2.9K 145 143


𝟎𝟎𝟏. unnatural
𝟎𝟎𝟐. starry nights
𝟎𝟎𝟑. freaky
𝟎𝟎𝟒. scary findings
𝟎𝟎𝟓. calm day
𝟎𝟎𝟔. disappearance
𝟎𝟎𝟕. halloween
𝟎𝟎𝟗. nightmare

𝟎𝟎𝟖. weird interactions

86 3 0

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AURELIA WOKE UP to Elena writing in her journal. She seemed deep in thought, so, she just got up and went into the bathroom. There were then knocks on the door, "Yeah?" Aurelia responded.

"The sheriff wants to question us about some things later, okay?" Elena informed. Aurelia was confused but mumbled an 'Okay' anyway. Elena said they always had new toothbrushes in case someone slept over last minute, so she quickly took it out of the glass and started brushing her teeth.

After she was done in the bathroom, she walked out to see Elena on the bed, looking sad as she lied down in her bed, "Your turn." Aurelia didn't know whether to talk about what was bothering her friend or not. Elena gave her a small grin before getting up.

A pair of low-waisted jeans and a beige button-up cardigan, besides a sweater Elena also placed for Aurelia to choose from. The brunette had a smile on her face in gratitude and picked the sweater with the jeans. For a moment, she thought about wearing the other top but quickly shook that thought away as her insecurities suddenly popped into her head.

She quickly changed incase someone were to walk in at any moment. She then brushed her hair and put it up in a simple bun. Her shoes, thankfully, matched. Black and white Converse that go with everything—which is exactly why she chose it.

Soon enough, everyone was in Jenna's car, on their way to get interviewed by the sheriff. They argued about who would sit in the passenger seat, and Elena argued that she was older and she would sit next to Jenna. Aurelia didn't interfere with the banter as she truly didn't mind who sat where. They ended up agreeing that they would swap places on the way back, causing the argument to end faster than usual.

Aurelia sat in the back with Jeremy, which wasn't as awkward as she originally thought. They talked about school and their music taste, "You have got to listen to my favorite artists with me!" Aurelia excitedly said.

"I think our music tastes are very different." He furrowed his brows, however, a playful smile was on his lips.

"You'd be surprised," Aurelia laughed, "I basically listen to every genre."

"Okay," He nodded. An impressive expression was written all over his face; a downward smile as he nodded along. Elena looked back, seeing them interact, thanking God her little brother wasn't sobbing his eyes out. And surprisingly, she owes it all to Damon.

Although she was grateful for Damon erasing his memory, she couldn't shrug off the feeling of guilt because of what she did to Aurelia. Yes, the two deserved a right in what would happen in the situation—especially when the supernatural world is so dangerous, but she thought it was for the best.

She would imagine Aurelia being so unimaginably confused, even though she held herself together yesterday considering the circumstances. Elena badly wanted to tell someone, anyone, about everything; but she couldn't. She could only talk to her ex-boyfriend, Stefan.

The elder Gilbert could tell her friend was close to tears yesterday, yet stopped herself since Elena was a wreck. A few tears rolled down Aurelia's cheeks yesterday, but that was it. She didn't have a breakdown like Elena; however, Elena doesn't know how much crying Aurelia does in a day.

Insecurities really are a pain in the ass.

Finally, they arrived. Aurelia was the first to get out of the car and get into the building. She sucked in a breath, knowing a bit of what was going to happen. She knew Sheriff Forbes was going to ask her about Vicki, but that was it.

She stepped into the office after Matt, giving him a nod and a sympathetic smile before walking in. She sat down with her hands intertwined on her lap, her lips in a thin line.

"You and Vicki were friends?" Was the first question. Aurelia paused for a moment, unsure how to answer.

"We weren't friends, I would say. We just interacted sometimes, but that was it." She then shrugged, closely watching Liz write it down.

"Didn't you talk at the party?"

"Not really. I was with Bonnie when we walked around and saw her walking with Stefan—completely fine. Elena came and whatnot, saying she was worried about Jeremy; still fine. But, the second Matt pops up she acts as if Stefan was doing something, which he wasn't. Or, maybe he did do something and I just don't know." Aurelia truthfully answered, recalling the moment.

"What was Stefan doing with Vicki?"

She had a few ideas, but none of them were actually told to her, so she didn't want to assume, "I don't know."

"Did you see who else she was around? Someone she might've told about a few things?" The sheriff then followed up.

"Jeremy. They're dating—were, maybe, I don't know; but I know they were together at the party." Aurelia answered.

"Do you think Vicki really has left town?" Liz asked the last question.

"Yes." She replied and was dismissed. She sat on a chair as Stefan walked in, giving him a smile as a greeting.

Elena leaned against the wall as her eyes lingered on his figure, her eyes sad and dull as she nibbled on her lower lip unconsciously. Aurelia sat up with a sigh as she fidgeted with her fingers, debating if she should bring it up.

"So..." She started, grabbing her attention, "What happened?" Aurelia looked down to avoid the awkward eye contact.

"It just didn't work. It's complicated, to say the least." She huffed in response, her hands now going up and down her sides in nervousness.

"Well, pretty sure it's your turn. Something to distract you." Aurelia gave her a nod, then turned on her heels and walked out. Jeremy's turn was right after Elena, so she was all alone outside.

Her phone then started ringing, making her take it out of her pocket, seeing it was her mother. "Hey, Mom!" She cheerfully said, her eyes lighting up as she heard her mom take a deep breath.

Uh oh.

"Where are you?" She calmly said, yet it was evident she was mad.

"I was just interviewed by the sheriff—"

"I have been worried sick about you! You didn't even call to let me know you'd stay out, really?" Her mother ranted, making Aurelia's eyes widen.

"I could've sworn I told you." The brunette pinched her brows together while her free hand tugged the hem of her sleeve.

"You told me you'd be out late, not sleepover! And interviewed by the sheriff?" She exclaimed in worry and fear, "Why? And who'd you sleepover at?—" Gabrielle cut herself off from her banter, "I was worried. When you come home, we are talking about this." She softly said.

"M'kay. I love you," Aurelia had a small smile on her face. She understood why her mom was worried, but she didn't remember what she told her mom. She shook it off, and gaped when she heard her mom hum instead of repeating it. "The least you can do is say it back."

"And the least you could've done is tell me," Gabrielle shot back in a playful manner, "I love you more." She then said before ending the call.

Stefan then was standing besides her, making her jump, "You have got to stop doing that." She chuckled, earning a smile from him that quickly faded.

"I don't know why you two didn't work out, but you need to fix it. I've never seen people so in love before, it's a bit tiring." She jokingly said the last part as she set her hands on his shoulders as she spoke. "And that is my cue." She glanced at Elena, Jeremy, and Jenna walking out. "Good luck," She sang as she followed Jenna.

"I'm gonna walk home, so, thanks for the ride here!" Aurelia informed, but before she was able to fully turn, Jenna grabbed her wrist.

"Alone? You're kidding." Jenna said sternly as her brows raised with each word.

"I'm going to be fine, okay? I've walked alone before, this isn't the first time; plus, I need time preparing my 'I'm sorry' speech." She looked at Jenna, seeing her silently debate if she should let her go.

"Fine, but you text me when you get home!" Jenna pointed her index finger at Aurelia. The brunette agreed and gave her a half grin as she then walked away.

She walked by shops, a few people she recognized from school, and couples and whatnot. What caught her eye however was Caroline talking to Damon; and as much as she didn't want to butt in, it was in her nature. So, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes—knowing she was about to do something she'd regret.

She crossed her arms and watched from afar, seeing Caroline cheery and smiley, which wasn't unusual, but this is Damon we're talking about. Aurelia walked over, "Back off." She stood besides Caroline, eyeing him from up to down. He was in his everyday outfit which consisted of a black leather jacket and a plain white shirt.

She grabbed Caroline's hand and led her away from him, "Always a pleasure, Aurelia." He sarcastically said as he watched the two walk away. Aurelia made sure to brush her shoulder against his as the walked, making him stumble a little.

"Talking to him, really? What were you thinking?" She crossed her arms and stood.

"You didn't have to be so rude," The blonde mumbled.

"You're not being serious. Caroline, you are unreal at times—"

"I'm having a party at the grill tonight. You should come!" Caroline quickly changed the subject, her head tilted slightly.

She sighed, "My mom is pretty mad at me, and I have homework to do. So, probably not." She answered.

"Ugh, fine," Caroline groaned, "but if you change your mind I'll happily be there waiting for you."

"Mhm," She giggled, "Now, bye." She let her hand go and went back to where she was previously walking, making sure nothing else distracts her.

As she arrived home, she mentally prepared herself for what was about to come. Aurelia entered the house, "Hi," She let out as a squeak, getting her mom's attention.

"I was so worried about you. You didn't even tell me you were sleeping at someone's house, and—and the sheriff! Is everything okay?" She gushed, placing her hands on her shoulders as she looked at her to make sure she was all right.

"I'm fine. I'm completely fine, and I'm sorry." She apologized.

"Yeah, you should be," Gabrielle took her hands off of her, "I am seriously thinking about grounding you."

"You should," She nodded.

"But since this is your first time, I won't be so hard on you. First time you've been so open too." She paused, "Your phone."

"Done," She took it out of her pocket, placing it in her mother's opened hand, "I now have homework to do." She then went to her room, closing the door as she opened her backpack.

She rubbed her temples as she stared at her math homework, already tired just by looking at it, "I can do this. I can do this." She repeated.

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"I can't do this." She was on the last page of her math homework and she was close to tears. She truly hated everything about math. Algebra, geometry, physics; you name it. If it had something to do with numbers and stupid symbols and letters, she was done.

"This is due on Friday, why the hell am I so worried about it now?" She mumbled to herself as she remembered the due date. After that, she quickly put it away and pulled out her history homework.

It wasn't as hard as math, thankfully. She had it done in about five minutes. All of a sudden her breathing got shallow as her heart raced. She was having a panic attack. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she sat on the ground as she leaned back on the wall. Her head was tilted back as she shut her eyes, focusing on her breathing as tears were now streaming down her face.

Her hands started shaking as she felt herself get hot yet cold at the same time, not knowing if she should grab a blanket or take her sweater off. She bit her lip to keep herself quiet, stopping the sobs as she pulled her knees to her chest. She was so out of it, she almost missed her mother calling her. With weak and shaky legs, Aurelia got off the floor and slowly walked to the door.

She wiped her tears away as she let out a shaky breath, then walked to the door. Stefan was leaning against the doorframe. "Hey," She faintly said.

"You okay?" He genuinely asked, worry obvious in his tone.

"Yeah, yeah," She quickly answered, "Come in." She sighed. Stefan was skeptical but was able to walk through the door. Aurelia and Gabrielle had joked a while ago that putting the house in Aurelia's name too would be better. Aurelia didn't seriously think her mother would take it as more than just a joke and actually do it. Ever since her dad died her mom had been extra careful. No one really knows when they die, so just incase, Gabrielle put the house in her daughter's name as well.

"What's up?" She asked once she closed her bedroom door.

"I know you've been crying." He said, making her heart race again.

"I have not." She quickly defended herself, brows raised.

"Your eyes are all puffy and red." He pointed out, crossing his arms as he took a seat on her bed.

She opened her mouth but nothing came out, making her change the subject, "It was nothing. Anyway, why're you here?"

"It's my birthday, and I wanted to know if you'd be willing to come to the grill." He shrugged.

Aurelia gasped, "Happy birthday! If I knew sooner I would have personally made you a cake. Won't look pretty, but definitely edible."

He laughed, "It's fine. So, the grill?" Stefan once again asked.

"I don't know. I have homework to do and I'm getting punished, so." She looked at her desk, papers and pens all over the place.

"Is that why you were crying? Homework?" He got up, taking a look at the papers as you sat on the chair.

"I wasn't crying." He gave her a look, "Okay, maybe a bit. I had a panic attack." She murmured, looking down as she fidgeted with her fingers.

As she looked up, she saw his eyes on hers, "I'm okay. You distracted me. It came randomly too. I'm good." She assured, "Plus, this is not what we're supposed to be talking about on your birthday!"

"Lexi would love you." He commented, making her brows knit together.

"Lexi? That's a new name." She hummed.

"She's a very old friend. She's dragging me to Caroline's party, anyway." He had a smile on his face as he talked about her.

"Ari, do you remember—" Gabrielle paused as she walked in unannounced, raising her brows at her daughter, "You're supposed to be in misery, not have a boy around."

"Mom, this is Stefan." She awkwardly said.

"Well aware. Introduced himself and all," She tilted her head, "I am going to leave you two alone. Your punishment is over, your phone is on the kitchen counter. Use protection!" Her mother yelled as she closed the door, making Aurelia look down in embarrassment, a dust of red on her cheeks.

"I am so sorry." She looked up at him, thinking he would be weirded out, but was actually chuckling.

"Don't worry about it," He shook his head with a bright smile, "So, about going to Caroline's party?"

"You're going to have to wait for a bit, and wait in the living room for that matter. I need to change." She gave in, "And you will introduce me to Lexi."

"Yes, ma'am." He remarked and nodded.

"Now shoo!" She lightly pushed him out of her room, sighing once the door closed. She looked at her clothes and huffed, not knowing what to wear. She picked out simple a spaghetti-strapped black dress with a pair of boots. She grabbed a jacket just incase it got cold—or insecure.

"You can come in!" She yelled, and in a second, Stefan was watching her put her makeup on. She did her brows, placed concealer, then set it after she blended her concealer out. She grabbed her brush for bronzer, and lightly dipped it in the product as she was careful not to take too much. Aurelia then dusted off the extra blush on her brush, then gently glided it on her cheeks, then got a different brush for highlight. She was then focused on applying her mascara, then lipgloss.

"Didn't take you as long as I thought you would." He laughed.

"Wow, okay." She scoffed sarcastically, "Let's go. Oh, Mom, we're going to the grill for his birthday. And I will not be sleeping at anyone's house today."

"Okay, be safe!" She yelled, giving her a smile before they left, "And, you can take the car." She threw her the keys.

"Thanks." She smiled. Aurelia then grabbed her phone and was then out the door with Stefan. "I'm gonna need a less vague answer of why you and Elena broke up." She could tell it was bothering him but didn't know how to say it. "All I got was "It's complicated" which doesn't do much. And if I want to help, I need to know."

"You don't have to do anything." He assured as he got in the passenger seat.

"Fine. I will be a good friend and leave it alone as it is private." She hummed and buckled her seatbelt, "Now, what's Lexi like? I need to be prepared. Also, I have not met anyone new in a while, and I've never been this excited to socialize, so..."

"She is definitely someone you will like, just trust me." He remarked, glancing at Aurelia before she started the car. They soon made it to their destination and got out of the car.

As soon as Aurelia walked into the Mystic Grill, she saw that it was loud, crowded, and packed; which wasn't unusual since it was a party. Stefan walked to Matt as Aurelia stared from afar, looking around before she went into a corner. She didn't know where her friends were and she wasn't about to ask a stranger.

She and Stefan were now doing separate things as she was alone, watching everyone do their own thing. Her eyes landed on Stefan and a girl who she assumes is Lexi. Aurelia had to admit, she was gorgeous.

"You made it!" Bonnie snapped Aurelia out of her daze, "Caroline told me you would be busy."

"Stefan convinced me." She shrugged, earning a nod in response. "Speaking of Caroline, I saw her talking to Damon earlier today."

"And she tried to grab my necklace off my neck," Bonnie stated, getting Aurelia's attention.

"What? Why? That's so unlike her. She gave it to you, anyway." Her brows shot up in confusion.


"Of course." She rolled her eyes, "Does he not have anything better to do than manipulate a teenage girl?"

"Who knows." Bonnie sighed, "Hey, I'm gonna go talk to a few friends. Wanna come?"

"I'm good. Thanks." She smiled and watched her leave. She saw Stefan and Lexi play pool, so she decided to join in. "Hey." A smile formed on her lips.

"Oh, hey." Lexi returned the smile, "I'm Lexi." She glanced at Stefan for a moment before resting her eyes back on Aurelia.

"Aurelia." She nodded.

"Does she know—" Lexi asked with a certain face, yet stopped herself mid-sentence once he shook his head. Aurelia didn't want to overstep and stick her nose in somebody else's business, so she stayed quiet.

"Wanna play?" He moved out of the way.

"I don't know how to play." She laughed, making Lexi chuckle.

"Stefan, be the wonderful teacher you are and teach her while I go get us drinks." She then turned on her heels and walked to the bar.

"Okay, Salvatore. Show me how it's done." She cringed at herself the moment she said it, "Never saying that ever again." She mumbled to herself, making Stefan let out a laugh.

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"And another one for Lexi," Aurelia laughed, "C'mon, Stef. I thought you were better than that."

"I'm better than you." He smiled with furrowed brows.

"That's not fair, she just started playing." Lexi defended.

Aurelia gave her a high-five, "And that is why you're my new best friend."

"Oh, is Stefan that bad of a best friend?" Lexi scrunched up her face playfully.

"Stefan is your best friend, too?" He put his hands up in the air.

"Mhm," Aurelia nodded sarcastically, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

As she walked she saw Bonnie and caught up to her, however the two were in front of Caroline as they stopped her from walking.

"Caroline." Bonnie started, yet Caroline was about to move out of the way, but Aurelia stood in front of her.

"Don't talk to me, Bonnie." Caroline looked down with crossed arms.

"Let her explain." Aurelia calmly spoke. She didn't know what happened except what she was told by Bonnie, and she didn't want them to bicker over something that could be solved by communicating. The two knew each other since they were kids, and having a little argument was not about to ruin their friendship.

"What is there to explain?" Caroline looked at Bonnie, "You got what you wanted. And something that doesn't even belong to you, by the way." She was standing right in front of Bonnie, a sad expression on her face, "And I get called a shallow, useless, waste of space."

"What?" The two girls said in sync. Aurelia's hands were running through her hair as she tilted her head in disbelief.

"Who said that to you?" Bonnie asked as she once again stepped in front of Caroline to stop her movements.

"Who do you think?" Caroline looked down again.

"You know that's not true, Care." Aurelia stepped in, your hand on her shoulder.

"Don't let him treat you like that." Bonnie furrowed her brows.

"Yeah, as opposed to how my best friend treats me." She shot back. Now that's gotta hurt, Aurelia thought.

It was now silent, "I'm going to be right back, okay?" She gave her a nod and left.

Aurelia was quick. She was done in a matter of minutes and left to look for Bonnie. She couldn't quite find her and decided to go home. It wasn't her scenery, and she wanted to watch Pretty Little Liars.

"Hey," A guy stopped her in her tracks, grabbing her wrist.

"Um, hi." She nervously responded, looking if any of her friends were around.

"Dance with me?" He asked but didn't wait for an answer as he pulled her closer.

"No thanks." She tried to pull her hand away, yet couldn't, "Let go of me." Aurelia desperately tried to be nice, but it was getting harder and harder with every passing second.

"Let me go." She repeated.

"She said let go, you bitch." Lexi suddenly turned up behind him. He immediately dropped her hand and turned, giving her a nod.

"Thanks." She gave her a little smile.

Lexi shrugged, "Should've punched him, honestly."

"Thought about it, almost did it." She nodded along, "And now I am going home."

"Seriously?" Lexi's face dropped, her tone going soft.

"Yeah, much rather be watching Pretty Little Liars right now." She said, "I'll see you again, though."

"Definitely!" She smiled and gave her a hug.

She then walked out, seeing a police car. She didn't think much of it and walked away, getting into her car and driving off.

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