A Secret I Have

By Lillian_Rose454

439 19 1

Giulia Kingsley felt her heart pounding as she stepped forward to be sorted into her Hogwarts house. "Slythe... More

Authers Notes
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six (Part One)
Chapter Six (Part Two)
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Five

39 2 0
By Lillian_Rose454

As the male students departed for their respective classes, Ominis couldn't help but wonder where his friends Natty, Guilia, and even Poppy, the sweet girl were. He listened out in the library but to no avail. "They don't seem to be here. Maybe they don't need many books for their study time?" he pondered aloud. Sebastian sighed, "Or they didn't come here yet and got distracted?"

Their concern for their friends lingered even as they settled into their dormitory. Ominis couldn't shake off the unease that something might have happened to the girls. He mulled over the possibility that they might be skipping class or that they were in some trouble. However, he knew that he needed to focus on his potion's assignment, despite his worries.

With a sense of purpose and dedication, Ominis meticulously arranged his academic materials in preparation for tackling his upcoming potions assignment. Ominis made sure to review his notes and consult the textbooks, carefully following every instruction with unwavering concentration. 

Despite the heavy burden of worry for his dear friends weighing on Ominis' mind, he remained resolute in his focus and commitment to his studies. He is acutely aware that failure in the potions class is not an option, as it could end him.

 While his fully aware that the subject matter is quite challenging, Ominis remain grateful for any assistance that may come his way, knowing that even the slightest bit of help could make all the difference in achieving his academic goals.

Sebastian, a diligent student, was engrossed in his herbology homework. He focused on venomous tentacula - one of the most dangerous plants in the wizarding world. As he spent time reading, he began to lose his concentration after about twenty minutes. As a result, he fiddled with his wand involuntarily while his mind wandered off to various thoughts. His ponderings centered on the potential consequences of combining tentacula with other plants, such as chomping cabbages or mandrakes. Despite his best efforts to remain focused, Sebastian could not ignore the distractions his thoughts brought on.

"Excuse me, Sebastian, but could you please refrain from fidgeting? I can hear the noises, and it's slightly bothersome. And please be careful not to break your wand, as it would require a replacement." ominis stated calmly, with a hint of annoyance in their tone.

"Relax, ominis, I just can't focus on this damn plant homework... it's boring," Sebastian wines as he moved to lay on his back on his bed.

"I completely understand your sentiments, Sebastian," 

Ominis expressed in a sympathetic tone. "It's challenging to focus on things that don't pique our interest. Unfortunately, that's the reality we face." Ominis let out a deep sigh as he ran his fingers over the pages of the book he was reading.

"I wish I could fail at succeeding," Sebastian mused as he sat upright, peering over at Ominis' reading material. "Are you still struggling with potions?"

"Potions are not my forte," Ominis replied with a hint of disappointment, setting the book down on the desk in front of him before burying his face in his hands. Despite this, he was still willing to lend a hand to his companion. 

"However, I would be more than happy to assist you with your potion-making endeavors. And if it's not too much trouble, perhaps you could return the favor by helping me brush up on my herbology?" Sebastian graciously accepted the offer, eager to reciprocate the kindness.

Sebastian proposed a deal to his friend Ominis. However, the task at hand involved working with dangerous man-eating plants, causing Ominis to respond sarcastically with a "yay." Sebastian gave Ominis a knowing look, hoping to sway him. After a moment of contemplation, Ominis let out a deep sigh and reluctantly agreed. 

"I don't have much to lose, I suppose," he said. "Alright..." with a sigh.

With grace, Ominis settled onto Sebastian's bed, feeling the softness of the sheets beneath him. He kindly made room for Ominis, shifting over to ensure his comfort. Ominis took a moment to compose himself, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, before the boys delved into their study session, eager to assist one another.


Ten minutes passed, Fifteen minutes, An hour, then Three.

Sebastian struggled to concentrate, and his restlessness became increasingly evident. He kept fidgeting in his seat, tapping his wand on the book and twirling it around in his fingers. Ominis, on the other hand, was trying his best to ignore the constant movement, but it was driving him up the wall.

Despite their efforts to study intently, Ominis couldn't help but find Sebastian's inability to sit still amusing.

"What's so funny?" Sebastian asked, looking puzzled.

"I'm just amazed at how you can't sit still for more than five minutes," Ominis chuckled.

Sebastian's face fell, and he pouted. "I can't help it. I get bored easily."

Ominis shook his head, still smiling. "Well, try to focus, Sebastian. We have a lot of material to cover, and we mustn't miss anything."

As Sebastian sat next to his friend, Ominis, he couldn't help but notice a small smile on Ominis' face. It was a welcome change from his usual annoyed demeanor.

Sebastian briefly thought to himself, addressing Ominis in his mind. However, he quickly pushed that thought aside and focused on the task at hand. Ominis was struggling to read the pages in front of him, running his hands over the bumps of the paper.

"We keep talking. We won't get this done, Seb..." Ominis reminded him. Sebastian knew he was right, but he couldn't help but share his excitement about the idea that had been brewing in his mind.

"I know, but I'm thinking of joining the Quidditch team for the following year..." he said, his voice trailing off as he waited for Ominis' reaction.

Ominis' hand stopped its tracing motion, and he turned his head toward Sebastian with surprise. "Say that again," he asked, unsure if he had heard correctly. "Quidditch... you want to join the team this year?" he repeated, still in disbelief.

Sebastian could feel his friend's skepticism, and his brows knitted together in response. "Yes, got a problem with that?" he asked, feeling defensive.

"No. I am... just what got you so interested in wanting to play..." he asked, looking at Sebastian with a curious expression on his face.

Sebastian took a moment to gather his thoughts before answering.

"Well, I suppose what I mean is that when you're out on the field playing, there's a sense of freedom and excitement that you just can't find anywhere else. It's the wind in your hair, the rush of adrenaline, the feeling of being completely in the moment. And even though Guilia and I were just randomly practicing, we were really getting into it. We were about to score when Kogawa stopped us, but it was still a lot of fun," he said with a chuckle.

Ominis couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as Sebastian went on and on about the good times he had with Giulia. Despite his inner turmoil, Ominis kept his composure and took deep breaths to steady himself. He didn't want to spoil the mood or come across as bitter, so he decided to steer the conversation toward something else.

"Well, it's always nice to reminisce about good memories. If you still want to play Quidditch tomorrow, then by all means, go for it," 

Ominis said, his fingers gliding across the page as he tried to focus on the task at hand. However, Sebastian noticed a change in Ominis' expression and couldn't help but ask, 

"Hey, Ominis, is everything okay? You seem deep in thought."

Ominis took a moment to collect himself before responding, "Yes, everything is fine. I was just lost in thought for a moment. Thank you for asking, Sebastian." Despite his efforts to hide his emotions, Ominis couldn't shake off the feeling of jealousy that lingered within him.

Sebastian carefully cleared a space on the bed, moving his books and papers aside. He then leaned in closer to Ominis. His gaze fixed firmly on his friend's face. Sensing Sebastian's intent, Ominis sighed, clearly not wanting to deal with whatever situation was about to unfold.

"Sebastian, please, can we just study so we both don't fail these classes..." he pleaded, hoping to avoid the conversation he knew was coming.

But Sebastian was insistent. "Not until you tell me," he said firmly. "I may not be the brightest of people out there, but I know when someone is hiding something, especially if that person is my best friend. Now... tell me what is on your mind."

Sebastian sat there patiently; his eyes fixed on Ominis with concern. He knew that something was bothering his friend, and he was determined to help in any way he could. With a gentle hand, he took the book from Ominis' lap, hoping to get his friend's full attention. He knew that whatever was on Ominis' mind, it was important and needed to be addressed.

"Sebastian, we really need to focus on our studies now. Please, let's not chat unless it pertains to our academic pursuits." Ominis cast his head down, allowing his hair to obscure his face. He was feeling rather self-conscious and didn't want to reveal his vulnerability to his companion, hoping that Sebastian hadn't picked up on it. However, Sebastian was astute and discerned Ominis' discomfort, prompting him to tenderly brush aside a lock of his blonde hair, exposing his brilliant blue eyes.

"Of course," Sebastian murmured, drawing nearer to Ominis. "I can see that you're engrossed in reading about that particular brew... For the next step, you'll require thestral hair." Ominis jocularly shoved Sebastian away, placing a hand on his face. The two of them exchanged a laugh before returning to their studies with renewed diligence.

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