The School for Good and Evil...

נכתב על ידי SRSInkFeather

22.3K 909 184

Once upon a time, before Sophie and Agatha, two students changed the school forever. Friends in Gavaldon, the... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Epilogue

Chapter 4

1.3K 49 17
נכתב על ידי SRSInkFeather

Garth resurfaced in murky water, gasping for breath. It was nothing like the lake in Gavaldon, thick and sludgy rather than crystal clear. He looked around. Other people were in the water and were swimming to who knows where, the mist heavy and thick.

"Hey! Blue eyes!" His eyes darted around the area, trying to find the source of the ominous voice. All of a sudden, the mild smell of trash became a toxic dump. A boy, probably a year younger than he, swam out of the mist. "You planning on drowning out here, or swimming to shore?" the little guy barked. His eyes were red, not from crying, but the actual color. His brown mop of hair was sticking straight up and he had the teeth of a vampire.

"If you couldn't tell, Dracula," Garth spat, "I can't see anything in this fog." The kid sneered.

"Name's Kergy, not Dracula. And I'll lead you to shore, blue eyes." Kergy started swimming into the mist and Garth followed. It wasn't long before they reached shore. Kergy got up first and gave him a hand. "You're pretty fit for a Never, blue eyes," Kergy remarked as Garth climbed out of the water. He stood a whole head taller than the vampire, and yet this kid acted like he was two years older than him.

"Name's Garth, not blue eyes. And you get a little muscle when you have to swim everyday to get home." Kergy smiled.

"We're going to be best buds, Garth." He punched his arm and started walking. Garth wasn't exactly paying attention, wondering if Lilac was ok. The crack of a whip snapped him out of it.

"Get moving!" a wolf howled. Garth ran for the line, falling in behind Kergy. He then noticed the number of uniformed wolves. An army at least, if not more. The crack of whips sounded once in a while, either a student straying from the line or walking too slowly. Each time one hit a person's back or was simply a warning, Garth flinched. Kergy noticed.

"You a baby underneath that muscle?" Garth shook his head. Another crack of a whip sent his hand to his chest. He looked down to see the satchel he had been given still over his shoulder. He held the strap like a life line.

"Scarring experience. Literally and figuratively." He walked faster, wanting to get as far away as possible from the sound of his past. They passed the gates of Evil, dark barbed wire steel gates with black swans at the corners. In between them, carved into the gate, was The School for Evil Edification and Propagation of Sin, a mouthful for "you're a villain."

The line kept moving, headed for the three towers that soared past the fog. The main entrance was wide open, a crocodile's open jaw. Whether that was literally the case or not, Garth didn't know. All he knew was that he was walking through a tunnel that looked like it would eat him for breakfast at any moment.

Garth kept walking until the line reached a stopping point. They stood in some kind of foyer that reeked of sweat and fish caught years ago. Statues lined the walls, gargoyles and the good old Evil queen from Snow White. She was hunched over and holding out an apple. He could practically hear her words.

"Take the apple, my dear." He grinned. Now that was making a name for yourself. I'm a little old granny, but I can take care of myself. The thought of the woman reminded him of another, who he hoped hadn't taken a bite of the witch's apple.

* * *

Lilac was lying in chrysanthemums and lilies, motionless. She opened her eyes slowly, staring into her hand. The little princess lay there, staring right back. She gasped and shot up.

"Garth!" She looked around the field of flowers, looking for a hint of black in the orange, pink, and green. No luck. She glimpsed beyond the clear lake to the dark towers of Evil. She fell back into the flowers, which moved around in order to give her a gentle landing. She looked up at the little figurine, the princess Garth saw within her soul. She held it close, pressing it against her chest.

"Why?" she breathed, a tear forming in her eye.

The tinkle of bells reached her ears, but it didn't faze her. She wanted Victoria to be by her side. She wanted to make sure Garth was ok. But none of that would ever happen. Not here. Blocking the sunlight that blinded her, a little fairy flew above her. It looked just like Victoria, which made Lilac cry. The little fairy girl tugged at her arm.

"Leave me here. I don't want to go." The flowers were plotting against her, pushing her upward so she was sitting up. Another fairy came by and the two working together carried her into the sky. She looked around her, not really caring. Other girls, fair and beautiful, were being ferried by fairies to somewhere. It was all the same place though, the front gates to be exact.

Carved into the golden gates were the words, The School for Good Enlightenment and Enchantment. As if she cared at the moment. The four towers of Good were in view, two pink and two blue spires reaching for the sky.

The fairies put her down near the front doors. Other girls were already there, talking to each other about princes and makeup. Lilac glanced at the figurine still in her hands, asking herself why Garth couldn't be at her side. Why her best friend couldn't be there to see her through the doors.

"That's cute." Lilac glanced up to see a blond girl with dazzling blue eyes. She wore a brilliant pink dress covered in glitter. "My name is Isabella. What is your's?" Isabella's smile glittered in the sun, pure white teeth that matched her glowing personality.

"Lilac," she replied quietly. Isabella frowned slightly as she tilted her head.

"Something wrong?" she asked. Lilac just stared at the little princess. "If it's your dress, you shouldn't worry."

"It's not my dress," Lilac sighed. "My friend, Garth, was taken to Evil. He made me this." She left out the minor detail. She was the only one who needed to know it was of her. Isabella smiled.

"That's sweet."

"It's also probably cursed." The two girls looked up to see another blond, only her hair was in bouncy curls like Goldie Locks. She had bright brown eyes and a perfect smile to match the condition of her yellow frock. "If he's a Never, he probably gave it to you as a trick. Like Snow White and the apple." Lilac held the figure tighter.

"I'll take my chances." She walked away, shoving past girls so she could reach the doors faster.

* * *

Garth made his way through the line, taking notes on the broad view of the students. To start, none of them were as strong or as fit as he was. None of them had blue eyes either, more like red or brown or green or, in some cases, a whole mix of dark and dastardly colors. So in all, he looked like a prince compared to all these guys. Some even looked at him like he was an enemy.

As he continued walking, Garth noticed the entrances to the towers, each with a name engraved by the staircase. Each staircase, Mischief, Malice, and Vice, had pictures of past students and their fairy tale roles. He noticed a couple familiar names from Gavaldon and a couple storybook mentors he recognized. He noticed on one portrait, a kid named Reat, the word "Failed." There was no storybook reference to him beside his portrait.

"Kergy," he said as they continued forward. "What happens to failed students?" The mini vampire shrugged.

"Maybe they get eaten," he suggested. Garth nodded with understanding.

"So don't fail." He walked up to a little hag who handed him a sheet of parchment. He took it, but she didn't let go of her end.

"Something wrong?" he asked, looking at the lady.

"Blue eyes and strength. A prince's traits," she cackled. He ripped the paper out of her hand and kept walking. An ogre dumped a stack of books in his arms, which he in turn put in his satchel.

"Where are you?" Kergy asked, nodding to the parchment in his hands. He read the piece of paper, slightly charred and torn at the edges.

Garth of Woods Beyond

Evil, 1st year

Vice tower 53

1: Curses and Death Traps - Lady Lesso

2: Uglification - Prof. Callis

3: Henchmen Training - Castor

4: History of Villainy - Prof. August Sader

5: Lunch

6: Special Talents - Prof. Sheeba Sheeks

7: Surviving Fairy Tales - Yuba the Gnome - (Forest Group #3)

"Vice tower. Room 53," he responded. Kergy punched him in the arm again.

"Bunkmates. We gonna have fun or what?" A satyr dumped a black tunic in their arms. As if Kergy didn't smell bad enough, now he was getting an air stinkifier to wear everywhere he went. Kergy started climbing the steps to Vice. Garth followed behind, planning on dropping off his stuff and running straight to the bridge. According to legend, that's where the schools met and were divided.

When they reached room 53, Kergy kicked open the door. A scrawny boy sat on one of the beds, looking through all of his books. He looked up, but Garth wished he hadn't paid them any attention. He had a flattened nose like a pig's and wide, beady brown eyes. He had overgrown brown locks of hair that had green slime dripping from it.

"Well aren't you a sight?" Kergy commented as Garth forced his stomach back down his throat. The guy snorted, then coughed to clear his throat.

"Sorry about that," he said in a squeaky voice. "Name's Jerald, with a 'J'." Garth nodded and sat his stuff down by a bed. The blanket was rough and had multiple holes in it. He almost missed his small cove and the blanket Lilac had made him.

He took off his shirt and was about to throw on his new uniform when Jerald asked, "Are those abs?" Garth sighed and turned around so his new roommates could see.

"Happy?" he asked. Jerald just stared in awe.

"Scarring experience," Kergy observed. "That would be the literal part?" Garth put on the scratchy tunic.

"I don't like to talk about it, so don't ask." He dumped the books on the bed, noticing a few titles; How to Cook Children (with New Recipes!), The Novice's Guide to Kidnapping and Murder, and Spells for Suffering, Year 1. He put his satchel over his shoulder and ran out the door. He slunk his way back outside, keeping one goal in mind. Get to the bridge and make sure Lilac was ok.

* * *

Lilac was going through the line, trying to make as little conversation as possible. Word had gotten out to the other girls that her friend was a Never and that he had given her the figurine. She kept it hidden underneath her sash, knowing someone might try to smash it.

Instead, she concentrated on her new surroundings. Everything was bright and colorful. Everyone was colorful and cheery. Four staircases were connected to the foyer, leading to the four towers, Purity, Charity, Valor, and Honor. The Evergirls and Everboys, as they were called around there, were split up. Valor and Honor went to the future princes while Purity and Charity went to the future princesses. Once in a while a girl would ask when they would get to see the princes or would try to climb up their towers just to get a glimpse.

"Here you are, sweetie," a pink-haired nymph twittered, handing her a schedule. A blue-haired nymph gave her a stack of books, tied together with a beautiful pink bow. The first title read Winning Your Prince. The small figure grew warm underneath her sash. She ignored the sensation and moved on.

Another nymph handed her a short pink pinafore with puffy sleeves. A white lace blouse was underneath it. She looked at her schedule to find her tower.

Lilac of Woods Beyond

Good, 1st Year

Charity tower 60

1: Princess Etiquette - Pollux

2: Beautification - Prof. Emma Anemone

3: Animal Communication - Princess Uma

4: History of Heroism - Prof. August Sader

5: Lunch

6: Good Deeds - Prof. Clarissa Dovey

7: Surviving Fairy Tales - Yuba the Gnome - (Forest Group #3)

Lilac ran up Charity tower, passing photographs of Evers who had succeeded in making their happily ever after a reality. Some of them were from Gavaldon. She stopped when she saw "Vicky of Woods Beyond" on a portrait. The portrait looked just like Victoria, only the girl was older and had freckles and green eyes. Victoria had always said her eyes reminded her of her sister's. Below the words, however, was the word Failed.

No happily ever after. No prince. Her sister had failed and vanished without a trace. Lilac touched the painting, wishing she could take it to Victoria. She could see her sister whenever she wanted, Victoria just had to look at the painting.

Lilac kept climbing the stairs until she reached room 60. She opened the door to find it empty. Finally, someplace to be alone. She closed the door and sat the books and schedule down on a bed by the window. She got changed into her new uniform, hiding the figure away in her dress, ignoring the pair of high heels, and leaving her boots on. She glanced away from the mural of a princess kissing her prince and looked out the window.

There was a bridge, stretched across the Good shores to the shores of Evil. She climbed up a little more out the window when she thought she saw a person headed straight for the bridge. From the shores of Evil. Garth. Lilac's face lit up at the thought of seeing Garth safe and sound. She had to get to the bridge.

"What on earth are you doing?" Lilac climbed down and came face to face with a scowling brunette. Her brown eyes were gentle but still shocked.

"Lilac! This is your room too?" Isabella walked in with a pink suitcase and stack of books.

"Yes. Look, I have to go real quick. I'll be back," Lilac sputtered, running out the door and down the staircase. She dodged teachers and nymphs as she made her way through the main doors. Little fairies followed her, but she left them in the dust. She reached the bridge and saw Garth already there.

"Garth! You're ok!" she cried, running up to greet him.

"Whoa, stop! Lilac!" She ran head on into something that wasn't Garth. She fell to the bridge, disoriented. "Lilac! Lilac, are you ok?" Garth persisted. She sat up, trying to grasp her surroundings. "Lilac."

"I'm fine," she replied, standing up. She put her hands in front of her and walked slowly forward. Her hands touched something solid between them. She looked up and around, the invisible barrier stretching out into the bay.

"Lilac." She turned to Garth, his hands on the barrier as well. "We don't have much time and we have to stay on our separate sides. Are you alright? How was your landing?" Lilac pursed her lips. "Lilac?"

"I wish you were over here," she burst. "The girls think the little princess you gave me is cursed because you're a Never. I just found out Victoria's sister failed at the school for Good and-"

"Hey, hey. It's ok," Garth soothed. Lilac swallowed her tears.

"What about you? How are you doing?" Garth turned away for a moment, taking a breath and checking the area for wolves.

"Right at home. Only a few people think I'm some kind of prince cause of my eyes and build." He smiled at Lilac. "I have a vampire and a pig for roommates. History of Villainy class should be fun. Learning about all the cool baddies." Lilac was frowning as he continued to talk, so he stopped. "Look, I know you see me as some kind of hero, but in reality, I am not that guy," he denied. She sighed and stared down at the bridge.

"I know," she whispered. He stared at her, thinking she was going to say something else. But she walked away, toward the princess castle and rolling fields of flowers. Garth knew she wasn't coming back, but he stayed a moment longer, just to see her keep walking. Then he turned and ran, not wanting to be caught by the wolves.

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