QuillClan //The curse of Sta...


521 33 5

THIS BOOK IS NO LONGER RELIABLE LORE! The lore of my characters is currently changing, and this book will not... More

The Exile of PebbleStep
The Prophecy
The new sickness
SwanFeathers imprisonment.
SwanFeathers return.
The visit.
The Curse
Waking Up
Death of a close friend.
A choice to make
A sign from starclan
New medicine apprentice
An unexpected visit

BatClaws Death?

44 2 0

The sun arose along the forest trees. There were warriors outside of SwanFeathers den, she didn't Remember asking for them to stay there. She glanced at her deputy, FrostedSnout. He shrugged and went back to assigning patrols.

How long had she slept, she didn't know. But it didn't matter. BatClaw was a threat to the clan, surely the prophecy would be enough to convince the clan. She shook her head, nodding to the warriors as she walked into the medicine den. BatClaw was sitting upright, looking around with confusion and pain.

QuillStar gazed at BatClaw with pity, the warrior hadn't done anything wrong.. yet.. she shook away the thought, heading over to SwanFeather,who gazed upon BatClaw with a blank stare.

"How is she?" She would ask, sitting down beside the medicine cat.

SwanFeather shook her head, gazing down at her paws. "Well.. BatClaw woke up.. and started screaming again, then they spoke the same prophecy you told me.." SwanFeather gave QuillStar a troubled look, heaving a sigh.

"Oh.." QuillStar was at a loss for words as she glances to the warrior now staring at them with a blank look. She shook her head.

"I'll host the meeting now.. have HorseTail and a few other warriors bring her out into the clearing. Guarded." She would add. Flicking her tail to the warriors as she exited the den.

QuillStar would trot up the ClanRock, gazing down as the warriors brought out BatClaw as she hissed at them.

"Let all cats, old enough to fight for their clan, gather around the ClanRock for an important clan meeting!" She would yowl, watching as warriors, elders, apprentices made their way out into the clearing. BatClaw in front as she swiped her paws at the warriors guarding her.

"I have gotten a prophecy from StarClan, delivered by TalonStar." She began, immediately dead silence welcomed her words. "In between StarClan and The Place Of No Stars, lies a warrior in your clan, capable of destruction. Turn your back, and may your clan fall to a horrible incurable curse." She recited, continuing after a moment as shocked gasps from several cats arose.

"Last night, beneath silverpelt, BatClaw had an -" she thought for the right word. "Unusual seizure.. Causing them to pass out. Earlier today, they had recited the same prophecy I just said, in a voice not their own."

Multiple gasps arose from the clearing, several muttered in low voices to eachother.

"BatClaw, so you have anything to say in order to defend yourself?" QuillStar would ask, hoping her accusations were wrong.

"No.. I cannot defend myself." BatClaw spoke loudly, as if someone else had said it from inside her.

"Very well. BatClaw, i hereby sentence you to death before QuillClan." Cries of fear came from the clan, terrified looks upon some faces.

"QuillStar, I can assure you, if you send to to death, it will be the biggest mistake you will ever make on your life. You will regret your choice." BatClaw dipped her head, as if accepting her fate.

QuillStar through about her warning for a moment. Then flicked her tail to her deputy, who was sitting beside her on the lower half of the rock. He stepped down, his paws carrying him onto the ground where BatClaw stood.

"SwanFeather, bring me deathberries." She would say. SwanFeather did, carrying them out a moment later, wrapped delicately in leaves.

SwanFeather set down the poisonous berries in front of BatClaw. "Eat them." QuillStar would hiss, in a tone as cold as leafbare at its coldest.

BatClaw stepped up, looking at QuillStar dead in her eye as she hissed. "Mark my word, QuillStar. You clan will rot, along with you." BatClaw toon one of the berries in her mouth and swallowed.

QuillStar closed her eyes for this part, as she heard the writhing of the dying warrior. As soon as all was quiet she opened her eyes, only to see BatClaws dead body lying before her.

"Get this body out of my sight." She growled. Turning away as she headed to her den.

Her heart sank, did she jus tour her entire clan at sake? She felt darkness consume her as she close her eyes and lay down in her nest. Did Starclan approve?

Her eyes opened and a large tabby threw himself at her. She looked up at her attacker, snarling as she ran, and ran. She turned, getting a good glimpse of her attackers face as she ran. They slowly disappeared into the darkness, but she continued to run. Flying past her, BatClaw, grinning with that horrible grin of hers, laughing as she led an army into battle.
QuillStar ran until she couldn't no more, falling into a deep darkness.

QuillClan was doomed.

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