
By Avesee

485 155 48

FULL NAME: Primrose Rhys Davidson DISLIKES: Her first name, Primrose Rhys Davidson lived the last eight years... More

06. Not. My. Girlfriend
07. Regina and Friends
08. The Emperor's Speech
09. Hot Dog
10. Badass
11. Pure Bliss
12. Lunch in Class
13. Relationshipology
14. The Bowling Alley
15. Shawn to the Rescue
16. Never Far From Trouble
17. Left Out
18. Fire Breathers
19. A Shitty Day
20. Meeting Another Davidson
21. A Perfect Snack
22. Fire Fairy
23. Remi's Kitchen
24. Fire Breathers II
25. The Karate Kids
26. A Hot Sack of Potatoes
27. All Just a Bad Dream
28. Dinner at the Kings
29. Unexpected
30. Strong Girls Don't Cry
31. Kings Delight
32. Brother Zoned
33. Better off as Enemies
34. Senior Elijah
35. Another Encounter with Mr. Davidson
36. Rhys and Abel
37. The Adekoyas
39. Little Soldier


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By Avesee


School was going to be over in about an hour but I wasn't excited to leave just yet. I did not even feel like going home. With every passing day things were weird between mom and I.

"Penny for thoughts?" I felt someone stand beside me.

I slowly dragged my eyes from the pitch where some students were cleaning up the mess made after the track events to the person standing beside me.
"Hi," I gave him a small smile.

His gaze lingered on my face for up to a full minute before he looked away and followed my line of sight.
"Do you want to talk about what's wrong?"

"What happened to giving me the cold shoulder?" I cocked a brow at him.

He looked at me and sighed shutting his eyes momentarily. "I'm sorry about that," he apologized. He said it like he really did not mean it.

"What is wrong Elijah? One moment you're warm, the next moment it's like you've flipped your switch or something!" I glared at him.

"You were the one who got angry first! You were the one who flipped at my mom's coffee shop! What was I supposed to do?" he said in exasperation.

"You practically called me your freaking little sister!" The words were out before I could stop myself.
You freaking sister-zoned me or whatever that's called, I wanted to add but cut myself off instead.

Elijah shut up. He opened his mouth to speak but hesitated. "Is that why you were mad?" he asked softly.

How could I still be mad at him when he looked this sweet and adorable. I felt something flutter in my tummy.
I crossed my hands protectively in front of my chest. "That's besides the point," I huffed.

A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.

I frowned at this. "What's funny?"

He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes at him and faced the pitch. “Don't get any ideas inside your head,” I said under my breathe and I was sure he heard me.

He playfully bumped my shoulder with his. "Are you still mad at me?"

I shrugged then sighed. "I have even more troubling issues to be worried about."

"Do you want to talk about it?" he stared at my face which was still on the pitch. His shoulder brushed mine ever so lightly.

I smiled drily. "You are not exactly the type of shoulder I'll like to cry on."

He bit his lip and stopped the smile from forming. "Ouch."

My smile grew.

Regina walked by me and roughly brushed my shoulder.

"Regina," Elijah warned.

She threw her hair over her shoulder and went to talk to one of the students in the pitch.

"Don't let her get to you."

I snorted. "She's beneath me darling."

He chuckled. "If you say so. A little birdie told me you are soon going to start dancing with Segun."

"Ugh! Oh my gosh!" I groaned. "I've not even accepted to dance yet!"

He laughed at my misery. "It can't be that hard"

"Have you seen me dance? I have two left feet!"

"If you've seen your brother dance you'll feel better about yourself"

I scrunched up my face at this. The image of Justin dancing is a gorey sight. "Okay I'll agree that you make a fair point."

He chuckled and we both lapsed into silence.
The silence was comfortable and I was grateful for it.

"Why are you here Kings?" I asked softly and turned to look at him.

He sighed before answering, "You looked sad and lonely and unhappy and distressed and down in the dumps and.."

“That's about enough, Kings,” I chuckled. “You didn't have to bother. I am doing just fine,” I said with a slight shake of my head.

“Don't say that.”

I said nothing.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked cautiously.

"Don't be worried about me. I can take care of myself"

"Don't you think you sound like Abel? And where has 'taking care of himself' got him?"

"You shouldn't worry about me."

"Wish it was that simple," he muttered but I heard him any way.

I froze upon hearing his words. I tried not to read too much meaning into his words but damn it. There was a chance that Elijah freaking Kings cared about me.

"Hello fire fairy. How are you doing?" Bishop paused beside me. He glanced at Elijah and I noticed his lips twitch slightly like he was trying not to smile.

"Fine, I guess. How are you?"

He shrugged. "Good afternoon senior."

Elijah just nodded.

“Can I steal Rhys for a bit?” Bishop asked.

Elijah replied with a slight shrug of his shoulders. “See you around, fire fairy,” he said with a wink and walked to the field to coordinate the cleaning.

Bishop turned to speak to, probably comment on what he suspected was going on between Elijah and me but I cut him off.

“Why did you have to call me that in front of him?” I glared at him.

“Call you what?” he looked stunned for a second.

“Fire fairy. That's supposed to be between you and me and not you, me, Elijah and the rest of the school,” I pointed a finger at him.

He rolled his eyes. “Come on, we have something important to discuss,” he said and turned on his heel.

I sighed and followed him.
“What is it about?”

“Abel,” he said vaguely.

My steps faltered slightly. My heart drummed in my chest. I was worried that something had happened to him. I was having a headache already.
“What about Abel?” I asked.

“I don't know much. Justin asked me to get you,” Bishop replied.

“Justin?” I halted, “What does he want?”

“This is not the time to burn bridges with your brother. It is about Abel. Abel needs all the help he can get,” he said impatiently. “Come on,” he said after waiting for me to respond and I didn't.

We went to our classroom where Gold, Justin and Abel were seated already.

“What about Elijah?” Abel asked.

“Was I supposed to get him?” Bishop asked.

“He will be coming soon. We will have to start without him,” Jake said as he walked into the classroom.

I glanced at Abel and he looked pale.

“Are you alright, buddy?” I said, barely above a whisper.

“Paul has been making him smuggle drugs,” Justin blurted out.

“Are you parents aware of this?” I asked him.

“I can't tell them. Paul could get into trouble,” he said.

“And you think you won't?” I snapped. I didn't mean to, but it just came out.

“We need to report this to the police. It is taking too long and it is more serious than before,” Gold said.

“We need to find evidence against Paul,” Jake said.

“We are just kids. How are even supposed to that? Leave that to the police. We could get into a lot of trouble and the longer we take, the more danger Abel is being exposed to,” I said in annoyance.

“Abel is not even willing to do anything about it and it is up to us,” Gold agreed with me.

“Guys, I'm fine!” Abel said in anger, “You guys need to learn to mind your business. Paul is my problem and I know how to deal with my brother all by myself,” he said and stormed out of the classroom.

I stared after him helplessly. “Abel needs help urgently. This whole thing is taking a toll on him and we need to do something about it quickly.”

“Where is he matching off to?” Elijah asked from the door.

We all shrugged.

“How did you guys find out about him smuggling drugs for Paul?” Gold asked.

“We have been on his tail since Rhys’ suspension,” Justin explained vaguely.

“So that's why Jake has been acting weird,” Gold said with a shake of her head.

“Was I that obvious?” he inquired.

“Pretty much. I knew you were on to something but I didn't know what it was,” I answered.

“I still don't think we are handling this the way we should. We need to at least inform an adult. Abel is right, this is bigger than all of us put together,” Gold said and walked out of the class.

“I agree with Gold. This isn't the time to play Power Rangers,” I said and stood up to leave too.

“Rhys,” Justin called my name.

“What?” I asked impatiently.

“Please don't mention this to anyone. We need to be very careful,” he said calmly.

“His parents need to know about this. Let them know about it first and then they decide the next line of action. It is the right thing to do,” I said and walked out, I paused at the door and turned to look at them before leaving.

Elijah opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Justin.

“What are you going to say now? You are going to support your little girlfriend aren't you?” Justin snorted in annoyance.

My face darkened before I walked out.

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