By aquassb

12.2K 581 493

5 years later... Thin line Sequal More

Missing You🥀
I Care🥀
Heard It All Before🥀
All the Way Home🥀
4 page letter🥀
You're Makin Me High🥀
Easy on Me🥀
Breakin' My Heart🥀
Stranger in my house🥀
Love Drought🥀
Be without you🥀
In Pieces🥀
Pray You Catch Me🥀
My life🥀
Forgive Me🥀
Never Too Much🥀
Dance for you🥀
The Kids Are Alright🥀
Always Be My Baby🥀

Sweet thing🥀

369 21 9
By aquassb

Brandy's pov

"Out of an unknown place... kinda like left field.." I nodded my head to the song as it played.

I smiled at one of my producers for the song, Justin, as I listened to the song back. It always amazes me how different a song could sound when I wasn't actively singing it.

The moment this played I knew it would be a stand out for my upcoming album. I continued listening until the song faded out and everyone in the studio erupted with applause.

I wasn't use to this many people being in the studio with me while I work but I let it slide since I wasn't actually recording today.

I was working with 'Tha Bizness' for the first time and they haven't disappointed me yet in terms of their work ethic and skills. So I could put up with a few of their groupies for the thirty minutes I planned on being here.

"That's hot, right?" Chris, one half of the duo, spoke up.

"Yeah, it is. I gotta give it to y'all, I had my doubts  but y'all came through.."

"I told you to trust us and we would come through for you!" Henny chimed in.

"I know, I know! I won't doubt y'all ever again.." I laughed before asking to play the song again.

The song played again before I heard my phone ring. I picked it up to see it was from Monica but quickly declined because it was loud in the studio. I knew she would ask a million questions and I was about to leave anyway.

My phone vibrates again in my hand, notifying me that she texted me.


: It's loud where I am

Wifey🫶🏾: Where are you?

: Studio. Are you okay?

Wifey🫶🏾: My stomach hurts and I'm nauseous. Can you bring home some pepto?

: What are you pregnant?
- & it's some in our bathroom cabinet

Wifey🫶🏾: Now how tf would I be— it's not there I checked..

: Check the kids bathroom & don't doubt my abilities 🤭

Wifey🫶🏾: You're amazing but I doubt you can get me pregnant let's be realistic 😭

: Just go see if it's there 🙄


: LMAOOOO why did you take the picture
like you're doing promo for pepto?!?

Wifey🫶🏾: I don't know 😭
- When are you coming back? I need you to rub my stomach😔

: I'm leaving now but I'm going to stop
and get you a pregnancy test

Wifey🫶🏾: 😐 just stay where you at

Laughed at '😐 just stay where you at'


"Mama!" Benji yelled as he ran to me. I lowered down to his level in scooped him up in my arms. I kissed his cheeks and watched as he giggled.

"Where's your brother and sister?" I asked and he pointed towards the living room causing me to go in that direction.

It was way too quiet letting me know that nothing good could be happening around the corner. I turned the corner into the living room and immediately caught on to why it was quiet.

To my surprise it wasn't a bad thing. They were both cuddled up on opposite ends of the couch watching Cinderella.

"Oh my Gosh! Who is that gorgeous girl on the screen?!" I teased from behind them causing both of their heads to snap around.

"It's you mama! Can you watch with us?" Mya yelled with a laugh before running to me.

"Uh yeah in a little bit I need to check on mommy.. okay?" I replied before putting Benji down and pulling her into a hug.

"Otay.." She skipped back over to the couch as I turned my attention to Mazi who was now focused on his iPad.

"Hello to you too son."

"Hi mama.." He said back softly and I nudged his head playfully before going towards the stairs. I made sure to grab the plastic cvs bag before heading upstairs.

"Where's Brandy?" I heard Toya ask through the phone just as I walked through the door of my shared bedroom.

"Right here she just walked in.." She answered as I stuck my head in the camera.

"Oh! Your mother got denied custody and visitation rights. The judge said that it was up to the discretion of the primary parent for the child's best interest at heart." She announced.

"I told you she wouldn't get what she wanted. Just make sure you get the restraining order.." I reminded her before moving my head out of the camera.

"Yeah, my lawyer is working on that now.." She replied.

"Good— oh! This is for you.." I said turning my attention to Monica and handing her the bag in my hand.

She gave me a confused look before rummaging through the bag and pulling out a pregnancy test. She shot me a look that showed her growing annoyance before tossing the test at me.

"Why are you playing?!" She yelled as I caught the flying test. "I'm not playing baby. I think I forgot to pull out.." I laughed.

"What are y'all talking about?" Toya spoke up reminding me that she was still on the phone.

"Your bestie might be pregnant.." I laughed before shoving the test into the camera. Monica pushed me by my stomach causing me to laugh even harder.

"I'm so confused.." Toya muttered.

"Me too sis. Brandy's losing it... I'm not pregnant. I just have a stomach bug or something.." She explained.

"Ohhh... she must have baby fever or something.." Toya laughed.

"Not really I just like messing with my baby.." I pouted and leaned over to hug her. She swatted at me causing me to back up with a laugh.

3 days later...
Monica's pov

"Stop, you're supposed to be helping me pack.." I laughed before pushing her away from me.

"I folded your shirts.." She laughed before pulling the strings on my pajama shorts as she sat in front of me on the edge of the bed.

We'd been insatiable all day, well really all weekend it seemed like. My mom took the kids to the beach for the weekend to celebrate the twins graduation. It was nice to have alone time with the two of us before I left to go on tour so I wasn't complaining.

That was if I ever made it because at this rate I was almost certain Brandy wasn't going to allow me to pack.

"Mmcht— you folded two shirts..." I rolled my eyes and swatted at her hands. She moved her hands away from the strings with a laugh before placing them on my waist.

I felt myself instantly grow wet as I leaned into her touch. You may not think that one small touch would be enough but it didn't take much for her to get me in the mood. She could smile and I was ready to rip her clothes off. That's just the effect she had on me.

"No I folded three, thank you very much.." She replied before pulling me between her legs.


"What?" She laughed as her hands moved up the side of my shorts and squeezed my thighs.

"I have to pack... I leave tomorrow night and I wanna spend all of my time tomorrow with the kids so I won't have time to do this.."

"Okay then pack... I'm not stopping you." She smiled before moving her hand up to my ass and squeezing there as well.

"Okay, but you're distracting me.." I sighed before grabbing her wrist and pulling her hands out of my shorts.

"I'm sorry baby. Give me a kiss and I'll leave you alone.."

"Fine.." I laughed, lowly before bringing my hand to her face, digging my nails into her face, and pressing our lips together.

I pecked her lips a couple times refusing to deepen it before attempting to pull away and I do mean attempt. I placed my unoccupied hand onto her chest to assist me with moving back only for her to bite my bottom lip, keeping my lips on hers.

Her hands went to the back of my thighs and pulled me onto her lap as I straddled her. I mumbled her name against her lips in protest but it came out as more of a moan than anything.

She finally pulled back with a wide grin causing me to push her lightly. "You said a kiss! Not a damn make out session..."

She shrugged, before bringing her hand down on my ass hard. I jolted further into her lap as I fought the moan that threatened to escape my mouth.

"You're acting like you're not turned on right now... don't make me beg.." She poked her lip out as her arms tightened around my waist.

"You don't know what I am right now." I laughed.

"I do. I know my wife, thank you very much.." She replied. I rolled my eyes at her response before looping my arms around her neck.

"No you don't because the only thing on my mind right now is packing." I retorted causing the corners of her mouth to curve into a smirk.

"Then why are you still sitting on me?"

"Because you pulled me on you..." I squinted at her, showing my annoyance but she didn't appear amused in the slightest as her smirk faded and she pulled me closer.

"Alright enough playing... I'll pack for you after I put you to sleep.."

I scrunched my eyebrows up feigning offense as my arms dropped from around her neck. She put me to sleep a couple of times but to throw it in my face was insane. Especially if you consider the fact that I've done it to her plenty of times.

"You're too cocky.."

"Cause I know what I can do, but— I'm tired of talking.." She interrupted herself mid sentence as she flipped us over, letting my back hit the bed.

"—But what about packing? Brandy I have to pack.." I whined as I helped her remove my pajama bottoms.

"I told you I'll pack for you..." She smirked before lowering her head and coming face to face with my center.


"Benji, Mya, say bye to Mommy and Mazi.." Brandy said before handing Benji off to me.

I kissed his cheeks and then I subtly watched as Brandy said her goodbyes to Mazi. We decided it would be best for Mazi to go with me instead of staying home.

Mazi was starting to show interest in music and he's attached to my hip every hour of the day so it just made sense. Besides, it was summertime so we didn't have to worry about him missing school.

Once we were done saying our goodbyes we parted ways as I got onto my private flight with my crew and Brandy pulled off with Mya and Benji.

"Mommy I'm hungry.." Mazi said before I could even strap him into the seat.

"There's snacks right here and then when we land I can get you some real food, okay?" I replied and he nodded.

I gave him his headphones followed by his iPad and he was all set. Mazi was a really easy child. As long as I was within arms length he was quiet and content.

"Mo, you'll have about five hours before the show once we land.." My assistant let me know as she sat at the seat across from Mazi and I.

"Alright... I'll do sound check and then go straight into hair and makeup.." I said to which she nodded.

We landed in Los Angeles a couple hours later and I did sound check as planned. I then waited for my half team and then got start on my hair first followed by my makeup shortly after.

Once I was done with my makeup, I got dressed and then we had one last discussion before it was time to go on stage.

"Okay my only request for tonight is to keep it clean on the ear pieces. Mazi is my little assistant in training and I don't want a million questions after on what certain things mean. Y'all know what's appropriate and what's not.." I said and everyone agreed before we started to go over last minute things.

"Mommy..." I heard from behind me causing me to snap my head around.

"Yes baby?"

"Can we go shopping tomorrow? I need some more shorts.." He asked innocently. I laughed at the randomness of the question before nodding my head 'yes'.

"Yes we can have a shopping date, okay?" He nodded and skipped back over to the couch so I could finish up with my team.

After we were done I got mic'd up and I held Mazi's hand as we made our way towards the stage.

"Okay, son wish me luck!" I laughed and kissed his cheek as he smiled brightly.

"Good luck, mommy!" He said making me laugh harder as I let go of his hand, leaving him with my assistant. And there I was starting the first of many shows to come in the next few months...

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