Penny & the Guardians

By SunshineRo91

895 142 173

When Penny takes a job as a carer for Alice, who's mobility and memories are fading. She doesn't expect this... More

1 - Release
2 - Room to grow
3 Not a suitable option
4 - There is no price
5 The moon, the fox and the worm
6 - Have to be earned
7 - Neighbours a show
8 - New home
9 - Do this properly
10 - I have eyes
12 - Man sweat
13 - Moon Goddess
14 - Berries and Honey
15 - First Meeting
16 - Barielles
17 - The Merciful isle of Osira
18 - Crash Solo
19 - Garnian Corporation
20 - River water
21 - Deino
22 - Matsu
23 - Upturned Prongs
24 - Cabin
25 - Floating
26 - Exile
27 - Stuck Up Bounty Hunters
28 - Moving on
29 - Ten mini pasta dishes
30 - Harold
31 - Lost in the night
32 - Barbara
33 - Squad 5
34 - Landrags
35 - Training
36 - Flyers Tavern
37 - Fight
38 - Tales

11 - You left

13 4 0
By SunshineRo91

The drive to the City was a little nerve wracking. It had worked out well that it fell on the return of when my brother came back I picked up the bath chair, ramp and handrails and packed them into the boot and went to see my family. Mum had made a big lunch. My brother showed up half way through. After showering he came downstairs and shovelled food in his mouth. I said goodbye discreetly wondering if I could leave without him knowing I had actually left for a week. I wave goodbye as my parents laugh at my evasiveness. 

I step out of the front door trying to be as quiet as I can with my brothers back to me. I turn and jump down the steps, halting with a skid as I see Leo leaning against my car door. Jeans and white T-shirt on.

He's watching, a distractingly handsome thick brow arched at me.

"Hello Mr Navarro." my voice polite I relish in watching that eyebrow twitch as I call his name. Even if this was a one sided fantasy I could enjoy it now I wasn't seeing him as my prison guard. No matter how sexy this prison guard would be.

"Hello Penny, good week?" His gaze darkens, I know he knows everything about my week in those four little words.

"Yes actually." I smile at him as I come closer. I see his eyes narrow as I get to him.

"You left." he's not finding it amusing, but I don't actually feel like I'm being told off, yet.

"With Alice." I remind him.

"And Seth, he is not part of our community."

"I'm not looking after him, I'm taking care of Alice." I remind him. I glance at the contents of my backseat and boot. His eyes follow mine and he frowns.

"It's for Alice, her mobility is getting worse. She's hiding it from Seth but I see her struggling." I glance up at him. His frown has disappeared as he looks at the equipment in the boot.

"You feel safe there?" he's still staring at the car.

"I do." I'm watching the side of his face and wondering if the ache in my stomach was from the need to touch his neck. I gripped my hands. Don't be creepy, the non pervert in my head shouts.

"And you think you can grow there?" he asks, finally looking at me. His hazel eyes seem sad.

"I hope so." A flash of blue smoke, tingles up my back a bead of light in my mind's eye.

"Well its only an hour away you can get the bus back even if you didn't have your car. " I wonder if he was talking to himself. He sighs and faces me his shoulders squaring and i feel the first dip in my instincts that he's not definitely not happy. 

"I know you want to get out. But I also know you haven't tried to be part of the community." his voice holds resentment and a bit of anger.

"What?" I blurted out. "You know do you?" I was scoffing but it was to mask the roar I wanted to do in his face.

"The community has told me how you have never shown for the monthly meetings." he's still  looking unimpressed. "you can't plead hostage when you haven't bothered to get to know anyone in this community. You refuse any branch of inclusion we give you." his eyes narrowing as he continues his emotion strangely evident for him.

"Excuse me" I say to him my own fury, wanting to shove him, as I try to get the car door.

"These are good people and you have thrown their protection in their face by not supporting the community."

"I don't have to listen to this." I say gripping my keys, moving to go past him.

He reaches out and his fingers take my arm in a firm grip.

I hate myself for gasping as my arm fizzes and ripples shot up my arm. I pull it back.

"Do not touch me." my finger shakes in his face as he glares at me. I turn before I do something I'll regret. His words repeating in my mind filling me with rage, all lies, what had everyone told him? I feel myself turning the rage making me want to tell this motherfucker exactly what his precious community was like;

"I have never been invited to those meetings! Despite two letters to the main council along with sitting outside the meeting hall whilst I was ignored and denied entry. I will not beg anymore to be included and if you don't want me part of your community, cast me out and I won't return." I stare up into his eyes as they inky swirl dances in his irises as he listens.

"No one is casting you out Penny." his fingers finding my arm again.

"I don't care anymore, I want a life." I try to take a step back from him.

"I'm not kicking you out of this community Penny so you better get used to it." He follows me to the car door.

"Next Sunday at 11am. Bring a drink and some food for the lunch table we have afterwards." He looks pissed as I get into the car.

"What are you talking about?"

"You are attending your first community meeting next Sunday. I'm not sure what happened these last two years but until you are part of the community. I won't take your rejection of it"

I stop to stare into his face both of us panting, unsure why he was so bothered about it. Was he just a picky perfectionist or perhaps an only child and saw me as one of his things and no one else was allowed to touch his things.

"Why do you care?" I ask him, hearing my sigh. "Surely I'm just trouble." I wonder if I had again shared too much.

"Your brother helps protect this community. I don't want to see someone he cares so much about be left out of it. Come to the meeting and see for yourself."

"The big hall?" I checked the location.


"Drive safe to deacon." he says, giving me no smile. I frown as I wonder who told him the town? Yet he probably knew where they lived already.

I  drove off feeling very surreal. Did I just almost have a civil conversation with Leo Navarro? And did he just let me leave on my own knowing I wasn't coming back.

I was too nervous to pinch myself in case I woke up in my room. 


Hey I hope you are enjoying these chapters we are so close to this kicking off! 

Please remember to like, comment and vote if you are enjoying this.

Rosie xxx

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