sweet (W2S)

By bakarsbaby

61.1K 610 183

ꨄ sequel to falling in love ꨄ a little short book that shows you what days in Elora Martins life is like. mad... More

meet the characters
an updated famous birthdays
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
fourty one
fourty two
fourty three
fourty four


1.2K 11 0
By bakarsbaby

notelora has added to their story


"welcome to the sidemen's best friend challenge!" Vik intros the video for the more sidemen channel.

everybody cheers "they're going to get asked questions and decide who is more likely to do it. every time they agree, they score a point and there will be 10 questions and the pairing with most points wins making them the bestest of friends" he finishes.

Tobi and Josh go up first "who's going to be pretty in pink? and who's going to be blue"

"i'm gonna color coordinate and go with pink" Tobi says making Josh be in blue.

"i'm the alpha male" Josh jokes.

"wowwww he's alpha dogged him" Vik laughs.

"Tobi gets railed" Simon jokes.

"who would make the better soldier?"

"ouuuu" is all you hear from everyone.

"that's a hard one you know" Simon says.

"it is" i agree while laying my head on a pillow, they gave me the long part of the couch so i could lay down.

"i'ma shooter i reckon" Tobi says making the boys mouth drop since him and Josh already disagreed.

Tobi held pink up meaning he chose himself and Josh held blue up so he also chose himself.

"i'd want Josh in more of a leader role not a soldier" Simon says.

"nahh" Harry and i say at the same time.

"he loves violence" i say pointing at Josh who nods in agreement.

"he's a snipers dream he is" Harry adds making us laugh.

"i'm a snipers dream?" Josh asks.

"yeah, you're gonna start playing on easy mode" Harry jokes.

"aye you can't use a mouse and keyboard in real life bro" Tobi adds.

"oouuu" Simon and Harry say.

"who cares more about their appearance?"

"starting off with some blinders" Vik says.

they both hold up pink.

"is that an agree?" Josh questions.

Simon nods "to be fair looking at you both right now, it's pretty obvious-"

we all laugh as Vik asks the next question.

"who is most likely to shit themselves"

"damn why can't we have that" Simon jokes looking at me.

i laugh "it'd be an easy answer with that innit"

Tobi holds blue up and Josh holds pink making everyone shout in shock.

"you get way more stomach aches than i do" Josh defends his answer.

"he literally just said your immune systems shit" i joke as they laugh.

"who is the better cook?"

"oh the jollof though-" Josh says thinking.

"you don't know what ginger is bruv" Tobi says holding up pink instantly.

Josh holds pink up as well.

"agreement" Simon says.

"if you had to pick, it'd be a meal from Tobi rather than-" Harry starts but gets interrupted by us agreeing.

"i seen that jollof though and i wasn't sure" Josh mentions.

"he wants to choose himself, i can see it" Simon laughs talking about Josh.

"nah i don't think- can you cook?" Harry asks.

"depends what it is though" Josh responds.

"i wouldn't wanna eat your meal" i admit.

"yeah i agree, i'd much rather eat Tobi" JJ adds.

"yo chill bro-" Tobi says laughing.

"who is more famous?"

"these are hitters, these are hitters" Vik adds.

Tobi straight away holds blue up.

"debatable- wait no-" Josh overthinks before holding pink up.

"disagreement!" Simon says happily.

"guys if you're both humble kings you're not gonna get any points" Vik states.

"no no i'm just thinking of the tommy t era bruv and the legacy" Tobi says.

"yeah maybe- i was just going followers" Josh says.

"he mixes with uh-" i start to say but have a major pregnancy brain and lose my thought.

"oh yeah music" Harry says.

"he mixes with uh- more uh- donny's" i finish my thought.

"the gal them-" JJ adds to my sentence.

they all talk over each other, i get up from my laying position excuse myself because i had to pee.

when i came back, Tobi and Josh were already on the couch. Harry and JJ were sat up in the colored chairs.


Harry in the blue chair and JJ in pink.

Tobi was in my spot and stood up as soon as he saw me "you can have your spot back"

"nah mate don't worry about it, if i lay down any longer i'd be asleep" i laugh and sit beside between Simon and Tobi.

"starting off with the first question, who smells better?"

"ouuu" they all say.

"i know my answer-" Tobi says aloud.

Harry says the same thing as well and holds up pink, and so does JJ.

"oh sick- lets go!" JJ says not expecting Harry to agree.

"you smell nice, you smell nice" Harry reassures him.

"it's the stylist man" Tobi jokes.

"you do OVERspray sometimes" Simon adds.

"yeah i like a oversprayer though, that's good" Josh says making everyone laugh.

"yo chill bro" Tobi laughs.

"you know what i mean?" Josh laughs.

"who is more likely to have a weird fetish?"

"ooooo more likely to?" Harry thinks aloud waving the colored paddle boards around.

"they both are weird" Josh laughs.

"you shaking them like maracas" Tobi laughs.

they both lift up blue.

"i could've seen that one a mile away" i laugh.

"is that so?! what fetish do you go for?" Josh asks Harry.

"i- i don't know" Harry says.

"the heel? is that a foot fetish-" Josh and Tobi laugh.

"he has a nose fetish" Josh says talking about JJ.

"i do have a nose fetish yeah-" JJ admits.

"have you ever- you might like this if you like noses, have you ever put your eye socket in like- someone's nose?" Harry asks turning around to JJ.


"sorry- what?"

Simon and Tobi joke with Harry saying they picked right by choosing blue for that.

"nah i done that-" JJ says trying not to laugh.

"who would win in a race?"

Harry picked pink but blurted it out so JJ picked it as well and they ended up with half a point for JJ cheating.


they finish their questions and now it's Simon and i's turn.

i sit down in the blue chair because it's closest, Simon sits in the pink.

"okay Elora and Simon, you are up. you're first question is who has better rizz?" Vik asks reading from his phone.


"i think this is obvious-" JJ says.

i hold up blue for myself and get an immediate nod from Tobi "i back it"

"did we agree?" i ask looking back at Simon's answer.

"yeah" they respond.

"you can waffle" Harry laughs.

"i can talk, i can talk" i laugh.

"you're a talker" Tobi nods.

"who has a cuter pet?"

i wanna so badly say me for the answer but i end up going with Simon because his dog has so much hair it's adorable.

"3,2,1 answer"

i hold up pink and Simon has too.

"mine is cute but is wild as hell" i admit making them laugh.

"nah Presleys a charmer, i'd back him" Harry says defending our dog.

"you're only saying that because it's your dog fam" JJ laughs.

"out of the two of you, who would make the better song?"

"that's just an easy point innit" Tobi states.

we both hold up blue.

"she's actually an artist so i'm not even gonna lie and say me" Simon laughs.

"whole album on the way and that" Tobi winks at the camera making us laugh.

"who is a better driver on the road and on the track?"

we both instantly hold up blue which makes the others laugh.

"just because you said track- not talking just roads" Simon says.

"what? you think you could beat me on the roads?" i look back at him.

"OUUU" Tobi says excited.

"well it shouldn't be beat-" Harry looks at me.

"no no-"

"didn't you literally just crash your car" Simon laughs.

"well yes but-" i say trying to defend my actions.

"so there we go"

"nah nah i think you'd have crashed too if you were in the situation you know-" i look at him.

"i will say though- i've been in both of your cars and only one person hit a curb 3 times" Tobi adds.

"it was me yes.." i own up to it making them all laugh at my honesty.

"i feel safer in Simon's car" Josh says.

"i feel safer in Elora's car" Tobi states.

"i've never crashed-" Simon says.

"wait- you've never crashed?" JJ asks confused.

"no, i'm a normal driver-" Simon laughs.

"i feel like i'd get there on time when in El's car-" Harry starts.

"thank you" i say proudly making them laugh again.

we answer more questions before getting to the final ones.

"who is most likely to kill someone"

"this is a hard one" JJ states.

"i don't like that their thinking about it" Josh laughs.

"could very well be both honestly" JJ adds.

"disagreement" Tobi says since we both held each others colors up.

we turn to look at each other "you're really good at killing people" i say to him.

"if we're talking planned, i think it's me" Simon says.

"you're really good at like- you're meticulous" i tell him.

"i think it's El" Josh says.

"if it's planned it's me but if it's an accident then it's her"

"well accidentally she'll kill someone with anger and you're more planned-" Josh states.

"exactly what i've said" Simon laughs.

"nah i think she controls her anger well" Tobi backs me.

"respect" i say as we fist bump.

"why are you lying to her?" Josh asks.

"i'm not lying to her"

"you're just not tryna get on her angry side" Simon jokes.

"i see when she's stressed out yeah, she just sits there silently like this" Tobi mimics my behavior when angry making me laugh.

"that's a sign of a serial killer bro!" Simon points out.

"nah but you would be tryna get them to jump off of something you get me?" i say to him.

he bursts out laughing.

"Simon would kill me for something i did 5 years ago, i don't know bro" Tobi laughs.

"who's most likely to go to the toilet on a date and leave?"

"Harry" Tobi says as we all laugh.

"3,2,1 go"

we both hold up blue and everyone agrees.

"it's a- it's a good plan" i defend myself.

"a great plan" Harry agrees.

"but i'd do it just in convo's" i shrug making them laugh.

"even in convos?" Tobi wheezes and fist bumps me again.

"yeah sorry i just got to go to the toilet for the third time in 5 minutes" Tobi acts out a sentence.

"i mean i would go to the toilet but not actually go to the toilet-"

"so do you not pay? like not even for your part of the meal?" JJ questions looking at me.

"well i've never done it but yeah i'd pay for my part, maybe the whole meal i feel bad about it" i nod.

"well there we go, that's a wrap can we have the final scores?" Vik asks.

"Josh and Tobi have 6, Harry and JJ have 6 and 1/2, Elora and Simon have 8"

we both cheer and high five with our paddles before getting up as Vik ends the video.


"i'm so fucking hungry" i complain as i sit between Harry and Tobi.

we were still filming another video for the More Sidemen channel so we had a few more hours of being here.

"what're you in the mood for?" Harry asks looking at me.

"anything really" i say before resting my head on his shoulder.

"you don't got any of those weird pregnancy cravings anymore?" Tobi questions.

"i mean i do but they're not as anymore"

"she's lying through her teeth right now, i walked in the kitchen the other day and she was eating apples with ketchup on it" Harry interrupts.

"nahhhh that's vile" Tobi says in disgust.

"don't knock until you've tried it mate, i thought it was delicious-" i shrug.

"she made me try it and it was horrendous" Harry shakes his head.

"nah that's nasty as hell" Tobi laughs.

we banter some more before picking a food place to order from and we carry on filming.

finally gave ya that long ass chapter i promised lol, next chapter will be the next video they filmed this day.

i'm spending all night and day trying to finish this book so you don't have to wait any longer <3 bare w me pls bc i'm not even rereading these just typing and publishing lol

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