Suddenly I became a Mother

By amey78

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(Remake of Who made a Mother) People stated that people get reincarnated due to a regret they had in their pr... More

Sneak Peak: Intro
Chapter 1: In Another World
Chapter 2: Reincarnation
Chapter 3: Knowledge of the Manhwa
Chapter 4: Hiding from the Emperor
Chapter 5: Fateful Encounter or Danger?
Chapter 6: Reconcile
Chapter 7: The Visitor
Chapter 8: Unforgottable Love
Chapter 9: I Can't Live Without You
Chapter 10: I am not her
Chapter 11: Going to Siodonna
Chapter 12: Siodonna!!!
Chapter 13: The Unlikely Counter
Chapter 14: Memories of the Cold Emperor
Chapter 15: Untill We Meet Again
Chapter 17: Relinked
Chapter 18: Exploring Obelia
Chapter 19: Redeeming
Chapter 20: Date with the Emperor
Chapter 21: After the Date
Chapter 22: Princess of Bats
Chapter 23: Wolf In Sheep's Cloth
Chapter 24: How is it like?
Chapter 25: Caught by the Young Lord
Chapter 26: Anastacius's Betrothal
Chapter 27: Late Emperor
Chapter 28: Message from the Afterlife
Chapter 29: Letter from Siodonna
Chapter 30: First Love
Chapter 31: The Unlikely Revelation
Popular or Unpopular Opinions
Chapter 32: Best Stories
Chapter 33: Sultana Anaya Of Siodonna
Chapter 34: Sultana's Shadow

Chapter 16: She-Wolf Princess

765 19 3
By amey78

Author's pov

With Athanasia, Lucas and Nayeli~

Lucas teleported them to the library of Athanasia.

"Well, I guess that will save us the trouble of-" Lucas was suddenly off guard when Athanasia grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close to her.

"LUCAS! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! YOU SELL OFF MY MAMA TO MY PAPA?!?! YOU PUNK!!!" Athanasia yelled at him as shaking him violently while for Nayeli, she took out legendary weapon of domestic disciplinary and violence.

La Chancla.

"Athanasia, move away, I'm going to beat this punk with La Chancla"-Nayeli

"WHOA! CALM DOWN, WILL YOU?!!!" Lucas free himself by grabbing Athanasia's arms and pulled them down.

Lucas sighs as he looks at two girls with a disbelief expression.

"Despite you both aren't biologically related, you're definitely resemble when it comes with your temper" Lucas said in surprise as Athy and Nayeli glared at him since they weren't happy what happened.

"Lucas! Why you did that?! If Papa thinks Mama is work of Black magic or worst"-Athanasia

"He won't, Athanasia. He already knew that Lady Diana was the woman whom he fell in love"-Lucas

"What?! How?"-Athanasia

"It's probably because the way he stared at her. I noticed that lot of times and he looked like he already knew despite he denied it like the Nile River. Besides, he knew her well to know it was his lover" Nayeli explained which Lucas gave her the thumbs up for her explanation.

That was true.

Claude didn't admit it unlit Lucas told him the truth.

"That's true...Papa always been kind of a tsu- Nevermind that! If he does something to Mama, I mean I don't know what he will do on her" Athanasia soon said that piercing question which Lucas and Nayeli were off guard with that.

'Let's think clearly what he will do with Diana? Please don't tell me that he'll try to....No, by knowing he's a tsundere, he isn't that eager to bonk...Eww, maybe kissing her? That sounds something a tsundere would do and it's more of his character...But poor Diana, she doesn't know that since she's has too much self-respect and she will get flustered by Claude easily' Nayeli thought.

I mean it's her sister and she knew her well.

Also, she knew Diana did like him despite she wanted to beat him up.

"If you can hit me despite you know I am the Magician of the Black Tower, I think she will be alright"-Lucas

"That's...To be honest, I don't think Mama will hold back from hitting Papa. I mean she did mentioned she wanted to beat him up"-Athanasia

"Sounds definitely like her" Nayeli chuckles before she suddenly felt a powerful aura enough that shocked her as she fell on her knees.

"Nayeli?" Athanasia and Lucas looks at her in some surprise before they rushed towards.

"Oi, what's wrong? Why you look pale?" Lucas asked which Nayeli nervously chuckles as she turns around to him.

"Of course, you don't sense it...I mean Shamans can sense the spiritual energy..." She said which Lucas and Athanasia were confused unlit they suddenly felt the tremendous magical power that shocked them.

"Now, you sense the magical power...She must be in her wolf form and empowered by her rage...I mean werewolves are often power up by their rage" Nayeli soon said which they looked at her in pure shock as realizing what she meant by that.

"Wait, you mean that...I thought she will return back from her trip in month!"-Athanasia

"I-I guess I and Diana underestimate her motherly instincts... Mamá is here"-Nayeli

"Well, I guess Mother in Law has arrived"-Lucas

Meanwhile with Diana

'Okay, I thought I was going get...I don't know with Claude but looks like he just was teasing me and wanted to kiss me. I wanna kill him but now, I have to save him from her!!!!' Diana narrating as seeing the light pink fur wolf snarls at Claude while he was pinned down by the wolf.

This was bad, really bad now.

"You!!! You little and cocky shit! What are you doing what's mine?! Looks like you really wanna die today?!" The wolf speak with a husky and deep voice that makes the wolf mistaken for a male.

When she was definitely a female.

'What the hell?! That wolf talks? It's a beastman, no...this thing is different, Diana is still here! I have to get her out before this mug attacks her!' Claude thought as he soon his magic, striking her through her body with lighting strike that shocked Diana in horror.

"Claude, don't!!!! Don't hurt her!!!!" Diana shouted as getting Claude off guard before his hand was pinned by her paw as the wolf growls at him curiously and seeing that his magic didn't hurt her at all.

"You really think your human magic can kill me?! You arrogant shit! I can't be harm by your pathetic human magic!!!" She snarls at him as Claude groans which he couldn't teleport due to her.

The wolf was about to bite him unlit Diana grabbed her and pushed her away from Claude as he sat up in pure surprise.

"Stop! Just stop, Indie! He wasn't hurting me! Don't kill him! Please, his people needs him, even Athy needs him the most!" Diana pleads with the wolf as Claude was to tell her to get away while the wolf looks at Diana in pure confusion.

"Diana, this pathetic high level bastard who I know he's a ruler tried to do something on you! Do I look I give a shit about his people needing him?! They can find his relatives since the bastard kings often loved to screwed everything that moves! Besides, why you didn't punch him?! I taught you better!"

"I did punched him! In the guts!"

"You should've punch him lower!"

"Oh my God!"

"Who is this Athy you're preferring?" The wolf asked her which Diana froze and begun to sweat up by knowing the wolf will be loose her mind.

'Well, shit...I guess I am screwed for reals' she thought.

"Diana, who is this-"-Claude

"Your Majesty! Are you okay- HUH?! LADY DIANA?! AAAAHHH!!! A WOLF?!?!" Felix shouted after he slammed the door open with Lily being next to him, was also shocked too seeing the wolf.

'Why it had to be Sunday?' Diana thought in disbelief as shaking her head in disbelief.

Felix soon took his sword which the wolf growls and shielding Diana as Lily figures it out who was that.

"Sir Felix! Don't attack her, that will just provoke her!" Lily soon said which Felix looks at her in some shock by her words while Claude stand up which the wolf growls at him and pulled Diana away.

'As I thought, that wolf is protective of Diana? Why? And why it seems to knows her?' Claude thought as seeing the wolf snarls at him.

"What's happening?! How is Lady Diana here?! What's a wolf doing in the Princess's bedroom?! And most importantly, how is Lady Diana alive?!" Felix shouted which gets the wolf more confused as she looks at Diana.

"Did I scared him that hard or does that redhead knows you?"

"Aaahh! It's speaks!"-Felix

"I don't know if I should feel offended by the little redhead or wanted to gut out that bastard whom I can smell his lust over here, yes, you, I can smell you" the wolf snarls sarcastically at Claude who offended and annoyed by the wolf and her sarcasm.

I mean she can smell.

"Wait! Mamá! Don't kill the Emperor! He wasn't going to hurt Diana, so please! Don't hurt him!" Everyone turned around and seeing Athanasia along with Lucas and Nayeli.



"Nayeli...Why does a teen version of Diana with you? Okay, what's happening here since I haven't return back from my business trip to surprise you" the wolf soon said which Athanasia nervously laugh by knowing the wolf does care lot for them.

"I knew I should've done it earlier. Alright, this is my mom, well our mom" Diana soon said which Claude and Felix looked at her in pure shock while Lucas mumbled 'So this what a werewolf looks like'.

I mean Lucas was curious.

" can't be serious...This beastman is your mother?" Claude asked in shock which the wolf got annoyed and looked at him with irritated everything.

"Beastman? What kind of racist shit is this? Foolish bastard..." Suddenly, her body begins to glow as changing form and transforming into a human alike appearance.

"I am a proud werewolf, you idiotic brat. Don't mix me up with a beastman" her voice became more feminine but harsh and brash as Athanasia and other were surprised by seeing the wolf who was actually a werewolf transformed into a woman.

'So this is Mama's and Nayeli's adoptive mother? My grandma Ingrid?' Athanasia thought as her jewel blue eyes reflected the appearance of woman who turned out to be her adoptive grandmother.

Ingrid Rosenberg, the Werewolf First Grand Princess and Bloody Rose Valkyrie.

Ingrid takes the appearance of a young woman in her early twenties due to her longevity as werewolf and of Nordic/Scandinavian descent. Ingrid is tall (5'10"), she has strong limbs, a thin but muscled and toned frame with broad shoulders. Her skin is very pale and smooth, she has light rose pink hair into a pixie cut with her long bangs parted to her left side of her face, her eyes are sharp and honey gold with black, slightly slitted pupils, even her lips are slightly colored. She wore small, Nordic silver wolf earrings.

Despite her tomboyish appearance, she's strikingly beautiful and attractive.

She wore a black tank top as having the vest that holds the labrys from her back, dark gray jeans and pair of black boots.

'Wow...Grandma is pretty! Very pretty!!! She's so beautiful' Athanasia thought.

Ingrid looks at them with her arm crossed while they were surprised by seeing her actual appearance and her unfeminine appearance.

"What? Why they're looking at me like that? They never seen a Nordic woman like me? Nevermind, historical times, ugh" she annoyingly grunts.

'Yup, it's going to be a long talk' Diana thought.

Few moments later of explaining to both parties~

"You're telling me that...Diana got reincarnated into another world where Diana got adopted by this...barbarian shapeshifting wolf?"-Claude

"Arrogant brat" Ingrid scoffs by Claude's insults as Claude looks at her and glare at him.

'Yup, this what I thought it would go' Diana thought by knowing Claude's cold attitude and Ingrid's aggressive temper.

Talk about cold-hearted meets hotheaded.

Athanasia and Diana explained to them which Lucas had to make sure no one came to the room since Felix already found out.

Athanasia told her father, the cold hearted Emperor and her knight about Diana was reborn into another world after her passing almost 15 years old and was adopted and raised by Ingrid, the First Grand Princess of the werewolves and currently medical practitioner.

Also, herbal pharmacist.

I mean she is doctor.

As for Ingrid, she kind of figured out that she was in the WMMAP world since she did recognized the names due to Diana often read it and her nieces were big fans of the webcomic.

But she didn't know that her first adoptive daughter Diana was actually the reincarnation of Diana of Siodonna, the mother of Athanasia and the lover of Claude.

And they were at Claude's Amnesiac Arc but somehow, they managed to cure him without using the World Tree's branch and avoiding the problem of the succession.

'So, that means Diana was in that Arc. She should've punch him more and lower...I mean she did inherited my temper' Ingrid thought before she looks at Diana's daughter Athanasia.

'Oh my Goddess! She's so cute and lovely! She reminds me when Diana was around her age and she look exactly when she was around 15 or 16! Ah, good memories...' Ingrid thought happily and affectionately as she unlocked her new hood.


'But yet...This punk impregnate Diana in her previous life and not mention he tried to kill my granddaughter when his Amnesia Arc happened and publicly denounced her on his goddamn birthdate ball! Even he tried to do dirty on Diana...this pig' Ingrid's expression darker and looking irritated that Diana and Nayeli noticed it.

"I demean full custody, now" Ingrid bluntly spoke that Diana almost cough by her claim while Athanasia and others were shocked.

'Well, shit. I guess it happened' Nayeli thought.

"Huh? Full custody? Of who?"-Claude

"My granddaughter, you imperial prick. May Athanasia isn't biologically mine but still, I am Diana's mother and she's my granddaughter. So yeah, I demean it"-Ingrid

"You crazy barbaric wretch...Athanasia is the Crown Princess of Obelia and my daughter...I won't hand her over, I am her father"-Claude

"Well...At least I didn't publicly disowned her or try to kill her"-Ingrid

Oh shit! Damn, Ingrid! She gaslighted him!

Claude was stunned by her words while Lily and Felix were pure shocked as Diana shook her head by knowing she would say that.

'This woman...I know where Diana gets this from. Wait a second, if Diana came to this world weeks ago, that means... I'm damned' Claude thought as figured out that Diana knows what he did to Athanasia and now fully understood why she was mad at him and gaslighted him.

He did deserved that punch.


"What? I'm just saying facts and it's obvious that she's better off with us than this....Wanna be Emperor Gilgamesh" Ingrid sarcastically said which Claude got irritated by her words and her wanting full custody of Athanasia.

His daughter.

Lucas in the other hand, he was pretty much surprised by the way Ingrid said it.

She's insane, he thought.

"You...You dare go against the Emperor of the great Obelian Empire to steal my daughter?"-Claude

"Ah, let me think about it, yes. I am and I am the First Grand Princess of Werewolf-kind, one of the most powerful races in my world and you just a emperor. I could start a goddamn riot if I wanted to, also don't you have the instrument make more kids without using my dear daughter?"-Ingrid

"You vulgar and crude woman"-Claude

"Okay, I had enough. Both of you stop fighting or I will take Athy away from both of you" Diana threatened them which Claude and Ingrid shut their mouths and looked at her who wasn't very happy.

'Thanks Mama/Sis' Athanasia and Nayeli thought as Lily and Felix sighs in relief by Diana calming them down.

Also, Lucas eating popcorn for the show.

"You stop insulting Indie, she might be crazy and foul mouthed but she's still my mom. As for you, behave like around your age. Don't joke about starting a riot like you did in the French Revolution and Viking Invasion in England and West Francia" Diana scolded them as revealing more of Ingrid's past that surprises Athanasia from her second life, she came the from the modern day Korea.

'The French Revolution? The Viking Invasion in England and West Francia like France? I think Grandma is older than Lucas' Athanasia thought.

"Now, I wonder how old is this barbarian wolf woman?"-Claude

"Over 1'000+ years old"-Ingrid

"Huh?!?!" They uttered in shock as Lucas almost chock his popcorn by finding out her age.

She's around Jang Man-Wol's and Lee Yeon's age.

"You...Gotta be kidding me... You're millennium old" Claude said which Ingrid got  annoyed and looked at him with those wolfish, honey golden eyes.

"Yup, I am that old. I am a werewolf, werewolves don't age after all, we have the longevity to begin with" Ingrid said which this was shocking for them, including for Lucas who's been around for 200 years.

Ingrid was older than him.

'She's old enough to be my senior or my grandma' Lucas thought.

"Anyways, now...Diana, sweetie...Who was the bastard send you here?" Ingrid asked with a sweet smile but her tone was terrify and completely dark.

Diana was terrified as she sweats along with Nayeli who hide behind Athanasia and Lucas.

"I-I...I don't know who are you talking about..."-Diana

"Don't you dare lie to me, I am your mother as I raised you. So, tell me the name"-Ingrid

"N-No... Because if I do, you will murder them..."-Diana

"No, I won't murder them...I will just torture them as I will gut them out before they start begging me to give them a fast death but no...I will make it slow and painful. So tell me, what's their name?" Ingrid said with her tone completely menace and sadist which Diana turn pale while Claude and others were surprised by her brutality and craziness.

She wasn't kidding.

'Now I know why Mama was afraid to tell Grandma who was who send her here' Athanasia thought.

"Will the Magician who send Lady Diana here survive Grand Princess's wrath?"-Lucas

"No, no he won't...He won't survive nor he will be matter how powerful wizard he is..."-Nayeli

"Well...shit..." Lucas mumbled by knowing why Nayeli was so scared if Ingrid find out who send Diana to their world.

Ingrid stares at her as being a werewolf, she has a empathic smell that she can smell people's emotions and also, werewolves can  detect when someone is lying.

Diana avoided her gaze as Ingrid's pupils soon slitted furiously and she gives a bitter chuckles.

"Ah...So it was him? That goddamn Welsh bastard!!!! After all I did to help him and protect his kingdom from the Vikings and the Germanic Saxons! Hell, even I and Layla help him to save his ward! Merlin!!!!" Ingrid shouts as her shout turns into howl.

"Wait, Merlin? You mean the half human half incubus or something great sorcerer of the Kingdom of Camelot and magician advisor of the King Arthur Pendragon?! That is the man that send Lady Diana here?!" Lucas said in surprise as Athanasia and others were surprised by hearing the unknown mage turned out the most Legend Wizard of all times.

Merlin the Great Wizard and most trusted advisor to the legendary hero, King Arthur of Camelot.

Every mages from different worlds and dimensions knows about the legend like Merlin which no one knew what happened to him after King Arthur died.

"Yup, that's him"-Diana

"How does she knows him? I thought that wizard died after the King of Camelot was killed?"-Claude

"That's bullshit, and also, I am over 1000+ years. Of course, I met Merlin in the late 5th Century. He never die due of him being the Great Wizard he is and also, him being half fey due to his mother ran away with fey man. Also, Arthur never died despite he did die of old age" Ingrid explained as again, Ingrid altered the history of her world thanks to the World Tree.

In the alternative world of hers, King Arthur did survived the war against his nephew Mordred. He could've live the same long life as Ingrid and Merlin did due to Excalibur the Holy Sword and King Arthur descended from a high level Dragon but he chose to live as a human when he met his second love and his true love after his ex wife Genevieve betrayed him.

I mean she did cheated him with his loyal knight and best friend Lancelot.

'Oh, so the old grandpa wizard lived? Even the King of Kings? Damn, the Grand Princess must really dislikes the screw up fate' Lucas thought.

"That damn bastard! When I return him, I will hunt him down to the end of his pathetic days and I will gut his lungs out before I behead him!!! Just wait, Merlin! I will make sure your daughter will stay only child and you will never satisfy your wife!!!  I will cut it off!!!" Ingrid declared with growls and snarls which Diana facepalm herself.

"Wait, Your Royal Highness did you mean by cut it off?"-Felix

Felix! Don't!

"Why you think that thing has another purpose than peeing?" Ingrid bluntly said which Felix was stunned by her words and turn completely pale which Nayeli pats his back and tell him 'You shouldn't ask'.

I mean yeah, but then again, Felix is sometimes too innocent.

'Yup, she's the Final Boss...' Lucas thought as for the first time of his life, he felt fear towards someone.

"You... you're mad"-Claude

"If I wasn't this mad, I wouldn't been a genius and this bright. Anyways, I have my eyes on you and your disgusting gaze on my daughter" Ingrid did a Sign Hand language of 'I see you' that caught Claude annoyed.

"Wait, you're staying? What about your work in the Caribbeans?"-Nayeli

"My co-workers can handle my work and besides, someone has to make sure this brat doesn't screw up since he sinks of black magic a little" Ingrid points out which strikes on Claude's head as he looks at Diana who shrugged her shoulders.

"She's a werewolf, of course, and can smell magic"-Diana

"And I thought using magic detection was annoying"-Claude

Hey, guys!

Ingrid Rosenberg has arrived the show and carrying the comedy and familial bond to the main characters.

Ingrid is overly one thousands year old, she's technically the same age as Lee Yeon from Tale of the Nine Tailed and Jang Man-Wol from Hotel Del Luna.

She has a normal American accent due of her years living in America, she used to have a Norwegian/European accent in the past.

Rosenberg is Ingrid's legal last name but not, her real last name.

She's likes good quality movies and series along with good food.

She's the oldest out of the main character and also, she's kind of the mom of the group despite her craziness and aggressive temper.

She met Merlin in tbe late 5th Century.

She's prefers suits over dresses or gowns.

She's the First Grand Princess of the Werewolves than being the Grand Duchess since she and her younger siblings prefer still being the prince or princesses of their race.

She's the tallest woman in Obelia due to her Nordic/Scandinavian heritage as she doesn't look fully Asian.

She likes Doctor Elise the Manhwa and she is happy it's getting a anime adaptation.

Her real name is Ingrid Magnusdottir, the daughter of Magnus.

She's knows how fight against a army or even kill many ways than any soldier ever knew.

She lost her parents when she was 12 years old and before her 13 birthday.

She is considered to be Tomboy Princess trope.

She fought countess of wars and battles as has more experienced than anyone.

She started three riots in the French Revolution and Viking Invasion in England and West Francia AKA France.

She met King Arthur when he was just a kid.

She will go to her alias as the Grand Duchess Rosaline.

Corrected by Diana and Nayeli, Ingrid is the cold Grand Duchess of the North.

She will meet Anastacius sooner.

And she will use the previous curse to save Athanasia's reputation and undo the bullshit Claude did in his birthday.

I mean they still have to deal with that.

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