I am hybrid 2 Acceptance

By ghaadha

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Hi I am Sasha a half vampire and werewolf hybrid. A few years ago I became this thing to recover from my litt... More

Oh shit!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 13

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By ghaadha

Debbie and I approached the M.E. She made it clear that it was deliberate. This fire was used to cover a murder. I was about to say something when I heard gunfire. I extended my senses to feel what was going on. I sensed that a kid was on the floor crying while a man was running. I quickly ran to help the woman I carried the woman and child to the hospital. I called it in. Debbie called me to know what had happened. I filled her in and took care of the kid. The doctor walked out and said with sorrow that the woman had died. Debbie apologized and promised to be there as soon as possible.

I sent her picture to the precinct and found out that she is a wife of a cop. He wasn't upset with me. He was upset with the doctors for not doing much for her. I thought he was going to yell at me. But he didn't. He was there at the burnt building. He heard me say I heard gunfire and ran to get her to a doctor. So he thanked me profusely and took his son home. The doctor was sad to lose a patient too. Charlie got to see what I can do so she was upset when she heard that I had asked for new partner. She asked me to give her a week. If things don't work out we will switch. I explained that Debbie is being harassed by her partner I want her to switch with someone else. So she ended up with Carolyn. Charlie remained my partner.

I walked out to my desk and saw that a few men were there talking about the arson. They looked up at me and thanked me for saving the kid. I was upset that I couldn't save the mother. I was told that she died instantly so there was nothing the doctors could have done. The detective was taking a leave of absence till he sorts out his life. I was not used to such awkward situations so they smiled to nod their heads. I did feel sad that a child lost a parent.

I sat down and wrote a report about the woman. The chief was not annoyed but he wasn't happy either. I found out later that he is from Machine City. I found out that Charlie was from machine city. I almost handed my resignation to the chief. He was on the phone with his wife arguing about his children late night behavior. I was staring at him with the intent to follow him. So I did. I monitored him for the rest of the week. By the weekend I had changed the minds of everyone that had a negative thought about me. My partner apologized for her ignorance. Chief explained that he was raised to think that if it ain't human it is evil. I almost slapped him. Both apologized for believing in gibberish without proof. I took the high road and forgave them. I had only came back to get a map so I can find my way back to the Citadel.

I pushed the idea aside for a few more years.  I walked back to my desk and closed my eyes. Humans would prank each other but they won't dare do it to me. So one of detectives dared a rookie to do it. I heard the entire thing so I made sure someone else got it instead. The guy that got slimed was the watch commander. Both the doer and the guy that dared got punished. They got desk duty for the rest of the month.

The fire department send someone to explain what they had discovered. They chose to send Batou. I happily hugged him and he bowed to me. I took a closer look and saw that he was now a vampire. I hugged him again. His supervisor asked him if he knew me. He ended up telling the supervisor what he remembered about me. He recalled the day he carried me to the hospital when mom's car broke down. The day I coughed up blood. The day I passed out in the precinct. He remembered the day mom held my hand when I was in so much pain and said that I am her apex predator. He smiled at me as I asked him to keep the rest a secret since there are those that I don't trust. He asked with me concern if I was in any sort of danger. I explained that I am being monitored. He immediately forgot what he was saying to the supervisor. The man tried to convince him to continue but Batou knows the rules of the vampire covenant. When a superior asks for silence it must be honored. He walked off to speak to the detective about his findings. The man that came with Batou looked at me and he walked off to the vending machine.

I sat down at my desk and finished my report. Batou said his condolences regarding my mother's death. He joined the vampires sometime after he saw how she was killed. He even made sure that people could not find me. He lead them on false trails. I thanked him profusely as I declared that he should get a promotion. Marcus my head of security made sure to pass it along.

A few days later a woman walks in and asks to see me. She says that her daughter has the same illness as me. So she was hoping that I could donate blood to cure her. I escorted her to the forensics lab and proved to her that my blood is poisonous. She was not happy to see that I can't help her. She asked me how I managed to get my hands on whatever that cured me. I recalled the day that I stole it. She was upset that I had no answers that could lead her to a cure. She walked off and I had a feeling that she will sue. So I told her that I know that the werewolf that brought it to the hospital is called Cain. I lied to her saying that he died along with other werewolves when the first zombie wave hit. I watched him get eaten by zombies. So she could sue all she wants but she will not get what she is asking for. Since I am a supernatural creature so the rules are as follows. Once the poison enters my body. It stays there permanently. It won't matter if I used it once in small amounts. I didn't want to be a weapon for war so I ingested the poison years ago. I have been drinking the poison and I will continue to do it since I have permission to do so. She stared at me and muttered, "Not for long"

She walked out and moments later came back with a legal papers. She wanted to sue me so I would use an antidote that allegedly removes the effects of nightshade poison. I happily laughed at her absurd idea. I called my lawyer and the judge was willing to convince me to donate my blood or whatever else till he found out that I am not human. He declared that it was best if the woman left me alone since I am not eligible for donation of the physical type. The law clearly dictates that Vampires, werewolves and hybrids are not allowed to donate blood or anything thing else. She was not pleased to hear that. She was hoping for an acception to the rule but even that was denied. She walked out of court with a sullen look on her face. I on the other hand walked out with a smile. I never saw her again. There were a few that have asked me if I wanted to make a new breed. I laughed it off and continued being a detective

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