The Cursed Beauty (BEYNIKA)

By itsbarbey_

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[ A BEYNIKA STORY ] [SLOW UPDATES] They went to the one witch whose only aim is to destroy me, to bury me an... More

Chapter 00: {The Goddess And The Curse}
Chapter 01: {The Photographer And The Award}
Chapter 02 : {The Photographer And The Eclipse}
Chapter 03: {The Photographer And The Collision}
Chapter 04: {The Photographer And The Meditating}
Chapter 05: {The Photographer And The Breakfast Intruder}
Chapter 07: {The Goddess And The Passionate Tainting}
Chapter 08: {The Photographer And The Inklings}
Chapter 09: {The Photographer And The Saving}
Chapter 10: {The Goddess And The Hazed Truths}

Chapter 06: {The Photographer And The Unfolding Truth}

536 44 90
By itsbarbey_

I reached the door and took a quick glance at the mirror to its side before I opened it to see who it was. And there stood my father with a huge bouquet of roses, and a bunch of other gifts in his other hand.

"Hey honey bee." He said smiling sweetly at me.

"Dad? What is you doing here?" I said as I stood frozen in shock, because what was he doing here, on my day off? Not that I am complaining, but a heads up would've been nice.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Well, I saw you won your award two days ago and I just came back from my business trip and decided to come take you on a date for the full day. What? Can't an old man spend some time with his awards winning daughter?" He asked as he crossed his full arms over his chest and waited for me to answer.

I winced as I remembered our tradition each time I won an award. We would spend the whole day together; I should've known this was coming. Onika's stormy arrival in my life shook my routine up. Onika! My eyes widened at the thought of her sitting back in my kitchen. Oh, this is not good.

I sighed as I started feeling a headache already creeping in. "No, you can dad. I'm sorry I was just shocked to see you here so early in the morning." I said as I reached out to hug him and he embraced me tightly as he rubbed my back.

"Always grumpy and moody in your days off." He laughed as he started spinning me around in his arms. "Congratulations, honey bee! I knew you'd win, you deserve it."

I laughed softly as I enjoyed the warmth and joy of this moment. "Thank you so much, papa! Thank you for always believing in me and never doubting me." And it was true, he always supported my silliest visions and craziest dreams, always backed me up and had faith in me and I would forever be grateful for that. I am a daddy's girl thru and through.

Where's my "mother"? Some might ask, well I stopped seeing her or caring about what she had to say or do when she wanted me to stay with an abusive cheater and forced me to not speak up on what I was experiencing. She chose to have the back of a stranger instead of her daughter, her own flesh and blood, and her firstborn. Pretty twisted and sad, but hey that's life. Now, both of those people are far away from me, and nobody could ever make me give a fuck.

Dad put me down as he sensed the shift in my mood, I sighed as I closed my eyes to regain control over my thoughts and self at that too. "You're thinking about her again, aren't you?"

"I just can't help it, okay? I know I should get over it and it's been too long and it's not gonna happen again but it's easier said than done!" I hide my face in my elbow as I felt the angry tears threatening to fall.

"Oh baby, come here." Sighed my father as he brought me into a tight hug again. He kissed my head as he spoke softly. "I wasn't going to tell you that it'll get better soon or that you need to get over it, I'd never dismiss your feelings like that sweetheart. You went through hell and back and I'll be damned if I tell you not to feel over that, or to not grieve it. You have every right to embrace those feelings, not just bury them. Face them head on, and don't duck! You're a survivor and have always been one. Never forget that." He said as he held my face in his hands and wiped my tears away. "Now, enough weeping and let's actually head in, your old man is starving."

I nodded my head as I wiped my eyes and nose again. I hate crying whenever this subject is brought up or even thought of. I buried it deep within me, but the memories never cease haunting me. I hugged myself tighter as I closed my eyes for a while to chase away the ghost of the past and as my hand reached for the doorknob, the door opened up on its own. No, wait... Man this keeps getting better and better.

There stood Onika in my night gown, an unreadable expression on her face, and one hand on her hip. Did she hear what we were talking about? "Your breakfast is cold now." She said as she kept staring at me for a long while, longer than necessary even.

My father cleared his throat, and I can just imagine the look he got on his face right now. I scratched my arm awkwardly as I kept feeling both of them staring at me. Aww, man... "Yeah, I know... I took... Uhm..." Great, just great, stuttering was just what I needed.

I rolled my eyes annoyingly at myself and crossed my arms over my chest. "I was welcoming my father and didn't notice time passing by." I turned around to catch my dad holding in his laughter and looking amused by my misery. Humor based on my pain, just what a bad bitch needed.

I narrowed my eyes at him and he straightened up. "Dad, this is Onika. Onika, this is my father, Matthew." I saw him raising an eyebrow as I mentioned her name. Please, don't connect the dots, please don't connect...

"Onika as in that goddess you're always obsessed with?" Never mind then.

"In the actual flesh, actually." Onika said cockily as she leaned against the door and crossed her legs together. Okay, posture! That was so sexy. Focus, Giselle... Right, okay. Why would she say that now?

I turned my head abruptly towards my dad, and he was looking confused as hell. "She's just kidding dad, what she meant is that she is named after her because she's Indian too."

"No, I'm not. And I said and meant exactly what I said." This bitch. I hate calling women names like that but she's trying the fuck out of me right now.

I laugh nervously as I shake my head at my father and rush to her side. I grab her elbow and drag her closer to me as I whispered in her ear. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You can't just be fucking telling everybody that."

Instead of answering me like normal people do, she elbowed me an pushed me aside. Petty. Then, she did one of the most brand new Onika things of her. She flashed my father a one-million-dollar dimpled smile and extended her hand for a handshake. "Pleased to meet you, Mat... Matthew." She hesitated with the name for a hot second but got it regardless. I feel like it's gonna take her a one try to get the names right, like she'll test them out then pronounces them right. Interesting.

He shook her hand delicately as he looked between us for a while, then he smirked. "Trust me, the pleasure is all mine, darling." Oh, hell.

He gestured towards the house after bowing his head a little. "After y'all." I shook my head at his antics and we all went inside. We headed back to the kitchen and took a seat. It was all too calm, all too cool, this isn't gonna end well. "Want some tea or coffee, papa?" Yes, I do call him papa, my Creole side be popping up with the French at times.

"I'll take whatever you give me, honey bee. And freestyle the rest, I don't really mind." He said as he took a sip of his water while trying to pick up on any clue. I nodded my head then started to remake another omelet and poured him a cup of fresh coffee with more stuff to the side.

I put everything on the table and asked Onika if she wanted anything too, she just raised her hand kindly and shook it dismissively. Talk about acting royal. I didn't really mind her behavior, because if she didn't still act like her true self I'd be confused. And worried...

"Hm, interesting." Said my father as he put his cup of coffee down. I lowkey forgot he was even here because of how silent he became once I put food in front of him. At least, one of us two enjoyed his breakfast.

As soon as I started digging in my food, dad decided to open his mouth again. "So, is y'all dating, friends or what?" He asked casually as he cut another bite of his omelet and waited for one of us to answer. Dating? I almost choked on my own drink.

Onika leaned back in her chair and looked at him. "Friends? We're hardly acquaintances at the moment." I looked at her incredulously. At least soften the blow??

My father looked at her amusedly as he nodded at her answer. He actually believed her. "What? I actually believe her." He raised his hands defensively as he saw me looking at him weirdly.

"We're..." I wish I could've found a better term of whatever the fuck this is. "roommates. I'm helping her out now because..." I bit my lip as I tried to find better words for this again.

"Because she's a goddess, right?" father finished my sentence for me.

"Yes!" I said then gasped in horror as I slapped my hand over my mouth. Me and my damn fucking mouth. I can never lie for shit! This is what I mean by saying that my mouth will always be the end of me.

"That's exactly what I've been saying!" said Onika as she started cackling with her head thrown backwards. She was having a full ki with this.

"I actually don't find this funny at all, Onika." I said as I kicked her under the table. She stopped laughing and whipped her head in my direction in such an inhuman speed, it was uncanny. "Try that once again, Beyoncé, I dare you." She said too calmly as her eyes started switching colors. Not now...

"What are you actually gonna do about it? Pray do tell." Said my father as he stood up to meet her glare with one of his own. Oh, shit. One thing my dad doesn't play about: me. He always was so overprotective of me, but ever since all the shit that went down, his papa bear mode was overboard. I found it endearing though, so I let it slide.

She looked at him and closed her eyes forcefully to stop them from switching colors rapidly. It looked like she was battling herself, or Tanya I presume. She stood up stiffly from her seat as she tried to reign in her temper. She drew in a sharp breath of air and finally opened her eyes. "I'm not going to do anything harmful or violent to her if that's what worries you."

I froze on the spot as her words sank in. She did hear us talk then. My father kept his poker face on as he stared her down. "Better not. And if you try to, you will answer back to me." He said as he inched closer to her so now they were standing face to face. Oh sweet Universe, help me.

Onika didn't even seem fazed by his words, she was looking amused if anything. "This is intriguing me to no end. Although I'm very aware of how endearing this is, you don't have to worry about that. Your daughter knows how to handle herself and clap back, as much as complimenting her strength out loud is paining what's left of my soul." She said as she cringed a little at that. Like she actually cringed. Mean ass.

I waved my hands behind them. "Hello? I'm standing right here!" It's like I was invisible to them.

"We know!" They said at the same time as they turned around to look at me. I am not liking this, not at all. I feel like they're gonna start getting along just fine. Yay, note the irnoy in that shit please.

My father took a seat again and crossed his arms as he gestured for us to do the same. "So, is any of you gonna fill me in on how the hell is all of this possible?" He asked as he waited for one of us to answer. Well, at least he's taking it well.

"Go on smarty pants, it's your time to shine since you wanna tell everybody your business." I said to Onika as I mugged her ass.

She rolled her eyes at my comment, then proceeded to tell my father everything on how all of this happened and how it took place. I butted in to fill in the loops of when Rihanna showed up and quickly tackled down the rest.

She stood up straighter in her seat when she heard Rihanna's name. "Hold on, you mean to tell me that you knew of my arrival because a certain Rihanna hit herself with your.. your car?"

I nodded my head, confused at her question. "Did I stutter? Or wasn't I clear enough when I said that?" I asked as I massaged my temples.

"Giselle." Said my father sternly as he looked my way. "Sorry." I muttered under my breath, but of course she heard that due to the way she smirked.

"Matthew, I might need you to be around here more often so your daughter will know how to act." Onika said as she absentmindedly played with her hair.

"Rihanna said that her real name was Roshni though, and that she just goes by Rihanna Robyn Fenty whenever she's here or something." I added as soon as I remembered that part. I just felt like I had to say it.

Upon hearing the original name, Onika froze for a while as she started looking elsewhere. Then, one of the softest smiles lit up her face. "I should've known she had a hand in this." She mumbled softly as she shook her head fondly at whatever she's thinking of.

I couldn't help my nosey self as I asked for her to elaborate more. She looked up at me and smirked again at whatever expression she saw on my face. I sure don't hope that it was a jealous look becase what we're not gonna do is expose myself like that.

"Roshni or Rihanna, as you knew her, is my younger sister." She said. "She always was the one to pander to our mother to lessen my punishments or to at least make it less sufferable. Not that I minded any severity, I never cared. She was an angel compared to me, or that's what everybody thought. She always was the troublemaker, a mischievious little thing. We never left one other's side though, so she must've followed me here. I..." she sighed as she cleared her throat. My heart did some sort of flipback when I saw her speaking so fondly of someone close to her like that.

"It'll be you one day too with her, patience sun child." I jumped up from my seat as I heard a voice in my head whispering that to me.

Onika looked up alerted, just as my father stood up. "Are you okay, honey bee?" he asked as he wanted to reach out for me.

"Oh, you're fine. Please sit down and do not fret, sun child. And can you please tell my sister that I miss her too?" Oh, so that was Rihanna! I knew I wasn't going crazy the other day when I heard her voice in my head.

Just as I thought of that, a mental image of Rihanna started to appear in my head. She was wearing a pink outfit with a matching lipstick and her hair in high bun. She waved at me as she smiled big.

"Yes, it was me. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you but I was just guiding you to find her and be okay with the idea. I pop up randomly though, so don't worry, I don't know more than what I shouldn't." She winked at me teasingly and I almost wanted to drown myself. She definitely does know more, she's a fucking goddess for fuck's sakes.

"Uhm... Your sister says that she misses you too." I transferred the message to Onika. She started smiling as she shook her head. My father's eyes went wide as he sat right back down in shock.

"That little brat. I should've known she'll pull something like that. If I still had my full powers, we'd be able to communicate since she's here. I do apologize on her behalf for the fright she's given you." Onika apologizing on her own? That's new.

"It's okay, now what else do we need to talk about?" I asked my father who was still trying to process everything.

"Well, we need to talk about how all of this might affect the history of many cultures if more people find this out." He said as he was scratching his chin thoughtfully.

"No need to, because nobody outside of our group of people will ever know of this." I reassured my father and then turned to Onika as I said. "Which means that you will stop telling anybody you'll meet from now on your business. No more talk of how you ruled the whole galaxy or I don't know what. You will stop it. Understood?" I asked as I met her glare with one of my own.

"Show her who's boss! Let's go!" cheered Rihanna as she did a little dance with her shoulders. I smiled a little but never broke eye contact with her stubborn hot ass sister.

"It's wiser that way. You will be safer and get to do whatever you want until everything is figured out." Added my father.

"Alright. I wasn't planning to go tell my identity to the whole world, but it is always amusing to see your daughter thinking she has control over something." This little-

"I don't think I have control, I do have it. You just won't admit it, but let's leave that to another day. Just remember that you're stuck with me here for a long time since the modern world has no magic, so don't burn your bridges." I winked her way as I reminded her of that and I saw all the smugness get swiped right off her face. I'm just as petty as you are, beloved.

"And this is where I leave!" said Rihanna as she quite literally vanished into sparkly dust. She's so extra, I dig it lowkey.

My dad cleared his throat. "Well, this morning is heading into the brightest direction aye.." he said as he picked up his now cold coffee and sipped on it.

Couldn't have agreed more.


Words : 3167 💕

Questions time:

• How do we feel about Beyoncé's bond with her dad? And their little routine?

• Beyoncé's mother and her reaction to this? And them faling out?

• Her dad's reaction to Onika? Their dynamics together?

• Rihanna being her sister and popping up in Beyoncé's head?

• Beyoncé and Onika and their back and forth? And how they react to one another. 🙈

Now, here's where it's getting better... 👀 if the story hits 1.5K reads and many more votes, we might get a chapter in Onika's pov soon 🙊. Do as you please with this info 😁.

Vote, comment, and share! 🐇💕
Selma, xoxo. 💋🩷

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