Arknights: When Hunters Meet...

Von Tarsanov95

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The end came and went for humanity of old. An uncontrollable spark that quickly raged out of control. Tacet w... Mehr

Chapter 1 - An Ode of Life and Death
Chapter 2 - Of the Weary and the Dead
Chapter 3 - Of Life on Terra
Chapter 4 - Glimpses and the Shadow of a Red Death
Chapter 5 - The Grey Hunter - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 6 - Anomalous Processing
Chapter 7 - New Operator
Chapter 8 - Mission Incident
Chapter 9 - After Action Report
Chapter 10 - The Duality of Lupos
Chapter 11 - Retributioner
Chapter 12 - Dead Man's Gambit
Chapter 13 - Late Night Dinner
Chapter 14 - Landship Days
Chapter 15 - An Unexpected Turn - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 17 - Northern Expedition Part 2 - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 18 - Passion and Blade Matching - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 19 - Reseeking of the Solace - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 20 - A Meeting of Wolves - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 21 - In The Wolf's Den - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 22 - Bonding of Lone Wolves - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 23 - Wolves on Mount Siesta - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 24 - Indomitable Will's - Projekt Red Route

Chapter 16 - Northern Expedition Part 1 - Projekt Red Route

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Von Tarsanov95

~~~At the Feet of Mount Tenebris~~~

-I am glad you could come so quickly. I have a possible mission for you.
-You personally called me doctor Kal'tsit. I wouldn't have thought it was for just the possibility.
-As vital as it is, it's still optional.
-Lay it on me doctor.
-As you may know, Rhodes Island operates many departments and outposts all over Terra.
-One such outpost has gone dark, I require immediate investigation and assessment.
-What more can you tell me?
-It is one of our outposts in the far north, on the low side of a mountain not far from the east coast. It is the most remote foothold that Rhodes Island has.
-I feel there is a catch for being optional in the first place.
-You will be paired with Projekt Red.
-... what was that outpost researching, doctor Kal'tsit?
-The local fauna, ecosystem and atmospheric conditions. Nothing unethical was being conducted there if that is what you are implying.
-However the last reports I had received from them were unusual. We lost contact just the day before.
-How large is the relief team?
-Just you and Projekt Red, if you accept the mission.

I quickly realised this was not a simple rescue mission. It barely touched ''assessment''. We would be a kill team more than anything.

-That is not a relief team doctor.
-It is not, I do not expect the outpost to be recoverable. And I expect trouble most and foremost.
-And for that I need a small and fast moving elite team.
-I would have sent Swift, but Red is the only one available. And I won't send her in alone.
-Projekt Red can take the worst out whatever it may be.
-And you. You are a survivor, you are sharp, and you are better than you let go. I know you will be the operator best to assess what had happened there.
-Do you believe Reunion has marched all the way there for a free base and prisoners for bargain?
-Possibly, but unlikely. We would have had demands sent by now.
-I see.
-Operator Tacet, I know that you have had a bad experience with Projekt Red in the past. If you do not believe you can work with her as a team then you have the option to refuse the mission with no consequences.
-''Is that what you call being killed, just a ''bad, past experience''?'' I asked amusedly.

I chuckled and continued still in an amused voice.

-If it weren't for my gift to keep me fresh enough for you to resuscitate and pump me full of blood again I would have been gone then and there.

Flashes of the time when I reached Rhodes Island came back. The fight with her. Her killing intent. Everyone just watching. Yet, I felt no fear. I felt no hate. I felt no shiver. As I recollected those memories I only felt the thrill of the fight, and my admiration for that alluringly cold-blooded killer.

-But I meant what I said then, I hold no grudges.
-Did you interview anyone else before me to give this mission to?
-No, you are the first.
-I accept the mission doctor.

She nodded acceptingly at my decision.

One hour later I was already on an Osprey like aircraft, flying fast to the inhospitable north. I was inside the four-person snowmobile like car that the aircraft was carrying. I was strapped in the driver's seat while reviewing the mission's files on my PDA or phone like device. It was a measure of safety, though I was sitting not so safely in a leisurely manner with one leg spread out of the cab, having left the door locked in the open mode. Lord knows I experienced not one, not two, not three, but four crashes inside of an Osprey back in the End Wars. If something went wrong with the aircraft now then I wouldn't be banged around like a rag doll and squished to a pulp between the interior frame and the beast of a machine I was in.

The outpost was as far from civilization on Terra as it could be at that point, at least that far up north. At the base of an imposing mountain named Tenebris and near a gulf by the frozen sea called Insmouth. I had received the full schematics of the structures present there and their interior. And I was in the process of memorising them diligently. If things got dicey then I would know the best escape route out of there. I had also received full access to the last months reports received from there.

From what I've read it seamed that they at first had discovered a strange sort of cold resistant sea weed that was washing ashore. It was unique, and they started researching its properties with the advanced equipment they had at their disposal. Not only that but apparently they discovered a small but different geological fragment that should not have been in the ground there. Benign but thought inducing as it had no place in the local geology. Then the last report was about one of the outpost members, a researcher going ill from an apparent headache and lack of spacial awareness.

All these were nothing to give signals of worry in of themselves. Even combined one way or another they just made no connection to a decent theory on the reason of the total transmission blackout. However, as I read them all I had a pressing feeling in my gut. Something was wrong. My subconscious realised that, and I mentally prepared for the worst. Though, hah, in hindsight I did so most of the time.

''Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.'' Was one of my mantras since the beginning of the End Wars.

The aircraft shuddered for a few seconds. Turbulence. And we were still far away from our objective as I switched and consulted the map on my screen. The weather had gone to Hell for two days now, and it wasn't even the apex yet. There was a storm brewing. A tropical front came from the south and up north. Now it was making a round turn back south straight along Mount Tenebris. ''Best timing'' I thought sarcastically.

The Osprey clone should have, in normal circumstances been able to fly us in to the helipad that the outpost had. However, the beast of a storm coming in front of us had other thoughts in mind. That is the reason why we were loaded with a heavy-duty snowmobile car able to carry up to four people and enough supplies to last a week just in case we were cut off. Of course the outpost should have still had more than enough supplies. As well as a long-lasting originum generator for warmth and water purification to last two more months at the least. But it was best to come prepared for the worst possibility.

Red came into the passenger compartment besides me to grab a ration snack. She sat there, deciding to enjoy her smoked dry meet inside the car. I could see her sharp canines easily ripping that jerky meat. It was strangely pleasing to watch her. A shiver went down my spine as well yet I was not repulsed. I was fascinated by her dangerousness now. I didn't know what to think of the fact that she didn't have anything to say of the incident that happened in doctor Kal'tsit's office. But I decided that it was for the best of it and remained content. I had to focus. I cleared my mind of this bewitching lupo that gave me so many strange and conflicting feelings and... oh damn it, clear my mind I said!

-I have a bad feeling about this, and I'm seldom wrong. But I don't know what it may be.
-So be cautious.
-You don't have to worry about me.

I nodded. No more needed be said, and she looked like she wasn't greatly disposed to hear anything that might have been nonsense or waste of breath. Truly so far I actually have felt like she only tolerated my presence, begrudgingly even. But she kept it well to herself if she really did felt that way. Neither of us showed it but personally I felt a cold gap between us since a certain meeting of operators not long ago. It was together with all the lupos of the former Core Pack along with the Doctor, Kal'tsit and a few other operators present. I don't even remember from what the verbal fight between me and Red started. It was then that she spoke openly of what she thought of me.

-They don't know who you are. But I do. Grandma told me.
-You are a wolf killer, and a killer of your own kind.
-''I was.'' I said.
-''You are.'' Insisted Red.
-That was a long time ago, it's over now.
-It changes nothing.
-Do you have a point to make Red?
-We gave you many scars. One like you wouldn't let go so easily.
-You presume to know me Red, but we don't know each other.
-I don't need to know many to realise what we are, what you are.
-Are things so clear cut to you?
-Do you know who you really are as a person Red?

At this she was at a loss of words, and she spoke no more. The room was in silence, the other lupos looking at each other. Another of the proverbial birds was let out of its cage. Red somehow knew of my past, and I knew she had not access to that information. I loved her, even with that argument that set loose another bit of my secrets which would leak out. Doctor Kal'tsit had officially appointed me as team leader though unofficially we were both experienced veterans. She had nine years of combat experience. What kind of combat experience? I didn't know. Just like she didn't know what kind of ten years of combat experience I had myself.

Point is we were both seasoned. And we both had enough experience to have sharpened our sense of survival to know what to expect and what to do. We were as far from being rookies as Heaven and Hell. Though I believed I could rely on her to follow orders if they even were needed to be given in the first place. The Osprey shuddered again.

-''We've gone as far as we could.'' The pilot radioed to our cabin.
-We will be landing shortly, strap yourselves in.

Did as told, and we shut the doors of the cabin closed. Suddenly the Osprey shuddered more vibrantly than ever before and then violently as it seemingly turned around on a landing vector. After just four minutes we landed. Me and Red quickly de-strapped and jumped out of our snowmobile, unclamping the safety hinges and locks that bolted the snow car safely onto the Osprey's interior floor. After which we quickly jumped back in and fastened our seatbelts once more.

-''We're clear to move out.'' I radioed to the pilot.

The ramp of the Osprey's back lowered down. And a blizzard suddenly blew in. Outside was a total white out already. I raved the engine to life and the snow car moved forward and out. I was amazed with the pilot's skill that he managed to even get us this far in these conditions. However, we had a good four hour drive left towards our objective. I switched on the music player for the background and began our long march.

Truly outside nothing could be distinguished. It was a complete white blizzard. I relied on two internal compasses as well as the onboard navigation computer, besides the PDA phone I had. And though they seamed to go strange or undecidedly in their guidance along the way we had reached our objective four hours and a half later.

''Our systems acted abnormal the closer we got. All of them, that wasn't normal.'' I thought.

Again that strange sensation was pressing onto my gut. Something had messed with the onboard systems, no matter how brief. That shouldn't have happened. But it did. And it was a cause for concern. Yet I could do little at that point. The outpost was segmented into two buildings. The shore base and the main outpost hub at the base of the mountain, just two hundred meters apart. We had first arrived at the shore base and no lights could be seen. It was evening and already the tell-tale signs of the sundown were present. Either the electric line was down or the generator on this part of the base was off. Either way it wasn't reassuring.

-''Let's investigate here first.'' I said simply.

Projekt Red had zipped up and tightened her own jacket on herself, and I was preparing my own costume. A two piece jacket and tactical winter trousers, an interior one and an exterior piece. Both were comfortable and warm to wear singularly, but together they were still light enough but  provided heavy cold resistant protection. I put on my tight beanie, my face cover and my googles. I checked one more time my equipment and light backpack before going out.

-''Go.'' I signalled.

We went out and automatically locked the snow car with the push of a button that we both had. Then we swiftly approached the shore station. The door didn't seem functional. I grabbed the damn door and heaved like I wanted to beat an annoying rookie. It budged, just enough for the slightest opening. These damn things weren't thought enough of to have an easier opening way as backup just in case the electricity was off. I then took the sheath with the sword and budged it in the crack. Heaving again the door gave in more easily this time. It opened half way and then nudging myself between it and the door frame I heaved once more, opening it all the way. Fortunately the entrance had a sort of large alcove to partially protect it from the elements and the gathering snow.

Inside was completely dark. I switched on my chest lamp and a cold beam shun through inside. I pulled out my trusty handgun and entered cautiously. The silence was compounded with the sound of the howl from the storm outside, but as we advanced further everything was still. No lights whatsoever. No movements, no signs of life. Red was a few paces away. A silent hunter she was. She did not need any flashlight. Her senses as a lupo were sharpened to a point that she could detect just about anything. She was at ease sinking and stalking through the dark. We spread out as Red took another corridor. I made my way to what was the common room besides the second command room. Second to that at the main outpost. Again, there was no sign of life and there was no power whatsoever. The computers were dead.

-''No signs. I am heading to the generator room. How's your side?'' I whispered into my comm.
-Dormitory and storage are empty. I sense a burnt smell, faintly.

Her sense of smell was more acute than mines for sure since I couldn't pick it up. But as I reached the generator room I could confirm the source of it. The generator was wrecked. Burnt from what seamed like a short circuit fire. I couldn't be sure if this happened naturally or if it was sabotage.

-I found the source. The generator is burnt. What is your location?
-Just behind you.

I turned calmly and saw Projekt Red a few paces away. Other operators would have had a heart attack at this.

-Found anything?

And indeed nothing was to be found. No bodies, no signs, no documentation, nothing really out of the ordinary bar the lack of electricity and the seeming abandonment of this part of the outpost.

-Let's head to the main outpost.

Red nodded and we exited the building. Outside the white out became a blue out. The sun was setting somewhere far away and the scenery became of a dream like blue. Deepening with every passing minute. I could barely distinguish Red just two paces away, and she seemed like an enigmatic creature. A red creature in the sea of blue. We hopped in the snow car and I switched the engine on. I turned the heater back on maximum as it was deathly cold even with the quality insulated clothes we were wearing. On our way I noticed a bump of snow. It looked inconspicuous, but my senses alerted me to something. I stopped the snow car and Red looked at me questioningly. I pointed to the mound before saying.

-Going to check it.

I went out and she didn't follow. I was just two meters besides the car when I poked it with my sniper rifle. Nothing moved. I holstered the weapon behind my back and started digging. It might have been nothing, but it was not, I'd found a body. It was frozen stiff. A deep and bloody looking wound was at his back. He either bled out or lost his consciousness in the blizzard. Probably trying to reach the shore part of the outpost. I checked all his pockets and they were empty. I then unzipped his jacket and found his badge. Senior biologist Balsarov Voinichef it read. I went inside the cab and flipped out the piece for Red to see before speaking.

-Melee wound behind his back. Now we know to expect trouble.
-Sharp, I wouldn't have thought a body would be under that mound from just its shape.
-''It was just a hunch.'' I said.

After a short drive we had arrived at the main outpost. This in contrast looked much worse for the wear from what could be barely seen through the blue out. I could notice broken windows, scorch marks, and a blown out part of the building itself that must have been caused by an explosion.

-''This place looks roughed up. ''I said to Red before debarking. It would be enough to know our expectations and prepare accordingly.

We parked parallel to the main building and headed out. To our surprise the main heavy door opened when activated. Inside only the green emergency lights were on. That must have meant only the backup generator was still up and functioning. The inside looked just as roughed as the outside. It looked derelict, and we noticed signs of fighting and bloodshed. I switched my chest lamp on and proceed forwards just like before. This main outpost was three times larger than what we visited before. We proceeded slowly and cautiously. Our senses straining to pick up anything, but for my part everything was silent. Only a metallic smell of blood and burnt iron could be felt in the air. The inside of the outpost was barely any better than the outside temperature wise. It was still, we were protected from the numbing wind, but the temperature was as cold as the outside.

It was a frozen tomb. Only question was where were the bodies? We passed by an open door that gave in a hard chill. We then noticed that the room that was blown out was the kitchen. Something must have ignited the originum gas canisters. The insulation of this building was evidently shot to hell. Nothing could still live nor even survive in this place anymore. The garage still contained its two snow cars and its two snowmobiles. After I inspected them more closely I found that all the vehicles were sabotaged heavily. They would need some serious repair if they were to ever work again.

So, disabled vehicles and a dead body fleeing on foot from the station. Someone must have wanted pretty badly to keep everyone here for some reason. We passed by several office rooms, many had broken windows that let in the outside chill. This was worrying even more than the blown out kitchen. These were heavy-duty windows. They weren't supposed to break, at least not easily. Someone must have applied a great pressure on them. Someone or... something.

-''I'm heading to the command centre.'' I spoke in a hushed tone.

Red simply nodded, and she continued to stalk into another direction. The command room was in disarray and half wrecked. But I have found two still working terminals that I was able to access. There were an array of data and information. I downloaded all I could on an external hard drive I'd brought. From what I've read they discovered the sea weed had very unusual properties. And they seamed to have focused on that the most. Dissecting and experimenting with it in the med-lab attached to the infirmary.

-Command room clear. Heading to the Infirmary.

I radioed in, one click was enough of a response from Red to acknowledge she received my message. The infirmary was even more of a mess than the command room. Here, now dried blood was spilled without temperance. But still there were no bodies to be found. I had only found one and this place was supposed to be staffed by twelve people. Where the Hell were the other eleven?

-''Picked up a trail. Following.'' Radioed in Red.

I simply clicked on the radio to confirm I received her message. I went inside the adjacent med-lab, and it was in the same kind of disarray. There I found three special glass containers holding each a sample of that strange seaweed I've read about. Two were still contained, but one glass was cracked open. The seaweed grew to cover half of the room. All the samples were dead though. From the images I have seen they should have been black and a little blue, veiny. But these were ashen, and at the touch of my gloved hand they crumbled. I accessed the only working terminal which screen was half covered in that same dead seaweed. I swept it off and tried to access it. It denied me, it was password protected. A thought hit me and I pulled out the badge I had salvaged. I pulled out the ID from the badge and inspected it closely, there I found a stashed piece of paper with a code written on it. I introduced that code through the keyboard and then noticed an ''access granted'' message. I started to peruse the files to get a better understanding of the situation. The files were very brief the closer they got to the date of the blackout.

It seems the physician had gotten ill. At first a heavy contamination with originum was suspected, but after the results came in clean they had suspected the seaweed. There were also several reports to the strange properties that the supposed geological sample had. It was noted that it was ''killing'' the recovered seaweed even though the rock itself gave off no kind of radiation. Indeed, nothing could really be picked up through the tests it was put through. Yet all the personnel claimed that it gave off different uneasy feelings to each of them. I checked the storage status of the sample and I confirmed that it was still under electronic lock in the sample safe. I downloaded everything on that terminal to my external hard drive and prepared to head out.

-''I have found the bodies, they are in the waste processing room. Half of them are eviscerated strangely.'' Radioed in Red.

That gave me bad vibes as it could get, prompting me to rush out from the med-lab and through the infirmary.

-Meet me at...

Suddenly a great inhuman scream was heard as I was barged with incredible force on the opposite side of the room! Something had snuck deadly silent into the room and managed to catch me by surprise! I landed hard with a lot of medical materials and broken beaks falling on top of me. My sniper rifle having flown off of me in the chaos. I rose fast and was about to pull my handgun out when a black, oily looking form of a man but more closely resembling a monster came even swifter and swiped its arm at me! Its incredible force threw me over the computer table and I crashed hard on the other side, hitting hard onto the said desk and then the floor.

This thing possessed an incredible strength to the point that I believed even I could barely hold against it in a straight fight even with my gift! My handgun and small tactical backpack flew somewhere in the dark room, and it might as well have been a needle in a haystack now. I rose swiftly and grabbed a rack of solution filled beaks just as the black monster was approaching me again. I swung and smashed the rack straight into its face and a pained shriek came from it, lunging its arms left and right to try to catch another blow on me. I ducked and rolled past it. But just as I rose I felt a great force hit me from behind, lunging me head first into a damn metal cabinet, breaking the door! I tasted blood on my lips and something wet was flowing down my forehead. And as the creature approached angrily at me again I had grabbed the broken and now loose metal cabinet's door, throwing it straight into what used to be its face!

It shrieked, but it grabbed my leg, its monstrous strength threatening to break my bones in its grip. I quickly took my knife out and thrown it straight into it. Palpable pain seemed to affect it then as my knife embedded itself into its back, close to the spinal column, and it had let loose of my leg. I scrambled away, crawling fast. But when I rose I could only notice a large desk flying in the air and quickly coming in my direction! It collided with me and it knocked me back hard! I had hit my head and was dazed lightly, but enough for the creature to start approaching me again before I could get my wits back. I couldn't get back up before it would be upon me I realised. But in the same moment as I thought I'd get into a sticky situation with no exit, a knife suddenly embedded itself into its head as a red shadow passed swiftly by it!

Projekt Red's foot swung and had hit a chair hard, propelling it straight into the damn monster, and it collapsed. Two more knives were thrown and planted into the abomination. One in its head again and another where its heart was supposed to have been. It then moved no more. I pulled myself painfully up and shouted as I saw Red approach the thing.

-Stop! Leave the knives! They are contaminated!

At least I believed they were contaminated, but I wouldn't want Red to take the risk. I then quickly took all the gadgets and belongings I had in my pants and jacket before removing the first layer. The thing left its black signature goo on them and I would partake no longer in wearing them, as overly cautious as that may have seemed. I then threw them on the dead monster and had finally found my pistol, rifle and pack.

-''What is this?'' Red asked.
-Possibly the physicist of this base.
-How many bodies did you counted in the waste processing?
-If this was one of the personnel here then they are all accounted for.
-''Found anything?'' Asked Red in return.
-Yes, I downloaded quite a few things on my drive. I believe it will be enough for doctor Kal'tsit.
-Then we should leave.
-I agree.

Before we left the spot Red came to me in the near dark and I felt as she pressed her soft hand against my head. Wiping something wet away in her curiosity. It was my wound I realised yet I would delay no more in this place, we had to get out as I felt it unnatural. We hurried back towards the exit but as we did, we felt a rumble. No, a tremor, rising in intensity. Strange as there were no reports of seismic activity here. But as we exited the outpost reality struck me. Oh, curse my stupidity. It wasn't an earthquake, it was an avalanche!

Red was preparing to sprint to our snow cab, yet I knew better. I have read the schematics. As shabby as the outpost looked now it was specifically built with the durability to resist the worst avalanche the mountain could throw at it! The snow car, as sturdy as it was, would be thrown around and buried heavily. It could have even been carried as far as the shore and onto the icy surface before it broke, falling in its deathly cold waters.

A thought had hit me. I could have let her go. And she would have sprinted to her doom. But something else washed that thought aside, something much stronger and I snatched her hand tightly just before she shot out of reach! She looked back, surprised, annoyed and dangerous.

-No! Back inside!

I screamed for her to hear me clearly, and she relented to my decision. Just as were rushing back the way we came the avalanche was already hitting the opposite side of the outpost. Sudden chunks of ice flew over the roof of the outpost as we were charging towards the entrance! One had struck Red's head, and suddenly she became limp and fell face-first into the snow. Her wound bloodying the white canopy. I heaved back my body, desperately trying to stop my momentum before I turned back. I picked her quickly as I was peppered in turn by ice. And just as stifling white snow seemed poised to engulf everything around us, I passed the threshold with her inside and our lives were spared from the unfolding natural disaster!

I gasped for air as I settled Red down. I switched my flashlight on and inspected her wound. She was unconscious and she now possessed a bleeding head wound, though mercifully I suspected it wasn't as bad as it looked. I disinfected it and bandaged her head with what I had from my first aid pouch. I talked with her, touching her lightly by the arm. But it was no use, she wouldn't come back to her senses yet. The entrance was now sealed with ice and snow, and probably all the other openings as well. With my chest lamp switched on I took the unconscious Red up in my arms and wondered for a suitable shelter.

It was night, and it would be even more deadly cold than before. The heating was out, but more than anything I needed a source of air. We were trapped in a bubble now with limited oxygen. I had to find out if the top levels of the outpost poked above the snow. If so then I could plan for a shelter knowing we both wouldn't die of asphyxiation during our rest. The first level was out of the question. So was the second and third. But as I passed by the half snow filled mess hall and kitchen area I could feel a breeze. I sat Projekt Red on a chair in the corner of the room where she would be in my clear eyesight while I searched for an opening. It couldn't have been here though. This was the second level after all. Then I sensed the breeze. It was a small ventilation shaft. Breaking it open I looked through upwards and felt it. This ventilation pipe went straight to the roof and the surface. The blow from the avalanche must have swiped away the cover on top of it, letting fresh air seep through. However this was no place to camp down. I needed a smaller, easier place to warm up. And safer. My senses were still tingling in my gut. I had picked up Red once more and went up a level. Remembering the position of the ventilation shaft, I entered a small office room on the third level. It's door and window were intact as well as everything else in this room. I punched a hole through the wall where I knew the ventilation should have been and I've found it. With force and a knife I ripped and tore a fist sized hole into the ventilation. Chilled air flew in.

Good. I realised I replaced one problem with another. We wouldn't die of asphyxiation no more. We would die of cold. As insulated as the room was it was cold before without heating. But now with a constant stream of cold air it would be even harder to maintain our bodily temperatures. I laid Projekt Red down behind the desk and inspected the room. Nothing of much use yet it was secure enough. The door to this room still had its key inserted in it, thus I left the room closing the door behind me to go look for some useful materials. I came back with a lot of fresh blankets and some special heat reflecting sheets. While wandering the corridors something was eerily poking my senses from the darkest corners. Nothing was there, nothing could be seen when I shone my chest lamp. I could hear nothing either. Yet something was there. A bellow which could not be heard in this world. As nonsensical as that sounded, it was what I felt, and my hair prickled up at a feeling that I have not sensed for a long time.

I locked the door to the room and started on preparing a shelter. In about fifteen minutes I had built a heat reflecting tent that would keep all the warmth inside of it. And just in time as it was numbingly cold already. However, I had found only enough material to build just one person sized tent. I guessed I could have squeezed in with Red, but I felt it could end badly if she suddenly woke up with me too close besides her. Also, someone needed to keep watch, and Red was out cold.

-''Hah.'' I laughed at my own remark as I realised what I've thought.

I was pretty confident that the monster was a former personnel here, and I knew from Red that all were accounted for. Yet a suspicion was eating at me. I wasn't feeling at ease by a long shot. The back of my mind was telling me not to go to sleep. Not to go unconscious and leave myself undefended. I took Projekt Red and carefully settled her in the tent, covering her with a thick blanket. I had my small backpack filled with small emergency supplies for the moment and pulled something out. I settled inside the same tent a small portable heater. Specially designed with a safety feature as not to set any fire off any possible material. It was small but it had a full charge. It would, or should keep going on radiating a modest amount of heat and light at least until the morning. I left it near Red and besides the heater I left two bottles of water and two food packs. Better have everything as warm as we could whenever we'd need to ingest something.

I brushed my hand-over Red's face to check her state. She seamed stable, but I gave her an anti-inflammatory pill just in case to prevent any swallowing of her wound as well as a painkiller. Something touched my heart looking at this unconscious and wounded lupo. My once killer. I remembered the thought that tempted me to leave her to her death and I realised I felt instantly heavy to my stomach from it. I realised I cared more for her than I admitted to myself before. I didn't want this hunter to perish, I wanted her to live with all my heart. We were too close to death today, both of us. And each of us would have been goners if it weren't for the other. Huh, I guess we really did make a good team after all. She would still not respond, but she was breathing normally at least.

I left her as comfortable as I could and exited, closing the tent after me. The door was locked, however I also moved the heavy metal desk against the door, just to be sure. Against what? Who knew but better to be prepared. I then took the comfortable armchair and sat on it, covering my legs with one blanket and another, longer one over my chest.
Having left behind the contaminated layer of my winter clothing I was only in my last inner layer. As good as they were they couldn't match the protection needed against an Arctic cold. My gift made me more resilient to extreme temperatures, however this was another extreme altogether. The storm had cleared I knew. I could hear. That meant the true chill of a cloudless winter night would come, as deadly as it could ever be. I checked my watch. It would be at least eight hours until the sun would rise.

I prompted my rifle on my lap and waited. Willing to stay awake and alert. Nothing would get the jump on us. Nothing would get to Red while I still drew breath. I would return back to Rhodes Island with my partner alive.


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