The Warden Who Loved The King...

Par Seagul81000

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He was a knight, a lover and a father. But he was thought to be a myth by those he had chosen to protect. Man... Plus

the blight and the grey Wardens.
info on adam and the Cousland family.
camlann and a new life.
In darkness the light shines brightest.
new life, new fights.
new job, stupid devils
A day with the one he loves.
familiars and old friends meet once more.
KFC chicken "mmmhh" it's finger licking good.
Training and dragon talks
Rating games and disappointments.
Parties and flaming reveals.
y/n's Truths revealed
*gasp* we're going to Weisshaupt!!!
sparring and FAKE PENDRAGONS WTF!?
New book
unwelcome strangers and mad preists.
duels, Galahad's crush and pretenders
Kokonuts and pedo priest and the fake.
character themes
Mordred's date and visiting day? Oh sh*t
Visiting Day
The boys sit around a table and talk about things.
Meeting attacked plus the boys have a scrap.
Dragon fights and a threat emerges.
Magister Darkspawn.
new book idea vote.
The history revealed- Part 1
history revealed-part 2
History Revealed Part 3
"20k reads...........what?!"
History Revealed Finale
Couple themes
Fate/GO : Warden Nation Trailer
New Book
Return to Castle Cousland
Futures and graves
Trips and DRAGONS?!!
Mansions and weaknesses.
Training and a Blushing Bedivere?
The conference
The battle with the wannabe god
Shocking Revelations
The truth
The search for clues.
Love has some red bull, Growing Bonds
The newbie...heh
How Far We Have Fallen.
Reclaim What Has Been Stolen.
The Throne Has Been Tarnished
The Weight Of Their Duty.
The Reason For His Strength
Super, Terribly And Ultimate Announcement, Promise...
The Battle Rages On
Kyoto Is Saved, But A Friend Is Lost
The King's Fury, Lost In The Dream.
The Tower Of Heaven
The Gates Cannot Hold Us...
Urthemiel's Bane

A Beacon Of Hope

339 13 2
Par Seagul81000

A/n: Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I wrote the entire chapter out then decided I didn't like it and went back and rewrote a lot of it so hope you guys enjoy it.
*3rd Person Pov*

Y/n spent the next few days resting with his family by his side, all was right with the world, his life was finally peaceful.

But something had been weighing on his mind, flashes of pain, his body bleeding and hurting from every possible location. The thing that struck him to the core however was a face, the face was similar to Artoria's but the expression was different the girl showed a large grin, she seemed similar to Mordred.

It was then that an unfamiliar memory entered his mind...

He stood in an alley way, a small child stood before me they wore a hooded cloak, y/n could see strands of wheat coloured blonde hair poking out of the hood. She looked up her eyes meeting his own, she looked like a slightly older and more dirty Mordred. She smiled as he treated her to lunch before asking her name she told me it was Mordred. It had been then that he had realised that it was his missing...child... Mordred...MorDrED...MORDRED.

"Aaarrrrggggggghhhhhh! It burns!" y/n fell to the floor clutching his head, as he struggled with he pain he seemed to destroy anything in my path, tables chairs cupboards.

He saw images of death, destruction and chaos, he witnessed, what the blight had done and how he had stopped it the first time. He remembered the moment that he realised a sacrifice had to be made...

He looked up his eyes looked older now and he didn't seem to smile as much anymore, but he still noticed Artoria and young Mordred charge towards him.

"oof" he granted as the little ball of blonde hair, headbutted him dead in the chest, causing him to fall down. He began to laugh as he attacked her with the unstoppable tickle monsters. As Artoria sighed before letting a small smile grace her features as y/n chased a now fleeing Blonde gremlin.

But now y/n could hear the faint voices of a voice he had long buried.

"Y/n finally you've woken up!"

Arriving in an open field full of long grass a short distance from the cottage, Mordred as a few feet in front of him, she was running towards the cottage, it was at this moment that a figure appeared behind y/n.


Sensing the presence y/n turned, his eyes widening in recognition.




"my king we have no choice, Heaven has betrayed us, the darkspawn are advancing and I'm afraid, that with the factions licking their wounds, we lack the resources to defend Camelot, attack Urthemiel and save y/n" Agravain spoke the words on everyone's mind as Artoria clenched his fists her eyes flashing a dangerous gold, as she roared in frustration swiping her arms to the side sending everything from the desk toppling to the floor.

"Damn it! I feel useless, why did this happen, I hate this! The factions won't help us, the pact is barely even a joke anymore due to Michael's actions, so that rules out Asgardian aid. What more can we do?" she spoke her voice quivering as she bit her lip to stop herself from breaking down in front of her knights.

Lancelot, Gawain, Galahad and Gareth all looked at each other, all their faces displayed frowns signifying their anger over the current situation.

It was in this tense silence that Mordred's shoulders stopped slouching, as Merlin smirked hiding it behind a small cough, she sighed before taking a deep breath.

"I-" Mordred started nervously as all eyes suddenly turned onto her, she let out a small shy laugh.

"I think we should alert the rest of Humanity, even if they don't send aid it's better to know that we did everything we could to stem the tide of the Blight. Besides I don't think I can stay here too much longer before I start breakin' stuff" Mordred joked getting a chuckle from Lancelot and a giggle from Gareth.

Artoria could've sworn for a moment that Mordred's eyes flickered e/c, she allowed her self to smile slightly, before schooling her expression.

"thank you, Mordred I would like it if you could accompany me with this task." Artoria requested as Mordred nodded enthusiastically her mouth spread into a wide grin despite the worry, that Artoria could see in her eyes.

The pair walked through the door into the hall, as they walked Artoria studied Mordred, her expressions, demeanour, even her gait and posture.

"Mordred, do you love Kiba?" Artoria asked bluntly her face slightly softer than normal.

"Huh?!" the girl coughed after the grunt erupted from her mouth her face a deep red as she panicked as she attempted to control herself with the grace of a sledgehammer.

"you do not need to answer my question, I was simply wondering" she smiled slightly as they stopped to look out of one of the archways to a balcony over the edge they could see the many inhabitants of Kyoto settling into Camelot as the many once empty buildings began to fill up with refugees.

"I asked because right now, my mind cannot focus on anything but what could be happening to your father, is he alive? When will I see him again? I just..." she began sobbing as Mordred pulled her into a hug her mother's head resting on her shoulder.

"Mom, dad is gonna be alright, you know he was always the first one into the battle, if we enter the field against the dark spawn he'll be there, I know it" as Mordred spoke these words her mind echoed back into the past.

She had defeated her second rebellion, Y/n had joined her, the pair had just slain the leader and as they walked through the blood soaked halls, y/n turned to the helmeted Mordred.

"tell me sir Mordred, do you understand why these men fought so hard?" his eyes stared towards her as if they could see through the helmet, to be honest, Mordred felt a little unnerved by the stare.

"because they were promised glory under their leaders rule?" Mordred answered her tone a little unsure, there was also a little naivety in her voice.

", these men fought so hard because they had families at home, they fought to better themselves and their families so they could live unburdened by war and suffering. It will be something you will one day understand a man will go to whatever lengths to protect that which he holds dear to him, rules, oaths and material belongings will not stop him, only death can stop that sort of man. Pray to god that an army of men like this cannot form for I fear if they did Camelot would fall..."

Oh how right he had been, Mordred had been that man, she had set alight the hearts of the suffering, she had called the great king corrupt and her knight's inadequate to protect the people. She had roared the hypocrisy of the once and future king, but in the end no one won, two armies of unstoppable knight's met face to face, blade across blade, body over body, she had done it all until the kings last stand ended her life.

She could still remember the distraught, tear stained face of Artoria kneeling over her as she took her final breath, it was in this moment the fire had burnt out and all she had been left with was soul-crushing regret.

But she knew that whilst she may not be one of those men anymore, her father most definitely is...

"J-James?" y/n's eyes were wide in shock.

Their surrounding were reduced to an empty void. The two brothers stood about two meters apart from each other.

"y/n, took you long enough, you used to be faster than that, don't tell me your getting slow in your old age?" James smirked as y/n stared blankly at him.

"I'll take that as me being a spry old man and not whatever you're implicating" James laughed at y/n's reply to him.

"take it however you want but it doesn't change the reality" y/n sighed, before looking around once again.

"where are we?" y/n asked as James took a step forward, the ground where he stepped rippled like ink.

"no clue, but your body is currently at the heart of pigeon realm, so you need to wake up real soon, because Urthemiel is making his move and I ain't letting my afterlife get ruined by some wannabe corrupt edgelord." James pouted crossing his arms as y/n simply raised an eyebrow at his behaviour.

"what the fuck are you saying? Also if you want me to wake up, help me do it, instead of whining like a bitch" he snapped as James let out a short huff. As the pair started walking towards a doorway of light that appeared a short distance from them.

*Kouh, Hyoudou Residence*

It had been several hours since the group returned home to see the news report of the incident in Kyoto, Kiba had been doing chores to try and take his mind of the battle the knights had been fighting.

It was then that he heard a knock on the door.

*hey! Kiba you gotta see this dude" Iseei screamed through the door, as Kiba rushed out the door.

"whoa! It's Mordred! She's on T.v!" Kiba frowned as he entered the living room, Rias and Akeno we're still talking with Sona and Tsubaki when the news report had changed to a message that had been broadcaster through every possible communication network, technological and magical. On the Screen Mordred appeared next to her mother, both of them were wearing their armour, there was still blood and gore upon it but that wasn't all that important. Kiba let out a sigh of relief upon seeing Mordred alive.

"I am King Artoria Uther Cousland-Pendragon, King of Camelot and Magical Britain. I am sending out this message to all who can hear it. Humanities oldest enemy has returned, the Blight is upon us, we have tracked the Archdemon's magical signature, it is heading straight towards Camelot, London has already fallen" what followed were overhead pictures of London in ruins, big been was a lot with purple fire, the londony eye, had been knocked over into the thames causing horrendous casualties, bodies filled the river and the streets, blood formed streams into the drains.

Kiba was speechless, never had he seen such devastation, Rias and Sona also seemed to be in similar situations upon seeing the British capital in ruins.

"we must act now, the Blight must be stopped, the Archdemon is coming to us, I beg of you all, send all the aid you can, whether they are weapons, soldiers or supplies, it matters not all the help we can get will be instrumental in turning the tide against the dark spawn." as soon as Artoria finished speaking the message ended turning back to the confused news reader for the local news channel.

"what are they thinking exposing the supernatural world to humanity, it's a reckless and foolish idea." Rias spoke before Sona turned to her.

"you can't blame the knights and King Artoria after all, they weren't the ones who attacked Kyoto. Besides, from what King Artoria said we are in the endgame now." Sona spoke her glasses glinting as her expression turned cold.

After stepping through the doorway, Y/n fell through the void into a battlefield, the sky was dark full of despair, all around him knights tore themselves to pieces, their eyes full of rage and anguish, the fighting was fierce, y/n could see the shape of Lancelot his hair long and unkept, blood dripped from his lips, Excalibur Galantine lay covered in blood, as the form of Gawain kneeled next to it, the demonic Arondlight, piercing his chest.

Seeing the bodies of his fellow knights y/n had a suspicion on where he was currently.
He looked up towards the peak of the hill only to see a sight that brought him to his knees.

The corpses of the King and the Traitor.

The remains of his wife and daughter.

The bodies of his heart and soul.

He was standing on Camlann hill, the place where the two people he loved the most died...

Continuer la Lecture

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