Teen Wolf: The Second McCall...

By V01D_WR1T3R

36.2K 1K 247

We all know the story. Scott McCall gets bitten by Peter Hale, falls in love with Allison Argent, fights the... More

Season 3A
Ch. 1 - Tattoo
Ch. 2 - Chaos Rising
Ch. 3 - Fireflies
Ch. 4 - Unleashed
Ch. 5 - Frayed
Ch. 6 - Motel California
Ch. 7 - Currents
Ch. 8 - Visionary
Ch. 9 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much
Ch. 10 - The Overlooked
Ch. 11 - Alpha Pact
Ch. 12 - Revelations: Lunar Eclipse
Season 3B
Ch. 13 - Anchors
Ch. 15 - Galvanize
Ch. 16 - Illuminated
Ch. 17 - Silverfinger

Ch. 14 - More Bad Than Good

1K 40 11
By V01D_WR1T3R

When Y/N got home, he learned that Scott had left, and realized that he was trying to help solve the case Noah had requested help on. Y/N waited until the next day before he asked about the details. According to Scott, Malia Tate, a girl who had turned into a coyote after an accident, meaning she was a werecoyote. And Scott needed to find a way to turn her back to human very soon, or the authorities would kill her. Y/N offered his help, to which Scott was thankful for. The next day at school in the history classroom before class began, Y/N, Scott, Stiles, and Allison grouped together to try and figure out how to find Malia.

"Here's where we found the den. It's right in the middle of the hiking trail." Stiles pointed out.

"Well, that could narrow it down. Coyotes travel in fixed trails." Allison explained. "But I think you're right about her not going back to the den. Coyotes don't like wolves." Scott winced. "And they're really smart. If they don't want to be heard, they actually walk on their toes."

"Coyotes tip-toe?" Stiles asked, shocked.

"They tip-toe." Allison nodded, making Stiles' jaw drop. But then the bell rang, meaning their little meeting was at its end.

"I got to go, but send me the pinned location." Allison said, leaving the history classroom.

"Okay." Stiles promised, and Scott and Stiles made their way to their seats. But Scott was cut off by Kira walking up to him.

"Hey. I'm Kira." Kira said, but then her eyes went wide. "You knew that. I knew you knew that. I don't know why I just told you that again." Kira began to ramble while Scott smiled. "Anyway, I have something for you."

"For me?" Scott asked, confused.

"Yeah. About the bardo. My explanation was sort of all over the place, so I did some research and I printed it out for you." Kira explained, going through her bag. Y/N was watching this with a smirk, knowing exactly what was in the works.

"Ah, you didn't have to do that." Scott said, nicely.

"It only took a couple of hours." Kira stated, like it was nothing.

"Wow." Scott said, shocked. "Then you really didn't have to do that."

"I swear I printed it out." Kira recalled, looking through her backpack again.

"Kira." Mr. Yukimura called out to her. Scott and Kira looked to see Mr. Yukimura holding Kira's papers. "You forgot all the research you did for that boy you like." Kira and Scotts jaws dropped, Kira in shock from her father outing her, and Scott in surprise about this revelation. And Y/N was in his seat stifling a laugh, when all of a sudden, he felt something hit him in the head. Glancing to his left, he saw Kaitlyn shaking her head. Y/N narrowed his eyes as a reply. "All right, everyone. Let's get started. We were just talking about internment camps and prisoners of war." Mr. Yukimura reminded the class as he opened a textbook. "There's a passage in our reading that I'd like to go over in more detail Who would like to come up and read aloud for us?" He scanned the room. "Mr. Stilinski, how about you?" Stiles' eyes went wide.

"Oh, maybe someone else could." Stiles mumbled.

"Everyone participates in my class, Mr. Stilinski." Mr. Yukimura said, giving the boy an encouraging smile.

"Okay." Stiles said, and made his way up to the front of the class to read from the textbook. However, Y/N watched as he began to hyperventilate, before Stiles ran out of the room, and Scott followed quickly after. Y/N glanced at Kaitlyn who was looking at him in confusion, to which Y/N quickly got out of his seat and chased after his brother. He followed his brothers scent into the locker room, and found him and Stiles sitting down, and Stiles had calmed down a bit.

"Everything okay guys?" Y/N called out to them. They looked at him and nodded. Y/N nodded back before sitting down with them, keeping them company. They sat in silence for a while before the bell rang. Kaitlyn began to pack up when she saw Kira eyeing Scott's, Stiles's, and Y/N's backpacks.

"Hey." Kaitlyn called out to the girl. "You okay?" she asked Kira.

"Yeah, it's just..." Kira gestured to the bags, and Kaitlyn understood.

"Let me help." Kaitlyn offered, picking up Y/N's backpack, while Kira grabbed Scott and Stiles' bags. They exited the classroom together, but Kaitlyn immediately bumped into someone.

"Sorry, pardon me." They said. Kaitlyn looked up to see Michael. Her eyes narrowed immediately.

"It's okay." Kira said, shaking her head. Michael noticed the extra backpack's they were carrying.

"Do you two need any help?" He asked. Kira nodded, and handed him Scott's bag. They walked down the halls, searching for Scott, Stiles, or even Y/N but found something else. A coyote.

"Oh god." Kira said, her eyes going wide. Kaitlyn slowly put Y/N's backpack down as Michael took a step forward.

"Run." He said, as the Coyote snarled and leaped at Michael. Michael raised his arm and grabbed the coyote mid air, and threw it into the wall. It yelped in surprise as Kira ran into the locker room. The coyote snarled at Michael, and Kaitlyn got a look at his eyes.

They were glowing an emerald green.

He expertly dodged another claw from the coyote, before he ushered Kaitlyn into the locker room as well. He pulled Kaitlyn behind some lockers, where Kira was also hiding. They hid as the sound of glass breaking echoed through the locker room. Kira sucked in a breath as Michael and Kaitlyn readied themselves. Kaitlyn heard the sound of the coyote's light footsteps approaching, as it growled. Kira tried to peek around the side to see where the coyote was, but Michael put his arm in front of her and shook his head.

"Hey!" they heard someone yell. The trio's heads snapped to Y/N who was staring down the coyote. It snarled, before approaching Y/N. "Scott, now!" Scott slid next to Kaitlyn before pushing the locker over. It tumbled over like a domino, and knocked over every other locker. Unfortunately, the coyote was able to escape and Y/N sighed. But then he looked over to Stiles' backpack to see it torn apart. And peeking out of it was a porcelain doll.


The police were called, along with animal control. Y/N stood beside Kaitlyn as he made sure she was okay. She was unharmed, and told Y/N about what she saw. About Michael's green eyes. But they were different. Only his pupils glowed green, not his iris'. Y/N looked at Michael, who was being asked questions by the police. His suspicions were being confirmed. But then things began to get worse. Mr. Tate entered the school and that was when Y/N learned that Stiles had taken the doll from the crash site of the Tate family. Needless to say, Y/N smacked Stiles upside the head after Tate was escorted out, since he brought a gun onto the school campus. They needed to act fast and made a beeline to the animal clinic. Deaton was able to supply them with the necessary items to safely deal with a werecoyote.

"Xylazine." Deaton put three small containers of a clear liquid on the table. "It's a tranquilizer for horses. For a werecoyote, expect it to work within seconds. I only have three. So whoever's shooting, needs to be a damn good shot."

"Allison's a perfect shot." Scott said, confidently.

"She used to be." Isaac stated, recalling her shaky hands and shooting performance from a few days ago.

"She can do it." Scott promised.

"If we manage to find the thing." Isaac replied.

"Okay, what is the point of him? Seriously, I mean, what is his purpose? Aside from the persistent negativity and the scarf?" Stiles said, looking at Isaac's choice of wardrobe. "What's up with the scarf anyway? It's 65 degrees out."

"Look, maybe I'm asking a question no one here wants to ask. How do we turn a coyote back into a girl, when she hasn't been a girl for eight years?" Isaac asked, and the room went silent.

"I can do it." Scott declared, weakly and surprising Stiles.

"You can?" he asked.

"You remember the night that Peter trapped us in the school? In the gym, he was able to make me turn using just his voice. Deucalion did the same thing in the distillery." Scott explained.

"This is a werecoyote, Scott. Who knows if it'll even work if you can find someone who can teach you." Deaten said.

"That's why you called Derek, first." Stiles realized.

"Yeah." Scott said, meekly. "I could try it on my own. But right now, I'm too scared to even change into just a werewolf." Scott explained.

"We need a real Alpha." Stiles said, making Scott look at him with a "I am right here" look. "You know what I mean. An Alpha who can do Alpha things. You know, an Alpha who can get it going. You know, get it..." Stiles rambled.

"Up?" Isaac asked, raising an eyebrow, making Stiles gesture to the beta.

"Great. I'm an Alpha with performance issues." Scott said, slightly upset.

"Is there anyone else besides Derek who could help?" Deaton asked.

"I wouldn't trust Peter." Isaac said. Y/N could really argue with that.

"Maybe the twins?" Stiles asked.

"They're not Alphas anymore." Deaton explained. "After what Jennifer did, almost killing them? It broke that part of them." Y/N recalled that night. It was terrifying, but also amazing. Cora's eyes going from yellow to gold, Y/N got goosebumps all over again. He really missed her, but the promise she made to him still gave him hope.

"Yeah, but what if they know how to do it?" Stiles asked.

"Nobody's seen them for weeks." Scott said.

"Actually, that's not totally true." Stiles uttered, shocking Scott and making Y/N mentally facepalm.

"Lydia." was all Y/N said.


Scott, Stiles and Y/N all met up with Lydia to head to Derek's loft while Isaac took the Xylazine to Allison. Lydia texted Stiles saying that the twins would meet them at the loft, so they all clamored into Stiles' Jeep and drove straight there. Stiles pulled open the loft door as Lydia walked in with everyone else following behind. The lights were off and everything seemed untouched.

"They said they'd meet us here." Lydia said, shocked that they weren't there. Y/N looked around, before he heard Scott suddenly groan in pain. He spun around and saw Ethan and Aiden punch Scott in the chest and face. Stiles pulled Lydia back, keeping him in front of her protectively, as Y/N slowly but angrily walked backward.

"I thought you guys were gonna teach me to roar." Scott said, weakly after enduring the onslaught of Ethan and Aiden.

"We are." Aiden said, grinning. "You do it by giving in."

"Giving in and letting go. That's how Deucalion taught us control." Ethan explained. He grabbed Scott by his shirt and pulled him to his feet.

"Hey, you know, that's funny. I've actually tried something like this one time using a heart monitor and lacrosse balls." Stiles recalled. "But you're right, beating the living crap out of him is probably a lot better."

"Not the time." Y/N said, standing behind Stiles and Lydia in the portion of the loft with the elevator.

"That's actually the plan? You kick my ass?" Scott asked, shocked.

"You're afraid to turn." Ethan explained. "We're gonna make you."

"You turn. Then you kick our asses." Aiden said, smirking.

"And then you roar." Ethan said, as his eyes glowed blue and he let out his own roar.

"You don't think you can let go with us?" Aiden asked, shoving Scott back into Ethan, who pushed Scott back.

"You think you're going to hurt us?" Ethan asked.

"Come on, McCall. Give it your all." Aiden said

"We can always heal." Ethan reminded Scott, as Aiden sent a right hook right across Scott's face, making Y/N growl underneath his breath.

"You're an Alpha. You want to roar like one, you've got to give in full throttle. You've got to be the monster. Become the beast." Aiden said. "Become everything you're afraid of."

"That's what gives you power. It gives you strength." Ethan explained as Aiden punched Scott again, sending him to the ground as he coughed up blood.

"Giving into it doesn't make you the bad guy." Aiden stated.

"So long as you can control it." Ethan affirmed.

"Sometimes control's a little overrated." Aiden stated, smiling.

"Come on, Scott. Fight back." Stiles muttered.

"Come on, brother." Y/N thought.

"What if I can't control it? What if I can't turn back?" Scott asked.

"Then it takes over. You become Malia." Ethan explained. "You get further and further away from being human. You turn into an animal. Or worse."

"You turn into Peter." Aiden stated. Y/N had flashes to the vengeful alpha during their sophomore year. Not a good sight. Scott shakely rose to his feet before he took a deep breath. He braced for strength as he tried to let out a roar. But all that came out was a squeaky teenage scream, and Scott fell back to his knees. Ethan sighed, as Aiden shrugged.

"Is that all you got?" Aiden asked. Scott shook his head.

"I can't." Scott declared. "I can't do it."

"Well. If you won't..." Ethan began, before turning his head. "Maybe he will." He and Aiden looked over to Stiles and Lydia, who looked confused, before they looked behind them at Y/N. Y/N looked at everyone in confusion as well.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Y/N asked. Scott looked at Ethan and Aiden in confusion as well.

"Don't play dumb." Aiden said. "We know you're an alpha." Y/N chuckled.

"No, I'm not." Y/N declared.

"We can sense the alpha status. So stop lying." Ethan stated.

"Well, then your senses must be messed up too, because I'm not an alpha." Y/N reaffirmed. "You probably sense Cora."

"And how would that be possible?" Aiden asked, stepping forward.

"The soul mark. She's still here, even if she isn't physically present." Y/N stepped forward as well. "She's here through me." Y/N and Aiden had a stare off. But Y/N folded first. "You're not helping. So we might as well go." Y/N moved and helped Scott to his feet. He draped one of Scott's arms over his shoulder and helped his brother out of the loft, with Stiles and Lydia following behind them. The car ride back to everyone's home was fairly silent, until Scott decided to ask the one question plaguing everyone's mind.

"Why did they think you're an alpha?" Scott asked Y/N. Y/N sighed.

"I don't know. But I can promise you that I'm not. They most likely sensed Cora's power through my soul mark. It's happened before." Y/N deduced.

"Wait, when did Cora give you power?" Stiles asked.

"The night of the lunar eclipse. As we drove down to the cellar, I was on the verge of collapse due to lack of sleep. She gave me some of her energy." Y/N recalled. That was enough of an answer for the group as everyone made it back home. But Scott had one last question for Y/N.

"Do you know how to roar?" Y/N sighed.

"All I know is what Talia told me when I asked about the supernatural world. Don't fight, or discourage the beast. Embrace it. Become one. You are the beast, and the beast is you. You are a predator, not a monster, so let go of your fear, and let the predator run." Y/N recalled, before he walked up the stairs and to his room. But he wasn't done for the night. He pulled out his phone and texted Kaitlyn. He opened his window and jumped down to the street, and walked down the same path he took the previous night, and soon enough, Kaitlyn was next to him. They walked up to the house and Y/N knocked on the door. A older woman opened it, and she looked at the two high schoolers in surprise.

"Hi. Can I help you?" She asked.

"Yes, hi. Is Michael home." Y/N asked.

"Yes, he's upstairs. Who are you two?"

"Were friends from school." Kaitlyn answered. "May we come in?" She asked, and the woman nodded.

"Sure. Please, come in." the woman said. Kaitlyn nodded, before slowly entering the house and looking around. Y/N followed suit, and walked up the stairs. "First door on the right, dears." She said. They found the door and entered. The two saw Michael sitting at a small desk reading his textbook. Michael looked at them in shock.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" he demanded, getting up.

"Calm down. We're not here to fight." Y/N explained, confusing the boy.

"Then why did you come here? How did you even get in here?" Michael asked.

"Those answers will be given in time. But it's our ture for our questions to be answered." Y/N said.

"Yeah, what are they?" Michael demanded.

"What are you?" Kaitlyn asked, leaning on the doorway.

"Kaitlyn told me she saw your pupils glowing bright green when the coyote was in school. Care to explain?" Y/N asked.

"It's none of your business, so please, leave my home." Michael said, putting his hands on Y/N in an attempt to push him out of his home. But Y/N had a backup plan. He knocked Michaels hands aside and made an attempt to grab him by the throat. But Michael's arms moved like bullets, and grabbed his arm and shoved him against the wall. But he let one thing slip

"You wanna talk about your eyes now?" Y/N asked. Michael glared at Y/N with his pupils glowing green once again.

"Who the hell are you two?" He demanded, and Kaitlyn and Y/N chuckled. Y/N let his eyes glow as Kaitlyn felt her eyes and the area around them begin to heat up.

"We're like you." Y/N said.


The next day, Y/N met with Scott, Isaac, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison at the start of a trail.

"Anyone else think we might be doing more harm than good?" Lydia asked.

"We're trying to keep a father from killing his own daughter." Scott reminded the banshee.

"Actually, we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote who is actually his daughter, who we don't know how to change from a coyote back to his daughter." Isaac added his two sense.

"Isaac." Y/N said, sternly. He nodded, realizing that he was being too honest. Scott sighed.

"Did you bring it?" Scott asked, looking at Allison. She nodded, before pulling out a compact rifle from out of her car trunk.

"Okay. Lets-" Y/N began, before he, Scott an Isaac all snapped their heads towards the trail. They all heard the same thing. Gunfire. Scott quickly hopped on his dirt bike again and sped off, with Isaac and Y/N running close behind. The three werewolves split off from each other, and Y/N was left alone. He ran, trying to detect any form of scent from the coyote, before he heard an ear piercing scream. Y/N slid to a halt as he looked around. "Isaac." Y/N realized. But before Y/N could make a decision, the sound of footsteps running past him made him look to his right. There, running quickly, was the coyote. Y/N knew Isaac would heal, so he raced after the coyote. Scott was hot on it's tail as well, as he recalled exactly what Y/N had told him. He's a predator. Embrace it. Let it run. He saw the coyote turning towards the crash site, before letting his animal side run wild, and he jumped over the wrecked car and right in front of the coyote. It bared its teeth while snarling, readying itself. But Scott was ready too. He let out the loudest roar he had ever done. It echoed throughout the forest, and Y/N watched from behind a few tree's as the coyote slowly transformed back into a girl. "Well done, brother." Y/N commented, as he walked away. Scott smiled to himself, before looking around. He saw his brother for a split second, and could have sworn he saw himself with two other people walking beside him.

A/N: Okay, Updates might begin to slow down. Not Stop, but slow down. So expect updates every few weeks instead of every week. I won't stop writing, I promise.

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