chapter 9 old scars

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It had been an hour since issei left the meeting with sona the day had been long and he decided to skip the training and move straight to the hunt he was currently walkin around in the shadier part of town waiting to see who would be his prey tonight but unbeknownst to him he was being observed

Koneko on the phone with rias - i found him pres he's just walking around in the shady part of town but one thing is concerning me

Rias- what is it

koneko - that mass of negative energy has gotten bigger since i last saw it

Rias- good to know keep watching him and remain hidden

Koneko- yes ma'am" koneko continued to watch issei with curiosity until eventually the boy made his way into a dark secluded alley so she made her way to another rooftop to see what was happening and what she saw shocked her issei's right hand had transformed into razor sharp claws she watched as he snuck up on a man from behind and shoved his claws through his chest spearing the man's heart she continued to watch in terror as pure negative energy began leaking from the body she saw as issei manifested a black book and absorbed the energy into himself through it seeing the black mass within him grow as he did once all the energy had been sucked up he wiped his claws on the corpses shirt and walked off koneko quickly called rias

Rias- koneko what is it me and ichika were about to take a bath

Koneko- it's about the pervs brother he just killed a man and sucked the negative energy that came from the corpse" Though she spoke with her usual emotionless cadence rias knew her servant well enough to know she was unnerved

Rias- koneko did you get any clues on what his abilities are"

Koneko- he manifested claws and used a black book to absorb the negative energy it was creepy how precise he was it was like watching a predator strike down its unaware prey"

Rias- so you think he is a stealthy fighter relying on ambushes

Koneko- I think so

Rias - keep following him i'm sure we'll all meet up with you and ambush him then if he relies on stealth then we shouldn't have a trouble against him

Koneko- yes ma'am

After another hour of watching him he finally returned to what seemed to be his hideout the same warehouse they had found the corpse of the stray devil she alerted rias and within 10 minutes the rest of the peerage was there

Rias- so you're sure he's still in there koneko

Koneko- yeah i can sense him in there it's like a giant mass of shadow

Ichika- i still can't believe my brothers in the supernatural i mean he's such a loser

Kiba- you know what they say ichika don't judge a book by its cover a

At this ichika rolls her eyes

Ichika- uh that's so corny

Rias- he is right though ichika in the world of the supernatural you never know what's going to happen next speaking of which we should get down there and deal with him


Ichika- finally some action she says equipping the blood red gauntlet of the boosted gear

Down in the warehouse issei was sat at a small table a lone cupcake sat in front of him on a paper cake 2 candles atop formed the number 18 he sat watching the clock on his phone move ever closer to midnight as he fidgeted with a lighter igniting and extinguishing it repeatedly

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