FPDA was getting more intense over time before they came to a resolution before adjourning the meeting - never be a menace towards the FPDA.




Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 11, Day 14. The Federation of Mu, Second Civilization Area

The Federation of Mu, simply referred to as Mu, is the strongest country in the Second Civilization Area, one of the five superpowers in the three civilized worlds and the second most powerful nation in the New World.

Like most nations of the New World, it shared borders with its surrounding nations - the Kingdom of Leifor which happens to be another superpower, the Sonal Kingdom, the Nigrat Union, the Magicaraich Community, the Hinomawari Kingdom, the Pars Kingdom and the Pamir Kingdom. 



Amid sunny weather with almost clear blue skies that aren't being bothered by the passing clouds. In this season, the heat rose a bit higher day by day on the other hand it was peaceful with the birds and butterflies flying around.

Speeding down the road was a car with a sleek and elegant body style with smooth, flowing lines. It has a wide, chrome-plated grille with vertical bars, giving the car a bold and imposing presence along with its large and round headlights. Do not forget to mention its smoothly curved fenders to complement the overall design and the wire-spoke wheels that provide a touch of sophistication and overall aesthetic appeal to its eye gazers. 

Inside the passenger's compartment, reveals a man presumably in his late thirties with a tall, slender build with fair hair and a handsome crooked moustache. He wears a brown tweed jacket, a white shirt, a thin maroon tie, a pair of brown trousers, and a pair of polished black shoes. His body gives the impression of being well-trained, but his face is neutral.

This man is none other than Myrus, technical officer Myrus Leclerc of the Technology Officer of Mu Armed Forces' Department of Information Analysis. On this day, Myrus was ordered by his Department to report at Ainank Airport to meet the delegates coming from the east, the delegates from the FPDA to be precise, a five-country alliance that unexpectedly defeated the Louria Kingdom in the conflict of the Rodenius Continent seven months ago.

At the same time, memorable nations of interest to him due to these countries caused him and the whole Department to spend overnight jobs analyzing this potential threat coming from them for almost a week, thus causing some irritation to them albeit not that kind of malicious like how the diplomat from the Republic of Rostora did - they looks good until they forcefully asked the Federation of Mu to join in alliance by all of sudden to defeat the Gra Valkas Empire.

The car then screeched its tyres as she came to a halt, finally arriving at the place desired by Myrus. Ainank Airport - a symbol of wealth for the Muan as only the wealthy could afford to use it. So far, there have been many attempts to commercialise it. Nonetheless, the affordability they've hoped for is not that affordable at all and not cost-effective for them at the moment.

Upon entering the Airport, he was immediately sent to the briefing room by the officials and diplomats to know what he would be dealing with. 

"Officer Myrus, this will not be a military operation but a diplomatic one. We need you to assess the technology level of not one but five emerging countries,"

"Are you referring to the FPDA, the five-nation alliance that defeated the ambitions of the Louria Kingdom to unite the Rodenius Continent and commit genocide on the Demi-Humans? Of course, I do," Myrus replied, for he had guessed what the official was referring to.

"Exactly, Officer Myrus! It's true what the Mu Army's Department of Information Analysis told me about. Now, back to our story. Recently, the United Kingdom sent a delegate, representing the whole members of the alliance - the United Kingdom itself, Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Singapore, to our nation to conduct diplomatic relations,"

"I see... But... If it's a diplomatic mission, then what it has to do with me?" asked Myrus.

"What does it have to do with you?" 

An official then handed out a picture of a ship and pointed it out towards Myrus.

"We expect that the FPDA might be the same level as the medieval nations like the Louria Kingdom, the Qua-Toyne Principality, the Quila Kingdom, the Topa Kingdom and the recently exiled Altaras Kingdom, but no! This photograph shows that the FPDA possessed an all-metal ship with no sails like the Parpaldian ironclads,"

"Further inspection reveals its pennant number to be D35 along with a pair of red dragon emblems on the port and starboard of this ship. The Naval Office confirmed it to be a destroyer since its pennant number started with 'D', similar to ours, and it got us baffled because judging from its looks and size, it seems comparable to a light cruiser,"

Myrus then took the picture of the destroyer and made a quick analysis. 

"Judging by the appearance of this destroyer, she has a single cannon, which I don't quite understand why she's a destroyer because her size indeed makes her look a lot like a light cruiser. She has a sleek and elegant body style, a unique shape of superstructure, and a unique shape of mast... What is that box between the superstructure and the gun? Hey... She got a... Surface radar mounted on her aft next to a... Single smokestack? What is that huge sphere on the mast? Is it a magic detector like those that belong to the Parpaldia Empire and the Holy Mirishial Empire?"

As Myrus poured everything he had in his mind while analyzing the picture of the destroyer, everyone inside the room couldn't help but feel amazed by his quick understanding.

"You make a good point there, young man. Yet, there's still more to consider..."

"What is it?" asked Myrus.

"We, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have decided to call you to assess the level of the FPDA's technology... The envoy had declared that they'd be arriving by aircraft..."

This left Myrus blinking his eyes in incredulity at this information.

"A-aircraft, you say? How's that possible?! I mean... That ship is not a carrier by design and capability. Are they going to come in by a seaplane?" asked Myrus, finding it outrageous.

"That's why we asked you for this mission, Officer Myrus. With the fact that these envoys from the United Kingdom will be staying for a week, show them our technology and assess their level of technology... And of course, show them the best form of manner,"

With that, the meeting concluded and everyone left the room. As Myrus stepped out, he couldn't stop thinking about the aircraft mentioned by the official.

"FPDA... A five-nation alliance with technology that we don't know of and might even be beyond our comprehension..." thought Myrus as he headed for the airfield.

After half an hour of waiting, a chopping noise could be heard. Moments later, the said aircraft [Lynx Wildcat helicopter] landed vertically on the airfield which caused some commotion among the regular maintenance personnel and base pilots.

"What in the world is this thing!? Is thing truly an aircraft!? If yes, then how it's able to hover with merely a single rotating blade on its top!? We've tried this concept many times based on the theories but..."

Myrus' mind was flooded with thousands of thoughts as he covered his face from the wind produced by the chopper before its blade came to a halt and stopped rotating, allowing him to observe the details of the rotating blades.

"Those blades... Each has a cross-section similar to the wings of an aircraft..."

This caused him to recall everything that he learnt back in his days as a colleague 

"The air that hits the wing at the front separates from top to bottom and recombines at the back of the wing. Since the upper part of the wing is more apparent than the lower part, the distance the air travels at the same time is longer than the lower part, and as a result, the airflow speed is also faster. Here, pressure differences are generated between the top and bottom of the wing, and an upward force is generated,"

Yet, the thing in front of him right now wasn't what he used to learn. He knows that this aircraft is powered by powerful engines, but he has no idea how it could fly with a pair of rotors.

"Marvellous!" said Myrus, the only thing he could utter at that moment.

He was so focused on this aircraft that he didn't notice the two British diplomats getting near to him.

"Uhm... Excuse us?" the first diplomat, a woman, asked Myrus.

Snapping out of his reverie, Myrus quickly gained his composure and introduced himself to the diplomats albeit awkwardly.

"Oh... Hi! I mean... *clear throat* Welcome to the Federation of Mu! I am Technical Officer Myrus Leclerc and today, I'll be your guide during the stay!"

"Very well, Mr. Leclerc. I'm Sir Craig Haydon of the United Kingdom's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)," said the male diplomat, revealing his name as Mr Haydon.

"And I am Juliette Brown, from the United Kingdom's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), too. We are looking forward to our visit to your country, Mr Leclerc," said the female diplomat, revealing her name to be Ms Brown.

"Those are polite words," Myrus thought, and apparently, the British diplomats were ready to go on their tour.

Along the way, the hangars of the Ainank doubles as an Air Force Base where the presentation of the Federation of Mu, about their technical abilities and measure the technological level of the new emerging countries from the east will begin. They started with an aircraft, precisely a fighter plane which was painted with white and blue lines on its wings.

"Introducing... The Marin Mk IV. The latest model of the Marin fighters series to enter the production line. Unlike its predecessors, which feature a distinctive two sets of wings stacked one above the other, an open cockpit and fixed-landing gears, this girl here was designed with better configurations - a pair of fixed wings, superior structural strength, higher speeds and better manoeuvrability, better engine performance, improved propeller design, more efficient control systems and most importantly, she is capable of launching from a carrier" said Myrus.

"Compared to the Dragon Lords of the Parpaldia Empire and other wyvern species, she's better than them. Thanks to her latest 1185 HP engine fitted with state-of-the-art superchargers, she could reach a top speed of 550 km/h with a rate of climbing of 2,780 ft/min. Unlike the previous models, which feature two 7.7 mm machine guns, she was equipped with not two but four 20 mm autocannons, turning any opposing fighters, and even Dragon Lords into mince meat at ease," added him more.

The Muan Officer seems to be confident with his disclosure, until... 

"Mr Haydon, do your son still play World of Warplanes, even after the Great Transference?" asked Ms Brown.

"Yes, I did... Based on my judgement on this Marin fighter... It resembles much like our Great-Grandfathers' Hawker Hurricanes. From its look to its specifications and so on," said Mr Haydon as he climbed onto the Marin Mk IV's right wing to inspect the interior design of the cockpit. 

This entirely caught Myrus off guard. From their response, it seems like they're saying that this fighter plane is obsolete since the mention of 'Great-Grandfathers' by Mr Haydon.

"Why'd they call the Marin as outdated when in reality, it's the latest variant of the Marin series and is the pinnacle of our invention and innovation!?" Thought Myrus. From here, his desire to investigate further began to come to fruition. 

"Excuse me, but Mr Haydon. May I ask? Does the aircraft that you and Ms Brown boarded utilize superchargers? Like our Marin MK IV fighters?" asked Myrus.

"You mean the helicopter? Truth to be said, Mr Leclerc. The chopper doesn't use superchargers, but a turboshaft engine," explained Mr Haydon, which piqued Myrus' curiosity.

"T-T-Turboshaft? What in the world is that thing!?" though Myrus before Mr Haydon handed over a book.

"Mr Leclerc, since we're at the airport, I would like to give you this as a souvenir," 

"My, my... How nice of you Mr Haydon. An appreciation from me," said Myrus as he took the book where the title reads 'Flight: The Complete History of Aviation' by R.G. Grant.

When he flipped through every page of the book, his amazement skyrocketed as he read the details of each aircraft displayed in the book along with its year of introduction, how long it served and when it retired. 

It was even more surprising for Myrus himself when he found out that there were several aircraft similar to what was in the service of the Muan Air Forces, including the Marin Mk. IV itself - true to the words of Mr Haydon.

"Here, it is stated that the Hawker Hurricane, the doppelganger of the Marin Mk. IV was introduced in December 1937, saw service in 25 different nations including the Royal Air Forces of the United Kingdom, fought the 'Second World War' and was developed into the Hawker Typhoon...

The information contained inside the book was too much for Myrus to handle that he thought he might collapse as beads of sweat drooled down his forehead. He decided to skip the pages further even though he insisted at first, and stumbled upon something that was even more perplexing.

"Are my eyes deceiving me!? This 'Eurofighter Typhoon' has no propeller at all! How can such aircraft fly!?"

There was a visible uneasiness in the face of Myrus, which prompted him to ask Mr Haydon.

"Err... Mr Haydon. I beg your pardon if my question sounds rude but... Is it a good idea to reveal such a military secret like this?" 

With a chuckle, Mr Haydon replied, "Things like these are common knowledge to the public - anyone can buy a book about them,"

"Things like this are also taught in high schools under the physics subject," added Ms Brown.

Myrus was nothing but silent and worried. To him, such a thing should be kept a top secret but Ms Brown's statement made him realise that the cat has been let out of the box.

Myrus took a look back at the Typhoon fighter and information about it, and what caught his eye was the speed of the warplane.

"Uhm... Ms Brown. May I know what is meant by 'Mach'? As stated here, your nation's 'Eurofighter Typhoon' could reach a top speed of Mach 2.0," asked Myrus.

"Mach? You mean, the speed of sound?" said Ms Brown, much to Myrus' surprise.

"S-S-Speed of sound!? Does that mean it could fly faster than our Marin fighters!?" thought Myrus.

"Mach 1 is equivalent to 1234.8 km/h. So, Mach 2 means the speed of sound is doubled," said Mr Haydon.

Hearing that, Myrus couldn't help but wonder in bewilderment.

"If Mach 1 is 1234.8 km/h, then Mach 2 means that this 'Typhoon' fighter could reach up to 2470 km/h! That's even faster than the Marin MK. IV! What kind of engine allows the 'Typhoon' to reach such speed and what kind of material allows it to withstand all of the friction!?"

Realizing that he was about to experience a headache from computing the information, Myrus decided to wave it off and change the topic of their conversation.

"Anyway, let's continue with our tour," said Myrus.

The group immediately set out as Myrus led them to the exit, where the car that delivered him to the Ainank Airport was parked. He asked his chauffeur to deliver them to the designated hotel in the metropolitan area of the Otaheit, the capital of the Federation of Mu.

Throughout the journey to the hotel, Myrus couldn't stop thinking as he watched the two enjoying the scenery. 

"First, why aren't these two British delegates weren't too surprised by this car? They say that it is similar to a classic United States sedan... The United States? Is that the name of another nation? Sedan? What is that? Secondly, they said that the architecture and designs of our houses and buildings, and the fashions of our clothes are somewhat similar to theirs during the 1930s... Are theirs more advanced than what we have?"

The car slowed down as it reached its final destination - a classic but grandeur hotel. Its timeless elegance, luxurious amenities, and attention to detail caught the eyes of the British delegates as a male butler guided them towards their respective rooms.

"Delegates of the United Kingdom. Tomorrow, I'll bring you two to the Mu History Museum. I hope you two don't mind," said Myrus.

"That sounds great, Mr Leclerc. We're looking forward to tomorrow's visit," replied Mr Haydon.

"And coincidentally, the open day of the Muan's Navy is held across the whole Federation tomorrow. Would you like to come as well?" asked him, to which Ms Brown nodded as a sign of agreement.




Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 11, Day 15. Mu History Museum, Otaheit, The Federation of Mu

"Delegates from the United Kingdom, welcome to the Mu History Museum!" said a female museum worker and educator of the Mu History Museum as she welcomed them.

Myrus then began a brief overview to Ms Brown and Mr Haydon stayed in the lounge at the lobby before going into the museum exhibit. 

"While it's clear that we do look like the ordinary beings of this World, believe it or not... Our ancestors, however, weren't native to this planet," his statement caught the two asleep at the wheel.

 "Mr Leclerc... What do you mean by 'Our ancestors, however, weren't native to this planet'?" asked Ms Brown.

After a long sigh, Myrus began to explain.

"Twelves thousand years ago... There was this phenomenon known as the Great Continental Transference. At that time, most of what is now known as the continent of Mu was transported to this world. We know this from the official records left by the monarchy that ruled back then. This is what our former planet looked like,"

He pointed out a world globe, which seemed familiar to the eyes of the British delegates as they gazed their eyes onto it with surprise on their faces.

"Heh... I knew these two would be surprised by the fact that our old planet was round as well," thought Myrus, with full confidence on his face until Mr Haydon spoke.

"Mr Leclerc... This is Earth!"


"This is... Mr Leclerc, why is the axis of your homeworld slightly off while these land masses are similar to Earth's? And if this continent looks a lot like the Antarctica continent, just it's not covered with ice..." said Ms Brown as she pointed out at a continent.

"Gladfully, I can explain it, Ms Brown. The continent that you're pointing at is our rival nation - Atlantis Imperium and they control half of the world. The Federation of Mu controls the other half, but with our absence, it is likely the Imperium dominates the entire world. By the way..."

The Muan Officer pointed to four large islands that were gathered near the supercontinent of Eurasia.

"This country here, the Engle Sund, was one of our former allies besides the Tigris Landia, the Leo Republic, the Torresia Kingdom, and the Aotera Union. However, after the Great Transference, they would have been torn apart by the event, so they were probably taken over by Atlantis..."

"Mr Leclerc, I'm sorry if I cut your words by force but... I think it would be best if we explained the FPDA's circumstances first," said Mr Haydon.

"Oh, go ahead," said Myrus.

"The United Kingdom, and its allies - Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, were also transported here. While our experts can make you believe that we came from... In another dimension, I deduced that we also came from your former homeworld. The five nations you pointed to are coincidentally... What forms the FPDA,"

"What?" asked Myrus.

"Ms Brown, the maps,"

"Oh, yes,"

Ms Brown then reached into her bags and pulled out several maps.

"This is the current map of the United Kingdom along with the countries transferred to this world, and this is the map of the world where we came from, Mr Leclerc," said Ms Brown as she showed Myrus the map of the United Kingdom and the rest.

Myrus was stunned for a moment. It looks the exactly same! He thought.

"Regarding the continent where the Atlantis Imperium is located, Mr Leclerc. Back in our world, that continent belongs to Antarctica - a continent that until today, no one owns but rather governed by a group of nations in a unique international partnership," explained Mr Haydon.

"If that continent is Antarctica in your homeworld, then how about the Atlantis Imperium?" asked Myrus.

Mr Haydon and Ms Brown looked at each other before they turned their face back to him, and Ms Brown decided to speak the explanation.

"Mr Leclerc, in our world, the Atlantis Imperium was merely a legend. Experts and archaeologists back in our world have come up with thousands of theories and hypotheses regarding the exact location of this Imperium yet none of them was the most solid answer," 

"I-Is it? So you're saying that... The Atlantis Imperium doesn't exist in your world!?" asked Myrus, and the two delegates nodded.

Myrus raised a hand and rubbed his temple in astonishment and disbelief.

"My, my... I never thought that our meeting would lead me to a mind-blowing discovery... I would love to be on good terms with the United Kingdom, and the rest nations of the FPDA. We can't... possibly have... I will make sure to inform my superiors later," said Myrus, stuttering.

After that, Myrus finished summarizing Mu's history. The confusion after being transported, conflict with neighbouring countries, the discovery that they were inferior in magical capabilities, their decision to pursue science, technology, mathematics and machinery over magic, and finally becoming the second-most powerful country in the world. While it sounded like the Federation of Mu suffered a lot after transferring, it was still amazing for a single country to independently develop.



Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 11, Day 15. 1st Naval Squadron, Otaheit, The Federation of Mu

After the history lesson was over, the British delegates were taken to one of the Muan Navy's bases as part of their visit to show off their power as a world superpower and as the strongest or second-strongest Navy.

The said base belongs to the 1st Naval Squadron which happens to be near Otaheit. The rhythmic cadence of waves greeted us as we approached the naval base on a crisp morning, anticipation building for the Navy's Open Day. This unique opportunity promised an insight into the formidable world of maritime defence, allowing the Muan civilians to witness the prowess of their naval forces up close.

As Myrus brought the delegates into the base through the crowds of Muan citizens, the atmosphere buzzed with energy and excitement. The Muan Navy personnel, resplendent in their uniforms, guided everyone through a meticulously planned itinerary. The open day aimed to showcase the multifaceted roles the Navy plays in ensuring national security and maritime stability.

One of the highlights was the guided tour of the naval vessels. According to Myrus, the 1st Naval Squadron 'Sea Fortress' is the home to the largest fleet of the Muan Navy - houses 24 warships from the sleek destroyers and cruisers to the mighty battlecruisers and battleships, each vessel seemed to embody the power and capabilities of the Muan Navy.

The impressive array of vessels docked along the harbour caught the attention of many including the delegates of the United Kingdom as they walked along the docks, marvelling at the sheer size and complexity of these maritime giants, realizing the immense effort required to keep them operational and mission-ready.

The visit provided an exceptional chance to tour some of the naval vessels and interact with the sailors who served on them. As everyone walked around the vessels, they were struck by their impressive size, intricate design, and advanced technology. 

Many of the Muan visitors expressed awe and admiration at the sight, but the British delegates had a different reaction. They too were awestruck, but their response appeared to reveal a sense of confusion. 

"I finally got a good reaction! Oh, I knew it! The Federation of Mu should be proud of its state-of-the-art warships!" Thought Myrus as he watched a young sailor who acted as their today's guide.

 "Delegates from the United Kingdom, introducing MNS La Kasami, the current flagship of the Muan Navy," 

(MNS La Kasami, of the La Kasami-class fast battleship)

A/N: MNS here denotes the abbreviation for "Muan Navy's Ship"

"The La Kasami class was originally meant to be a class of battlecruisers with nine vessels of similar designs. However, Rigliera Bissunds, the company that was responsible for the construction of the La Kasami class decided to diminish the number of ships built from nine to three - La Kasami herself, La Erdo and La Gauge, as well as revising their class from battlecruisers to heavily armoured fast battleships. Until now, in addition to being the second class of fast battleship of the Muan Navy, the La Kasami class was a mammoth to our fleet. 

"She and her sisters had a displacement of 48,000 tons along with thicker armour while their main guns consisted of 3 x 2 18-inch naval guns with second armament consisting of 5 x 3 4-inch guns, 9 x 2 20 mm anti-aircraft guns, and 8 x 1 18-inch torpedo launchers. Such arrangement of armaments made the ships of this class dwarf the Bird of Prey class battleships," added him more as he pointed towards another two vessels that were docked behind La Kasami.

(MNS Merlin and MNS Osprey)

Ms Brown began to speak to break her silence.

"Officer, I begged your pardon if we remained silent from the very beginning... We're just too impressed and shocked with every one of these warships around us..."

She then turned to Myrus and whispered.

"Mr Leclerc, I'm sorry if this sounds rude but the Merlin and Osprey looks a lot like our former Queen Elizabeth class battleships," 

"Queen Elizabeth class battleships? What do you mean? Are you telling me that your navy owned the Bird of Prey class battleships, too?"

"Yes, Mr Leclerc. The United Kingdom once possessed the largest fleet of battleships known as the 'Pre-Dreadnoughts'. The Dreadnoughts and Super Dreadnoughts then replaced these Pre-Dreadnoughts; both the Queen Elizabeth class and the Bird of Prey class are in the category of Super Dreadnoughts and they saw active service during the First and the Second World War. Plus, the La Kasami here is exactly based on HMS Incomparable, a name given by the late Admiral Jon 'Jackie' Fisher to a proposal for a titanic battlecruiser which was suggested in 1915,"

"I-I-I see... Does the navy of the United Kingdom still operate any form of battleships or Super Dreadnoughts?" asked Myrus.

"Sadly, no, Mr Leclerc. The last battleship operated by our Royal Navy was the first and only Vanguard. She was completed but too late to participate in the war fought by our Great-Grandfathers. She served 12 years for our navy and was eventually scrapped in the end as at that time, she was considered obsolete and too expensive to maintain. The preceding warships were also scrapped for the same reason except for the last Town-class light cruiser - Belfast, currently moored at London," stated Ms Brown.

"Still, Mr Leclerc. The indoctrination of aircraft carriers, destroyers, frigates and submarines survived the growing testament of time by the development of technology and changes in the current situation especially in this modern era," said Mr Haydon.

This revelation shocked Myrus. The fact that Ms Brown stated that the United Kingdom no longer operates battleships because they were considered obsolete and too expensive to maintain, along with Mr Haydon stating that vessels like aircraft carriers, destroyers, etc. are still used gives him a picture of how their navy looks like. 

If the Federation of Mu kept working on this ship for another century, it would certainly undergo a dramatic evolution. He was loath to admit it, but based on the statement made by these two British delegates, it's crystal clear that the FPDA's technology was considerably more advanced than Mu's. It also explains why the size of the destroyer that brought them to the Federation was comparable to a light cruiser. Still, he had no idea what kind of technology was used by the ship.

As the tour continued, more acknowledgement came to light for Myrus. Most of the vessels that were present at the base during the Open Day were similar to the ones that the Royal Navy had during the interwar period and the early days of the Second World War.

The said vessels include:

(MNS Ingram, lead ship of the nine Ingram-class battleships. It similarly resembles the Iron Duke-class super dreadnought)

(MNS Poseidon, the second ship of twelve Legend-class battlecruisers. The Legend-class bore a resemblance to the HMS Tiger [1918]. Three of them were converted into the Muan Navy's first class of fast battleship; Apollo-class fast battleship) 

(MNS Python, the fourth out of fourteen ships of the Serpentes-class battleship. Resembling the Revenge-class super-dreadnought, it is the most produced battleship by Rigliera Bissunds)

(MNS La Vania, the lead ship of the five La Vania-class aircraft carriers. Designed by Miles Shipyard, another heavy industries company that has a shipbuilding department like the Rigliera Bissunds, it resembles HMS Courageous of the Courageous-class aircraft carrier)

(MNS Greyhound, the tenth ship of the Canine-class light cruiser and MNS Equus, the seventh ship of the Stallion-class heavy cruiser. Designed by Haddock Heavy Steelwork Industries, they resembled the Arethusa class and the York class respectively)

(MNS Lasciva [above] of the one hundred thirty-four Lasciva-class destroyers. It resembles the J-, K-, and N-class destroyers, and is the most widely produced destroyer by Rigliera Bissunds after the City-class destroyer [below], shown below the Lasciva is MNS Otaheit, which similarly resembles the O-class)

(The MNS Great White is a Shark-class submarine that bears a strong resemblance to the S-class submarine)

The vehicles in question possess a remarkable capability that sets them apart from their original world counterpart. They are equipped with Muan-made 2D radars that go by the name of 'Vision'. These radars are not just limited to detecting aircraft but also possess the ability to detect wyverns and dragons. 

The mere fact that they possess such an advanced level of technology is awe-inspiring. Furthermore, Myrus revealed an additional piece of information that left Mr Haydon and Ms Brown astonished. He informed them that the destroyers and submarines were already provisioned with sonar systems. This revelation was quite unexpected, and it added to the already impressive technological arsenal that these vehicles possessed.

"So, Mr Leclerc. You're saying that every one of these vessels is fitted with such a system?" asked Mr Haydon.

"Exactly! And we're still improving it to enhance their capability to the maximum level of effectiveness. Plus, we have even developed naval mines and DSLASM," said Myrus.

"D what?" asked Ms Brown.

"DSLASM - Deep Sea Level Anti-Submarine Mine. It's a specialized weapon designed to eliminate submarines and they're mainly featured on our destroyers. Once a submarine has been detected by the sonar and its position has been confirmed, a destroyer would drop six to ten of these DSLASMs to destroy it," said Myrus.

"You mean depth charges, correct?" 

"Hmm? What's that?"

"Depth charges, a similar weapon to the DSLASM thingy. Our navy still used them but mainly for shallow water operations only," said Ms Brown.



Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 11, Day 18. Mu Armed Forces' Department of Information Analysis, The Federation of Mu

Five days have passed since the delegates from the British safely returned to their homeland. Various sweet memories were made between Myrus, Ms Brown and Mr Haydon as he took them to interesting places in his country. No less, the three of them can exchange knowledge about the situation in their respective countries, from educational affairs to sensitive topics such as national defence.

Quite surprising for him when he found out that the two delegates were former officers who served in the British Armed Forces with Ms Brown serving in the Royal Navy, which explains why she seems to be familiar with the warships around her.

As Myrus typed a report based on the delegates' visit to the Federation, he was preoccupied with Mr Haydon's recent declaration during their visit to an army camp affiliated with an armoured branch that operates tanks. The Federation of Mu has a long-standing tradition of mechanized and armoured warfare. However, Mr Haydon's claim that their tank, the Goliath Mk V, resembled their former Churchill Mk III surprised him.

The more he types, the more he can't seem to stop thinking.

"First... The Marin MK. IV, then our warships. Next... Our rifles, cannons and armoured vehicles even though Mr Haydon stated that not all of their former vehicles were in our service... What else?"

After compiling a comprehensive report, he presented it to his superiors. The report contained intricate details that were not easy to digest but ultimately concluded that the FPDA was not hostile, and the organization possessed cutting-edge technology that was unrivalled. With the Republic of Rostora's recent proposal for an alliance to defeat the Gra Valkas Empire, the imminent threat was clear. 

The diplomatic relationship between the Gra Valkas Empire and the Federation of Mu was established with the primary objective of promoting economic relations. The agreement facilitated the export of oil from the Federation of Mu to the Gra Valkas Empire. 

The relationship between the two nations was further strengthened by signing a non-aggression pact, and the recent act by the Kainese was a clear attempt to declare war on not just the Gra Valkas Empire but also the Federation of Mu. 

After the FPDA expressed its desire for friendship, the request was deemed reasonable, considering the circumstances. Thus, diplomatic relations were established between Mu and the FPDA. The United Kingdom was chosen as the starting point for these relations, with plans to expand to other countries in the future. 

The decision to expand the diplomatic relationship was seen as a positive step towards promoting peace and stability in the region.




Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 11, Day 18. Kaiserssitz, Republik Ilahi Kain, Outside the Civilization Area

The Divine Republic of Kain, known as Republik Ilahi Kain, is a nation situated outside the civilization area, covering an area of 348,672 square kilometres. Kain shares a sea border with three neighbouring nations on the East, namely the Gra Valkas Empire, the Federation of Mu, and the Kingdom of Leifor. The Gra Valkas Empire has been the Kainese traditional enemy ever since the transference of two nations from their homeworld - Yggdra.

Despite the appearance of normal daily life in Kaiserssitz, the capital of the Republic, its residents are living under a totalitarian regime. The regime exercises stringent control over media and communication channels, propagating an extreme expansionist agenda, militaristic ideologies, and territorial annexation of neighbouring nations. 

The population is subjected to intense indoctrination through rallies, speeches, and media campaigns aimed at shaping public opinion. The regime refers to this as "The Greater Kain", all done in the name of their God - Ashir. Any form of dissent or criticism against the regime is met with severe consequences.

Recent news of the loss of two Kainese warships sent to the Quila Kingdom to acquire access to the oil wells built by the FPDA has been daunting. The high-profile Kainese diplomat, Ehrhard, was also lost. This news is troubling given the Republic's otherwise positive image.



Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 11, Day 18. Das Kanzleramt der Republik, Kaiserssitz, Republik Ilahi Kain

Das Kanzleramt der Republik, the imposing office of Chancellor Baron Von Erich, buzzed with tension as government officials and military generals gathered for an emergency meeting. The disappearance of their high-profile diplomat, Ambassador Ehrhard, had sent shockwaves through the nation. The Chancellor suspected foul play and believed that the Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) were behind it.

Chancellor Von Erich, a charismatic and ambitious leader, stood at the head of a long table. His piercing gaze swept across the room, assessing the faces of his advisors and generals. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as everyone waited for the meeting to begin.

"Vielen Dank für Ihr Kommen," the Chancellor began, his voice filled with authority. 

"Das Verschwinden von Botschafter Ehrhard sowie das Verschwinden des Zerstörers II-41 und des Leichten Kreuzers VIII-23 ist eine ernste Angelegenheit. Unsere Geheimdienste deuten auf eine Beteiligung der FPDA hin – einer fünfköpfigen Allianz, die für die Niederlage des Louria-Königreichs und den möglichen Verlust unserer Spione verantwortlich war. Wir können nicht zulassen, dass sie unsere Pläne für eine „Große Kain" untergraben,"

His generals exchanged concerned glances. The FPDA, an alliance of powerful nations they perceived, had dealt a significant blow to the Louria Kingdom just months ago. The loss of his spies during the FPDA's assault on the Louria Kingdom, and the loss of his best diplomat had stung the Chancellor's pride, and he was determined to regain the upper hand.

"Wir müssen schnell handeln," the Chancellor continued. 

"Unsere Geheimdienstquellen haben Grund zu der Annahme, dass die FPDA versucht, ihren Einfluss auf diese Welt auszuweiten, und dass das Verschwinden von Botschafter Ehrhard Teil ihres Tricks ist. Wir können nicht zulassen, dass sie Erfolg haben,"

General Friedrich, the Chancellor's trusted military advisor, spoke up.

 "Herr Bundeskanzler, haben wir irgendwelche Beweise, die die FPDA mit dem Verschwinden von Botschafter Ehrhard in Verbindung bringen?"

The Chancellor's eyes narrowed. 

"Noch nicht, General Friedrich, aber ich kann ihre Hand am Werk spüren. Die Beteiligung der FPDA ist die logischste Erklärung. Wir können es uns nicht leisten, diese Möglichkeit außer Acht zu lassen,"

Another general, General Schmidt, interjected cautiously. 

"Wenn Herr Bundeskanzler ohne konkrete Beweise zu dem Schluss kommt, dass die FPDA hinter diesem Vorfall steckt, könnte das schwerwiegende Folgen haben. Wir müssen aufpassen, dass die Spannungen nicht ohne entsprechende Begründung eskalieren,"

Chancellor Von Erich's fist slammed onto the table, his face flushed with determination. 

"General Schmidt, ich verstehe Ihre Besorgnis, aber wir können uns nicht erlauben, passiv zu bleiben. Die FPDA versucht, unsere Autorität zu untergraben, und wir müssen mit Nachdruck reagieren. Wir werden eine Untersuchung des Verschwindens von Botschafter Ehrhard einleiten und die Beweise finden, die wir brauchen."

The room fell silent as the weight of the Chancellor's words settled on his advisors and generals. It was clear that he would not back down, even in the face of scepticism.

"Bereiten Sie unsere besten Geheimdienstagenten vor," the Chancellor ordered, his voice filled with conviction. 

"Wir werden die Wahrheit ans Licht bringen! Egal, was es kostet ... Stellen Sie ein Team von Spionen zusammen, um diese Allianz zu infiltrieren und jede einzelne Information über sie zu erhalten. Unsere „Greater Kain Agenda" wird nicht entgleisen! Sollte unser Herr und Erlöser Ashir in voller Blüte stehen!"

The government officials and military generals nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. The fate of their nation and their ambitions rested on the outcome of this investigation. With determination burning in their eyes, they began to discuss the strategies and resources necessary to uncover the truth about the FPDA.

Inside Das Kanzleramt der Republik, plans were set in motion to uncover the truth behind Ambassador Ehrhard's disappearance, unravel the FPDA's web of intrigue, and secure the future of the Divine Republic of Kain. The stakes were high but the Chancellor's resolve was unwavering as he led his nation into a battle that would test their mettle and shape the course of history.

The meeting proceeded per the scheduled program until the clock struck noon, marking the end of the event. Everyone leaves except for the Chancellor and the Minister of War Hans Müller.

The three seem to have something to be discussed, and it appears to be a dire matter.

"Lassen Sie mich das klarstellen, Herr Müller. Sie sagen, dass unser Feind, das Gra-Valkas-Imperium, das gemunkelte Schlachtschiff „Grade Atlastar" in Dienst gestellt hat?" asked the Chancellor.

"Ja, mein Anführer. Es scheint, dass das, wovor wir uns am meisten gefürchtet haben, Wirklichkeit geworden ist. Sie haben ihr erstes Super-Schlachtschiff nach langen Probefahrten auf See vom Stapel gelassen, während unser erstes Super-Schlachtschiff der X-800-Klasse immer noch im Trockendock sitzt und noch ausgerüstet wird, während der Bau der anderen wegen der plötzlichen Verlegung gestoppt wurde," said the Minister of War.

Von Erich clenched his fist in anger while his jaw tightened as he absorbed the Minister of War's report. The weight of the situation pressed heavily upon him. The unveiling of their adversary's first super battleship, IGVNS Grade Atlastar of the Grade Atlastar class super battleship was a blow they had dreaded, yet deep down, hoped would never materialize.

The delay in the completion of their latest flagship as a supplement to the X-800 class, the X-900 class, was a bitter pill to swallow. Months of meticulous planning, resource allocation, and construction efforts now seemed dwarfed by the grim reality of their rival's advancement.

Erich's mind raced, contemplating the strategic implications of this setback. With the Gra Valkas Empire's technological edge now glaringly apparent, the urgency to bolster their naval capabilities surged to the forefront of his priorities.

Suppressing the surge of frustration that threatened to overwhelm him, Von Erich steeled his resolve. There was no room for despair in the face of adversity; only swift and decisive action would suffice. He turned to his advisors, determination etched into his features.

"Wir sind vielleicht überrascht worden, aber wir werden nicht ins Wanken geraten. Mobilisieren Sie alle verfügbaren Ressourcen. Wir werden die Fertigstellung der X-800 beschleunigen und unsere Marineeinsatzpläne beschleunigen. Unsere Reaktion muss schnell und entschlossen sein. Das Kräfteverhältnis darf nicht zugunsten unserer Gegner kippen!" Von Erich declared. 

With a resolute nod from his advisors, Von Erich set into motion the measures needed to confront this new challenge head-on. The race for naval supremacy between the two great powers was not foreign to them, and the great transference of the two warring nations to the New World had intensified it further, and failure was not an option.

As the Minister of War was dismissed from the meeting, a tense silence settled over the room, punctuated only by the distant hum of activity from the bustling war room outside. Von Erich remained seated at the head of the table, his gaze fixed on the captured aerial image of his rival nation's super battleship.

"Kaiser Gralux, vielleicht hast du das Rennen darum gewonnen, wer als Erster sein größtes Flaggschiff fertigstellt ... Denken Sie daran, mein Feind ... Wir müssen ihnen noch gegenübertreten!" Von Erich exclaimed before he broke into a maniac laughter.

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