My Everything | Mattheo Riddle

By Rae_Riddle

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very cringe story. check out my others, they are way better! More

Author's Note
001 || Cheater
002 || Astronomy Tower
Chapter 3 ~ The Party ~ Part 1
Chapter 4 ~ The Party ~ Part 2
Chapter 5 ~ Hangover
Chapter 6 ~ Ignore
Chapter 7 ~ New Girl
Chapter 8 ~ Detention & Talk
Chapter 9 ~ Mom
Chapter 10 ~ The Ride Home
Chapter 11 ~ Funeral
Chapter 12 ~ Home
Chapter 13 ~ Death Eaters
Chapter 14 ~ The Plan
Chapter 15 ~ Stella Lovegood
Chapter 16 ~ Talk
Chapter 17 ~ Lunch 'Date'
Chapter 18 ~ Hell & Torture
Chapter 19 ~ Silent
Chapter 20 ~ Train
Chapter 21 ~ Questions
Chapter 22 ~ 'Another One?'
Chapter 23 ~ Chill
Chapter 24 ~ Black Lake
Chapter 25 ~ Father
Chapter 26 ~ 'Oh...'
Chapter 27 ~ Malfoy Mannor
Chapter 28 ~ New Plan??
Chapter 29 ~ 'FUCK!'
Chapter 30 ~ Hidden
Chapter 31 ~ Telling Everyone
Chapter 32 ~ War ~ Part 1
Chapter 33 ~ War ~ Part 2
Authors Note!!
New Book!!

Chapter 34 ~ 5 Years Later

191 4 4
By Rae_Riddle

~5 Years Later~    
~Mattheo's pov~

i was at my desk waiting for an Email. i kept refreshing and refreshing. i hear the door opening and turn around "DADDY!" 

"hi princess" she runs up and throws herself on me. "are you getting ready for mommy" i ask pulling her shirt down.

"no she isn't" Maya says leaning on the door. i smile at her and she throws the shirt at me "try" i pull her shirt off and start tickling her before pulling her new shirt over her head and pulling her arms through. "guess you just wanted daddy" 

"definitely a daddy's girl huh Izzy" she says walking over to me. 

"i love mommy too but just daddy more" we both laugh and she picks Isabella up and smiles at her. 

"MAYA" she sighs and rolls her eyes. 

"stay with dadda" Bella smiles huge and nods. Maya puts her down and walks out to leave. 

"hi princess" i smile at her before picking her up and throwing her up in the air and getting her immediately. she giggles and snuggles her head into my chest. she is so young but yet i still feel she is all grown up...

Maya then walks and she giggles seeing me and Bella. she walks up to us and rests her head on my shoulder and i put my head onto hers.

"i love our little family" 

"just us 3 till the end" 

"till the end love" i smile and kiss her forehead. "so Izzy are you excited to start Hogwarts in 6 years"

"mummy that's in 6 years" she giggles 

"well, i remember when i was your age and i was scared about it." Maya replays almost immediately

"what if i don't get that"

"we won't be mad i promise my love" i say. 

"my love can you get her shoes on Pansy is freaking out because she doesn't know what color to use"

"well Jack's favorite color is Red so use a bit of that and maybe some like black"

"do you wanna help plan the wedding" she says laughing

"no fuck no"


"sorry" i shrug and she laughs before walking out. we have our little girl Isabella Grace Riddle. i walk out and sit Isabella on the bench and start putting her shoes on playing peca boo.

i smile when i see Maya holding a book, walking over to us setting the book next to us. "hello hot Mama" i whisper in her ear

"oh my god theo" she says shaking her head then Rose walks up to us 

"Mrs. Riddle" i smirk. i love when she is called Mrs. Riddle

"Rose stop call me Maya" 

"Maya um you have a visitor" 

"alright thank you Rose"

"of course" she nods and leaves. 

"would you be ok watching Bella for a second" 

"you act like i ever take care of her" she rolls her eyes playfully and kisses me before he heads off to the entrance. "Bella are you excited for school?" she goes to daycare and she loves it.


"now if a boy talks to flip him off and walk away" she giggles and sticks out her finger. i pretend to bite it and she throws her head back giggling. "never tell this to mommy, ok?"

"why dadda?"

"because i would be dead" she giggles again and i tap her foot, telling her she has her shoe on "other foot" her foot drops down and she gives me her other foot. i pick her up once i am done and smile. 

i see Maya walking back with Hermione and Draco. "hey guys"

"AUNTIE!" Bella screams jumping out of my arms and running to Hermione. 

"hi Bella" she says picking her up and fixing her shirt. "I've missed you little lady"

"alright babe i am going to Jack"

"ok love you" Draco kisses Hermione and walks away to Jack's room. "hey Mattheo"

"hey Hermione"

"i see you got her shoes on" Maya says walking up to me.

"i did indeed"


"yes love" she says turning around to face Isabella. 

"i am scared" Maya's face softens and she takes Bella sitting down in the chair beside us. i can definitely tell she has her mothers anxiety. while i sit down on the floor with my hand resting on Maya's thigh. Hermione went to join Draco.

"i know love, i was too but you wanna know something" she nods "that's how i met your father" she points to me. i smile and Bella's face lights up. 


"yea, Hogwarts is amazing it sounds scary and looks scary but once you get in and make friends everything will be much easier." she pauses "you know Uncle Dray,Auntie Mione and Auntie Pans" Bella nods "they are mine and Theo's friends from first year"

"you guys have been friends for that long?!"

"yes we have and i am sure if we didn't meet them me and your mother wouldn't have met" i say rubbing my hand on Maya's thigh. Bella cuddles into Maya's chest and i stand up so does Maya. i sit back down but on the chair pulling her onto my lap.

the back of Maya's head on my shoulder while Bella was snuggled into her chest still. "it's alright love we are right here" i say to Bella. she moves more in between us and i see her eyes shut. i look over to Maya and see tears running down her face as she creases Bella's cheek.

"what's wrong love"

"what if what happens to me happens to her Theo." i have never really though about that.

"i don't know my love but she has a little while before we need to worry."

"wha-what if she gets wrap-wrapped and-and-"

"you need to calm down i know it's hard but you need to" 

"could we home school her?"

"no she needs to meet girl friends" she lets out a chuckle 

"b-but she's so young and what if she doesn't fe-"

"how about this we wait until she's 14. she can be home schooled until 14 we. we will take her out of school and start home schooling. if she wants to continue home school then she can but if she wants to go to Hogwarts she goes" he smiles through her tears and wipes them away.

"thank you baby" i kiss her forehead 

"go to sleep, i'll be right here" she nods before closing her eyes. i smile and kiss her forehead once more. eventually i drift to sleep.


i woke up to Bella moving causing Maya to move as well. "were late daddy we are late" she says shaking me

"Bella, you aren't gonna go to school. at least not right now, when you're 14 you can pick we are gonna home school you for a little while" she smiles brightly and climbs back onto me. i wrap my arm around her.

"you know i hope i can find someone like this"

"like what princess" i ask kissing her forehead.

"like you and mummy." that melted my heart. but i don't want her to find something like this because i can't nearly give Maya what she deserves in the slightest bit. and Bella deserves the world just as much as Maya does.

"well you probably won't because i will scare all the boys away" she laughs quietly careful not to wake Maya up. "wanna go into the bedroom and watch some movies" she smile but then her face goes confused..

"what about mummy" 

"just go into mine and mums bedroom i'll be in there in a bit" she smiles and i kiss her cheek before she makes her way to our bedroom. i put one arm under her leg while the other under her head and stood up. she is very light because she hasn't been eating....

i need to make sure she gets some food in her. she is so light, i haven't been forcing her to because there has been lots of stress but it has caused her to get away with not eating so i need to make sure i am on top of that.

"Hey Matt- never mind is she alright" she pauses "and why aren't you guys at Bella's school?"

"Maya had, like a panic attack because she was scared of what happened to her Happening to Bella. Bella was scared because she didn't know anyone at Hogwarts. i kept trying to remind them it is gonna be like 6 years until we actually have to worry about it. but it was a lot for them so we made a deal that after 14 she gets to pick if she is home schooled or if she goes to Hogwarts."

"was it because of her problems, like with voldy?"

"yea we are gonna start home schooling her. maybe get a Magic Tutor so she can still learn magic but just be safer."  she nods before smiling at Maya and walking away. i walk into the bedroom and see Isabella sitting on the bed reading a book that i always kept in my drawer for her. i smiled, she definitely is her mothers child, Maya loves to read when no one is around.

or even when she has free time. when we were at Hogwarts she used to have a small garden that she only knew about and would go there all the time to watch the clouds or if it was raining lay in the rain. what she always did in that spot was read. i never knew about this until about 2 years ago. anyways, 

she looks up and sees me and moves towards the wall. i set Maya down on the bed and climb in the middle of them, Maya cuddles up against me while Isabella is sitting up staring at the TV. "what do you wanna watch my princess"

"Belle" I smiled and let out a chuckle before grabbing the remote and turning on, beauty and the beast. she lays down with the biggest smile on her face and her head on my arm while she watches the movie start. i smile and look at both of my girls in my arms and safe from harm. 

My Everything.

My Family.

~Maya's pov~

i was hanging out with everyone and i heard a girl cackle behind me while i was holding Izzy, i turned around and saw no one. i shrugged and turned back around to all of our friends and started talking until i heard it again. when i turned around again there was someone there.

she was in the shadow and slowly walking out of the shadows. she had big puffy curly hair. she was wearing a small black dress and when she came into the light, it was....


she cackled and before i knew it she had Isabella disappearing with her into the darkness. i screamed and was being held back by Mattheo while sobbing into his chest.

when i turned to look at the spot again I saw Bellatrix forcing Isabella to walk over to someone who was smirking. she had blonde hair and what looked like dark brown eyes. she was wearing a robe with some dark green lacing.

when she handed over Isabella she cackled and everything went black....

then the light came back....but i was there and so was Mattheo. we were tied in a chair, holding hands. i heard someone open and then the same girl walked in with Isabella. Isabella was terrified you could see the tear stained cheeks. 

we tried reassuring her that everything was ok. but the girl threw her to the side into a corner and watched as she walked over to Mattheo "Avada Kedavra" the girl said and a green light came out of the wand. 

she smiled and i screamed while Isabella was crying. Mattheo's head fell and his hand fell from mine. i sobbed. she then walked over to Isabella while i pleaded with her to kill me and let her live a life. "Avada Kedavra"

She muttered again. i screamed louder than ever. as i saw the green light hit Isabella's chest. she walked over to me and pointed the wand to my neck. "please....please.....let me go with them...."
i pleaded. i was done and wanted to be with my family.

she smirked and "Avada Kedavra" she whispered again a faint smile appeared on my face and i saw another green light come out the tip of her wand and the next thing i knew everything was dark......

Then i woke up......


~This is my biggest chapter with 2,042 words like damn. this is probably never happening again🩷💚Luv You guys🩷💚

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