By Hawks1986

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Long ago, an alien named Keeper entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs. Millions of years... More

Meet Kanan Matthews
Meet Keigo Takami
Meet Hizashi Yamada
CHAPTER 1: When Evil Stirs
CHAPTER 2: Forgive and Forget {Which Leads to a Forgotten Anniversary}
CHAPTER 3: Nightmare in Amber Beach
CHAPTER 4: A Date with Danger
CHAPTER 5: Roar of the Red Ranger
CHAPTER 7: Run Home Koda
CHAPTER 8: Riches and Rags
CHAPTER 9: Besties 4Eva!
CHAPTER 10: Gone Fishin'
Meet Touya Todoroki
SPECIAL CHAPTER 1: A Nice White Surprise
CHAPTER 11: Love at First Fight
CHAPTER 12: Ellie and Touya's Anniversary of Her Mother and His Wife's Death
SPECIAL CHAPTER 2: The Hero Gala has Arrived
CHAPTER 13: Recipe for Disaster
CHAPTER 14: Silver Secret
CHAPTER 15: Wings of Danger
CHAPTER 16: Freaky Frightday
CHAPTER 17: Worgworld
CHAPTER 18: The Rangers Rock!
CHAPTER 19: Edge of Extinction
CHAPTER 20: End of Extinction

CHAPTER 6: Forged Under Fire

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By Hawks1986

{Kanan Matthews}

All of us were at the base, doing our own things as Riley and Ivan were doing some training with their swords. "Speed isn't everything, Sir Riley" Ivan said. Tyler and James came back into the base as the two of them came through the slide. "Hey guys!" Tyler greeted. "Welcome back Tyler, Mr Navarro" Koda said.

"Come on, dad. Let me show you around the base" Tyler said. "Want see my cave painting?" Koda asked. The two of them went over to Koda to have a look at his cave painting. "Now that's really beautiful. It looks authentic, you must've studied at the university" James said. "At the uni-what?" Koda questioned, tilting his head a little.

"Dad, there's something that I need to tell you about Koda, he's actually a..." Tyler started to say but James went towards Ivan. "Your sword...if I'm not mistaken it's from Zandar" James said as he was inspecting Ivan's sword. "Yes, that's right" Ivan said. "It's a beautiful replica" James said as Ivan looked a little shocked. "Replica? King George himself gave me this sword" Ivan said.

"The King George gave it you? Yeah right, next you will be telling me that he is the Prince of Zandar and those three are Pro Heroes" James said. "Prince Phillip III, very pleased to meet you" Phillip said as the two of them shook hands. "It's true...he is a Prince" Shelby said. "It's true that these three are Pro Heroes" Riley said as he pointed to the three of us. "Also, Kanan here is the first Rafkonian to be a Pro Hero too" Keigo said as I showed him the antennae on my head.

"And Koda is a caveman. He's discovered the Blue Energem, one hundred thousand years ago, oh...and Ivan was a Knight of Zandar, eight hundred years ago" Kendall said. "Oh yeah...Kanan was born on the planet Rafkon 65 million years ago" Hizashi said. "When they bonded to their Energems, they stopped aging. Just like you stopped aging ten years ago" Shelby said. James took his Energem out from his pocket.

"Honestly, you and Tyler look more like brothers than you do father and son" Chase said. "Really incredible" James said. "Come on, bro" Tyler said.

"What have you been working on, Miss Morgan?" Tyler asked. "Once I'm done with Tyler's T-Rex Super Charger, he should be able to access weapons from all of our Energems" Kendall said to all of us. "And we still have three left to transmute..." Shelby started to say. "The Graphite, Aqua and Talon Energems" Hizashi said.

"That Energem stole ten years of my life, then again it has saved my life. I know that it was a decade ago but it still seems like it was just yesterday. Me and Rusty were exploring a vast network of caves. When the place started to collapse, Rusty was in trouble so I went back to get him out. He managed to get out but I was trapped by falling rocks. After the dust cleared, I just realized that I could not move. That's when I saw something in a fossil, I really couldn't understand what was really happening but unfortunately, somebody else did. A creature that I've seen stalking us the day before. Days later, I've found my way out of the cave but Fury never stopped chasing me at all. He was really relentless, it's like he could smell my Energem. That's when I knew that I couldn't go home again and putting my family in danger" James said.

"Can you ever forgive me?" James asked. "Of course dad, you didn't have a choice. But you don't have to run anymore" Tyler said. Suddenly, the alarm beeped. "What's that?" James asked. "Alien Bio Signs" Kendall replied. "Let's go and check it out!" Tyler said.

"Mr Navarro, Prince Phillip, Kanan...I'm still transmuting your Energems. I can't interrupt the process, you three need to stay here" Kendall said. "I just think that I - I should go too" James said. "Dad, don't worry. We'll be fine" Tyler said. I went up to Keigo. "Stay safe, won't you" I said while I was hugging him. "Don't worry songbird, I'll be fine" Keigo said as he kissed my forehead and hugging me before he left with the others.


{Keigo Takami}

All of us arrived at the location, Morphed.

"Looking for some trouble, Hunter?" Ivan said.

"Cause you have found it!" Tyler said.

All of us started to fight.

"All of you are such pests! And I'll be the exterminator!" Hunter said.

"Crossbow Laser Storm!" Hunter said as he attacked us.

All of us dodged his attack.

"Dino Morpher Blast!" Chase and Hizashi shouted as they attacked Hunter.


Fury appeared really big.

"We got big trouble!" Chase said.

Fury tried to attack us but all of us dodged his attack.

"It's like he's playing cat and mouse!" Shelby said.

"And we're the mice!" I said.

"I'll use T-Rex Super Charge Mode and deal with Hunter!" Tyler said.

"We call our Zords and vanquish this feisty feline!" Ivan said.

"Let's flatten this furball!" Chase said.

"Dino Chargers! Ready! Summon Zords!" me, Koda, Shelby and Ivan shouted as the four of us summoned our Zords.

"Zords Combine! Dino Charge Megazord: Tri-Stego-Ptera Formation! Ready!"

"Dino Charger! Ready! Dino Super Drive Saber!" Ivan shouted as he summoned the Dino Super Drive Saber as he placed the Dino Charger into it.

"Dino Super Drive Charger! Engage!"

"Dino Super Drive! Activate!" Ivan shouted as all of us got into Dino Super Drive.

"Megazord, upward!" Ivan said as all of us dodged his attack.

"I may be weakened but I can still beat you!" Fury said as he attacked us.

"Dodge the blast!" Ivan said as all of us managed to dodge his attack.

All of us activated the Stego Saber.

All of us continued to fight Fury.

"Cursed these Zotak Rings, I can feel them zapping my power!" Fury said.

All of us went up into the air.

"Dino Super Drive Activate!" Ivan shouted.

The T-Rex Charger, Para Charger, Stego Charger, Raptor Charger, Tricera Charger, Spino Charger and the Carno Charger got placed into the Dino Super Drive Saber.

"Dino Charger! Engage!" the Dino Charger said.

"Dino Super Drive Saber! Lightning Charge! Final Strike!" we shouted as all of us attacked Fury.

"He got away for now!" Ivan said.

"Help! Guys!" Tyler said.

"We have to help Tyler!" Hizashi said.

All of us got out of the Megazord.

All of us arrived to help Tyler out.

"Are you ok Tyler?" Chase asked.

"Be careful!" Riley said.

"Somehow, Singe has neutralized my T-Rex Super Charge Mode!" Tyler said.

"They in warehouse!" Koda said.

"Let's find out on what they are up to!" I said.

All of us were going after them.

"You won't escape this time!" Tyler said.

"Don't want to!" Singe said.

"Let's take him down!" Riley said.

All of us started to fight.

Tyler, Chase, Ivan and Riley were fighting Singe.

Me, Hizashi, Koda and Shelby were fighting Hunter.

"You're going down Singe!" Tyler said.

"We see about that!" Singe said as he prepared his attack.

"Oh no, that weapon again!" Tyler said.

Singe attacked us when all of us fell onto the ground and demorphed.

All of us were checking our Energems.

"Something on my Energem" Koda said.

"Dino Charger! Ready!" Tyler said.

"These rings, they must be keeping us from Morphing!" I said.

"Come on, Hunter. Their powers been neutralized, let's go and get their Energems" Singe said.

Suddenly, Singe and Hunter were attacked. 

Phillip, James and Kanan suddenly appeared in front of us.

"You won't get anything today!" Phillip said.

"We got you covered guys!" James said.

"How dare you interfere!" Singe said.

"It's time we made our exit!" Kanan said.

"Dino Morpher Blast!" Phillip, James and Kanan shouted as the three of them attacked the monsters.

All of us managed to escape and headed towards the base. 


{Kanan Matthews}

All of us were back at the base as I stood in-between Hizashi and Keigo while I held Keigo's hand to try and comfort him while I was rubbing his arm too. "So what is it Miss Morgan?" Shelby asked. "There's some kind of alien technology. It's a control device that interferes with the bonds between Rangers and Energems" Kendall said. "That's why we can't Morph" Ivan said as the others just nodded their heads.

"I'm going to try and break the ring off with the transmuter" Kendall said. Kendall put the Red Energem into the transmuter and activated it. The lights started to flicker a little. "Cross your fingers everyone" Shelby said. The ring came off. "It came off!" Tyler said.  "Awesome!" Hizashi said. "Cool" Keigo said. "It worked" Phillip said.

"Oh dear, that's not good. There's a crack" Kendall said. "It cracked?" Tyler asked as he looked at his Energem. "Can I Morph?" Tyler asked. "It would be very risky, the crack on it may continue to grow. We got to stop it before the damage is irreplicable or your powers are compromised forever" Keeper said.

"No worries. Miss Morgan can fix it. Can't you?" Chase said. "I doubt it, we really need a right combination of heat and pressure" Kendall said. "Sampson Caves" James said. "In the main cavern, there's a lava pool" Tyler said.

"Lava" Kendall said. "Heat and pressure" Tyler said. "That just might do it" Kendall said. "We got to try" Tyler said. "Good luck" Kendall said as she handed Tyler his Energem.


All of us looked at the screen. "The hole collapsed when he dug in, there has got to be another way to help him" James said. "His suit can stand a lot of heat, if his Energem isn't completely cracked, he should be ok. There's simply nothing more can do to help him" Kendall said. 

"You got some company, Alien Bio Signs just outside of the cave, closing in fast. You've got to Morph to protect yourself and Tyler. We will meet you there" Kendall said. "Ok, I'm heading out now!" James said. "Prince Phillip, Kanan...let's go" Kendall said as the two of us nodded.

"Why aren't we going with you?" Hizashi said. "It's really dangerous for all of you without your Energems. Me, Phillip and Kanan can still Morph, we'll go" Kendall said as Keigo came up to me and he kissed my forehead as he told me to stay safe.


{Keigo Takami}

"Hizashi, Keigo...we're practically defenseless without our Energems so what are we gonna do?" Chase said. "Powers or not...we're Rangers. Also, my Energem is connected to Kanan's, which means our Energems are about to be cut off since she's fighting monsters out there" I said as I started to get really worried about my girlfriend out there fighting monsters. "I say that we go out there and fight!" Hizashi said. "You are right, all of us should go and fight" Riley said. "Let's go!" Ivan said. "Let's do this!" Shelby said. "Alright!" me and Hizashi said. All of us grabbed our Energems and left the base.


{Hizashi Yamada}

"Hurry!" Koda said.

"Surprise! Are you trying to get to the cave to help your friends? You don't have the power to get pass me!" Hunter said.

"That's what you think!" Chase said.

All of us started to fight.

"Seven at once!" Hunter said as he attacked us.

"I get him!" Koda said as he attacked Hunter.

Koda got thrown back onto the ground.

"Resist and you seize to exist!" Hunter said as he attacked us.

All of us fell onto the ground.

All of us got back up as our Energems started to glow.

"What's happening?" Riley asked.

"I don't know, Sir Riley" Ivan said.

The rings broke off our Energems.

"The rings are gone!" I said.

"Ha! You know what that means!" Shelby said.

"This can't be good!" Hunter said.

"Dino Charger!" Keigo shouted. All of us held out our Dino Chargers.

"Ready!" we shouted as all of us pressed the button on our Dino Chargers.

"Unleash the Power!" we shouted as all of us Morphed.

All of us continued to fight.

"Dino Morpher Blast!" me and Keigo shouted as the two of us attacked Hunter.

"I like the snotty teenagers better!" Hunter said.

"How about we try something new" Riley said.

"It's a grand idea, indeed. Stack him up, if you please!" Ivan said.

"Right!" the others said.

"Hop on!" Koda said as Chase jumped onto his shoulders.

"Now!" Riley said as Shelby jumped onto his shoulders.

"Ptera Charger! Engage!" Ivan's Ptera Saber said.

"Dino Morpher! Energy Combine!" they shouted as all of them combined their attack.

"Ptera Saber! Final Strike!" Ivan shouted as he attacked Hunter and destroyed him.


{Kanan Matthews}

All of us were back at the base as me, Keigo and Hizashi got our suitcases as the three of us were wearing our hero outfits. I stood next to Keigo as he grabbed my hand and kissed the back part of it. "And then just as the Earth started to rumble, I dipped my Energem into the lava and boom, all fixed" Tyler said.

"Tell me more please, What was it like down there?" Ivan asked. "Ooh, Sir Ivan, I am glad that you asked. This picture is worth a thousand words" Tyler said. Koda and Ivan gasped a little at the picture. Shelby went over to see it. "Is that lava?" Ivan asked. "Yeah, it sure is" Tyler said.

"You took a selfie?" Shelby said, "I don't understand on how you survived the heat. I mean, it's impossible" Riley said as Chase was looking at the three of us. "It's amazing how the impossible suddenly becomes the possible. Even if we have so much to lose" Tyler said.

"Where are you three going, ey?" Chase asked as the others were looking at us. "The reason being is that we need to sort out the paperwork in our agency as well as taking some students for their one week internships as well" Keigo said as he pointed to the two of us. "The Hero Committee needs us back in Japan and I need to do some radio gigs too as well as teaching at an elite school too" Hizashi said. "Also, they said that the hero gala is coming up so we really need to be there as well. So that's why we're leaving" I said as the others nodded their heads.

"Don't worry, you can use our Dino Chargers if you want to use our Megazord Formation" Keigo said. The others agreed to us leaving and using our Zords. 

"Hey dad" Tyler said. "Tyler, me and Keeper have been talking, we feel that my geologist skills should be put to better use. The search for the White and Silver Energems is what I need to focus on" James said. "Wait, wait...you're leaving?" Tyler said.

"Someone very wise recently reminded me that this is so much more than you and me. We have the whole world to think about right now" James said. "Yeah I know but - but dad I need you" Tyler said. "I've seen you in action. I hate to admit it but you're not eight years old anymore Tyler. Trust me, you've proven you can take care of yourself. Also, do you three need a ride to the airport?" James said while asking the three of us. "Sure, that would be great" I said as the others agreed. "Thank you" Tyler said. The two of them hugged. 

All of us were smiling at them. Tyler and James took a picture before me, Keigo, Hizashi and James left.

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