His Cherry Blossom (Loki Love...

By Silver-Tigress

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Blossom Fairfield Crawford is a member of S. H. I. E. L. D, with the power to control cherry blossom petals a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
New Book!

Chapter 43

32 0 0
By Silver-Tigress

Blossom's P. O. V:

I enter the viewing chamber later and pick up a glass of wine as I head over to the long couch to sit next to Loki. A fight was going on tonight and Thor was participating. I was invited with Loki to watch with the Grand Master.

I stand next to Loki and he put his arm around my waist.

I see 142 sitting on a hover seat above the arena with a bottle of alcohol.

""Wow! Look at all of you!" A holographic image of the Grand Master appears in the centre of the arena, chuckling. "Quite a show! What a night! Who's having fun? Please! I'm your host. Big round of applause for all of our under card competitions, who, today, died so... brutally. Good sport! What a show! What a night! This is what you've come for! And, so have I! And, now, without further ado, it's main event time! Making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising. He's got a couple of tricks up his sleeve. I'll say no more. Same old thing. Ladies and gentlemen! I give you... Lord of Thunder!"

Thor gets boos thrown at him.

He's wearing a shoulder guard on his right shoulder, and has twin swords and shield with him, along with a club. His once shoulder length blonde hair has been cut to around his head and Thor has red ear paint running down the left side of his face.

Thor steps further into the arena as Grand Master adds, "Watch out for his fingers! They make sparks! Okay! This is it! Let's get ready to welcome this guy! Here he comes!"

Green smoke explodes as the crowd goes wild and the door behind Thor slides up. Thor whirls around.

Grand Master says, "He's, what do we say about him? Well, he's big, there's none like him!" Thor spins the club and stabs it into the floor as he whips out a helmet reminding me of Cap's, and puts it on his head. "I feel a special connection with him. He's undefeated. He the reins. He's the Champion." Thor takes up the club once more. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your..... INCREDIBLE...."

Just then, a large green being comes charging through the door, donning bits of armor like me and Thor, an axe in his left hand and a hammer in his right, a helmet on his head.

".... HUUULLLKK!!"

I feel my jaw hitting the floor as I recognise him as Hulk!!!

"THAT'S THE CHAMPION?!!" I scream, unable to believe my eyes. So, Hulk—Bruce—was here, this whole time?!! I notice from my peripheral vision that Loki looks pale as a sheet as he takes in the sight of Hulk.

Thor shouts gleefully, "YEEESSS!!"

This causes the cheers to die down out of confusion of Thor being happy about facing the Champion. I was both happy and immensely relieved to see my friend.

"Bruce..." I breathe, my eyes glued to him.

What did they do to him?!

I notice Loki backing away as he locks fearful eyes with me. "I have to get off this planet," The God of Mischief breathes, face incredibly pale. He turns, only to be stopped by the Grand Master

"Hey, hey, hey! Where are you going?" The Grand Master leads both Loki and I to a long couch. Loki and I perch at the other end.

I grip Loki's hand in mine and give it a comforting squeeze, which Loki returns.

The crowd chants his name as Hulk throws up his arms in the air, appearing happy as he cries his own name.

Thor waves at GM and calls happily, pointing to Hulk, "Hey! Hey! We know each other! He's a friend from work! Blossom knows him, too!"

I put my face in my hands as I groan, wanting to sink into the floor just then. Loki looks like he wants to, too.

Grand Master turns his head to look at my husband and I with narrowed eyes as Loki coughs into his hand. It seems as though Hulk is popular, considering all the Hulk signs these people are holding up.

"Where have you been?" Thor asks. "Everybody thought you were dead! So much has happened since I last saw you." Hulk turns to him, looking angry. "I lost my hammer, like, yesterday. So, that's pretty fresh. Loki... L-Loki's alive. Oh, and he's married to Blossom now! They have the most adorable baby girls! Their names are Ariel, Theresa and Elsa. So, I'm an uncle now! Loki! Blossom! Blossom, Loki, look who it is!" Thor says, pointing his club from me and my husband back to Hulk.

Loki just sits there, looking numbed and pale faced. I get the feeling he might be a little afraid of Hulk, but I can't really blame him, considering the last time they met, Hulk gave him one hell of a smack down.

I just hold my hand up in a friendly wave and mouth "Hi!", since I don't think they could hear me from here.

Thor stammers, still grinning, "Awe, man! I-I never thought I'd say this, but I'm happy to see you right now! Banner! Hey, Banner!"

The crowd keeps cheering and Hulk gazes around at them, before glaring back at the blue eyed male. "No, Banner! Only Hulk!"

"What...?" Thor breathes as both our eyes widen. "It's me, Thor! You remember Blossom, don't you?" Hulk takes a running leap with a growl as he raises both weapons, and I put my face in my hands out of fright.

I peek through my fingers just as Thor dodges an attack.


I watch as Thor rolls up into a crouch but is knocked back by Hulk. He stabs a knife into the floor and stands up, whipping out his swords.

They extend as Hulk gives a roar. He roars again as he claps his weapons together.

Thor says nervously, "Banner, we're friends! This is crazy. I don't wanna hurt you!" Hulk leaps for Thor and they exchange blow after blow, sparks flying as their weapons clash.

The GM says as he sits back in his seat, grinning, "Here we go! Here we go!"

Hulk straightens up before bringing his massive hammer down on Thor. Thor narrowly blocked it but is kicked back by Hulk and sent sailing into the wall behind him, shattering it.

Hulk throws a sword at Thor but he jumps down, and the blade embeds in the wall.

Just as Hulk nears him, axe raised, Thor grips the hilt of the sword and leaps up, using his god strength to kick Hulk away. Hulk then rolls along the wall of the arena, sending debris flying, before crashing into the floor.

Everyone lets out an "Ooohhh!"

I gape as I mutter, "Holy. Shit." Even the Grand Master looks stunned while Loki is hiding his laughter behind his hand. 142 also looks stunned.

"What...?!" Was all the GM could utter as he gapes at his Champion.

Thor grips the hammer while he walks towards Hulk, slowly, while he says, "Hey, there, big guy. The sun's gettin' real low."

Thor holds out his hand to Hulk as he looks up. Hulk holds out his own hand and thor places his in it.

"That's it. The sun's going down," Thor says gently. Everyone else looks immensely confused, but I was tense, praying it will bring our friend back. Thor ignores the weird stares he was getting from the audience.

Hulk continues to stare at Thor as he repeats the Lullaby in a soft voice, keeping his eyes glued to Hulk.

"Ssshhh," Thor says gently. "I'm not going to hurt you anymore. No one will."

Thor was smiling at the prospect of returning our friend to normal, until Hulk snatches his hand throws Thor about on the floor...


I put my face in my hands as I watch through my fingers Hulk throwing Thor on the floor just like he did to Loki in Stark Tower all those years ago.

Hulk gives a roar of triumph as the crowd cheers. Loki jumps to his feet and cheers, fist pumping, "Yes!! That's how it feels!!" Loki glances sheepishly from me to the GM as he mutters, "I'm just a huge fan of the sport." I frown at him as the GM says nothing in response.

The GM chuckles.

Thor rolls to his feet and grips the massive hammer as he mutters, "Alright. Screw it!"

Hulk runs at him and brings his axe down. Thor ducks and hits the back of Hulk's leg, before striking under his chin. Thor leaps up as Hulk swings his axe and Thor strikes him in the side of the head, the axe narrowly missing him, making the crowd gasp.

The axe hits the ground as Thor lands and he strikes it with his hammer, snapping the staff in half, making everyone gasp again as Hulk whirls away.

Thor promises, "I know you're in there, Banner! I'll get you out!"

Thor swings his hammer and it hits Hulk, knocking him on his stomach and making the crowd go, "Ooohhh!"

Hulk roars furiously before charging at Thor again. Hulk swings his fist but Thor meets it with his hammer, and Hulk knocks it away. Thor then punches Hulk, making him stumble.

Thor demands, "What's the matter with you? You're embarrassing me! I told them we were friends!"

Hulk swings his left fist outward but Thor ducks to avoid it. He then head butts Hulk, knocking him to the floor. Hulk gets to his feet and Thor slugs him in the back.

He then punches Hulk in the face before grabbing his neck and spinning around. With a huge grunt of exertion, Thor lifts Hulk up and throws them both on Thor's back.

I grip Loki's sleeve out of reflex, flinching.

Hulk hits his head back before lifting it up, allowing for Thor to roll out. He snatches up the hammer and I see lightning crackling through it as he brings it down on Hulk.

Hulk catches it in his hand, and Grand Master, Loki and I lean forward in anticipation. Hulk punches Thor and he goes flying back, making the crowd cheer.

Hulk jumps on top of the demigod and starts repeatedly punching him.

Loki and I both wince, while Grand Master laughs.

As this goes on, I scream pleadingly, not wanting to watch my friend die, "Thor!!"

Just when Hulk was about to bring his large fist down on Thor again, lightning crackles along his body and his eyes glow silver.

Hulk was about to pound Thor onto the ground, but then Thor punches his hand upward, and sends Hulk flying away with a huge bolt of lightning.

I stare as Hulk's helmet is knocked off and he hits the ground, back first, while Grand Master stands up and Loki and I lean forward.

Thor gets to his feet and gazes at his hands as electricity crackles through his body.

Hulk growls in anger.

They run at each other and take running leaps, before thrusting their fists forward. A massive shockwave is emitted, along with a clap of thunder, and then there's a cloud of dust.

"Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!" The crowd cheers, even me, though I didn't want my friends to keep fighting like this.

Thor goes to punch Hulk once more but I notice the GM pressing the button on a remote that causes Thor to shudder violently before he hits the ground.

I glare. Why that sneaky son of a...!

My thoughts were cut off as a green blur as Hulk launches himself High into the air. He descends upon Thor and lands a punch that knocks him out.

Loki and I exit the chamber and he says to me urgently, "I have to get off this planet, Blossom. Remember what we planned earlier?"

I nod my head as I say, "Yes."

Loki says, "Then you know what to do." I nod again before we split off.


I get some directions and soon find Thor's and Hulk's room. It's on one of the upper floors with red and white painted walls.

I stop outside of the doorway in case it has a buzzer.

"Blossom! Oh, thank god!" Thor says as he rushes up to me. "Are you okay?"

I reply, "I should be asking you that."

"I'm fine. I just have to find a way out of this crappy place."

I tell Thor, "Loki kept telling me as such as soon as Hulk appeared in the arena.

"Blossom!" Hulk says happily upon seeing me.

I grin back as I say, "Hello Hulk. It's nice to see you again. I was really worried about you."

Hulk says, grinning while pointing at me, "Blossom nice."

"Aw, thank you!"

Thor says to me, "Did you know that Scrapper 142 is actually a Valkyrie?"

I gape. "What? No way! I had no clue! I thought they were all killed by Hela a millennia ago? At least, from what I've read about in Norse Mythology..."

Thor murmurs, "Well, it's true. She is a Valkyrie. She even has the mark to prove it. I've been trying to convince her to help get me and Banner out of here."

"Thor and Blossom go. Hulk stay," The green skinned being grumbles as he paces their shared room.

"Fine! Stay here, in this stupid place!" Thor starts walking through the honeycomb shaped doorway. "It's hideous, by the way! The red, the white. Just pick a colour! Dickheads!"

"Smash you!" Hulk exclaims.

"You'd smash anything!" Thor snaps back as he pauses near the door and we look back at Hulk. "I-I won that fight! Tell him, Blossom!"

"Well, I saw Caesar zap you and that made you collapse before you could land the final blow, so..."

"I smashed you! Blossom says so!" Hulk chimes.

"How could you betray me, Blossom?! Yeah, yeah, sure!" Thor exclaims indignantly.

Hulk mocks him, "Baby Arms!"

I try to hold back my laughter as Thor whirls back to him and demands, "What?!"

"Baby!" Hulk throws the papaya but Thor ducks and it hits the red floor outside the door.

Thor tells Hulk, "You're being a child!"

"Thor go!" Hulk exclaims unhappily.

"I am going!!" Thor snaps back.

He turns to walk out the door, only for red lasers to appear and zap him, causing Thor to cry out as he collapses and hits the floor.

Hulk laughs as he says, "Thor go again!" The blonde man twitches violently on the ground as I gasp behind my hands. "Hulk home!"

I guess I should've realised they wouldn't have just left the door open like that for people like Thor, since he's a prisoner and all.

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