Arknights: When Hunters Meet...

By Tarsanov95

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The end came and went for humanity of old. An uncontrollable spark that quickly raged out of control. Tacet w... More

Chapter 1 - An Ode of Life and Death
Chapter 2 - Of the Weary and the Dead
Chapter 3 - Of Life on Terra
Chapter 4 - Glimpses and the Shadow of a Red Death
Chapter 5 - The Grey Hunter - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 6 - Anomalous Processing
Chapter 7 - New Operator
Chapter 9 - After Action Report
Chapter 10 - The Duality of Lupos
Chapter 11 - Retributioner
Chapter 12 - Dead Man's Gambit
Chapter 13 - Late Night Dinner
Chapter 14 - Landship Days
Chapter 15 - An Unexpected Turn - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 16 - Northern Expedition Part 1 - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 17 - Northern Expedition Part 2 - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 18 - Passion and Blade Matching - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 19 - Reseeking of the Solace - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 20 - A Meeting of Wolves - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 21 - In The Wolf's Den - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 22 - Bonding of Lone Wolves - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 23 - Wolves on Mount Siesta - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 24 - Indomitable Will's - Projekt Red Route

Chapter 8 - Mission Incident

252 10 0
By Tarsanov95

We were assembled in enough of a haste to realise this was a big one. Reunion was striking in force and fast. The most senior and elite of operators that could be gathered for the operation were assembled in the flight hangar directly. The Doctor of Rhodes Island was present there to brief us quickly before we all would depart.

-Mission objective are to repel the Reunion force advancing onto the city and subdue any residue of their forces left standing. Our intel suggests this attack is led by a Reunion leader we have not met before, designated Retributioner. Our force will de divided into three teams.

-Alpha team will be led by Texas, second in command Tacet.

-Lambda Team will be led by Liskarm, second in command Franka.

-Delta Team will be led by Meteor, second in command Rangers.

-Projekt Red will take part in this operation as an emergency stop gap at my discretion, should things get difficult. So beware, you may see her on the battlefield carrying special orders.

-Overall leader will be Texas.

It was somewhat of a strange decision to assign me as second in command to Texas's squad. Considering alpha team was formed exclusively of Penguin Logistic operators. Exusiai, Sora, Croissant and Mostima. Of course during an operation I could probably rely on them to respect the chain of command, especially when they knew their seccond wasn't a complete retard.

But with this wild bunch I could never be sure. Yet this is what I was given to work with and work with it I would. Lambda team would be formed by mostly Black Steel operators. Including Saria, Jessica and Silence. Delta Team would be formed by Skyfire, Provence, Ptilopsis, and Lappland the trouble wolf. I could well notice Texas's hidden grimace knowing she would have to handle her on the battlefield. Attached to all three teams would be a set of various backup operators as well.

The situation on the client landship must have been grim, considering we were basically three entire teams that formed a platoon. Which was quite a force to be reckoned with for a force belonging to a pharmaceutical company. It must have been a disaster in the city if so many of us were called up in such a short time. Heavy hitters too, like Projekt Red, Texas, Lappland, Saria, even me.

We were deployed in our air cabs as I liked to call them. They would fly us straight into Hell. The one I was in had only the Alpha team. There I shared few words with Texas to establish our expectations on the field of battle. I had worked under her leadership before, and we got along just fine without any problems. We needed little talk exchanged to convey all the information we needed to say. While I had worked with Texas before, I had never worked besides her fellow Penguin Logistic colleagues. That was a new for me. We reviewed the latest data we had on a tablet she held as the Osprey shuddered.

-''This is the situation we know about.'' Concluded Texas.

-It might as well be ancient history by the time we arrive. We'll have to be quick about it so as not to be caught off guard by the reality on the ground.

-True. I want you to be our eyes and ears from afar. I'll have Exusiai for close sniper support, but I know you won't let anything sneak up on us nor let anything go unnoticed.

-Count on it.

-''So, this is Tacet.'' Said a curious Mostima, she had the looks of a troublemaker.

I acknowledged her but I gave no further answer. She was the last member of Texas's team that I haven't been introduced with before. The others I have interacted with more or less in the past.

-''I've heard quite a few things about you.'' The blue haired horned angel continued to say.

-''I'm sure, some people love their gossip.'' I replied.

-Perhaps. But they don't usually gossip with ill intent, at least not about you.

I continued my eye contact just a few moments longer just to acknowledge her last words before resuming with my own preparation. But to my surprise Texas took the word.

-Listen up, all of you! If Tacet gives an order you will take it as if I said it myself.

-''Alright boss!'' Answered Croissant for everybody present.

I knew that during our past missions together with Texas I have won her trust, and we both knew it was mutual. Nonetheless I didn't expect her to make such a statement. It would be useful in case things got dicey, and the team needed coordination.

I didn't thank her. We didn't need such simple trivialities most of the time. I just looked her in the eyes and nodded. Letting her know I took the mantle of her second in command seriously. I took myself back to my preparations. I had been called in a rush, in my haste grabbing the entire case containing my sniper rifle. Not having enough time to get it out and give it the last fine-tuning and check up though that wouldn't take long. I unlocked my case and unclasped the seals. I opened the case and pulled that magnificent sniper rifle in the grip of my right hand.

-''Whoa! You actually have a LA0102!'' Exclaimed Exusiai.

-''It is that rare?'' Asked Sora.

-Its crazy expensive! About ninety-five percent of its production is exclusively made for the Laterano military.

I didn't bother with their attention and just took to inspecting my rifle. No adjustments needed, but it was always a good habit to check it before one started its mission as well before one finished it. Mint as I last left it, it would serve me well again. We had landed and debarked quickly. The city was already a damn ruin, and we were apparently in the good part of it where the supposed security forces were still active.

-''Deploy!'' Ordered Texas, and so we did.

-Delta Team, converge on high point B and hold that vantage point!

-''Roger.'' Radioed in Meteor.

-Lambda, advance parallel to us! Scrub any lingering Reunion forces but beware, we are going to meet their main head thrust soon!

-''Acknowledged.'' Said a diligent Liskarm.

I believed in the Doctor's guidance and in Texas's leadership. As well in the abilities of most operators present and more than reassured in the special backup we had just in case. Still I prepared for the worst. I chuckled at some point. This ''play war'' was amusing in a way. A terrorist organisation, fighting a city's security forces, aided by a Logistic and a Pharmaceutical company's mercenaries. This was ludicrous, especially compared to the war I fought in. Yet it was as deadly as it was brutally merciless.

-''What's funny Tacet? Come on! Let us laugh about it too!'' Demanded Mostima.

-''A terrorist, a courier, a pharmacist and a feeble government representative meet at a bar. A fight ensues.'' I humoured her.

-Hah! I get it! Though the analogy is more or less grounded in reality all things considered.

The city was a mess. The local government forces were disorganised and mostly battling as cut off pockets here and there. While Reunion was crawling everywhere out of the woodwork. We managed to secure the city centre and continued to push back the Reunion forces down into what were considered the slums. Their edge was blunted and close to breaking as we pushed further.

-''Enemy Squad leader dead.'' I reported just after I acquainted a Reunion's skull with a piercing bullet.

-''Nice shot, I can sense the pressure against us failing.'' Radioed Texas.

I continued to provide support for my team as the battle was developing. I didn't like it. There were already three attempts at outmanoeuvring us that I had managed to foil. And their ranks were getting thicker not thinner, though the timing of it varied wildly.

-''Hey Texas, what's the hold up? My team is already six blocks ahead of you!'' Radioed Lappland.

-''Tsk!'' I heard Texas before she issued orders again.

-Delta team, slow down, you're getting out of our range of support. And try to keep Lappland from demolishing any more buildings!

She already had demolished two with her devastating attacks. And it wasn't the amount of destruction she was wrecking that worried us but the amount of dust from the debris that it caused. That mist of brick and concrete dust was already enveloping an entire square and spreading. Providing a well needed cover for Reunion.

-''Tacet.'' I heard Texas through the radio. ''What can you see of Delta team?''

-Too much dust from the fallen buildings, I can barely distinguish them.

-Keep an eye out for them.


-Lamba team, catch up to Delta and keep them in sight.

-''We're on it!'' Answered Liskarm.

I didn't like the developing situation. We were spreading thin. The local security forces were non-existent in our area and Delta team was going in blind. Lambda was already being hard-pressed from behind, and we had our hands full keeping our situation under control. We were being pressed more and more, and soon our luck broke in the form of a large explosion up ahead.

-''Report!'' Demanded Texas through the radio, but nothing would come at first.

-Delta, Lambda, report!

-''Aaah! Aaaaaaah!'' A desperate scream could be heard through the radio channel.

-Rangers here! Meteor is down, several of our support casters are also down!

-Where is Lambda?

-Half of Lambda is with us. They are battered, but half the team was ahead on the other side of the building that just went down.

-''Was that Lappland?'' Demanded to know Texas.

-''No.'' I answered instead on the same channel. ''That was a hefty IED.'' (Improvised Explosive Device).

-''I think Tacet's right.'' Answered Rangers.

-''Leader!'' Came Exusiai through the comms. ''We got Reunion from three points around us!''

-Rangers here! We have fresh Reunion forces coming fast, both in front and behind us. And I cannot say for certain we can link up with the rest of Lambda. Or be able to hold out long, we have too many wounded! We can't... back... heavy elite pres... need bac.... or extrac... ear me?

Liskarm barely came in through the comms with heavy static and there was a moment of silence before orders were issued again.

-Lambda, Delta, hold your ground or link up together if you find it feasible.

-''Tacet.'' I heard Texas's voice through the comm in my earpiece headset.

-Link with Delta. And if you can, with Lambda.

-Will be done.

-''Doctor.'' I could hear Texas again through the secure channel that only me, her and the Doctor had access too. ''I need that back up.''

-''It's coming.'' Answered the Doctor of Rhodes Island.

I already had my rifle fastened behind my back as I was jumping from off the rubble of a building I was atop on. I had an exact imagine of the battlefield map in my mind, and I was sprinting with long strides to reach my target. The scenery was that of a devastated urban sprawl. Fire was raging on several entire streets, and the still lingering enemy were everywhere among the dead and detritus. I jumped onto a pile of rubble and booted the grenade from the palm of a wounded Reunioner. It bounced back towards him just as I was already leaping away. The Reunioner tried in vain to pull out his pistol and aim at me, the explosion quickly engulfing the crater he was in.


A maddened guttural scream was suddenly cut short somewhere on my right. And soon through the fires, the smoke and the dust I could see a red shadow not far away. Poised onto the same direction I was heading. I heard several more tell-tale sounds of quick battles being started and ended. There was a deadly stalker in the mists of this war. Yet this time the red death that stalked this forsaken place was on my side.


A Reunioner came out from the dust storm in front of me, charging with his blade head on. I sidestepped as I pulled my katana out of it's sheath, and it sang into his flesh. Letting a ripe red river flow in the air. He charged past me and dropped dead a few steps away while I continued in my rush.

I had to pass through a ruined and half aflame building in order to get to the beleaguered teams and I entered it. Both blade and handgun sung. A cut here, a bark there. They ate my lead and tasted my steel as I tried to find the exit to the other side. And at the same time I could hear other screams of terror and death close, so very close. I heard a fast pace coming not far away, and I charged a corner with my blade swinging. It sang as it met a shorter but no less deadly blade. The cold and golden glare of a lupo met me.

-''Hello Red.'' I greeted her in a relaxed manner. As if I just casually met a friend I knew on a sunny, peaceful day.

I retracted my blade and so did she.

-It's better if we remain separated. We will better dismantle the enemy forces that way.

She nodded understandingly, and we parted swiftly to our own chosen direction. I was finally reaching the doors barring me from reaching my other teammates and I swung my sword. Cutting a Reunioner's chest open right up to his skull. The momentum pushed him backward, crashing the doors open. I dashed out of the building that was quickly becoming completely engulfed in flames. With the corner of my eye I thought I saw a red silhouette jump out of one of the windows.

-''This is Alpha team. We're moving onto your position now Delta!'' Radioed Texas, though I knew that would take time. They were a big target, while Red and I were fast moving lone specialists.

I was close. I must have been unless Delta changed its position, but soon I heard familiar voices.

-''Hold them back!'' A desperate voice could be heard.

I came across many wounded lined down in a ditch in what used to be a warehouse. There, a wounded but functional Ptilosis was tending to the most critical cases. Further away I saw a trio of veteran looking Reunioneer's. Charging with swords up a vantage point that covered the area where the wounded operators took cover. A saw an arrow being planted suddenly into one of the trio. But the sniper wouldn't have a chance to reload fast enough to take out the other two.

I jumped through the mist of this crumbling city and rushed past a roughed looking Provence! Speeding in front of the closest veteran my blade made a fast pirouette, slicing his head clean off of its stump! Blood gushed out of it's neck and the last veteran gave pause to his charge, ready to duel me instead. I quickly made another blinding move, and he managed to block it, as well as my second and third moves.

This one was experienced I'd give him that. But as I heard a certain crossbow being rearmed I suddenly ducked to the veteran's surprise, yet incredibly he managed to parry Provence's arrow! Nevertheless, it distracted him enough. I swung my blade and both his arms fell down, his weapon still gripped in his palm. He screamed in maddened desperation before I sliced his neck, quickly putting him out of his miserable life.

-''Tacet! I'm so glad to see you!'' Said a relieved Provence.

-Where are Rangers and the rest?

-Around the warehouse perimeter, we're spread thin and this is my point to hold.

-Where was Lambda's last position?

-Just in front of me.

I dashed straight into the fog of war once again.

-Delta still holding, heading to relieve Lambda remnant. Might not be in position to respond immediately.

-''Acknowledged.'' Radioed back Texas.

Then the radio seemed to go haywire.

-Any sta... ny... tion!... reck-..eam! Lam...roken...terred... appland MIA... I... Im pi... my down... med... is dead... jus... ive me so... damn fu... ackup!

I rushed past fires and past bewildered enemies in a blinding dash. Things had to be quite desperate for Liskarm to swear openly on the channel I thought. And it was.

I could soon see a broken circle of what remained of the beleaguered remnants of Lambda. Reunion had broken the line, and they were among the Black Steel operators.

I landed in the middle of the circle and my blade sang around me! First taking two footsoldiers in the first stroke and impaling the third in the first three seconds before anyone even had time to register I was there!

-''Aaargh!'' Raged a fourth Reunion fighter as he was turning his sword towards me, yet his head flew first as my blade bit.

-''What the hell!?'' Yelled a surprised Saria while she fought what possibly was the toughest of them all!

The perimeter was in disarray. Saria and Liskarm were hard-pressed to hold a semblance of a front line. Jessica was wounded and down, prompted against a wall but still providing covering fire. And Franka... was a bloodied, dirtied heap on the ground. Her sword still flaming, impaled onto the corpse of what probably was the leader of the squad assaulting them.

-''Aah!'' A loud, pained scream was heard, and I saw Liskarm on the ground.

A Reunioner having bashed her shield and her down with it. He was about to give her a death blow but the next thing she saw was my thrown sword impaling her enemy through its neck. My pistol now barked sure and precise shots as I rushed. By the time I landed on Liskarm's dead opponent my handgun was already spent of its ammo. I holstered it while I simultaneously grasped the katana back in my grip.

I then inhaled another deep breath to prepare to duel the fresh squad that was appearing in front of me, yet this next battle would go down much swifter. The Red hunter had then arrived besides me. We butchered the veteran squad sent against us with horrifying efficiency. Instilling a sense of dread into the rest of the Reunion forces left around to see.

-''Lambda remnant, hold out just a bit longer, we are mobilizing with Delta!'' Radioed Texas.

But the Reunion forces were already retreating at a distance. Content to peppering us with bursts of fire. They were trying to pin us down, and they would soon unload their last explosives at us from a distance. A common tactic used during Reunion retreats. I looked back and saw dead Rhodes Island operators besides the Reunion ones on the bloodied ground. Saria had rushed to Jessica to pull her up. But falling back Saria took her up in her arms instead. But there was not a chance to retreat under enemy fire like this.

-Red, I need you to sneak close to the retreating Reunion line and scramble them. Give me a chance to pull back Lambda without anymore of them getting killed.

Red was not subordinated to me during this mission. Not even to Texas but to the Doctor himself. I had no delusion that she was obligated to follow my orders or even my advice. But she looked with surety in my eyes and nodded. In less than a moment she was gone. Sneakily sprinting behind the enemy lines, off onto a brutal murder spree than just scrambling the enemy off their feet. Soon we had our opening as the suppressing fire against our position ceased.

-''Liskarm! Everyone! Now is our window to retreat!'' I said before radioing in.

-Tacet here, made contact and mobilizing Lambda's retreat!

-''Roger.'' Acknowledged Texas.

Liskarm was at Franka's side. She turned her head and looked at me pained. Gritting her teeth while tears flowed down her cheeks.

-''Is she?'' I asked simply.

-No, but I can't carry her.

And true, she looked wounded enough to barely be able to carry herself without her shield.

-But she won't last, she needs a medic, now! Now!!!

I felt my blood rushing in a way I did not want to feel. It was because I knew what I had to do.

''No, not now out of all the damn times.'' I thought.

My palms were tingling unbearably, and my breath was picking up. But I couldn't freeze down in place. I bit my tongue hard and the pain snapped me out of it!

I jumped at Liskarm's side, quickly picking up the unconscious vulpo girl up in my arms. She looked terrible. Dirtied and bloodied, she looked inhuman almost. It reminded me...

''No! Dammit no!''

I kicked off into the fastest sprint my body could strain to give. My leaps were wide, jumping on any surface that could support me and leaping far. Speed was of the essence if Franka was to survive, and I could barely feel any life left in her at this point. I had to think of it like just a chore, any chore. Just not what it was. Just not what my mind was playing on me.

I couldn't look at her face. Yet her image was already burnt in my mind, I knew what I was carrying. Even if she was a vulpo and not a lupo that wouldn't change much if anything. They were so alike and flashes of the past bore heavy against the brick wall that I set around my sanity! The demons of my past came to haunt me, and they were breaking through the walls. I gasped for air as I ran, and I realised I had held my breath for who knows how long of a time.

-''Tacet, your life signs are erratic, what is your status?'' Asked the Doctor through the private line which only me, him and Texas had access.

I couldn't respond. I was out of breath and my very tongue seamed stuck in my throat. I felt it terribly parched, and a strain was building inside of me.

-''Tacet. Report your situation!'' Demanded Texas through the open channel.

-Lambda, what is your status!

-Liskarm here, Tacet and Projekt Red relieved us. We are on your way now!

-Where is Tacet?

-He was last heading towards your position carrying a wounded.

-''Something's wrong, he may have been struck on his way here!'' Answered Texas.

God-damn it, it was my life monitor I realised. My heart beats must have been going erratic, and I felt it. It hurt, my chest felt like bursting. But I couldn't stop least I have Franka's blood on my hands for my failure! Shadows of silhouettes seamed to appear at the edges of my vision but whenever I turned around even the slightest to see there was nothing.

Reunion was no longer here. I was starting to lose it but for the life of Franka, and my damn own I couldn't falter! I kept my balance, focusing my mind on a singular objective as if it was the only thing left in my life! Reaching the end. Reaching the relief team. Focusing all my being on that single thing that I had to strive for.

I kept myself together. But the strain was growing, and I couldn't stop it. I knew it would continue to grow as long as I held her. I rushed through a thick smoke and I saw the other Rhodes Island teams assembling together. Caring for the wounded and getting ready for extraction. They saw me and I could notice they were relieved at my sight. Provence was there besides Texas and Lappland as well.

-''Tacet's arrived at our position with operator Franka. She looks badly wounded.'' I heard Texas reporting to the Doctor on the private channel.

Silence came forward to meet me along with two more medics carrying a stretcher behind her. I reached them as I was ready to finally hand off the burden that was burning me to madness.

-''Take her.'' I told Silence.

But when my voice came out it wasn't mine. It was heavy, feral almost. Silence looked at me with bewilderment when she heard me. She took Franka nevertheless. But it must have been more than just my voice but my expression as well that unsettled her.

-''What is wrong with Tacet, Texas!?'' Demanded the Doctor through the private channel.

As I heard that message I could notice Texas was then looking at me worryingly. She didn't know what was going on that she was missing. Now that my hands were free I could see that they were shaking uncontrollably. That was the last drop for Silence, and as she lay Franka down on the stretcher that the reserve medics brought she was about to radio in herself before someone else cut her off on the main channel.

-This is the Doctor to any available field medic, Tacet is experiencing arrhythmia and is about to enter cardiac arrest! Attend to him now!

The Doctor radioed on the main channel, and it was certain that all operators present heard it. They then looked at me. Like a pack of predators, ready to strike. No... That was paranoia. I had to keep focus yet it felt impossible!

I saw Texas picking up her pace towards me. I realised I was gasping for air, but it didn't seem like enough was getting to me. I felt suffocated. I turned around, away from the others and started to walk. Just to walk away. My mind was rushing, and it was getting very hard to keep my sanity. Too many things to count, too many atrocities to remember were coming and going.

''They... those damn monsters will be upon me soon. I have to run, or to kill them all before they take me down.''

''No... I... can't... hurt them!''

-''I CAN'T!'' I realised I growled out loudly instead of thinking.

I felt myself crumbling. My trauma was ravaging me, the conflict in me raging once more, and I felt it threatened to tear me apart. I realised I had failed to keep this a secret from everyone else. It slipped, it damn slipped under me. And like a small snowball rolling onto the hill it formed into an avalanche. It would bury me if I didn't stop it.

The pain in my chest hurt so bad. I felt every muscle in my body spasming. Even my gift couldn't make sense of the conflicting electric impulses my brain was giving out. And as such it couldn't regulate my heart beats. I fell down on my knees. Trying to breathe, but it felt like no air was coming in.

-''Stop!'' My inhuman voice growled as I heard Texas's footsteps halt just shy of touching me.

More footsteps could be heard coming fast behind me then. I forced myself to try to leave, yet Texas stopped me. She wrapped her arms around me from behind my back, and it burnt my senses. I knew what she was, I knew she was a lupo!

-''Gaaah!'' I growled desperately into the air.

I realised I tasted blood. I have been tasting it since I bit my tongue yet just now I could actually feel the aroma itself again. The rushing footsteps were getting closer. I was panicking. I looked up and with my hazy sight I could then see Projekt Red before me. She was looking at me with a face that seamed to imply... worry. She had never seen me in such a state before. I haven't even realised I was pulling my katana out when in the next split second I had stopped it. My left hand clasping onto the blades edge while the right hand had the intent to use it. Blood flew freely onto my sword and was gathering into its sheath.

-''Tacet! Please hold on just a bit longer!'' Pleaded Texas, her serious tone was strange to hear mixed with genuine distress.

-''GAAARH!'' I growled out, unable to even form words anymore.

All I could do was delay myself from doing anything stupid. I was afraid of losing control, a lifetime worth of survival instincts and more was fighting against my will. I then noticed a white figure... Ptilopsis.

In the next moments she quickly uncovered my chest of my uniform. Smacking an epinephrine injection to my heart. But its immediate effect didn't seem to satisfy her, and she then applied a different one to one of the veins in my neck. Everything was quickly dulling after that. But I couldn't move anymore. And... I'm not sure I wanted to. I ceased looking around, or even hearing much of anything.

I would have fallen but for the arms already around me. Holding me against her, while her voice caressed me until it faded.

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