What Could Be *oneshots

By mylovelessness

33.9K 740 111

Just dozens of one shots of different scenarios that I imagine for my serpent princesses More

revenge reimagined
perfect name
bad night gone good
all these years
better love story
better love story pt 2
one dance
one dance pt 2
One Dance Finale
she's a fighter
The Blossom's part 1
The Blossom's part 2
The Blossom's Part 3
There's still something here
There's still something here part 2.5
There's still something here part 3
There's still something here final and *extra*
Routines and Romanticism Pt 2
Routines and Romanticism Pt 3
Routines and Romanticism *final*

Routines and Romanticism

353 10 0
By mylovelessness


Okay so I usually put notes at the end but with this specific string of one shots I cannot because you need to be warned lol.

I wrote this kind of off the top of my head and I just really like the concept so it's going to be a 3-5 parter depending on what feels right so don't worry about how short it isssss.

Give or take a few days and I'll have this wrapped up in a big bow for all you little gaybies.

Oh and one more thing....and they were roommates 👀



Day One

The god forsaken sound of an alarm going off is the first thing Toni hears when she's pulled out of her pleasantly blank dreamscape.

5 am already

She groans and shuts the clock off, momentarily covering her head with the blanket before sighing and pushing herself out of her cozy comforter.

"Consistency right...that's what I need" Toni says to herself, a reminder from her therapist and the only reason she's even agreed to this 15 hour bender of a routine that she'll be trying to implement.

She sleepily manages to scramble together some eggs and cut up sausage for an omelette when she hears Cheryl creep out of her bedroom, probably awoken by all the noise.

"Breakfast already?" The redhead asks, shamelessly appearing in an oversized hoodie and her underwear.

Well good morning

"Dr. Martin seems to think waking up at 5 am will solve all my problems" She comments casually, ignoring the heat on her cheeks at the sight of her roommate being so...comfortable.

"I'm sure there's a broader reason behind his methods but I'm glad you're doing it" Cheryl replied supportively, slipping into a seat at the kitchen island.

For a few seconds there's a emptiness in the air only filled with the sound of sizzling and the delectable aroma of eggs and cheese.

Toni thinks she can feel Cheryl's sights burning a hole into her back but she doesn't look.

If only to protect her ego in case the redhead wasn't looking at all.

"I'm sorry for waking you" Toni apologizes softly, clearing her throat to say more until she hears the sound of a chair sliding; an indication that Cheryl was approaching her now.

"Didn't Dr. Martin tell you to stop being so apologetic about things you can't control? You didn't wake me at all, my brain did" Cheryl let's out with a touch of scolding, nudging the girl at the stove with her hip.

Breath. Just breathe.

Toni listens to her inner monologue and smiles briefly, shaking the nerves off as she folds over her omelette .

"Well then to make up for your brain waking you way before you normally do I'll make you breakfast" Toni offers, plating her food and moving on to make a second helping for Cheryl when she's stopped.

"Oh no no, TT there's absolutely no way I'm getting in the middle of your routine. Eat, Enjoy, mmm maybe Emotionally Prepare? Three E's...do that!" She softly guided Toni away from the stove, hands firmly on her hips as she does so and excuses her from cooking duty.

"Alright alright" Toni gives in, knowing better than to argue with her rather stubborn roommate.

Though now she had to hyper focus on her food and not let her eyes drift over to Cheryl at the stove...cooking...swaying every so slightly and leaning on one leg or the other with a hand on her hip creating a beautifully distracting silhouette.

This omelette is amazing. Food good. Food. F O O D.

She tries so badly to convince her brain to focus on eating but it's not the kind of contents she was currently envisioning on her tongue.

"So breakfast check, what's next on the list?" Cheryl speaks again, a gracious addition to a rather...sensual mental space.

"Uh gym which I'm not looking forward to because that just means I'll be sore tonight" Toni complained, finishing off the last of her meal while Cheryl had just begun to plate hers.

The redhead weaves her way around the island to sit beside Toni if even just for the couple of minutes she had left to spare for 'breakfast'

"If you're sore later I can massage you" Cheryl innocently offers, meeting Toni's eyes as she forks a bit of omelette into her mouth.

Toni pretends that her breath doesn't hitch in her throat at the girl's words.

Massage...friends give massages...strangers give massages...that one guy at the mall he gave me a massage why shouldn't Cheryl be allowed to do it?

"Thank you so much, Cheryl I'll uhm I'll let you know yeah if it's like too much to bare...I should be okay though" She easily plays it cool, clearing her throat again as she stands from her seat to put her dishes in the sink.

Another round of silence as she washes her dish and this time she does glance over just for a second to see Cheryl mindlessly tracing the kitchen with her eyes.

See, not looking.

She finished rinsing her plate and places it on the drying rack before spinning back to face her roommate who was just finishing up.

"Oh I got that" she tries to reach for the plate only for it to be snatched right out of reach and earning her a proper scowl.

"March to your room and get dressed. I can do this myself and youuu have far too much to get to without waiting on me" Cheryl's playful scolding works wonders, causing the shorter girl to give in; holding her hands up in defeat.

When she walks off without a word she hears a quiet giggle emerge from the kitchen and just smiles at the reward of making Cheryl Blossom laugh.

After breakfast it's a quick few minutes of changing into the proper gym clothes, putting up her hair and slipping into a pair of shoes that isn't her snake slippers.

When she re-emerges from her bedroom Cheryl's bundling herself in a throw blanket and curling up against the bay window with a little red book in her hands.

"Got some reading to do?" Toni can't help but make conversation, enjoying the act of observing her roommate in this state far too much.

"Thought I'd romanticize my life while I'm up, sunset's gonna peak over Pop's in about half an hour so should make for the perfect ambiance" Cheryl explains honestly, her smile perfectly portraying every bit of positivity she was currently feeling.

At least the early rise was good for one of us

"Well while you're enjoying a sun kissed morning read I'll be destroying my body" Toni cheers an invisible cup in Cheryl's direction and the girl giggles doing the same in return.

I could hear you laugh every second of every day.

"Be safe, Topaz" Cheryl wishes her well, sending her off with a cute little nod and Toni very calmly and very casually salutes her in return.

Once the door to their apartment goes closed behind her Toni has to ignore the pang of disappointment over the fact that she won't get to see her roommate for the rest of the day.

It was gonna be a long 15 hours.

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