The LEGO Movie Pachverse Rete...

Oleh ACGalaxy1732

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description: this a retell story of The LEGO Movie featuring my characters/OCs/AUCs. character(s): canon: E... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Emmet
Chapter 2: Cloud Cuckoo Land
Chapter 3: Attack at Cloud Cuckoo Land
Chapter 4: Metal Beard Returns
Chapter 5: Emmet's Plan
Chapter 7: Emmet's Sacrifice + Lucy's Broadcast
Chapter 8: Emmet's Return + Final Battle
Chapter 9: Ending (?)

Chapter 6: Vitruvius' Death + Takos Tuesday

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Oleh ACGalaxy1732

~Vitruvius has wandered into the Think Tank.~

Vitruvius: Sneaking around the corner.

~Suddenly he falls to the ground flat on his face.~

Lord Business: Vitruvius, I see you've accidentally wandered into my Think Tank. And by the way, I found a few of your friends. By which I mean, all of them!

~Vitruvius turns as Emmet, Lucy, Batman, Benny, Metal Beard, Oceana, Lorenzo, and Christine are brought in.~

Emmet: Sorry.

Lord Business: Acceptable work, Bad Cop.

Bad Cop: Thank you, sir.

Lord Business: Robots, destroy this old man at once.

Vitruvius: Did you just call me old?

Lord Business: Yeah. So what?

Vitruvius: Well, Junebug, I really prefer the word "experienced!"

~Suddenly Vitruvius starts attacking the robots and manages to knock all of them out, all the captive Master Builders cheer for him.~

Lorenzo: Yeah! Never underestimate the power of a person regardless their age!

Oceana: Okay laddy, we get it.

Vitruvius: Ha-ha! You see, Emmet. A corrupted spirit is no match for the purity of imagina...

~Suddenly Lord Business pops his head off with a penny, the master builders gasp, and Emmet, Lucy, Batman, Benny, Unikitty, Metalbeard, Oceana, Christine, and Lorenzo also gasp.~

Emmet: Vitruvius!

The whole team's reaction:

~Vitruvius's decapitated head rolls over towards Emmet.~

Emmet: Vitruvius...

Vitruvius: [opens his eyes] My sweet, Emmet, come closer. You must know something about the prophecy.

Emmet: I know, I'm doing my best. But I-I don't...I don't...

Vitruvius: The prophecy...I made it up.

Emmet: What...?

Vitruvius: I made it up. It's not true.

Emmet: But that means I'm just...I'm not the Special?

Vitruvius: You must listen. What I'm about to tell you will change the course of history.

~Just as he's about to speak the light in Vitruvius's eyes goes out and he dies.~

Emmet: No...! No!

~The group looks visibly sad as they are led away by the robots.~

Lord Business: Hey, not so special anymore, huh?

~The robots strap each of the group into one of the Think Tank seats.~

Lord Business: Well, guess what? No one ever told me I was special. I never got a trophy just for showing up! I'm not some special little snowflake.

~The micro-manager robot picks up Emmet and straps him onto a battery.~

Lord Business: Robots, bring me the Sword of Exact-Zero!

Robots: Yes, Lord Business.

~The robots hand Lord Business an Xacto razor and he walks over to Emmet.~

Lord Business: Must be weird, one minute you're the most special person in the universe. The next minute, you're nobody!

~Suddenly Lord Business uses the razor to cut the Piece of Resistance from Emmet's back.~

Lord Business: Oh, I have a nice spot for this in my relic room. [he suddenly throws the Piece of Resistance out the window] Uh-oh, my mistake! There it goes!

Lucy: No!

Lord Business: Bye-bye, forever!

~The Piece of Resistance falls into the abyss.~

Lord Business: Well, I guess there's only one thing left to do! [he turns to his robots] Release the Kragle! Computer?

Computer: Yes, sir.

Lord Business: Set the electric shocker to one hundred Mississippi.

Computer: No problem.

Lord Business: Then terminate everyone.

Computer: Already on it.

Lord Business: Emmet, that should give you enough time to witness the first location to be Kragled. Your home town!

Emmet: No!

~Lord Business gets onto the Kragle device.~

Lord Business: Bad Cop, unfortunately I'm gonna have to leave you here to die.

Bad Cop: What? [he is, now, surrounded by robots] Sir, I...

Lord Business: It's not personal, it's just business. Lord Business. Ciao!

~The Kragle device shoot up to the top of the ceiling disappearing with Lord Business, then the computer starts counting down.~

Computer: Beginning zapping termination in ninety-nine Mississippi, ninety-eight Mississippi, ninety- seven Mississippi, and so on.

~Lord Business flies over Bricksburg in his aircraft.~

Lord Business: Attention, everyone. This is President Business. Attention, everyone. This is President Business.

~The citizens of Bricksburg stop and look up at Lord Business's aircraft as it hovers over the city.~

Lord Business: Hello! Hi! Welcome to Taco Tuesday! Don't worry about this big black violet thing that's blocking out the sun. What you need to worry about is this question that I'm about to ask you. Who wants a taco?!

~Mexican music starts blaring out as everyone in the city cheers.~

Lord Business: Yeah! I know! Taco! Taco! Go crazy! Alright, everyone. Act normal.

~As everyone is busy dancing and cheering Lord Business releases several Kragle devices from his aircraft.~

Lord Business: Perfect. Now, everybody say freeze!

~As he starts spraying them with glue some people start running off and screaming.~

Lord Business: So I guess running around and screaming is normal. Micro-manager, commence micro-management!

Micro-Manager: Commencing micro-management.

~The micro-managers starts spraying everyone with glue and freezing them, back at the tower Emmet watches this in horror on the big screen.~

Bricksburg Citizen: Please! Please, won't somebody help us!

Benny: Emmet, you''ll think of something, right? Like you always do.

Lorenzo: You cannot give up now.

Emmet: Didn't you hear him? The prophecy's made up. I'm not the Special. To think for a moment I thought I might be.

Vitruvius: Emmet.

~Suddenly Emmet hears Vitruvius's ghostly voice.~

Emmet: Who said that?

Ghost Vitruvius: I did.

~Vitruvius's ghostly forms appears behind Emmet.~

Ghost Vitruvius: I am ghost Vitruvius. Ooooh! [he glides over to face Emmet] Emmet, you didn't let me finish earlier because I died. The reason I made up the prophecy was because I knew that whoever found the Piece could become the Special. Because the only thing anyone needs to be special is to believe that you can be. I know that sounds like a cat poster, but it's true. Look at what you did when you believed you were special. You just need to believe it some more.

Emmet: But how can I just decide to believe that I'm special, when I'm not?

Ghost Vitruvius: Because the world depends on it. Ooooh!

~Suddenly the ghostly form of Vitruvius starts to glide away.~

Computer: Zapping termination in thirty-five Mississippi...

Emmet: What?!


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