Because of you

By _Ktje_

10.7K 683 185

Meredith and Derek, young and in love, are facing a huge struggle as Meredith needs to take care of her paren... More



317 22 9
By _Ktje_

"So it basically means that her complete ankle is locked and there's no real solution?" Derekbasks upset

"We will try to have surgery, cut the tendon and cast it in the right position. That way we hope to see the nerves relax again." Callie told them

Meredith absolutely shut down. She didn't expect Callie to say everything was okay, but at least that she'd come up with a solution

"We'll take you for that surgery now. You were started on the pre op meds." Callie explains

"I'm coming. And I'm sitting at her head. Give me scrubs." Derek ordered

"Derek-" Callie wanted to change his mind.

"No. I'm staying." He stood up, holding Meredith's hand tight as they wheel her to the OR


"Okay Meredith.. We can discharge you. Let that guy of yours take you home, and take things easy. Okay?" Bailey asked. Callie was busy and she cares a lot about her former intern so she immediately stepped up to help.

"Perfect. I'll get her dressed in warmer clothes and then we'll go home." Derek nods

Meredith had gone quiet, barely speaking, barely any appetite and overall just struggling to pay attention

"Take care of yourself." Bailey rubs her back softly

Derek nods and smiles warmly at Bailey. "Let's go, Mer." Derek said. He quickly grabbed her warm sweats and starts changing her

She now had a pink cast on her left leg, keeping her leg in the right position, to hopefully stretch out the muscles again. But Derek noticed she was still very influenced by the meds

"Mer?" He stroke her cheek softly, worrying because she wasn't responding

"Hmm.." She eventually looks up at him

"Are you okay?" He asked, fixing some of the strands of hair that hung in front of her face

"Y-Yeah." She nods and just waited. Derek lifted her up and placed her in the wheelchair, no one wanted to risk making her fall because she used the crutches after the muscle relaxer.

"Are we going to see your dad?" Derek grabs her bag and throws it over her shoulder

Meredith shrugged, she just wanted to go home and sleep

"Maybe just a quick stop?" Derek rubbed her neck

"S-Sure." Meredith sighs, not wanting to wirry her dad.

Derek pushed her out if the room, sighung the discharge papers and taking her to see Richard. He noticed she was just staring at the ground

"Richard?" Derek knocked on the door

"Come in." They heard from inside. Derek opened the door and wheeled Meredith inside. "Mer-" He smiled, not knowing why she was in a cast and wheelchair

"Hey Richard, are you okay?" Derek asks, placing Meredith close enough

"Of course I am. Mer, are you?" He asks and waits for a response

"S-Sure." She nods, looking at Derek to explain it all

"They made a cut in her tendon and casted it to stretch her foot. She couldn't bend it anymore. One week on crutches, then she can walk on the cast." Derek informs

"Oh honey-" Richard reached out for Meredith's hand but she barely responded

"She's having a hard time." Derek gave Richard a sad smile, brushing his fingers through her hair

"You two should go home. We'll see each other soon." Richard nods

"Maybe that's best." Derek nods, really desperate about what to do with Meredith.

"T-Thanks dad." Meredith forced a soft smile on her face as they said their goodbyes. "T-Take care." She mutters, her eyes giving away she was gonna fall asleep any minute

"Of course, honey. But you too, please." He said softly and blew a kiss


Derek carried Meredith inside the house, she had fallen asleep in the car as she was completely exhausted.

Derek placed her on the bed, her leg on a pillow and tucking her in with an extra blanket

He didn't wanna leave her so he climbed in next to her and watched her sleep. He was absolutely exhausted, this recovery had been hard on them but he didn't wanna complain, he wanted to be here for her at all times, without her having to worry if it's too much for him or not. Slowly after a few minutes he started drifting off until Alex texted him, causing him to wake up, only half an hour later

'Hey Shep, I was wondering if I could come over quickly. I'd love to see Mer, I heard about her surgery." Alex texted

'Sure! She's napping now but feel free to come over. Just text when you're on the way, please.' Derek sends back

A few hours later Derek had received a text from Alex that he was on the way. Derek had made coffee. He quickly went to check on Meredith and heard on her breathing that she was awake

"Hey. Are you feeling okay?" He asks, sitting down next to her, kissing her forehead

"My leg is painful.." Meredith mutters

"Let me grab your meds." Derek smiled softly and took them, helping her swallow them

"Thanks." She whispered, cuddling into his side

"Alex is coming over, he wants to see you." Derek told her and immediately noticed she didn't react, even loosening her grip on him. "He just wants to see you, Mer. We're all worried about you." Derek hugs her, then the doorbell rang

He got up and opened up

"Oh Alex." Derek smiled exhausted

"Hi Shep. Is everything okay?" Alex asks concerned

"Meredith.. She's so depressed. She doesn't wanna do anything, she barely even responded when we saw Richard earlier." Derek rubs his hands through his hair in absolute desperation

"Can I try to talk to her? Maybe just for a few minutes alone?" Alex asks, really wanting to try something

"Yeah but I'll announce you're here first. I don't wanna scare her either." Derek nods and walks them to their bedroom, luckily their house didn't have stairs so Meredith was able to move around. "Hey Mer, Alex is here. I'll grab us coffee, you want some?" Derek asks and she nods in agreement

"Hi. I heard you had surgery." Alex sits down. "I wanted to come see you before but I was stuck in surgery." He tried to make her talk, but noticed she's barely even looking at him. He sighs and removes the blanket. "Pink, heh? Got a marker? I'll draw something on it." He chuckled but barely got a response. This usually worked with his patients, even if they're kids

Meredith stirred a bit, feeling the need to move her leg due to the sore feeling in her hip, she didn't wanna ask Alex for help and didn't wanna wait for Derek so she just moved, unable to find a comfortable spot

"Let me help." Alex said, getting up, taking her leg and the pillow to place it down more comfortably

And it indeed helped, Meredith felt the soreness disappeared

"T-Thank you." She mutters, being ashamed as she knew her voice sounded off, her whole body still affected by the meds

Alex nods, knowing something was very wrong with his friend. He just hoped all her friends would be able to catch her if she 'fell'.. but he'd rather avoid that at all, knowing where Meredith came from with her family issues.

Soon enough Derek joined them, both men maily keeping the conversation up, over time Meredith warmed up a bit, nodding and shaking her head often but there was no sparkle in her eyes, instead the dark bags underneath her eyes grew darker every minute

"Thanks for letting me come over, I'll be back soon. And call me if you want some company other than Shep. He's not as funny as I am." Alex jokes, hoping to see a smile, a real one, nit the forced one Meredith tried to give him now

Derek led Alex out and meanwhile put the dirty cups away

"She's not herself, Derek. We need to watch her." Alex sighed

another update

I had PT, got the compliment that my leg looks like that of a 90 year old 💀

They even did dry needling because everything below my knee seems to be affected. Yay me

Probably will need this PT for way longer than we first thought, some shit wont even be fixable, they taped up my lower leg and my meds dont give enough relief while im taking Tramadol.

Sorry for the long update, just didnt expect it to be this bad, and he clearly didn't either. It seemed like it had gotten much worse in just a few weeks and its concerning us.

Hope y'all liked the chapter! ❤️

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