Arknights: When Hunters Meet...

By Tarsanov95

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The end came and went for humanity of old. An uncontrollable spark that quickly raged out of control. Tacet w... More

Chapter 1 - An Ode of Life and Death
Chapter 2 - Of the Weary and the Dead
Chapter 3 - Of Life on Terra
Chapter 4 - Glimpses and the Shadow of a Red Death
Chapter 5 - The Grey Hunter - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 6 - Anomalous Processing
Chapter 8 - Mission Incident
Chapter 9 - After Action Report
Chapter 10 - The Duality of Lupos
Chapter 11 - Retributioner
Chapter 12 - Dead Man's Gambit
Chapter 13 - Late Night Dinner
Chapter 14 - Landship Days
Chapter 15 - An Unexpected Turn - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 16 - Northern Expedition Part 1 - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 17 - Northern Expedition Part 2 - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 18 - Passion and Blade Matching - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 19 - Reseeking of the Solace - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 20 - A Meeting of Wolves - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 21 - In The Wolf's Den - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 22 - Bonding of Lone Wolves - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 23 - Wolves on Mount Siesta - Projekt Red Route
Chapter 24 - Indomitable Will's - Projekt Red Route

Chapter 7 - New Operator

248 10 0
By Tarsanov95

Attached Note:

After three months of testing we have nothing to show for ourselves. We cannot discover a way to replicate the cause of the operator's immunity to oripathy nor a means to reproduce it. Doctor Kal'tsit has finally decided there is no more reason to abuse his goodwill and has transferred him to your retinue Doctor. Besides his immunity he is able to heal from grievous wounds much faster than it should be normally possible compared to any other existing race.


Operator File: Tacet

Specialization: Sniper, Duelist

Operator Description:

Operator Tacet is a specialist operator at Rhodes Island. A versatile sniper in which his jack of all trades style should be considered more as a master of all trades.

Operator Quote:

''It doesn't matter if I die. But I don't plan on giving it to anyone on a platter when they attempt to kill me.''

Operator Overview:

''Operator Tacet here. I'm best as a sniper, but I can cover just about any needs a mission requires.''

Don't be too perplexed by his mix of a laid back attitude and serious short answers.

You can rest easily having this operator in the background. With his excellent sniper skills he can one shot most enemies. From the smallest and swiftest of drones to hitting the chink of the armour of any heavy enemy. He is also a very versatile operator. He has a pistol for medium to close targets and God forbid any enemy actually manages to get close to him to unleash his katana. His reflexes are so fast that it near rivals our Swift fighters. I and many share the opinion that he is holding back on more that he let's go of.

Either because he doesn't want to be bothered with extra tasks or as he once said: ''I'm not paid enough for this''. However, should a mission arrive in such a desperate situation that the lives of fellow operators are at real peril of death it has been known that operator Tacet will disregard his preferred weapon of choice and jump in the fray as a duelist guard. Slashing his enemies apart and putting his life between them and his comrades.

Operator Profile

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Unknown

Birthday: December 21

Race: Unknown, allegedly ''Human''

Height: 172 cm

Combat Experience: 12 years

Infection status: Uninfected/Immune

Nation: Unknown, currently Rhodes Island

Physical Strength: Excellent

Mobility: Excellent

Physiological endurance: Excellent

Tactical Planning: Excellent

Originum Adaptability: Standard


Tacet, a specialist operator at Rhodes Island. A versatile sniper and a surprising jack of all trades. He arrived at the landship seeking employment one day and surprisingly Doctor Kal'tsit herself concluded an agreement behind closed doors.

Reliable on the battlefield but elusive on the landship. Quite a few rumours circle around about him, but nobody could tell for sure which is truth and which is not.

Clinical Analysis:

Increase Trust to 25

Imaging tests on this operator show clear outlines of internal organs with no abnormal dark spots or shadows. Our tests also confirmed a complete lack of originium particles present in the circulatory system with no signs of infection. Confirming this operator as uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.00u/L

When operator Tacet was questioned with his unbelievably clean results he made no secret of his unique immunity to most diseases. Now including oripathy to both our discovery.

Notice: Further file access denied under higher authorization requirement by order of Doctor Kal'tsit.

Archive File 1

Increase Trust to 50

Contrary to his intention of lying low he actually has a bit of popularity and goodwill going for him on Rhodes Island. While he seems to be of the generic lone lupo type he does go out and is inevitably rounded up into a chat or activity with other operators. For while he avoids these interactions he doesn't consistently decline them.

In addition, once given the position of squad leader his mindfulness to both the small needs of the operators and the requirements of the mission's success are never lacking to say the least. When he manages to slip unnoticed he will usually go on lone long walks atop the landship. He can also be found at certain pubs and cafés, enjoying a drink while scrolling through his data pad or reading a book. Though on many days he spends his time training his melee skills or practising with the weapons of his choice.

Archive File 2

Increase Trust to 100

Tacet's arrival to Rhodes Island caused quite a few ripples for obvious reasons. Ulteriorly finding that he was the reason that Ace's team survived the evacuation of Mirny from Ursus territory. And the subsequent discovery of his immunity to oripathy. His body is also so much more durable than most of our operators. He can recover from grievous, even mortal wounds and in a time too short to be thought possible.

For some reason he decided to abandon the use of the weapons he came with, citing ''it's better that way'' without adding furthermore. What we'll add is the fact that he lacked even a modicum of understanding regarding Arts. Yet that didn't stop him from taking it from zero and learn to understand all the processes that made it work. Now he can wield both his newly acquired arts weapons and also use Arts on the katana he retrieved from a defeated Reunion member.

His combat prowess is very high. Not by some raw power but by being the product of years of learning and refinement. He can quickly switch from expertly giving accurate, deadly shots to jumping in the fray with no less deadliness with his sword. His evident skills show that he could be an invaluable asset to Rhodes Island, yet he refuses to do more. He can command, he can plan, and he can certainly fight impossible odds. Yet we still cannot guess the true reason why he refuses a more important role.

Archive File 3

Increase Trust to 150

It is difficult to gauge Tacet's true feelings and thoughts. He seems to be a master at hiding them, skilfully choosing to withhold words and expressions if it doesn't suit him to be revealed. And even when he does, they feel like given by the ration.

His reservation in relation to his past could suggest hidden traumas that he acquired during the ''End Wars'' he claims to have fought in for over ten gruelling years. Yet there are glimpses of hope that he can overcome them. As many curious operators constantly engage with him in activities as much as he tries to avoid them. He has been seen along others and genuinely enjoying his time.

A curious observation was made that his interactions with a certain race were slightly different from all the others. This is not something anyone could notice especially with just a cursory glance and not knowing what to look for. This could be in relation to his mention that during the End Wars he fought for the most part against a particular race. But with what purpose? Study? Understanding? Closure?

We could not say, but one thing we can say for sure. It is not for revenge nor out of any other possible hate fuelled reasons. He admitted that he held no such sentiments though we suspect that some form of trauma lingers in him. It is not easy for someone who experienced a decade of madness and bloodshed to easily put everything to rest.

Archive File 4

Increase Trust to 200


The little information operator Tacet shared with us was disturbing to say the least. For an entire race to fall at the hands of an apparent union of all the others is tragic. Much remains shrouded of this event as he refused to divulge nothing more over the basic happening of it.

What we have pieced together in the meantime offers sparsely more in the endeavour to better understand his past. One thing we have found more concretely is the nature of the enemies he has fought in his time. It seems that unknown to most a conglomeration of Terra's wider known races besieged and preyed upon his kind. With him having fought mostly against one race from this strange alliance. From which snippets he offered lead us to know that at the time this began his people were already suffering from their own internal strife and other hardships.

He further told us that the end of their race came with the final blow from themselves. Thus ending their own civilization by their own hand. By that point concluding how much he was willing to say of his history. But hard questions remain. When did this happen? And how could such a conflict have happened without the slightest news to the rest of Terra?

We have also pinpointed that there is still a conflict inside of him in relation to the current races that he needs to coexist with and to the enemies he has fought. He hasn't shown disdain or disgust for any race. But perhaps it could be the bewilderment of living in such a different environment where the faces of long gone monsters show off through the traits of every person around him.

Parallel to this we have also deduced a very skilfully hidden apathy and, possible longing for death. We already mentioned his interactions with a certain race and what that could possibly mean. Is he trying to overcome the struggle he has inside before death through apathy claims him? Perhaps we are reading it wrong, and it is something else. Yet we can only hope that these interactions become fruitful for his sake.

Classification protocol ordered by: **.*******

Approved by: Dr. Kal'tsit

Promotion Record

Upgrade to Elite LV2.

Internal Classified Meeting record 002

-Thank you everyone for coming to this meeting, we will be reviewing the incident that happened on Mission #LM0221.

-It is clear from my perspective that operator Tacet has duped us all with his skilful mastery of words regarding the true cause of his arrhythmia and cardiac arrest during that certain mission.

-He feigned ignorance and fed us a few palatable theories as pure cover to lead us astray of the real reason. As chief psychologist of Rhodes Island I have personally taken to reviewing all the reports regarding this operator during that certain mission. Having been granted more insight to his person I am ready to present a new theory as my own conclusion.

-Operator Tacet suffers from trauma he acquired from the End Wars. It is not controlled or inexistent as he would like us to think. It is merely skilfully suppressed. And in the heat of that operation it slipped his grasp and came out. Now you may be wondering what of the many triggers could it have been, it was a war zone after all. I will tell you it was none of those that you may be thinking about.

-It was his close contact with operator Franka. He took to carrying the wounded operator out of the battle zone and during that time his medical condition appeared. All present here on this private meeting know of the main race that he fought in his past. While operator Franka is a vulpo by all means she may look identical to the race that Tacet has the trauma from.

-We know that Tacet is restrained in the cases in which he actually touches other operators if at all. He is a reserved person. And I believe this whole time he tried to steer clear of physical contact to exactly avoid experiencing such cases.

-I believe it is possibly an extreme case of fight or flight response. In which he chose neither and nearly died because of it. His mental pressure would have been somewhat alleviated if he had chosen a response. I believe he did not. Fighting would have given in to this old trauma, in his probable view letting it dominate him. And with it would come his scruples of the old.

-Considering his experience it would be disastrous to have him view us as he viewed the monsters of his conflict. Fleeing would have meant the destruction of his self-esteem as a man, his reliability as an operator, and possibly his continued employment.

-''If that is true then operator Franka would have died if Tacet hadn't refused to choose either! He instead endured it all until he reached back to our teams.'' Amiya intervened.

-Indeed, he had miss Amiya. But this is not all. In his last moments of consciousness something unexpected happened. He pulled out his katana with his usual right hand. Only to stop it with his left hand violently. These two reactions happened after operator Texas had reached and grasped operator Tacet in order to aid him. I believe-

-''I do not like where you are taking this line of thought! If you are assuming the worst I will add right now that operator Tacet had stopped in that seeming intent! And instead he chose to enter cardiac arrest rather than let any harm come from him!'' The Doctor interjected.

-It indeed happened as you said Doctor of Rhodes. Yet, how reliable can such an operator really be? His own gift that flows within his veins as it was explained to me in detail, failed to prevent such a case from happening.

-According to one of his given descriptions, this ''Gift'' was specially created to preserve his humanity. I can deduce that it thus has very strict boundaries to interacting with the functions of what makes his personality. Simply put this is an illness of the mind he has.

-And by mere chance this operator. Last of his race and with a gift that nearly makes him immune to anything has one of the most extreme cases of mental illness known on Terra. His reaction to his trauma has one of the worst effects ever known in medical history!

-All here read the after mission medical reports. Broken muscles, strained ligaments and a near heart rupture? If it were anyone else they would have been dead after such a titanic strain. I consider my case given.

-''I believe I have heard enough. And I have to reconsider Tacet as one of our most reliable operators on Rhodes Island.'' Kal'tsit concluded calmly.

-He is lying about his condition Doctor Kal'tsit. And because of it he nearly endangered others.

-He may yet refuse our help in that matter, but he never faltered in his assignments nor his duty. But if he ever comes to us, we will be better prepared to offer our help to him after this commission.

-I respect the dedication you have given to your report. However now that I have been enlightened with your discoveries I might have one important theory to add to yours. As courtesy and respect to the diligence of your work.

-I believe it may also be a different conflict inside of him than the fight vs flight one.

-Which could that be, Doctor Kal'tsit?

-It may also be a conflict between abhorrence and a polar opposite. Now I declare this commission finally concluded.

Voice Lines

Appointed as Assistant:

I will make sure of your safety and announce you of incoming visitors ahead of time. In the meantime, care for some tea Doctor?

Talk 1:

You are quite an interesting character Doctor. I'm actually curious to see what happens around you in the future. Me? I don't want to be the centre of attention. Plus you do know that your office is bugged right? As I said, in the centre of attention.

Talk 2:

What do I think of the current socio-political dynamic of the world? I think it's quite boring. It's the same things happening over and over again. How do I know that? I just observe.

Talk 3:

Why I didn't take your place before in that time of need? I didn't want to. Oh? I'm not denying my abilities? I guess I'm not. No, I wouldn't want to because I wouldn't be paid enough for that kind of workload. It's enough to observe you to see the truth of my words.

Talk after Promotion 1:

Thank you for your confidence in my abilities Doctor. The pay raise is always welcome. And you won't find my service in your retinue lacking.

Talk after Promotion 2:

Reminds me of the first promotion I ever had. Hmm? It was a long war, I lived long enough to gather the boons. Though at one point it all became pointless when the world was ending and all your close ones were gone... What do you mean you failed me back then? Doctor...

Talk after Trust Increase 1

I wish we could have found a cure from my gift Doctor. Hmm? Yes, it is because of someone I hold dear. It may sound selfish because I am. No, I'm not going to say who.

Talk after Trust Increase 2

Doctor. I must give you this word of advice. Always kill a traitor before an enemy. Always. Less your foundations rot and your home and ideals become irreversibly corrupted that you have to put it all to the torch. Why do I say this? I've experienced it myself. And I see patterns repeating.

Talk after Trust Increase 3

I am spacing out? Don't worry Doctor, I am still wired and very much acute to my surroundings even if my thoughts flee. What do I see? Familiar faces, worn out places, horrors that persist.


Tired Doctor? Might as well lay on the couch and have a nap. It will reinvigorate you. I'll keep watch.


Operator Tacet at your service Doctor.

Watching Battle Record:

Most impressive.

Promotion 1:

Thank you, Doctor. Pay raises are always appreciated.

Promotion 2:

I appreciate it Doctor. I will keep you and Rhodes Island as safe as my abilities can offer.

Added to Squad:

Give me my orders.

Appointed as Squad Leader

Assemble on me!


I'll make sure to get everyone back.

Begin Operation

Be alert for incoming enemy forces!

Selecting Operator 1

What are your orders?

Selecting Operator 2

Awaiting your input.

Deployment 1

I'm in position.

Deployment 2

They'll never see it coming.

In Battle 1:

I received no orders to take prisoners.

In Battle 2

Another one bites the dust.

In Battle 3

This one took two bullets to take down!

In Battle 4

I deny you your victory! Defeat is inconceivable to you. You will come to know it well!

4-star Result

Let's head home. We deserve a good meal and a strong drink for our success.

3-star Result

Every battle is a baptism of blood and fire.

Sub 3-star Result

Enemy hostiles are behind our lines! Regroup in two's and watch your backs!

Operation Failure

Regroup and retreat in pairs while providing cover for each other! I will take on the main battlefront and hold them off!

Assigned to Facility

There are a lot of people around. I think I'll take a walk on the surface instead.



Trust tap

This is a strange gesture of yours Doctor.


Hello my good Doctor.

Operator Information

Class:- Sniper

Subclass:- Duelist

Rank:- 1*

[Talent 1]

Precise Rapid Fire

Increases the chance for one shot critical hits by 100% for 60 seconds.

[Talent 2]

Blade's Fury.

Switches to dueling mode if the operator is the only one blocking the enemies from advancing towards allies present behind his line. Offering an 120% attack damage and halting all enemy movement near his tile. Lasts 70 seconds.

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