lovely | thirteen reasons why

By CamSmileyFries

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Isn't it lovely, all alone? Heart made of glass, my mind of stone Libby Clarke is pretty used to being alone... More

(1) confronting the problem
(2) the beginning of the end
(3) clay has the tapes
(4) tyler's tape
(5) love is in the air
(6) the final warning
(7) libby's tape
(8) in memory of jeff atkins
(9) end of the beginning
(10) november
(11) december
(12) january
(13) february
(14) march
(15) tyler's testimony
(16) only love can hurt like this
(17) break, not breakup
(18) libby gets jealous
(19) the tapes get leaked
(20) tyler faces the music
(21) libby's testimony
(23) spring fling
(24) bringing back tyler
(25) meeting ani
(26) libby joins politics
(27) goodbye, junior year
(28) zach and val
(29) summer nights
(30) hello, senior year
(31) libby knows
(32) homecoming
(33) bryce walker is dead
(34) one step forward, two steps back
(35) so many suspects
(36) jess and justin
(37) clay in trouble

(22) it all boils over

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By CamSmileyFries

Another day, another case of the baseball team getting pissed off that they're facing the consequences of their actions!

Libby was so consumed with the trial yesterday she almost missed all the buzz about the field getting vandalized in the most cathartic way possible. The word rapists was burned into the grass, planting itself on the pitch. She had a feeling that it was Tyler and Cyrus mostly due to the pentagram that came with it.

Maybe they were taking things to an extreme and maybe Libby should try to put a stop to their antics before her baby hurts himself, but in this instance she had a hard time seeing anything wrong with what happened. Only in where this behavior could lead.

But she couldn't talk to him, at least not yet. Not until this trial was over and done with. That was the deadline Giles gave her. And yes, there is still an entire year before graduation that could be fucked up, but Libby was taking the chance to be optimistic. So until the trial was over, she would spend every waking moment letting Tyler know how much she loved him. So he knows their deal is still in tact. That they will be getting back together when a verdict is reached.

Today was Tony's testimony, and as much as she wanted to be there for him, she needed to catch up on all the people she missed yesterday. She needed to help Clay with the clubhouse. She needed to see Justin. So much to do.

Libby didn't even give Justin a chance to get into the school before she was upon him. Smacking him on the back. "Don't fucking scare us like that ever again! Do you have any idea how worried Clay and I were when you went missing?"

Justin rolled his eyes. "Dramatic much?"

Clay laughed. "Pot kettle, man. For all of us really. We didn't get the chance to talk yesterday."

Libby nodded. "I was preoccupied trying to convince my father to let me have Tyler for good."

Justin smirked. "And?"

Libby couldn't hold her smile. "After the trial, we can get back together. For good. No more secrets."

The boys cheered for their close friend. Knowing how much this means to her. "That's fucking wonderful, Libs."

Libby smiled at their enthusiasm as she hooked both arms around her boys. "So is Justin a part of the Jensen clan now?"

Justin shrugged. "I'm just staying at their house until I testify. After that Laine and Matt are free to kick me back to the streets."

She scoffed. "Have you met them? They aren't gonna do that. And with your mom being unreliable. I can see a future home on the horizon."

Justin pushed himself off of her. "Okay, can you stop? I don't wanna hear shit like this. You think you're being charming, but you're just annoying the hell out of everyone."

Clay sighed. "Dude, ouch."

Libby sighed. "Justin, you can't be alone forever. Trust someone who's tried what you're doing. It doesn't work."

Before Justin could apologize, he heard the voice of a aggravated older man sneering at him. "You got some nerve coming back here." His eyes widened when he saw Jess' dad staring at him with daggers in his eyes. Making him back into Libby.

Jess was immediately out of the car and at her dad's side. "Dad, stop! Don't do this! It wasn't him, you know that. This won't accomplish anything. You're better than this." Justin felt his heart melt as Jess defended him. Mr. Davis gave him one last look before getting back in his car and driving away. His eyes locked with the love of his life as she gave him a curt nod, smiling at Libby and Clay before walking inside.

Justin looked over at Libby and Clay. "Did you see that? She defended me! And made direct eye contact all on the same day. I knew there was hope. I fucking knew it!"

The two of them looked at each other, trying not to laugh in the poor kid's face as Libby reassured him. Two steps forward, only a thousand to go." As they walked in.

Libby made a beeline for Tony who she saw standing with Ryan. When the two saw her approach, they stopped talking about whatever was troubling them. "Hey, Tony. Ryan. Haven't seen you around lately."

Ryan smirked. "I'm hard to find. And you've been busy."

She nodded to that. "I just wanted to wish you luck with your testimony today. I hope it goes well."

He smiled. "Thank you, Libby. I'm sure everything will be fine."

"Just remember that Stahl woman is a snake. Don't underestimate her." She warned.

"Amen to that." Ryan muttered.

Libby had reunited with Clay and Sheri in the library as he was ready to take the next step. "I'm done with baby steps. We're going all in on this place. Now that we know where the clubhouse is, I say we get our entire coalition and storm it Black Ops style."

Libby facepalmed. "Clay, my sweet Clay."

Sheri continued. "Or, I can go undercover and convince one of the guys to take me, learn the passcode, and report back to you?"

Clay cleared his throat. "Yeah-yeah sure. That works too."

"Wait." She turned to Sheri. "You want to go to the place we highly suspect girls are getting raped at, by yourself?"

She rolled her eyes. "Obviously I don't want to, but would they really look at someone like Clay and let him in. This job requires charm."

Libby sighed. "Then I'm going with you."

Sheri tried to protest. "You don't have to-"

She shook her head. "This is the plan. End of discussion."

They ditched Clay. For the cover and totally not because he was annoying them with his dumb ideas. Sheri and Libby were now in the library trying to find any jocks who were slacking off. And as luck would have it they found two. Scott and Ramon. An idea popped into Sheri's head at seeing the blonde and her eyes glistened with mischief.

Libby was confused for a second. "What are you-" Then it hit her. "Sheri, I can't-"

She laughed. "You wouldn't even have to do that much. He already likes you."

She shook her head. "I have never led a guy on before. I'm not about to start here."

Sheri sighed. "Okay then, you don't have to flirt with him or do anything that could be considered leading. Just smile and be the one to ask and he'll be putty in your hands. Trust me."

Libby relented. "Fine. I'll do the talking. But you can't say or insinuate anything. Got it?" She nodded. "Let's get this over with."

The two girls marched over to the table where both boys were currently sitting around doing nothing. When Scott saw Libby approaching him, he felt his heart rate picking up. But he tried to play it cool. "Hey, Libs! What brings you to our neck of the woods?"

She smiled kindly at him. "Sheri was wondering if there may be someplace for her to get a hit." She referred to the girl in question holding up a bag of weed. "So I told her there was somewhere on campus the guys would take me freshman year where we would get high all the time."

Ramon smirked. "You did more than that if I recall, babygirl."

Libby hid a cringe as she continued. "However, it occurred to me that we'd need an escort to get in. So are you boys interested? During free period?" She decided to risk it as she leaned closer to them on the table, letting her cleavage be more visible to both of them. Disgusting? Yes. Effective? Hell yes.

Scott tried his hardest not to fixate his eyes on her exposed breasts. Unlikes Ramon, he was trying to be respectful. The two already knew their answer. "I'm sure we can blow off studying for a little while. For you ladies." Seeing her smile made it all worth it.

When free period came, the girls found themselves standing outside the entrance Libby recognized all too well. Sheri was shocked. "How did you even find this place?"

Scott smirked. "You don't find the clubhouse. You get invited in." He punched in the combination quickly, but both girls got it. They did the job.

Libby looked at Sheri as she started to back away. She was getting a bad feeling about the place. Something didn't feel right. Libby felt it too. There was an evil presence in this location. "A-actually, I forgot I have this huge paper I needed to get done and Libby promised to help me study for an exam, so we gotta-"

"Holy shit! Do my eyes deceive me?" Both girls froze when they heard the voice. Bryce's voice. What the fuck was he doing here? "Straight out of juvie! What's up, Holland? And Libby fucking Clarke! Never thought I'd ever see you come back. Thought you were too busy fucking Down to come back to our level."

Libby looked at everyone as her throat started to close up. "Yeah-well-Sheri wanted to get high and I was helping a friend."

Sheri added. "But I just remembered we have homework to do, so we really should be leaving."

Bryce shook his head. "Nonsense! I'm sure you both can spare a little time. If you got stuff." Sheri raised the bag less enthusiastically as he smirked. "Excellent! Learned something in your time away. Well, let's go." And with a hand pressed against both girls' backs, he started ushering them in. Scott and Ramon following like nothing was happening. Why was there any reason for them to think something was wrong?

Once inside Bryce took the chair while both boys sat on the couch. It had gotten smaller since the last time she was there. Both girls stood to the side awkwardly. Sheri sighed. "So this whole place is yours?"

Bryce smiled. "It's ours! Come on, sit down."

They both looked around. Libby was the one to say it. "All the seats are taken."

He shrugged. "Sit on the guys. I'm sure they don't mind. Especially Scotty here." Scott blushed as Sheri carefully sat on the edge of Ramon's knee as Libby did the same with Scott.

She had to wiggle her body to adjust in a way that ensured she wasn't fully on him. She was not steady on his knee but did not want to move any closer. She fought back a flinch as she felt Scott's hands on her hips, trying to steady her. The feeling felt familiar, in an uncomfortable way. Flashes of a bathroom came to her head and she swore she could hear Bryce's voice soft in her ear. Telling her it would be okay. She felt bile rising in her throat.

She turned and saw that Sheri was feeling the same way. She was adjusting herself constantly with a forced smile on her face. Why can't they see that they weren't having fun? Bryce handed the blunt to Sheri first as she tried to take a smaller hit, only to be chastised and egged on to do another. Libby watched helplessly as she coughed repeatedly while the boys cheered. Sheri tried to pass it onto Bryce. "Your turn."

He shook his head. "Game day's tonight. Gotta keep these boys clean. Libby should go next."

She tried to intervene. "We really should be getting on this project." She tried to get up but Ramon kept her in place as he stared at Bryce shaking his head.

He was adamant. "Libby takes a hit. Then you both can go." The way he said it sent a chill down their spines.

Scott just looked at Libby with a smile. She was so beautiful. She took a deep breath and grabbed the pipe. Holding it to her lips and taking another deep breath into the pipe. She just wanted to get this over with. Libby coughed out as she breathed too deep. It's been too long, she's rusty. He chuckled.  "Damn, Libs."

Bryce whistled. "So are you still with Tyler Down?"

Libby was about to tell him it was none of his business when Scott piped up first. "I think they're still on a break."

That made him smirk. "Breaks are fun. You can fuck whoever on a break." Scott's smile diminished at Bryce's words. Hannah's tapes going through his mind. It was then he noticed Libby's tense body language at his hands on her hips. He instantly let go. Bryce continued. "Saw what you said about me at the trial. Was already dealing with so much, and you had to add more."

Scott felt Libby shrinking into his body as Sheri tried to intervene. "Libby and I have taken a hit like you wanted. We should really get going."

Bryce nodded. "Fine. All that's left is the picture."

Libby shook her head. She did not feel like getting her picture taken. She felt gross, dirty, and very afraid. "I don't really-"

He cut her off. "Nobody leaves the clubhouse without one of these." He pulled out a Polaroid camera. "Come on, Libster! You should be used to pictures with the boyfriend you got."

Ramon laughed. "Has he ever taken nudes of you?" Lightly punching her shoulder.

Bryce laughed. "Most definitely. Bet he likes the freaky shit too."

Libby looked down as her face turned red and she bristled with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. Scott could feel her body heating up. "Dude, I think we should take it down a bit."

Bryce rolled his eyes. "Are we embarrassing your boyfriend?"

Sheri interrupted. "We gotta go."

Bryce stood at the door. "Picture first." Libby and Sheri were tired of fighting and just relented to pose. "You girls are gonna have to move in closer." She smiled tightly as Scott placed his chin on her shoulder. Sheri was also smiling as fake as possible to get out as Ramon wrapped his arm around her and pushed her flush against him. "Smile, bitches!" The click echoed in her ears and lingered in her head. Bryce finally moved aside and Libby has never bolted from a room faster, grasping Sheri's hand tight.

Sheri was on the brink of a breakdown. "I'm so sorry."

Libby shook her head as she dropped her arm as soon as their feet crossed the threshold of the school hallway. "It's fine." And ran away before Sheri could stop her.

She was on the brink of losing it. And she couldn't be out in the open. So she went to the one place she knew would be safest. The dark room.

The door was luckily unlocked as she collapsed on the floor in a heap of sobs and heavy breathing as she clutched onto her heart. She shouldn't have gone. She shouldn't be doing anything. She's a slut who played her way in there and couldn't handle the consequences.

She was so deep in thought, she didn't see Tyler standing off in the corner until he was at her side. "Libby, what's wrong?" She lifted her head and without words pulled his body to hers. She laid her head in the crook of his neck as she breathed him in. Her Tyler. He reacted immediately as he ran his fingers through her hair and massaged her neck. "It's okay. You're okay. I'm here." She was calming down quicker than before now. Her Tyler. Her peace. When her sobs had died down enough, he slightly pulled away. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Libby took a deep breath as she clutched onto his arms for support. "I was doing a favor for Clay. Followed Scott to the clubhouse with Sheri. But then Bryce showed up and he......." Her breathing picked up again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

He was confused. "Why are you apologizing for that asshole?"

She shook her head as fresh tears built up in her eyes. "Because this isn't me anymore. I'm not the girl who gets blackout drunk, fucking every guy. I'm yours. And that's all I wanna be."

Tyler smiled. "We're not together. You can do whatever you want. Just like.......I could do things."

She shook her head as she cupped his face. "After the trial. Like I promised. You are all I need in the meantime. Trust me, the thought of being with anyone else makes me physically ill."

Tyler smiled, but on the inside he was screaming. "You're all I need."

She dared to pull his lips to hers for a slow kiss. Tyler melted into it. Feeling like he could breathe for the first time since he kissed Mackenzie. He felt the guilt rising in his chest at the thought that she could never bring herself to look at someone else. Not even Scott! Yet he dared himself to think of another girl. How could he do that?

Why did he ever think he wanted anyone but her?


When Libby had fully gotten her bearings, she rejoined Sheri and Clay. Sheri instantly wrapped her arms around the girl in guilt. "I'm so sorry I made you do that!"

Libby shook her head. "You didn't make me do anything. I volunteered."

She shook her head. "But that was before Bryce and-"

She cut her off. "That wasn't your fault! No one could have predicted that."

Clay was stunned. "Bryce showed up? Fuck! Are you okay?" He took Sheri's hand gently.

Sheri smiled at him, hiding a blush. "I'm better now. And I got the passcode. But I can't go back there. I'm sorry, Clay. I wanna help you, but....."

He shook his head. "You don't have to explain, I get it. And I'm so fucking sorry that I pushed you to this. Both of you. You mean a lot to me, you know that right?"

Libby watched the two with a smirk on her face. "I can leave and come back later if-"

Clay gave her a look. "Not now." But his serious look changed. "Are you out too? I understand if you say yes."

She shook her head. "I'm not out yet. I wanna make these fuckers pay. And with you and maybe another of our guy friends around I'll feel much safer going back to the clubhouse."

So that was the plan. They agreed to snoop around the clubhouse that night, while all the baseball assholes were occupied with their first game. Libby thought it was a risk to go when they were all so close. But Justin assured her that none of them would be focusing on anything else in those hours. She was outvoted. At least Justin would be joining them. She felt safer even if he wasn't that strong. Just having safety in numbers.

In the meantime, Libby decided to visit Jess and Alex to make up for yesterday. But when she saw Alex, he looked less than pleased. "What's wrong?"

He carefully pulled out a bullet from his bag. "Someone left this in my locker. A fucking bullet!"

Libby swore. "What is this person's deal with you specifically? I have to narrow it down to a jock who really hates you."

Alex nodded. "As long as you are planning to do something about this, I won't complain."

"Do you need help getting to class?" She asked.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not a baby, Libs. I'm sick of either being spoon fed or treated like a freak. It's always one of the two."

She shook her head. "There's nothing wrong with being taken care of. Did you finally get your dick to work?"

He nodded. "Yeah! Zach and I were wrestling around and it's working again."

Libby smirked. It couldn't be? "Really?"

Alex paled. "Not in a weird way."

She nodded. "Of course." He'll figure it out eventually. "I know this part sucks, but it's not forever. Let the people who care about you, help you." And she grabbed his bag off his back. Alex couldn't argue as he followed slowly behind.

When classes had ended, Libby met up with Jess after practice to see her in a heated discussion with Nina. She jogged up when the girl left. "What was that about?"

Jess rolled her eyes. "I just learned that someone I thought had moved on from her trauma might not be entirely over it."

Libby shrugged. "You never get over something like rape. You fool yourself into thinking it's over and it can never affect you again. But that's all just another phase of acceptance. What it really means to move on is understanding that it will never leave you. It follows you now into the person you grow to become. Like a virus."

She deflated. "That's depressing."

She had to stop herself from snorting. "It's trauma, Jessica. Some of the worst there is. It sucks. It really fucking sucks. Trauma doesn't make you a better person. It doesn't bring out miracles, it just hurts you. There is meaning to surviving in spite of suffering, but that only comes from you and the people around that love you. Trauma does nothing but suck."

Jess smirked sadly. "Maybe I should have gone to you instead. Maybe accompanied one of your sex ed talks with the boys."

Libby cringed. "Those were more about erectile dysfunction than sex. But I would have liked to help you as I helped them. I've just been nonstop moving ever since the trial started. But I also think Alex would have been embarrassed having his crush there." Her eyes widen. "That can't have been a secret. He likes you, and I think you like him."

She blushes. "I do like Alex. I do. It's just......"

"You're still in love with Justin." She finishes.

Jess got defensive. "Who told you that?"

Libby smirked. "The look in your eye when you saw him this morning. It's okay, I won't tell anyone. Feelings don't automatically mean something will happen. Or that you want something to happen. You have so much you're dealing with, let's not add to the pile."

She was appreciative. "Thank you."

Everything was perfect. The boys were at the game and the dream team was assembled. Except for Sheri and Tony. Sheri was understandably upset. Tony was dealing with court today. Where he defended the fact that Hannah didn't give him a plan while Stahl speculated a revenge fantasy. She might have read into it a bit. To be honest, Libby doesn't care why Hannah wanted everyone to get the tapes. But it was her story and now everything in everyone's life has changed drastically. But in many ways, Hannah gave her the courage to tell her father and that's going well so far.

Once Libby typed in the passcode and tore off the lock, they were looking through everything. Clay was determined. "It should be like a box or something. Where they're keeping the rest. Just look for anything that could be used to take them down."

Libby was listening in the distance to the loud cheering, making sure to hear the cue when it was break time. But what she wasn't expecting was Zach to come full gear into the clubhouse. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Libby looked at him in disbelief. "What the fuck are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on the field?"

He stared off into the distance. "I think I might have just quit."

"Why?" Clay asked.

Zach shrugged. "Maybe I'm pulling a Justin? Maybe I'm sick of following under Bryce."

Justin raised an empty beer bottle. "Amen, brother!"

Clay wasn't buying it. "You had so long time to stand up to Bryce. Why now?"

Zach shook his head. "Because I'm sick of letting other people make decisions for me, because I'm sick of pretending the shit with Hannah didn't affect me, because I'm sick of my girlfriend being disappointed in me? Pick your poison. So what are you trying to accomplish here?"

Libby shrugged. "Dig up some dirt. What are you doing?"

Zach rolled his eyes as he reached underneath the couch and pulled out a shoebox. "You want dirt? Here ya go! Already have three of them. And this is the rest." Oh shit! Mystery solved!

Clay put the pieces together. "You're the one who gave me the Polaroids? Why make it this big mystery? Why not come to me and tell me what's going on? We could have gotten to this sooner than the end of the trial!"

"Because I'm a fucking coward!" He snapped. "And you're not. So I thought if I gave you the pieces one by one you would find your way here. But you're still a reckless idiot and Libby's a reckless violent. And Justin is also here." Justin flipped him off from the corner. "I didn't want to risk losing my protection that I got from being a jock. But Libby is right, I get way too much privilege at this school for nothing. And it's about time I use that for something good. So take them. Do whatever you want with them, I don't care. I'm done. I'm washing my hands clean because I know it's in safe hands now." And he walked back out.

The three of them looked at each other and then back down to the shoebox in awe. This was it. They were finally getting the answers they have been searching for.

Tyler fucked up bad. Really bad. He didn't know why he just kept talking. He always says the wrong thing and it destroys any perception of him. It happened with Hannah, it almost happened with Libby multiple times, and now it's happened with Mackenzie and by extension Cyrus. After everything he had gained this month. Everything he never thought he could have. It was all gone. In an instant. He couldn't believe this happened again! He wanted to break something he was so mad. So he did the only thing that makes himself feel better.

He called Libby.

He could tell she was frantic. "Hey, baby. Are you okay?"

He heard someone snort. "Baby?" It sounded like Justin. Then he heard a smack. "Sorry."

Tyler spoke as clearly as he could so she wouldn't tell he'd been crying. "Are you doing anything? Are you with people?"

She nodded. "I'm with Clay and Justin right now. We're going to be meeting Sheri at Clay's house where we will be blowing the lid off the jocks' biggest secret."

"Can I come?" He asked pathetically.

Her answer was instant. "Of course you can." There was another pause as he heard a grunt. "Clay, tell him."

Clay's voice sounded strained. "Of course you can come to my house, Tyler." He was forcing the words out and it was obvious.

The five of them crowded around the table holding the box of Polaroids as they were taking them out one by one. Tyler was still confused. "The jocks have a secret clubhouse inside the stadium where they take girls to drink, get high, and raped?" He turned to Libby. "That's what you've been doing this month?"

She nodded. "On top of trying to figure out who's responsible for fucking with us and dealing with my family. It's been busy." She took a closer look at him. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah." He lied. He had to.

Clay was baffled. "There must be hundreds in here. Some of these girls don't look conscious. But some look like they're having fun."

Sheri shook her head. "Trust me, Clay, they're not."

He shook his head. "But if they chose to go inside-"

Libby cut him off by showing him the latest picture from that day. "Do these girls look like they're having fun? Maybe. You saw us after the fact. Did we really?"

Tyler nodded at her words. "One picture never tells the whole story."

Sheri sighed as she picked up another, recognizing the girl. "This is-this is Jess' new friend Nina."

Libby shook her head. "Do you think she even remembers it? Do most girls remember what happened to them?"

Justin shook his head. "Probably not. They must have been trashed if they didn't fight back."

"Or they were too scared to." Sheri added.

Clay picked up another and gasped. "Chloe?" That made everyone huddle around him in shock. Bryce was on top of her, ass out and smirking. "This asshole does this to his own girlfriend?"

Libby scoffed. "Of course he does! Guys like this have no moral compass! They do this with whoever they please!"

Then Clay picked up another and sighed deeply in shock. Justin took the picture from him and did the same. "It's Hannah."

"Hannah went there too? And she never mentioned it?" Tyler asked.

"She's wearing a letterman too. Who's jacket?" Sheri observed.

Justin looked closer. "It might be Bryce's. But I'm not sure."

Clay took deep breaths to control his anger as he continued looking through each picture. But then he stopped as his eyes went wide. Libby was confused. "Who do you see?" Clay shook his head. "Clay, who is it?" When he didn't answer again, she tried to reach for the Polaroid and he ripped it away like she was poison. "Clay! Give me the fucking Polaroid!"

Justin looked from behind Clay's back and his eyes turned red. "Jesus fuck!"

She turned to Justin. "Justy, who is it? Who's on the Polaroid this time?"

Justin sighed. "It's you, Libs."

Libby rolled her eyes. "Yeah, they took a few of me. I've seen them. They're not that bad."

He shook his head. "You don't remember this one."

"How do you know?" She asked.

Tyler piped up. "Can I see it?"

Their reaction was instant. "No. You'll want them dead."

"And how do you know that?" He asked.

"Because I want them dead and I'm not her fucking boyfriend." Was Justin's answer.

Libby rolled her eyes. "For fucks sake." And she finally snatched it out of Clay's hand. A hand going to her mouth as she saw it.

It was a picture of her, unconsciously laying on the couch with her top exposed. Fully out as she lied there sleeping. She wanted to throw up. When could they have taken this? When Tyler looked over, he froze. They had that. They had a picture of his Libby being exposed like that. Vulnerable. Just in a shoebox for anyone to see. Justin was right, he wanted to kill them. He wanted to take the guns out of his dresser and line all the baseball players up single file and open fire. He was so enraged at the audacity of these men to think they could hurt his Libby like this. What gave them the right?

Justin spoke up. "Look at the haircut, Libs. It was freshman year. How often were you at the clubhouse?"

Libby shook her head as she hid the photo close to her chest: "I don't know. That was years ago. A lot I think. I don't fucking remember every time I went over there."

Clay rolled his eyes. "Well, one of those times they got you so trashed and someone decided to have some sick fun. We have to give these to the Baker's. This was on school property. The coach knows it exists. This is all they need to take that bastard down. All of them. They need to pay."

Sheri held up her hands. "Slow down. Okay? We need to do this right. Or so many girls are going to get exposed in the worst way possible."

Tyler shook his head as he bit his lip to the point he could taste his own blood. "Fuck the legal system! I don't care what we have to do. They are going down."

Justin nodded. "For once I agree with Tyler. Bryce has so much power. He's gonna ace his testimony tomorrow. We all know it! We have to try something else."

Sheri shook her head. "Right now you're all letting your emotions cloud your judgment. I think we need to at least sleep on this before we come up with a plan on what to do with them. Okay? Can you agree to that? Libby?"

All eyes went to the girl as she tried her best to hold back tears. She felt Tyler rubbing circles on her back which was helping. "We need to be smart. Bryce is testifying tomorrow and we need to be prepared for that."

Clay sighed. "Fine."

Justin was next. "Okay."

Libby turned to Tyler as she held his body close. He shook his head reluctantly. "For you."

It was settled. They would decide on a plan after Bryce's testimony. Where he was no doubt going to bullshit his way out of several allegations.

Gotta love rich people!


Today was the day! More specifically today was Thursday. Another day of testimonies, but this one was different. Because Bryce Walker was being called to the stand. To answer for the allegation Mr. Porter made, the allegation Hannah made on her tape, and the allegation Libby made of an attempted sexual assault. The entire school was in a buzz and classrooms were no doubt gonna be empty. Similarly to her testimony. Except people weren't going to watch him fail. They were going in support of a monster.

Libby had given up trying to rationalize why people would still support Bryce after everything that has come out. The tapes, the burning of the field, the trial itself has just been unraveling him inch by inch. But it's still not enough. Perhaps Justin was right. He's just too powerful.

Libby had decided to go to the trial. Not to support the bastard, but to witness his destruction. She also wanted to speak to Olivia like she wanted to do ever since her testimony. She deserved the truth even if her family would disapprove of an outsider knowing. Turns out she wasn't alone as Justin, Tony, and Clay were all going as well. But first they were all gathered at Monet's to tell Jess the truth about what they found.

She was in disbelief. "This can't be real. And I thought they couldn't get lower."

Clay nodded. "These girls should know what happened to them."

Jess shook her head as she gazed at the two photos chosen from the box. Nina's and Chloe's. "If either of them knew, it would destroy them."

Libby shook her head. "It's already destroying them. They just don't know it. Like what happened to you."

Clay nodded. "Yeah, think about it that way. They're just like you."

Jess laughed. "Is that supposed to make me feel better? That we're all part of some fucking club?"

Clay cringed. "Not exactly what I meant."

She rolled her eyes. "Why are you showing me this? Why are you trying to drag me into your schemes?"

Justin spoke calmly. "We think the truth will come out better coming from you. know......"

She laughed. "Because I'm a woman, the knowledge that they were raped will help the medicine go down better? Libby's a woman, why not have her do it?"

Clay sighed. "Libby's not a people person."

That offended her. "How do you know that?"

"You hate people." He answered.

She rolled her eyes. "I don't hate all people. Just most."

"Case in point!" He announced triumphantly. He turned back to Jess. "So will you do it."

Jess reluctantly nodded. "For them, not you." And she scooped up the photographs.

Clay cringed. "Careful! That's evidence." Wrong choice of words.

She scoffed. "It's not your story to tell, Clay. It's not your choice of evidence." And she walked away.

Clay sighed. "Well that went well."

Justin smiled. "She was talking directly to me."

Libby rolled her eyes. "What do you hope to accomplish with this? That seeing the damage will inspire them to want to testify against the most powerful teen in this town?"

Clay nodded. "Exactly."

She scoffed. "I appreciate your optimism, but it doesn't hurt to be a realist.

As the group was packing up to meet Tony, Tyler approached his ex-girlfriend with pleading eyes. "Don't tell me you're going to the trial."

She sighed. "I'll be here tomorrow, baby. You can survive without me for one day."

He shook his head. "I need you! I can't do it alone. It's too much right now."

"Why don't you hang out with Cyrus?" She offered.

He flinched. "Cyrus is done with me."

Libby's eyes widened. "What? What happened?"

He ran a hand through his hair. "I was having a really bad day and snapped at his sister. I fucking regret it, but he hates me now. I lost my only friend and I don't have you."

She took in his words. Cyrus just dumped him like he was nothing? What is wrong with him?She growled protectively. "I'm gonna kick his ass. I knew he was bad news, and now he's crossed a line. He hurt you."

Tyler shook his head frantically. "Don't do anything to make it worse! Please! I wanna try and fix this."

She took his hands gently. "He doesn't deserve it, Ty. He's some poser asshole who thinks he's the shit and will get a rude awakening in college."

"He's my only friend." He rebutted.

Libby sighed. "If he hurts you anymore, I'll fucking beat him into the dirt." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek as she followed Clay and Justin. "Miss you already!"

They arrived at the court early, which gave Libby plenty of time to talk with Olivia. She approached her gently. "I've been meaning to chat with you. Ever since my testimony. You deserve the truth."

She turned to the teenager with a kind smile. "Because what you said on the stand was a lie. I could feel it."

Libby looked around. "Where's your blonde friend?"

She sighed sadly. "She left. After learning what Hannah did at her old school. Guess the messy truth is.....well messy."

She nodded. "I didn't threaten Hannah because I thought she saw me with Tyler. Not entirely at least. I was covering up a crime I committed that I was scared of my family finding out. The same fear I felt that Hannah spreading one rumor would lead to my father discovering him. Because he is a monster who has already murdered my brother's wife and children. Someone who I thought would take his life too. And the reason I couldn't have confronted her like a normal person is because I was having a very stressful day. Due to the crime. And the reason I didn't correct my mistake was out of a new fear that she would retaliate against me for what I did to her. My paranoia is the reason your daughter is gone. I didn't wanna tell you any of this because I was afraid you would hate me. But if that's what you want, then by all means. I deserve it. I'm not a good person, Olivia. I'm selfish, I'm anxious, I'm a bully. I tried to be good for Hannah, but in the end I left her worse than I found her. Just like the others. Just like Bryce."

Olivia shook her head. "Sweetie, you are nothing like Bryce. You are a kid who makes mistakes. You are a child who was forced to be an adult way too early. You shouldn't be making the right decisions, you should be fucking up. And that's okay. Because what Hannah did was not your fault. You did the best you could and honestly kept her alive for way longer. Nobody's perfect, but that doesn't make us bad people. You are a good person, Libby. Because you are still trying."

Libby smiled as she sat down to watch the circus. Stahl was mostly relaxed today. She had an easy job, make Bryce look good. And of fucking course he was wearing glasses. The prick! She wanted to break those on his face.

Vasquez was the more interesting part. He came at him fast by talking about the night of his party, the people drinking, and the illusion of consent he no doubt crafted in his mind. All bullshit. All lies.

But then he brought her name into this. "What about the night Libby Clarke described? She said you had grappled her and took off her clothes without consent. Is that correct?"

Bryce kept a calm composure. "I guess that's how she saw it, or didn't see it but was told. But that's not what actually happened. Whatever Jeff said was probably the assumption he made when walking into the bathroom. Which, fair enough, it might not have looked pretty, but I was just trying to help her."

"And what was your relationship with Miss. Clarke?" He asked.

He sighed, looking like a hint of emotion washed over his face for a second. "We grew up going to the same middle school. She was one of my best friends growing up. We entered high school together and promised to stay friends. Which was easy as she joined the cheerleading squad and I was in sports. We went to parties together and hung out at each other's houses. I would even offer her a place to stay when her aunt got crazy." Libby sighed reliving her childhood with Bryce. So many memories. So many cherished moments, turned to ash.

Vasquez sighed. "So what would you say happened the night of Jessica Davis' party?" Oh, there's a lot he could tell. But the only thing they can talk about is her.

Bryce turned serious again. "I saw her hugging the walls with this dazed look on her face. I knew then that she had drank too much if she was having trouble standing. So I followed her to make sure she was okay. When I walked into the bathroom, her head was faced down into the bathtub, so I gently lifted her up and put her face over the toilet so she could throw up. I was holding her steady."

"But she claimed she was resisting and you didn't care?" He tried to argue.

"Yeah, she was drunk and uncomfortable because she needed to throw up. I was trying to help." He answered.

"She also said she had bruises after the fact?" He continued.

Again, he was quick. "I might have pressed down a bit too hard, but I didn't mean to! I was just trying to make sure she didn't fall again."

"And what about her claims that you tried to take off her dress while she protested you touching her?" He asked desperately.

Bryce shook his head. "I don't know where that idea came from. Maybe she felt me accidentally brushing my hand against her dress while I was holding her. But I never tried to take it off. These accusations didn't even come from her. She was told this by someone who arrived at the very end, then told her boyfriend while still being incredibly drunk, and then woke up the next morning and forgot everything. How is that taken more seriously than someone who was there and remembers everything?" Because that person is a fucking liar!

Vazquez moved back to Hannah, but he couldn't break the smug asshole. How could he? This bastard has been rehearsing his lines since he got called in.

The four of them were crowded around the stairs of the courthouse as they seethed. Tony was the first to speak. "The jury ate up every single word of his bullshit. And they tell you the justice system isn't fucked!"

An idea came to Clay's mind. "We need to talk to Jess. She needs to get us some girls willing to testify against him."

Justin shook his head. "It's hopeless, man. He's too strong! We don't have the power to go up against him! It's why Jess isn't doing it herself. What makes you think she'll push some other girl to do it?"

Libby added on. "Jess isn't the victim this country cares about. The unfortunate truth of who the court really cares about."

Tony nodded. "Then what? We find some pretty, young, white, rich girl who was raped by Bryce who is also willing to take the heat from him?"

Clay got a lightbulb in his head. "We need Chloe. Think about it, she's his girlfriend. If she is telling people that Bryce raped her it has more validity. That's who Jess needs to talk to."

Libby sighed. "And what makes you think she'll be willing to betray Bryce?"

"If Jess shows her what he did to her, then she'll want revenge. And we can use that to put Bryce away for good. Everybody wins!" Clay cheered.

Libby knew it was for the greater good, but to force someone to tell their story before they're ready was not something she was happy about.

Sometimes Clay forgot that these girls were still people at the end of the day.

So consumed with avenging Hannah.

Libby is waiting patiently for this phase of his life to be over.


It was Friday, Jess and Olivia were giving Chloe the rundown if she chose to take action against Bryce, and Libby was not missing another day of school.

She watched Tyler try in vain to win over Cyrus. She wanted to beat him up so badly, but she also didn't want to upset Tyler.

Bryce was back to his usual bitchy self as he laughed with Scott and Monty. She couldn't believe Scott was still hanging out with him after listening to the tapes. Zach had quit the team, sticking to his morals. But apparently he was different.

Clay, Justin, Tony, and her were staring from down the hall when Justin couldn't take it anymore. He started marching over to the man, on a mission. "You're a fucking liar." Getting the attention of Bryce and his boys. "You never had sex with Hannah. You would've told me."

Bryce rolled his eyes. "Why? Because we were best friends who told each other everything? Or maybe I got done with your shit ages ago."

Justin shook his head in anger. "Or maybe you're a fucking coward and a liar?"

Monty stepped up. "Why don't you take a step back? Before this gets ugly."

Justin looked between the two boys. "What's the matter, Bryce? Still hiding behind your boys to do the dirty work?"

This had the intended effect as Bryce shooed Monty away. "Who's hiding?" The two became locked in a stand-off as Bryce smirked. "You wanna go?"

Justin gave him a long hard look. He was debating his options very closely. Was it worth it? But then that night flashed through his head, pushing him to the brink and he snapped. He rushed at Bryce and shoved his body against the locker, getting a few hits to the face before Montgomery pulled him back.

It was at that moment Clay and Tony rushed into action. Or more so Tony as more of Bryce's boys came rushing in. With ease, Tony was able to rip Justin out of his arms and slam Monty against the other side of the wall. "I don't wanna do this, man." He was giving him an out.

But Monty just can't fucking help himself. "Faggot!" Tony took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. "Fucking coward faggot!" Tony snapped and punched him square in the jaw. So hard that he doubled over and fell to the ground. Tony went over to try helping Clay while Justin was getting slammed by three of them.

It was then Libby saw out of the corner of her eye Cyrus was looking straight at the fight with fire in his eye. His friends behind him were thinking the same thing. "Let's go, motherfuckers!" And his entire gang came running to help them out.

With the extra help, Tony and Clay were able to pinpoint their attacks. Clay tried to grab hold of Ramon, but ended up losing grip on his back as he was flipped over and dropped on his ass. Libby held back a laugh at the sight.

With Montgomery still out, Tony focused on Bryce's boys, leaving him defenseless with Justin. The two were locked in their own brawl until Bryce got the upper hand and started wailing on her friend.

Tyler came up to her with wide eyes. "What the hell is happening?"

Libby smiled giddy. "My premonition has come to pass. Hold my things, baby." She gave him her bag and a kiss on the cheek as she ran headfirst into the brawl. Her fist connecting with the back of Bryce's head. He doubled over and turned to her. He tried to land a punch, but she twisted his arm. "Told you I could best you in a fight." But her victory was cut short when Luke pulled her hair and she tumbled to the ground.

He was quickly pulled elsewhere and Bryce looked at her with a smirk. "Crazy bitch." But before he could land a punch, he was once more thrown to the ground by none other than Zach Dempsey. She watched it happen in slow motion as Zach continuously landed blow after blow. Libby looked around to see everyone was locked in some kind of showdown. Everyone except Clay and Scott. Where it looked like the blonde was actually holding her brother back? But that couldn't be right.

She got out of her daze when she saw Monty finally get back up and race straight towards Zach. Pulling him off of Bryce as he started to beat him senseless. With Bryce once again free, she ran at him again. She tried to land more hits, but he kept blocking. Her last hope was sweeping him under the feet, which ended up succeeding. But before Libby could land a punch, he dug his fingers into her hips and threw her body into the floor. Earning a loud smack as she yelped in pain. But Bryce didn't get a chance to react as Justin barreled towards him and grappled his entire body as they started to roll around to get each other to go down.

Libby saw in her blurred mind as Alex slowly limped into the fight. Making a beeline for Montgomery, and in a move that had her cackling on the floor, he hit him with his cane. Monty went tumbling to the ground as Zach tried to help Alex up and out of the fight now that he was free. But Zach wasn't given the chance to breath as he was pulled into yet another fight. As Alex tried to flee himself, Monty grabbed his body like a rag doll and slammed him against the lockers.

The two didn't move for several seconds as Alex broke the tension with simple words. "You're going to jail." Libby found the strength to get back up as she ran over to stop Monty. Before he could land a punch, she grabbed his head and bonked it on the locker space above Alex's head. Monty was sent spiraling back as he swore.

He turned around to face Libby as she smirked. "Want to go for round two?" He snarled as he tried to hit her, only to receive a punch in the gut, sending him to the ground for what felt like the tenth time.

It was now. Only now that administrators had arrived to intervene with the fight. And by intervene, what actually happened was Porter trying to stop the situation, getting pushed into Coach Rick, and the coach responding by pushing Porter back. Leading them to start fighting instead of helping the kids. And apparently Liberty is still trying to argue it's a functioning institution.

Finally, someone with sense, Courtney and Ryan, decided to put an end to this nonsense and pulled the fire alarm. Causing everyone but the guilty parties to run away.

Libby thinks this might be the most packed detention she has ever attended. And Libby was positive she was the only girl there. It was an honor to represent the best of her kind.

She was sat in front of Clay and Scott while they were chatting. Or rather Clay was interrogating. "Why didn't you hit me?"

Scott shrugged. "I was trying to stop it."

Clay scoffed. "Bullshit!"

He rolled his eyes. "Your friend is the one who started it."

"Which you helped escalate!" He replied.

Scott shook his head. "I didn't."

Clay scoffed. "Again, bullshit."

He was so tired of this. "I play baseball. That doesn't make me a fucking rapist."

Libby turned back to face him. "Did you even listen to the tapes like I asked, Scotty? Do you even care?"

Scott sighed. "Of course I do, Libs! I listened to every single one."

She scoffed. "So you just didn't believe Hannah?"

He felt stuck. "I don't know. I don't. Bryce is my friend, but so are you. I just-I need time to think."

Libby rolled her eyes. "Take all the time you need. Once you start valuing the women in this school over your own personal comfort level, let me know. I'm practically an expert in cutting that monster out of your life." She turned around and didn't speak to him again.

A man walked into the classroom, causing the teacher to sit up and pretend he was watching them. "Bryce Walker! Come with me." Of course he gets out of this. Bryce looked at those on the right side with a smirk.

Cyrus leaned over to her. "Didn't think you had that in you. I mean, I watched you deck Dempsey, but that was hardcore."

Libby rolled her eyes. "You wouldn't know real hardcore if it slapped you in the face. Now stop talking to me, Adam Lambert."

He smirked. "You think that's an insult, but I'm quite flattered. You ignoring me cause I cut off the jerk who hurt my sister?"

She sighed, in disbelief she was about to do this. Not because it was defending Tyler, but because she was trying to repair a relationship she wanted to end. "Tyler can say some stupid shit sometimes, but he rarely means it. I'm sure he was just upset and lashing out. Doesn't make his behavior right, but you shouldn't write him off like he's nothing. You were lucky enough to be friends with him in the first place."

Cyrus blinked. "You really love him, don't you? That's sweet." And he didn't say another word. What did he mean by that?

As soon as detention was over, the gang went straight to the parking lot. Only to see someone had broken into Clay's car. Her brother was frantic as he looked for something in the back. "No no no! The box! It's gone!"

Libby shook her head. "What do you mean it's gone?"

Justin facepalmed. "Jesus! You left them in the fucking car?"

Clay got defensive. "What the fuck was I supposed to do? Carry it around in my bag as I take it to class? It's child pornography for fucks sake!"

Tony tried to rationalize. "It's Bryce! It had to be Bryce."

Libby could see his point. "Bryce was the only baseball player who got let out of detention early! We were with the rest of them the entire time."

Clay nodded. "So it was just Bryce all along? The one fucking with us?"

Libby refuted. "Now hold on there. We don't know that the person who took the box is the same guy. Just like how Chloe was the one to put up the pictures of Jess, this could be multiple people who are all working to bring us down. And the box of Polaroids was a separate mystery to it."

Clay shrugged. "Unless they were linked the entire time?"

She sighed. "We don't know that for sure. We shouldn't be throwing out accusations. It shouldn't matter if Chloe follows through on taking Bryce down."

But as it turned out, Chloe didn't follow through with the plan. She backed out at the last minute and decided to side with Bryce. Invalidating one of the few photos they had left in the process. Chloe was their last hope and now it was gone along with any chance of winning this case. Everyone was infuriated as they left the courtroom. Libby walked out and saw Tyler holding her bag. "I believe this belongs to you."

She walked over and wrapped her arms around him. "It's all so fucked! How can he keep getting away with this?"

He shrugged. "He has the power. And he's part of the system. Guys like that need to be stopped."

She sighed, feeling his anger growing. "Ty-"

He cut her off. "They took your clothes off while you were unconscious. Took pictures of your nude chest and did god knows what to you. Even if it wasn't Bryce, he's the fucking ringleader who is responsible for all of them. He thinks he's so untouchable." She felt his grip on her shoulders tighten.

She stroked his hair calmly. "We'll find a way. We always do. Are you leaving?"

He shook his head. "Not yet."

She nodded. "Okay. I'll see you later." And kissed his cheek one last time before leaving the courthouse.

It's hard to believe there's any hope in these moments.


Libby had followed Justin to Monet's. She had no idea where Clay was, but her focus right now was making sure Jess was okay. And that was targeted at Justin too. He wasn't forgiven in Jess' eyes. Not yet anyways. But she could tell he was close.

Her thoughts were conflicted about Chloe's decision to stand by Bryce in the face of knowing what she did to him. She knew it was too soon. That kind of shit is too fresh in her soul to be used against him. She choked and so fell back on something comfortable.

If Libby learned anything from the last two days about Bryce is that he feels no remorse for any of his actions. Not Hannah, not Jess, not Chloe, not even the girl he knew as a child. He ran over her like all their time together meant nothing. She remembered before she heard the tapes, back when she knew nothing about the monster he was. She loved him so much. Trusted him so deeply. And he just didn't care about her. All those years. Did he always just see her as an object? She wished it didn't hurt her to think like that. She thought she mourned the Bryce she used to know last semester. But some wounds haven't completely healed. In time they will.

Justin was sitting across from Jess with sad eyes. "Hope is not all lost, you know? I still have to testify next week."

Jess sighed. "Justin, I know that what Chloe did was hard. But I understand her. I'm with her. What I'm going through right now....."

Justin looked at her with so much sympathy. "If I could take all your pain and put it in me, I would. In a heartbeat."

She shook her head. "But you can't. I have to live with this pain for the rest of my life. And what you want me to do is expose that pain for the chance that Bryce will suffer the consequences for it."

Libby took her hand softly. "Jess, I know it seems like Bryce is untouchable, but I foresee one day he will get what's coming to him. One way or another. I can feel it in my bones."

Justin tried to show how serious he was. "You're right. I can't undo what happened. And I can't transfer the pain to myself. But what I can do is take away anymore pain you could experience as a result of that night. You're not ready to tell your story. You're not ready to face Bryce. But I am. You don't have to see him, talk to him, talk to the jury. I will do everything for you. I will bring you justice all on my own. And all you have to do is say the word. I will take your pain. I will do anything for you. I love you."

Jess smiled gratefully at him as she weighed her options. After talking to Nina, after talking to Clay and Alex. But also seeing how Libby would stand by her no matter what. "Okay. Do it. Testify against Bryce what you saw that night. Take him down for me please. Justin, make him pay." He took a risk and slid his hand over the table to take hers. She nodded and let him intertwine their fingers. It was small, but Libby could tell the jumping jacks going on in his head right about now.

Jess had left soon after and Justin was about to drop Libby off when he got a call from Clay. Libby didn't hear what he was saying, but whatever it was scared Justin to death as he started breathing heavily. "Don't do anything. We're on our way." And he started flooring it.

Libby turned to him in concern. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head. "Clay is at Bryce's right now."

"Shit." She muttered as they finally made it to the Walker residence.

Justin was the first to hop out of the car. "Clay! Put it down! Let's talk about this. This isn't the way!" Libby didn't understand until she hopped out herself that Clay was currently holding a gun.

Her eyes widened. "Jesus, Clay! Where did you get a fucking gun?"

Clay just shook his head. "It's all over."

Justin shook his head. "No it's not. Jess agreed to let me testify. I'm going to tell them what I saw. It isn't hopeless."

He wasn't having it. "He'll get out of it. He always does. He needs to be stopped."

Libby stepped in. "Clay, look at me. Going to prison is not how we're stopping Bryce. You heard Justin, it's not over yet."

He nodded. "We're all here. We're all on your side. Just lower the gun and we can discuss a better plan. Please, man. I can't lose you to this."

But it seemed like Clay was only hearing them so much. "Just make her stop talking. She won't stop."

Justin was confused by who he was talking about, but Libby wasn't. "Hannah won't stop talking to you? What is she saying?"

He screwed his eyes shut and pressed the gun to his head. "MAKE HER STOP!"

Libby was trying so desperately to help her brother, but she didn't know how. "Clay, Hannah isn't real. She's dead. She died six months ago. The Hannah that is talking to you is only in your head. You have the power to make her go away. Only you." It wasn't working. She didn't know how this could get worse.

"What the fuck?" She spoke too soon as Bryce walked out of his house. Staring at the situation in utter shock. His childhood best friends were coaxing Clay Jensen with a gun to stop something. Was everyone high tonight?

Clay lowered the gun from his head as he stared daggers into Bryce's head and in one swift motion pointing the gun straight at him. Escalating things quite quickly.

What were they gonna do?


Another cliffhanger!

Changed the scene a bit to fix the continuity of season three when this moment is shown on video. Minor, but I thought why not.

Getting to the homestretch now. Definitely pulled the fight scene to be more but it's one of my favorite scenes in the show I can indulge myself.

I'm just ready for the finale and season three at this point. It's all going to hell from this point on. My poor baby will never be the same.

Written: 08/01/23

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