Arknights: When Hunters Meet...

By Tarsanov95

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The end came and went for humanity of old. An uncontrollable spark that quickly raged out of control. Tacet w... More

Chapter 1 - An Ode of Life and Death
Chapter 2 - Of the Weary and the Dead
Chapter 3 - Of Life on Terra
Chapter 4 - Glimpses and the Shadow of a Red Death
Chapter 5 - The Grey Hunter - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 6 - Anomalous Processing
Chapter 7 - New Operator
Chapter 8 - Mission Incident
Chapter 9 - After Action Report
Chapter 10 - The Duality of Lupos
Chapter 12 - Dead Man's Gambit
Chapter 13 - Late Night Dinner
Chapter 14 - Landship Days
Chapter 15 - An Unexpected Turn - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 16 - Northern Expedition Part 1 - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 17 - Northern Expedition Part 2 - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 18 - Passion and Blade Matching - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 19 - Reseeking of the Solace - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 20 - A Meeting of Wolves - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 21 - In The Wolf's Den - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 22 - Bonding of Lone Wolves - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 23 - Wolves on Mount Siesta - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 24 - Indomitable Will's - Projekt Red Route

Chapter 11 - Retributioner

194 8 3
By Tarsanov95

Suddenly a maddened and grotesque wolf beast of immense size was bursting through the wall!

I realised we were breached. It took down trooper Marco in its jaws in barely seconds to spare, giving him a painful and mangled death. I grabbed my enormous rifle and ran out of the room, my weapon useless in such close quarters. Leaving my other two colleagues to try to deal with the monster and fail miserably. I felt like a piece of shit, but there was no chance for me to take it down then and there. Alarms were already blaring on the base.

I stopped some distance in the corridor and positioned my Barret M107A2 anti-material rifle. Though it was an old design it was reliable, and more than earned its fame. The wolf beast came out into the corridor, growling menacingly in my direction. I took the shot, but it moved just in time to be hit in a non-vital spot.

It growled even more furiously if that was possible and charged towards me! I barely had the split second to pull the trigger again and plant a .50 BMG round directly into it's head! Pummelling a fist load of metal into its brain. It's disgustingly malformed and huge body landed with its large toothed paws straight into me, tackling me down painfully and hitting my head. I was now bleeding from at least two places, and I was sure I had a concussion.

-''Lamba report! Lambda report your status!'' My radio buzzed, but I couldn't get to it.

I heaved with all my strength and managed to slip from under the wolf beast's corpse.

-Lambda here, or what's left of it.


-My squad is dead sir. But I managed to take down the type two wolf beast that penetrated inside the building.

-Regroup with Alpha-Bravo-Tango at the armoury on the main level!

-Sir, what is the level of the breaching assault?

-There is no assault, we have been betrayed from the inside. The fauna just noticed our grid is down. Now follow your orders trooper!

Fucking Hell. I knew there were damn mutant lovers among us. Now this whole compound will likely fall because of it. The beasts in the area are beyond outnumbering us at this point. My damn chest hurt like Hell and I could only hope that I didn't have any broken ribs. My head was bleeding onto my face and uniform. Hurrying in the direction of the main lobby I could hear the screechers.

The type three abominations that our best and brightest boys in white coats managed to create. Curse their stupidity! There was a pack of them gathering in the hall by way of the breached room, and they were following the scent of my blood as I hurried by. I that point I could hear gunshots inside and outside the building.

Soon I heard explosions in the distance, that didn't bode well. I was forced to take an emergency ladder which was enclosed in a tube. Shutting the trap door behind me, I could hear the mockery that was humanity in beast form clawing at the thick sheet of metal setting us apart. I went up two levels hoping to avoid the intruders on the lower one before reaching the lobby.

The radio room was nearby on the fourth level yet even here I saw the signs of battle. Two type three abominations turned a corner towards me and attacked. I quickly dispatched them with my handgun, years of target practice having honed this necessary survival skill. I came about the radio room and I saw another abomination eating at a soldier who stood splayed on the floor in front of the radio coms. It was a rare blond haired wolf-woman abomination. It raised it's head from munching on the poor trooper's opened neck and looked at me almost with curious eyes. As if wondering if it was worth killing me for food when its belly was already so full.

It was absolutely monstrous. A mockery of the human form. It was beyond what werewolves were portrayed even in movies back in the time. Its abnormality oozed, and I perceived it through every possible sense. These things should not exist, should have never existed. I knew Humanity royally fucked up, and I was born just in time to experience it in full, God damn them all!

It screeched inhumanly before lunging at me! And I was utterly stupefied to find my handgun had jammed! I barely had time to pull out my machete and put it between me and the beast, but it was in a bad angle.

Its horrible face and its jaws were getting closer and closer to my face as it tackled me down to the floor! Its strength was incredible, and it would soon take a chunk out of my neck as well. I screamed like a man desperate to lift a weight at the gym that he knew he would be crushed under! And I felt the pressure as if about to burst as a horrible death approached! Then a loud gun shot was heard!

I suddenly woke up. It was dark and I was sweating profusely. I looked around and tried to get my bearing while I gasped for air. I was... at Rhodes Island. I went out onto the balcony and welcomed the cold and reinvigorating gusts of wind. I relaxed. It was just a dream. A memory. It was something that could have happened that day if my ass wasn't saved by one of my squad mates, Aleksei... We then regrouped and have found an evacuating Osprey off the base. The entire compound was firebombed shortly after.

I tried to clear my head as I leaned over the edge. Watching the endless expanse before the landship. It was the dark of the midnight, but the sky was clear and filled with bright stars.

-''Christ. Why did I live to see this new world?'' I spoke to myself.

I rubbed my head. There would be no answers from Joshua tonight. It was only for myself to wonder at what my old comrades would think. I could probably imagine.

''Damn lucky bastard! You lived to see the animal girls like we only dreamed about Cas!'' Audom would say.

''Just go out there and have fun. Bang some wolf girls, they speak my beautiful language after all.'' Lorenzo would advise.

''Yeah. At least you're alive and have a nice gig going, enjoy it. After all the shit you've been through you deserve it.'' Aleksei would comfort.

''I'm worried about you man. You need to find true peace of mind for you to move forward in life.'' Phesius would counsel.

Christ guys. It all sounds so easy coming from your mouths. Like it's a simple thing. Just get over it, have fun, bang and have a blast. Why do I want to kill myself then? I think on it sometimes. After everything that happened.

I see their charming faces... and then my worse memories bottle up against my mental block for them. While my heart feels as if struggling to break free from chains.

I was never a damn charmer, I was a loner you guys. All of this gathered up just make me feel so out of it in this world. Abnormally so, yet I know it's all in my mind. It's my mind that makes me feel like this and sets my own limits. I have to overcome them somehow. But it all feels so tiring, so soul wearing. Sigh, even so, I cannot let myself go. No. No matter how these conflicting things inside me may clash I cannot let myself wear off like dust and die. I have to live on. Live on and find a balance in my life.

Sigh... same logical conclusion. I have to live on. Drink the experience this new life has to offer and let it invigorate me. Blessedly I managed to fall back asleep after a small cup of tea with a heavy infuse of rum. Next morning I donned my new attire and settled the visor on my head. The Doctor would be in the house soon.

---Doctor's office---

The situation was looking bleak in terms of economics for Lungmen. The flow of goods and people on the ground was at an all-time low and strategic points were being sabotaged or hit too often. This also gave a bad look for Rhodes Island. They expected too much of us even though we successfully completed our missions. For a Pharmaceutical Company doing Lungmen's damage control they should have been grateful. Fucking politicians never changed.

I focused, looking around at my surroundings. Doctor's office was now mine for the time being and with the carefully planned disguise nobody would suspect my real identity, unless I slipped up. I was surprised to find that the password the Doctor left me gave full access to his system, along with the files of all the operators the company had.

Clearance I wouldn't normally have. Has he really missed this detail or was it a necessary part to help me complete my mission? I was tempted, I will not lie about it. To pull up certain operators fully disclosed files. But I resisted. I would only read whatever was necessary to research and make my decisions in Doctor's role, nothing more.

I reviewed a lot of the papers for ongoing and incoming operations to get a tactical image of the events happening around Rhodes Island. Could have been better, could have been worse I concluded. I continued to operate under the guise of the Doctor for a few good days now. Issuing and commanding missions, taking care of the ungodly amount of paperwork that he was receiving all the time.

-Okaeri, Doctor. How are you handling your tasks today?

-Quite well Amiya, thank you for asking.

-We all depend a lot on you Doctor, please don't let us down.

-I won't Amiya, be at ease.

She left the room leaving another stack of papers on my desk. I grunted internally and went on with the tide.

---An hour later---

-Good job on your mission Texas, it went as flawless as it could have.

-Thank you, Doctor. Though it would have gone more smoothly if it weren't for ''that'' lupo you paired with my team.

-I took into consideration your opinion Texas, but it was necessary to have her on this one. And it may be necessary to have her again in the future among other, more lone operators to work with.

-''I realise it is bothersome to say the least, but I know I can trust you after what I've seen.'' I finished saying.

-I appreciate your confidence in me. I have to say I was a little surprised when you first took away my position as squad leader. Why was that, Doctor?

-I wanted to test Tacet's abilities. And he wouldn't have been forthcoming if more than his own life wouldn't have been at stake.

-I see.

-What are your thoughts?

-He was more than capable I have to admit. I would trust very few with my confidence to be led by, yet he is now one of them.

-I wasn't exactly asking about your thoughts on him, but I'll gladly accept your input.

-Ah, I misunderstood. Of course, I knew there was a reason behind the decision to switch me out as squad leader, and I trusted you for the better.

-''Hmm.'' Texas suddenly brooded.

-Yes Texas?

-Doctor, may I inquire?

-Of course, I will answer you if it is in my power.

-I haven't seen nor heard from him since his last mission. It is unusual.

-He is alright if you are asking of him. He is away on a secret assignment right now and might take a bit longer until he returns.

-''I didn't mean it like that Doctor.'' She said, seeming a bit flushed to her face.

-''I'm sure, I wasn't insinuating anything. But now onto another matter. ''I said, changing the topic. Trying to steer this awkward conversation away from the subject of myself.

-There will be an upcoming mission soon. And you will have to lead an unusual team that might not otherwise function well together. I need you to be the leader of this pack.

-It will be difficult, but I trust you can do it Texas. If not, you always have the freedom to refuse the mission if you do not think you can carry it.

That caught her attention and helped her regain her more serious demeanour.

-That is ominously vague, yet I think I know what to expect. But you trust me Doctor, and I will trust you in turn.

-Thank you for your confidence, you are free to go Texas.

She left the room. The coming mission would be tricky to say the least. Rhodes Island was already stretching its resources and operators with the Reunion dilemma. Soon we will see if Doctor's plan would work out. It was one day later that the meeting with the top operators of the mission to come was about to commence. I was in Doctor's office with Provence, and Texas who had a well hidden disdain for the presence of Lappland in the same room.

-I'm glad you could all come to this mission briefing that will start soon.

-''Why don't we start already? We're here.'' Said Lappland sprawled on the couch.

-There is one more operator that is to arrive soon.

-Hmph, that slacker. Who is it anyway?

-You'll see soon enough.

-''Is it Tacet by any chance?'' Asked Lappland.

At the mention of my name the ears of the other two lupos in the room almost imperceivable perked up. I wondered what that meant.

-You seem eager for some reason Lappland.

-He is fun to be around I have to admit, besides you Texas my dear~.

-''Tsk!'' Texas responded as a rebuke.

-''Doctor, I do have a genuine question.'' Continued Lappland.

-''As long as it's not too outrageous.'' I replied.

-''Where does Tacet come from?'' She asked though she quickly continued her line of thought afterwards.

-I spoke with him a few times in my native language. And I can say that both his Siracusan and normal language are a bit off. Like some accents and differences that don't exist in any of the twenty-two city states of Siracusa.

-Maybe you should ask him yourself next time you see him.

-Hah! I'll take your advice Doctor.

-''You shouldn't prod in other people's past.'' Said Texas.

-''Why? Just because you don't want anyone looking into yours?'' Retorted Lappland before she continued further.

-Or perhaps you don't like me getting to know him better as well? After all you had ten missions together while I had only one.

-You're always giving people trouble. Don't dig people's past, and you won't dig your grave that way.

-So caring of you my dear Texas~.

-There was something I wanted to ask as well Doctor, if it doesn't sound too intrusive.

-Go ahead Provence.

-I am seldom present on the landship, and thus I learn a lot once I step foot here from others.

-They say he is the last of his kind, is that true?

-He is, that much is not a secret anymore.

-I see, it is disheartening to hear that some operators are gossiping about it in such romantic ways.

-''Wait, they do?'' I said, feigning a little ignorance in character with the real Doctor.

-Well yes, didn't you know Doctor?

-I didn't, It seems people tend to be a bit more guarded in gossiping so wildly around me.

-''He mentioned to me once that he was someone who lost everything. This is what he probably meant.'' She looked a bit dejected as she finished speaking her thoughts.

-He has his life, his youth still and a sharp mind. He knows that much. He knows he still has a lot to live for.

-''He was the Doctor's personal assistant for some time before he placed him as squad leader in my stead. That should be proof enough that his past isn't holding him back Provence.'' Texas spoke to Provence trying to reassure her.

-You are right. I also heard a lot of his exploits going around.

''Why did the discussion suddenly revolve around me now!?'' I wondered to myself.

-''If you're curious Provence then you should probably ask Doctor for his file while you're here!'' Joked Lappland.

-''I... I wouldn't dare!'' Provence retorted defensively.

-I respect all my operator's privacy, and he would too Lappland.

-''Well, I wouldn't. He should be flattered.'' Lappland replied.

I wasn't sure where this was going, and I didn't particularly like it. But on cue the door opened.

-''Finally! What took you so lo-EEEEK!!'' Lappland suddenly screeched.

-I am sorry Doctor, Red is late!

Suddenly Provence dashed behind my chair and grasped tightly onto me while Lappland jumped off the couch and crashed behind it. Quickly scrambling and jumping in Texas's arms after.

-''Ma che diavolo! Who barges in like that!?'' Bellowed a surprised Lappland.

-''You do.'' Texas answered instead.

-Wipe that shit eating grin off your face Texas, it's not funny!

-''D-doctor! Can I have some of that fluffy tail!?'' Asked Red as she was staring at me... no, not at me, but at Provence's fluffy tail that was bristling and coiling around my chest. She seamed close to having a panic attack now that Red's attention was on her majestic tail.

-''Projekt Red, please don't make any sudden moves!'' I said in a soft but commanding tone and Red's body language seamed to relay obedience to my words.

-Now everyone, please calm down. She is here for the mission briefing.

In the end I managed to calm everyone. Projekt Red was seated on a chair on my left and the other three lupos were now sitting beside each other on the couch on my right. Probably gathering some comfort in the strength of numbers.

-I'll say again, it's alright if you are late sometimes Red. But instead of rushing in, please knock on the door and come in at a normal pace from now on.

-I understand Doctor. It won't happen again.

-''Well you didn't miss much except gossip anyway.'' Joked Lappland not so prudently.

Red suddenly gave Lappland a sharp glare, prompting her to jump on Texas's lap.

-''Hey, get the fuck off of me!'' Said Texas.

-''You gossiped of Red?'' Asked Red, now glaring at all three lupos on the couch. Making them mighty uncomfortable.

-''N-no! We just talked about Tacet!'' Provence spilled herself in fear as she hugged her tail defensively.

-Why Tacet?

-''Because they had nothing better to do.'' Responded Texas.


''More like why was the subject steering onto me again!?'' I thought exasperatedly.

-Doctor. Now that they reminded me. Tacet's smell is slowly vanishing on the landship.

-It's alright Red. He is just gone on an important mission for now, he will return.

-''Why would you care, you almost...'' trailed Lappland, losing her words as Red pierced her with another gaze.

-''Unlike many, unlike you, he is nice to Red.'' Replied Projekt Red.

-''Please calm down, all of you. No matter your differences you are all Rhodes Island operators. And you have to cooperate, no matter how quirky one may seem to another.'' I spoke, trying to reign in order on a softer tone as the real Doctor would.

-Now back to the matter at hand. You were all gathered here because this group will be the core squad of the team for the next mission.

-This will be an operation of vital importance. We might have a chance of eliminating the Reunion leader known as Retributioner.

-Texas will be the leader of the team while I will coordinate you all from a secure area.

-You can imagine this mission brings a large risk thus I had gathered who I considered the most skilled and needed for such a task.

-''Thank you for your confidence Doctor. But without sounding defeatist, can we really pull it off?'' Asked Provence

-Yes, I believe we very much have that capability. You will have support in the form of several reserve squads, but you will be the ones that will make all the difference.

-''What can you tell us of the battle plan Doctor?'' Asked Texas.

I turned on a projector in the room and illuminated a map on the wall behind me.

-We have information that Retribution and some of his forces are currently residing in this large warehouse at this location. Once the attack commences on it, we can expect to stir the bee hive.

-You with the support teams will systematically bring down the enemy until Retributioner shows himself. At which point you, the core team, will make your assault on him and his personal guard.

-We will have additional aerial surveillance and support in the form of drones. So I will be kept up to date with the latest developments on the battlefield.

-''Sounds like a solid plan.'' Concluded Texas.

-Red. I will need you to work as a pack on this one. Can you do it?

-Yes, Red can do it for Doctor.

-Thank you, Red.

-As I said, Texas will lead the team as squad leader. Lappland, you will be the heavy hitter, breaking the Reunion waves as they will come onto you.

-''Sounds fun.'' Said Lappland acceptingly enough.

-Provence, you will provide ranged support exclusively for your core team. The other reserve teams have their own snipers, so you need not worry about them.

-''No problem Doctor.'' Provence beamed up.

-''Projekt Red will remain on the outline of the pack. Taking any targets of opportunity unless the situation demands you fight close by.'' At my statement Projekt Red nodded.

-The mission starts at 04:00 tomorrow in the early morning so make sure you all get your rest.

-You will get additional info before the mission starts. Until then all the details of this operation are strictly confidential.

-Keep in contact at all times and remain coordinated. Texas will lead you well, and I will watch over you all. Everyone will come back alive on this one.


-''Red?'' I asked as Red approached my desk.

-Is Doctor alright?

I wondered what I could have done to give away this suspicion. I knew the Doctor well enough to be able to act properly as him. I scrubbed my body with special scent removing soap twice a day and applied his own clothes as to not rouse their sense of smell. Yet, I couldn't be sure of what slipped.

Of course, it would have been our top assassin with the sharpest senses that would feel something off. Or... could it be my heart acting up? I realised my heart beats were a little more accelerated than normal for a situation like this... it was because of them. These four of the most deadly lupos, the most bewitching as well. All together, all close, too close. With this realization I steeled my nerves and forced my heart to calm down.

-''I'm alright Red, I'm just a little tired and drank too much coffee today. But I will get enough rest tonight, do not worry.'' I said alleviating her suspicion or worry, whichever it was.

She seemed placated with my answer and the other lupos were none the wiser. At the end of the meeting everyone left except Texas.

-Can I help you with anything Texas?

-Doctor, there is something else I would like to talk with you.

-''Of what nature is the thing you had in mind?'' I asked cautiously.

I needed to be careful what I let these operators reveal to me. I couldn't take advantage less they took my head after or... blocked me off as someone cheap and undesirable to be along. The danger of death was more realistic, but the latter possibility affected me more than I wanted to admit.

-It is perhaps something personal Doctor. I hope you will be able to understand me and give me an answer.

This rang alarm bells. This could have been a confession to the Doctor for all I knew or who knows what other intimate secret she was about to discuss! I had to shut her down quickly and in a gentle manner. I raised my hand.

-Texas! I appreciate the kind of trust you put in me, truly. But I must stop you here.

-Whatever this sensitive matter may be. I must plead you to keep it and reveal it to me only after the operation tomorrow is concluded.

-I know it may sound nonsensical. But believe me, after the mission is over you will understand. And you can reveal to me what's on your mind then.

-''Alright Doctor, it's not a problem.'' She replied with an honest and understanding smile, leaving the room shortly after.

''Sheesh, that was close.'' I thought.

I brewed myself a cup of tea and enjoyed it to soothe my mind. Tomorrow would be a heavy day to take care of. I had to make sure my operators got back alive. The Doctor entrusted me with this.

---The Next Day---

The hidden command post was set inside of a large arena that had a large open space to the sky in the middle of it, about the size of a football field. There I would coordinate the battle along with a few support and security staff.

-Checking radio connection. Confirm team.

-Texas here, the pack is ready.

-Noir here, my cover team is ready.

-Rangers reporting, support team is on stand by.

-''Advance.'' I ordered

The scattered fleet of aerial drones was giving me a real time and clear map image on the tactical display in front of me. Retribution along with his branch of Reunion should be well hidden in the warehouse or in the subterranean tunnels that sprang under it. The teams were advancing steadily and stealthy enough. However, I knew there would be skilful Reunion watchmen on guard at all times. They would be detected sooner or later. If all went according to plan I would finally root out the cancer that had been plaguing Rhodes Island.

-Contact, we are engaged!

Core team stumbled upon a sentry post team in one of the abandoned buildings that they were sneaking through. Four Reunion members against four killer lupos. They had no chance. The enemy contact disappeared after just two seconds.

-''Cleared, but they probably know we are here now.'' Radioed Texas.

-''Advance on a faster pace but do not abandon caution.'' I transmitted.


-Reserve teams report.

-Noir here. We are advancing parallel to core team, no sign of the enemy yet.

-Rangers here. My team and I are spotting movements from the buildings further ahead. We are preparing for sniping support.

-''All teams, you may engage and fire at will. But do not get too far from each other.'' I transmitted.

Indeed, Reunion was now coming out of the woodwork from the ruins. Yet my teams made short work of these scattered groups. At the same time I coordinated flocks of drones from the fleet made available to me by Rhodes Island to deadly effect. Every square and block was monitored.

I directed several flocks to let loose grenades full of intense pepper gas at a distance from my teams. Effectively blocking several Reunion formations from ambushing or intercepting my own operators. All while several more flocks of drones dropped actual explosives and grenades into concentrations of enemies on the ground. Disrupting the normal flow of their movements and delivering casualties that would ease the pressure on my teams.

-''Several twenty member enemy groups coming from the direction of the warehouse.'' I transmitted.

-''Roger.'' Acknowledged Texas.

One by one the Reunion interception teams were dispatched off with deadly efficiency by my core team while their flanks were covered by my fleet of drones and the reserve teams. I had real life video feed on my operators as they advanced through the enemy lines as if they were butter against a hot knife.

Lappland was basically butchering them alongside Texas. No caster or long range Reunion member would have the chance to use their skills as they were quickly taken down either by Provence's quick and deadly accurate shots or being quickly gutted by a fast moving red shadow.

-''The pressure is heavy here.'' Reported Noir.

-Rangers, how is your support on Noir's team?

-We're taking them out wherever we can, but I don't think we can keep pace with Core Team.

-''Core team, slow down your advance just a little. I don't want you cut off from your support.'' I transmitted.

-''Understood.'' Radioed Texas.

My eyes were darting frantically between personally controlling the fleet of drones in for support as much as they could and assimilating the development with the overall tactical map display. However, I could only dare to fly them so close to my teams before there was a risk of the shrapnel and gas to fly in their direction.

-Core team here, we can see the warehouse in front of us. Eta two minutes.

-Advance cautiously.

I directed my drones to surround the building. Locking the targeting systems to every window and hole in the building I fired a barrage of rockets, self-propelled explosives and gas grenades inside.

-Core team, find cover and wait for movement. The building may be a trap filled with explosives.

-''Roger.'' Said Texas's.

But the only explosions that could be heard were the ones from the arsenal unleashed from my drones. Yet some commotion soon stirred inside as the large hangar doors of the warehouse opened. A near platoon sized group of Reunion members were rushing out, coughing wildly or wounded.

-All teams, cut them down but do not enter the warehouse!

They all responded in the affirmative. Now that the support teams have caught up with core team they formed an effective and deadly cordon. Even though they were outnumbered by the platoon sized Reunion group they held the line and took them down as they came. Texas and Lappland were carving a line between them, splitting the enemy in two while a fast, red shadow was taking Reunion members down left and right. Enemy casters and snipers were hard-pressed to unleash even one shot before they were taken down by Provence and Rangers. Soon the battle ended with only a few fleeing back inside their base.

-Noir, take your team and follow them.

My drones were already flying on the inside of the warehouse and my fears of a trap were partially dispelled. Inside seamed like a fully functional Reunion base. Now filled with mostly a few dead and dying, only a scat number still alive enough to surrender.

-Noir here. The base is captured. No more resistance present.

-''Doctor. Something is not right. The target is not here, and we didn't even encounter a single one of his elite bodyguards.'' Radioed Texas.

-I can confirm what I see Texas.

-Where could he be?

-On my coordinates.


I disabled the tactical display and the drone control. Taking out my pistol I shot all the equipment in front of me, making it all an unusable heap of junk.

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