chapter 8

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It was the next morning; unfortunately, yesterday was Sunday, so it meant that there was school today. Issei had just skipped a whole week of it, so he had to go today. He went through his routine, and once he was ready, he made his way to the stairs and heard his sister Rias and that other girl talking to his parents.

Issei internally cursed, "Shit, I was hoping they would be gone by now. I don't want to talk to them after last night."

Umbris suggested, "Why not go out your window?"

Issei exclaimed, "Are you crazy?"

Umbris retorted, "No, I'm not. Your body's more durable; you could easily brush off a fall from that height."

Issei realized, "Oh, shit, you're right."

And so, taking his partner's advice, he went back into his room and snuck out the window. At first, his legs stung a bit, but his healing quickly remedied it.

Issei remarked, "Man, this healing factor really is great."

Umbris agreed, "Agreed, but as I've warned before, don't become cocky..."

Issei interjected, "Yeah, I know."

Umbris continued, "Good. I just want you to be safe; my survival is directly tied to yours."

Issei joked, "Jeez, I feel so loved."

Umbris assured him, "Oh, come on. I do care for you, my boy. It's just that if you die, it will take me millennia to regain the strength to remanifest."

Issei grinned, "Good thing I don't plan on dying."

Umbris chuckled, "Ha, good indeed."

The two then settled into silence for the rest of the walk. Eventually, Issei arrived at his school, Kuoh Academy, and he was once again reminded what it felt like to be a ghost, a shadow as he moved through the halls. No one looked at him, no one greeted him, asked where he had been the past week. He eventually settled into homeroom, his usual spot in the back right corner.

Soon, the teacher came in and began attendance.

"Issei Hyoudou," the teacher called.

"Here," Issei replied.

The teacher remarked, "Oh, that's a surprise. I thought you had died or something. I mean, you missed a whole week without a word."

Issei explained, "Sorry, I was sick."

The teacher shrugged, "Eh, doesn't matter much anyways. Next name is..."

At this point, Issei began tuning him out. Even teachers could care less about him. He was beginning to feel like coming in today was a mistake. So, Issei tuned out the world and for the next couple of hours went through the day as a ghost, unnoticed by the hordes of students as he moved between classes, until finally, the bell rang and the end of school was signaled.

Issei thought to himself, "Uh, finally, it's over."

Umbris agreed, "I agree; this has been excruciatingly boring. Let's go do some training now that you'll be hunting. You'll need to be a master of our power."

Issei nodded, "Yeah, you're right. I think I'll focus on somnophages now that I have crabs down."

Umbris approved, "Good idea, my boy. Somnophages are our most useful tool right now."

The two continued to discuss the training as Issei packed up. He quickly made his way into the hallway, and when he did, a blonde boy he recognized as the treasurer of the student council approached him.

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