Phoenix (mha x oc)

By Knerd14

82.8K 2K 637

Hawks' niece comes to live with him in order to study at UA High School, and along the way, she meets many pe... More

Character Description
Chapter 1: Uncle?
Chapter 2: The Entrance Exam
Chapter 3: First Day at UA
Chapter 4: Combat Training
Chapter 5: Chaos
Chapter 6: USJ
Chapter 7: New Scars
Chapter 8: Spilling Secrets...
Chapter 9: The Aftermath
Chapter 10: The Sports Festival Pt. 1
Chapter 11: The Sports Festival Pt. 2
Chapter 12: The Sports Festival Pt. 3
Chapter 13: Concern
Chapter 14: Confidence
Chapter 15: Two Knives
Chapter 16: Risen from the Ashes
Chapter 17: Train Buddies
Chapter 18: Study Buddies
Chapter 20: Shopping Incidents
Chapter 21: I-Island Expo
Chapter 21: Training Camp
Chapter 23: Calamity
Chapter 24: A Bond Born in Trauma
Chapter 25: Late Nights and Big Fights
Chapter 26: Recovery
Chapter 27: Staying with the Bakugos
Chapter 28: Dorms and a Blue Eye
Chapter 29: Ultimate Moves and Therapy
Chapter 30: The License Exam Pt. 1
Chapter 31: The Licensing Exam Pt. 2
Chapter 32: An Explanation and a Work Study
Chapter 33: Working with Fae and a Meeting
Chapter 34: A Plan
Chapter 35: Go!
Chapter 36: Fiery Determination
Chapter 37: Survivor's Guilt
Chapter 38: A Supplemental Lesson
Chapter 39: Surprise
Chapter 40: Performance
Chapter 41: A Deal

Chapter 19: The Final

1.6K 46 6
By Knerd14

Tanaka's POV

Midoriya and I continued studying throughout the week, also throwing in some physical training as well. I really learned a lot from him and I was very happy that I chose to study with him. The first phase of finals went by smoothly, all thanks to Midoriya. 

Now, it was time for the practical. I put on my newly made hero costume that had my DNA in it so it would, in theory, regenerate with me.

Apparently, there were rumors going around that we would be fighting robots like in the entrance exam, but I had a feeling that the teachers would be pulling out something different. Think about it, this school year has been nothing but unpredictable situations. The teachers must have recognized that and have likely made changes to their methods to try to accommodate for that.

And as it turns out, I was right. 

"You're going to be going against us teachers in pairs. Your partners have been chosen based on grades, class performance, and interpersonal relationships. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, for example, will be going against me," Aizawa said with a mischievous smirk, "And Bakugo and Midoriya will be going against..."

I sweat dropped at the thought of the two of them being put together, but it was nothing compared to the feeling when I realized their opponent. All Might. 

'They're fucked.'

Aizawa then listed off the pairings, but then I noticed something off. "Sir, you didn't call my name," I called out with a raised hand.

My class began to murmur about that, and Nezu smiled, "That's because you'll be going against a special opponent that we called in specifically to face you alone. Since you are so talented and you have a very special quirk, we decided that you would have no problem going up against him by yourself."

"Him?" I asked.

Then, I noticed something red float past my vision. 

"I mean, your relationship will prove to be not only an advantage, but a handicap. We think it balances your abilities and your lack of a partner nicely," Nezu explains as my heart sank.

"Who will she be going against?" Midoriya asked.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I saw a shadow cover my body. We all looked up to see him. Keigo.

'I'm fucked' 

"That can't possibly be fair!" Iida exclaimed.

"Yeah! He's the number three hero!" Mina shouted.

"And she doesn't even have a partner!" Kirishima complained.

"As Principle Nezu said, their relationship will prove to be an advantage, seeing as they train together so she knows some of his weaknesses, but at the same time is a handicap, as he knows her weaknesses. Same rules apply, Hawks will be handicapped with shackles that account for half his weight and she can win by either cuffing him or by running away," Aizawa explained as Hawks landed on the ground in front of them. 

His golden eyes met mine, "Let's see how much you improved, Fuka."




I watched the first match in the observation room nervously. I got lost in thought to the point that I didn't see or sense the person beside me.

"Tanaka, are you ok?" 

I jumped at the sudden voice beside me, only to see Midoriya standing there. "Oh, hey. Yeah I'm ok, what about you? Shouldn't you be strategizing for your fight with All Might?" I asked.

"Well, I would but Kacchan... doesn't seem to be in the mood to cooperate. Besides, I'd like to watch our classmates," Midoriya explained.

I nodded, understanding the situation, "Do you have a plan to take on Hawks?" he asked.

"I have a few ideas... for one, I do have the upper hand in terms of quirks," I said.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, his main weakness is fire," I stated as I watched Kirishima and Sato attempt to withstand Cementoss.

"And you can control fire! That really gives you an advantage!" Midoriya exclaimed.

"Yes, and I'm sure that was one of the advantages that the teachers knew I'd have that made them think I could take him by myself. However, that doesn't erase the fact that he is the number 3 hero. His speed and skill alone is enough to overpower me, I've experienced it enough times when he was going easy on me to tell you that much," I explained.

"I see, so it will still be a tough battle for you," Midoriya muttered as Kirishima and Sato officially lost.




"Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo pass the practical!" the PA system announced, "Fuka Tanaka, report to Ground Alpha!"

I took a shaky, nervous breath and made my way to the bus that was to take me to my final exam location. As I was about to board the bus, a cold hand grabbed my left shoulder. I turned around to see Todoroki. "Oh, hey Todoroki. Good job on your final!" I said happily, trying to hide my nerves.

He nodded and said, "Thanks. Just so you know... I'm sure you'll pass. The teachers wouldn't have let you go against him alone if they didn't think you could handle it."

My heart swelled with appreciation. I gave him a soft smile and said, "Thanks Todoroki. That... that really helps."

He nodded and walked back to the observation room. I boarded the bus and let my thoughts run. A mixture of fear and confidence whirled through my head, unsure of what to do. 'I could try to run, but there's no way I'll be fast enough. I'll have to take him head on.' I thought to myself as the bus pulled up to the testing site. I took a big breath as I walked off the bus. 'Let's do this.'

I walked into the arena and listened for the PA system. A few moments later, I heard it go off. "Fuka Tanaka, final exam. Ready? Go!"

Third Person POV

Tanaka zoomed toward the exit. "What is she doing? She's heading straight toward Hawks! Shouldn't she go for stealth since he's so powerful?!" Mineta exclaimed.

"No, she's thinking about her time limit. Not to mention, Hawks will be able to find her no matter where she goes," Midoriya reasoned as he walked in from the infirmary.

"But how is she going to escape with him standing at the exit?" Mina asked.

"She isn't," Todoroki chimed in, "Hawks isn't known as the fastest hero for no reason. Her chances of escape are slim to none, so she has one option."

'Gotta take him out and cuff him!' Tanaka thought to herself as she zoomed toward the exit where she was sure her uncle was standing. Sure enough, he soon came into view. Tanaka instantaneously lit her wings ablaze and sent many flaming feathers Hawks' way.

Hawks saw this and smirked. 'Feisty as usual, ay Fuka?' He swiftly avoided each and every flaming feather as he zoomed toward his niece. Her eyes opened wide as he appeared in front of her with his fist reeled back for a punch. She flinched, her wings folding instinctively, causing her to fall to the ground. "Aw, done so soon, Fuka?" Hawks teased.

Tanaka growled, "Not even close." 

She rolled over and shot pure fire toward him. As Hawks was knocked back, Tanaka grabbed the cuffs from her utility belt and leapt toward her uncle. However, Hawks smirked and glanced at her before launching up into the air narrowly before she could cuff him. Tanaka cursed and flew after him, but she was no where near as fast as he was. She growled again and sent more flames his way. They singed his wings, causing him to lose a little bit of altitude. Hawks looked back and sighed, "Well if you want to play it that way."

He turned around midair and dove toward Tanaka at an alarming rate. He then grabbed one of his large feathers and held it like a sword, the same way he taught Tanaka to. Tanaka grit her teeth and grabbed one of her feathers, doing the same as him. They clashed, fighting with their feathers. Hawks was slowly gaining on her, backing her further from the exit. Tanaka then smirked, lighting the feather-sword on fire, which caused Hawks' feather to burn away in almost an instant. Tanaka smiled and swung her flaming weapon at her beloved uncle, but her smile quickly dissolved when Hawks was suddenly no longer in sight. Then, she felt someone stab the base of her left wing. Tanaka cried out in pain and plummeted toward the ground. 

"Tanaka!" Midoriya and the others cried from the observation room. 

Tanaka hit the ground with a sickening crack. She gasped for air as Hawks landed between her and the exit. "Sorry Fuka, but I figured I'd take advantage of the family weakness since you decided to take advantage of my weakness," he taunted, slowly walking toward her with a new feather-sword in hand, "It was only fair."

Tanaka grit her teeth and slowly got up, her body screaming in pain. She ignored the fiery pain  as well as the thick, hot liquid that was dripping down her head. All Tanaka could think about was one thing, and that was passing. She reached down to her utility belt only to find that the cuffs weren't there. 'Fuck.'

She hissed as she stood, determination and adrenaline being the only thing keeping her from passing out then and there. 'I can do this... I just have to out-speed the fastest hero...' she thought to herself as he slowly approached her. 

Tanaka growled and lit her wings aflame, storming toward him. 'I gotta get around him!' she thought to herself, 'Nothing can stop me now!' 

Hawks braced himself, unprepared to see his niece push herself so hard. His eyes met hers, but he noticed that the usual gold had been replaced with a fiery orange that was flickering and roaring like an inferno. Then, her entire body burst into flame. Hawks' golden eyes widened as the flames consumed her body until the flames burned away.

And just like that, she was gone.

"W-where did she go?!" Midoriya asked, the rest of Class 1-A thinking the same thing, but too stunned to even speak.

Hawks froze, confused and worried for the safety of his niece. Then, he heard the roar of a flame from just behind him. 

"No way..." the class uttered.

Hawks turned around to see flames materialize out of thin air, forming the body of his beloved niece. He was too stunned to move or stop her. And just like that, she was able to pass through the gate.

"Fuka Tanaka has passed the final!"

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