issei fear manifest

By potatomncer77

2.4K 77 25

issei hyoudo has always been a strange boy always overshadowed by his twin sister ichika but as ancient power... More

Chapter 1 the years of isolation
chapter 2 the beginning
chapter 4 introduction
chapter 5 umbris
chapter 6 the delivery
chapter 7 first blood
tome of nightmares
chapter 8
chapter 9 old scars
chapter 10 fresh start

prologue-birth of fear

282 8 1
By potatomncer77

On that fateful night, when darkness draped the sky in its inky embrace and storm clouds roiled with a tempestuous fury, the atmosphere was charged with almost palpable tension. The wind, a relentless banshee, unleashed a torrent of haunting wails that seemed to pierce through the very souls of those present. The rain, no mere drizzle, but a deluge of waterborne from the heavens, descended in a ceaseless barrage, transforming the battlefield into a mire of mud and despair.

Amidst this cacophony of nature's wrath, the clash of weaponry became a symphony of chaos, as the clash of metal against scales reverberated through the air like a thunderous battle hymn. The forces of the three formidable factions, their motivations, and allegiances as diverse as the elements themselves, found themselves entangled in a vortex of conflict that defied description.

It was in the midst of this tumultuous clash that the two celestial dragon emperors, Draig and Albion, emerged as titanic figures of wrath and might. Their colossal forms, wreathed in an ethereal light that shimmered like stars within their scales, emanated an aura of primal power that demanded reverence. Having engaged in their ancient feud, their rivalry was abruptly set aside as the intrusion of the three great factions redirected their ire toward a new target.

Among the angels stood the resplendent Archangel Michael, his wings casting an otherworldly glow, embodying both valor and resolve. Leading the forces of hell was none other than the infamous devil, Zeoticus Gremory, his presence exuding a malevolent charisma that inspired dread. Azazel, the fallen angel with eyes that held the weight of centuries, commanded his legion with a mixture of sorrow and determination.

The clash that ensued defied mortal comprehension. Thunderous roars from the dragons mingled with the cries of angels and demons alike, forming a dissonant chorus that echoed across the ravaged landscape. The sky itself seemed to weep, as arrows and spells were cast forth in an intricate dance of death and destruction. The earth beneath their feet became a graveyard, a tableau of fallen warriors from all sides, their life forces extinguished in the crucible of battle.

As the struggle raged on, the dragons' immense strength began to wane, their mighty forms faltering under the weight of the relentless onslaught. Despite their realization that victory was an elusive dream, the indomitable pride inherent to their draconic nature propelled them forward, a last stand fueled by defiance against the inevitable. The toll of the conflict grew steeper, the cost measured in lives lost and sacrifices made.

Finally, as the moon began its descent towards the horizon, the dragons' resistance crumbled. Their eyes, once fierce and determined, now held a glimpse of surrender, an acknowledgment that their time had come. The battleground, strewn with the remnants of battle, bore witness to their downfall. In a haunting crescendo, their once-unyielding forms fell to the earth with a resounding thud, their very essences captured and transmuted into sacred gears of immense power. As the final echoes of battle faded, a tense stillness settled upon the battlefield, interrupted only by the sporadic pitter-patter of raindrops. The atmosphere remained charged with a residual energy, a palpable reminder of the cataclysmic clash that had just unfolded. The two heavenly dragon emperors, their forms now inert and solemn, cast long shadows upon the ground, their presence a testament to the monumental struggle that had transpired.

Amidst this eerie silence, the remnants of the three great factions began their separate retreats, each departure carrying its unique resonance. The angels, led by the steadfast Archangel Michael, moved with a somber unity. Their wings, once fierce instruments of war, now folded with a sense of closure. Their movements were measured as if acknowledging the gravity of the situation while honoring the fallen. The fallen angel Azazel, bearing the weight of his choices and the ghosts of countless battles, walked amongst them, his gaze a mixture of contemplation and acceptance.

The forces of hell, under the dark banner of Zeoticus Gremory, dispersed with a sinister grace. Their departure was marked by the lingering echo of whispers as if the very shadows bore witness to their malevolent presence. Each step taken was imbued with a sense of purpose, a chilling determination that held a promise of future turmoil. As the devil himself retreated, his form seemed to meld with the shadows, his enigmatic smile hinting at the secrets he guarded.

The fallen and forsaken, the demons and angels who had once fought fiercely, now retreated with a sense of weary resignation. Their footsteps echoed amidst the carnage, a dirge of souls who had both won and lost. Among them, figures of power and potential – demons and angels alike – bore expressions that wavered between sorrow and determination, as if grappling with the intricacies of their roles in the grand tapestry of cosmic conflict.

The battlefield, once a stage for the convergence of celestial powers and earthly strife, now bore the scars of their confrontation. Broken weapons, craters carved by powerful magics, and the bodies of the fallen painted a picture of the price paid for ambition and honor. The rains continued to fall, washing away the stains of blood and sweat as if cleansing the land of its violent history.

As the last remnants of the factions retreated into the distance, the broken battlefield was left to its quiet contemplation. A cool breeze whispered through the desolation, carrying the scent of rain-soaked earth and a hint of something ancient and mysterious. Unnoticed by those who had just left, the impact of the celestial dragons had unearthed something long buried – a relic of a forgotten era, its significance shrouded in time.

And as the world held its breath, a serpentine wisp of dark smoke began to rise from the crevices, an embodiment of the secrets the land held. It twisted and turned, a dance of obscurity against the backdrop of shattered land, a silent herald of a new chapter that had begun to unfold in the wake of the cataclysmic clash.

Five centuries had swept away since that pivotal night, leaving behind an ever-evolving tapestry of existence. The dark and stormy ambiance resonated with eerie familiarity, reminiscent of the tempestuous night that had unfolded half a millennium ago. Amid this eternal cycle, a thriving town had burgeoned, an outpost of humanity's triumph over the dragons' ancient chaos. And at the epicenter of this metamorphosis, a monument to compassion and care, Kuoh General Hospital, had risen from the very soil that bore witness to the catastrophic descent of the twin dragon emperors.

In the heart of this evolved landscape, the passage of time ushered in a new tale. Amidst the corridors of Kuoh General Hospital, the air was charged with anticipation, for within its walls, a woman named Miki Hyoudou was poised to bring forth life itself. Yet, unbeknownst to those present, a shroud of darkness stirred in the shadows. This darkness, a remnant of a time long past, had lingered in the margins, its seal weakened by the dragons' cataclysmic fall. The impact that had heralded their doom had inadvertently cracked the prison that had contained it, allowing it to grasp at a chance for freedom.

Emerging from its subterranean captivity, the darkness coalesced into a form predominantly composed of obsidian-hued smoke, an ephemeral manifestation that held within it the echoes of an existence that once was. Draped in an enigmatic cloak of shadow, it navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the hospital with uncanny agility, inexorably drawn to the woman at the center of the night's unfolding drama. Its form, though veiled in the intangible, bore hints of a human silhouette, an ethereal echo of forgotten memories. The thrill of newfound liberation coursed through its very essence, tempered by the grim truth—it had emerged into a world impossibly weakened a mere fragment of its former might, a consequence of eons trapped in captivity. A purpose crystallized, a host was needed, a vessel through which it could reclaim its power and vitality.

Fate, as if attuned to its unspoken desires, directed the entity's attention toward the imminent emergence of life. Guided by the instinctual pull of fate's threads, it traversed the hospital's expanse, cloaked from mortal sight, a spectral wraith with singular intent. Its destination lay within a room, suffused with the soft glow of medical instruments and hushed voices. Within, Miki Hyoudou's journey toward motherhood unfolded in the agonizing rhythm of labor.

As the entity crossed the threshold of the chamber, a tableau of maternal perseverance greeted its spectral gaze. Miki, her face etched with both pain and determination, labored to birth her firstborn, a daughter christened Ichicka. Yet, beyond the bounds of ordinary perception, the entity detected a shift in the fabric of reality—a presence already intertwined with the newborn, a sentient essence from realms unknown. A moment too late, for the mother had become a vessel to another.

Undeterred, the entity's attention shifted toward the second child, a son named Issei, whose entrance into the world was imminent. With an ethereal grace, it infiltrated Miki's form, a wraith seeking solace within the confines of flesh. Gazing upon the unborn child nestled within, it poised itself for an intricate dance of possession, its smoky tendrils extending toward the infant's nascent soul. A connection was forged, an ethereal fusion uniting two entities, disparate yet bound by purpose. Within the throes of Miki's labor, the entity became an unseen observer, a witness to the primal struggle of creation and emergence.

And then, as the culmination of agony and triumph collided, Issei's cries resonated through the chamber, marking his arrival into the world. The entity, its specter veiled in shadow, bore witness as the infant drew his first breaths, his emergence suffused with the mirth and exhaustion of his parents. Serendipity favored its design, for mere minutes could have foiled its intricate plan. As the parents bestowed names upon their offspring, favoritism appeared—Ichicka, the chosen one, held a special place in their hearts. An incidental detail, for familial bonds, was inconsequential in the entity's grand scheme. Issei's purpose was foreordained—to serve as a crucible of anguish, a vessel through which the entity would feed upon the torrents of fear, the very sustenance that would resurrect its long-lost dominion.

A whirlwind of anticipation swirled within the entity, its perception of time distorted by centuries of captivity. Yet, it remained patient, for what were a few fleeting years compared to its eternity of isolation. The stage was set, the players assembled, and the entity would bide its time, a specter within shadows, poised to reap the harvest of dread that would restore its shattered might.

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