Let Shadows Die [BVB Fanfic]

By Screamingheart

469 11 7

Heya! I'm Evelyn (Evie for short) I'm 17 years old and a writer! i've had a pretty troubled past and I'm part... More

Let Shadows Die [BVB Fanfic]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

85 5 1
By Screamingheart

Chapter 3!!! TA DA!!! Btw it's the day of the concert.

Evie POV

"EVIE!!! HURRY UP!!!!" Lauren shouted from the bottom of the stairs "WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!! THE TAXI'S HERE!" she was clearly fangirling. But seriously, who could blame her? The backstage passes (Which i hadn't told her about) had arrived a few days ago with a note "since the show's late, we're not doing meet & greets afterwards. Show your passes to the security guy & he'll show you to us :D" I'd had my foster mother read it to me since my eyesight was practically non existent at the time. And here i was, just about to get into a car with a hyper fangirl on monster. Fun.

*** During the Concert

"AAANNNDDDYYYY IIII LLLOOOVVVEEE YYYOOOUUU!!!!!!" Lauren shouted for the hundredth from beside me. By some miracle we'd managed to get to the front and my vision had decided to die just as BVB had come on stage. fun. I wonder if they could see me? probably not since my hair isn't that noticeable in the dark. But ah well. 

A fight started out beside Lauren and i. And for some reason, i got pushed in. A blind girl in a mosh pit; not the best idea in the world. Anyway, something (i assume was a broken bottle) got dragged across my left arm causing me to almost scream. Shit. I was so luck Andy stopped the mosh pit, Lauren dragged me to the side and asked if i was alright. 

"Yeah" i shouted over the sound of Bass, guitar and drums (not to mention Andy). she'd freak out if she knew i'd been hurt.

*** After the concert

Everyone began to leave after BVB had left the stage and Lauren was, to say the last, star struck. 

"Lauren" i said for the third time "LAUREN!" she finally paid attention to me

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" she practically shouted. i sighed

"I have another surprise for you. take me to a security guy" i said. Lauren did as instructed and linked her arm through mine, guiding me around pesky people.

"we're there" she said once we'd stopped.

Lauren's POV

"We're there" i said to Evie once we'd stopped infront of one of the security guards. 

"Can you let us talk for a minute?" Evie asked me.

"Sure! shall i get us a drink?"

"yeah" i walked off while Evie talked to the security guy. I stopped in front of one of the vending machines and dug Evie's wallet out of my pocket. I always carry her wallet since she can't tell which note's which and Evie's the type of person that trusts people. Therefore, she trusts me with her wallet. The machine dispensed two cokes and i began my trek back to Evie.

"Hey, i got coke" i said and handed one to her.

"awesome. This guy" she said motioning to the secuirty guy "has agreed to take us out the back way since i'll probably get tripped up by someone out front"


"If you'll follow me please" said the security guy. I linked arms with Evie and started to follow him. Admittedly, yes, i was fangirling. Hell i was in the same room as Black Veil Brides a few minutes ago. Who wouldn't fangirl? their sexy as hell after all..........

"here we are" said the security guy when we were outside a door.

"Thank you" replied Evie in her sweetest voice. She reached out to the door with one hand and felt for the door handle. After finding it she turned her head to me. "close your eyes" she said. I did as instructed, Evie was, to say the least, not one to be questioned and i knew my best friend enough to trust her. I heard Evie open the door and push me in front of her.

"Open your eyes" and i did and froze. In front of me were Black Veil Brides, in all their warpaint glory.

Evie's POV

I could feel the Fangirlness seeping off of Lauren. 

"Lauren, breathe" i reminded her.

"b-b-but it's-"

"Black Veil Brides" i said slowly. she was clearly in shock.

"oh my god" she breathed.


"Their here"


"in front of me"


"Ashley's shirtless"

"probably" i sighed as this had yet to be confirmed to me

"His tattoo's amazing"

"yep" this was really funny

"They're staring at me"

"Of course they are, you're a nervous wreck" i said simply.

"i love them"

"I know. Lauren, you're fangirling"

"Am i?"

"yeah" i sighed

"hi" said Andy as he stepped forward "I'm Andy"

"I know" said Lauren.

"Would you like a hug?"

"o-kk" she stammered.

After a while of Lauren getting to know BVB and coming out of her 'nervous wreck state' she finally calmed down.

"uhhh, Evie?" Ashley said to me.

"yeah Ash?"

"you're bleeding"

"oh yeah, that" i said and explained the glass bottle incident.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?" said Lauren, practically in shock while Andy called for one of the medical guys.

"Because you freak out!" i said. CC made me sit on the counter of the dressing room.

[Hey guys, just a little warning. This bit's got references to self-harm in. i promise it'll be over soon tho]

Ashley's POV

Well, this is good.  One fangirl and one injured girl, but a hot injured girl with E cups.

The medical guy arrived a few minutes after CC had made Evie sit down, i went and sat down beside her.

"Miss" he said to Evie "you'll have to take your glove off" which she did, very reluctantly.  Her arms were terrible, it looked as though she'd covered every available inch of space on her arm with cuts. The medical guy cleaned the wound and took the glass out.

"It'll need stitches" he said calmly. Evie, however, took this news very very badly. she immediately got up and backed away, tripping over a chair.

"There's no fucking way you're putting that needle near me!" she screamed. Lauren, who until now had been freaking out, ran over to Evie.

"Evie, EVIE!" she held her head in her hands "you need stitches"

"NO!" Andy'd had enough at this point and picked Evie up and carried her over to the table while she flailed.

So we ended up with Evie between myself and Andy, he held her left arm while i held her right hand, and i must say, she has one hell of a grip. 

The other's were useless tho, CC just stood there drinking Monster, Jake had beer and Jinxx was messing with his guitar. Lauren however, had gone back to freaking out.   

After it was done, and after Evie swearing and commenting I hate needles over and over again, it was about 2 in the morning.


"Oh my god, i'm tired!!!" cried Lauren, the rather strange girl that Evie'd brought over. it had been pretty funny though, watching her fan girl.

"Ditto" said Evie who'd just sat through multiple stitches while almost breaking Ashley's hand. He is such a girl. "what time is it?" I checked my phone.

"just passed two"

"ahhh fuck. i am so tired!" sighed Evie.

"tired? how the hell are you supposed to party then?" asked Ashley, flicking his hair like Repunzle.

"i had a brain wave for a new series last night so i didn't get any sleep....." she trailed off. Two tired girls and a band in London. There was only one logical solution, but before i could mention it a song errupted from Evie's pocket.

"what the hell's that?!?" i asked.

"Can't Get Away by Stolen Hearts" Evie and Ashley said at the same time.

"it's my phone's ring tone....." Evie continued

"are you gonna answer it?" asked Andy

"nah, i like this song" but she still did after a few more seconds. "hello! This is the awesome Evelyn, how may i not help you today?"

Evie's face froze. "hold on a sec" she said and handed the phone to Lauren "can you put it on speaker?"


"Guys" said Evie "this is my Editor, manager, accountant etc etc. Sarah. Sarah, tell them what you told me" Evie had this huge smile on her face.

"well, Evelyn's first book The Death Cycle (I apologise if this is an actual book, it's a name i randomly came up witha and i have no idea if it's real) Is being made into a film!!!" Evie and Lauren were jumping up and down in excitement.

"Oh my god that's awesome!!!" i shouted.

Evie's POV

This is so amazing! My book's being made into a film!!! Lauren and i were jumping up and down doing our little happy dance when we were tackled into a bear hug by none other than CC. a few seconds later Ashley, Jake and Andy joined in and we all fell to the ground. Only Jinxx didn't join in.

"what on earth's going on there?!?" i heard Sarah shout. Jinxx (i assume he'd picked up my phone) answered.

"I'm not actually quite sure....... i think their all trying to have sex at the same time........" he trailed off.

"What?!? and who are you anyway?"

"oh, i'm Jinxx from-"

"BLACK VEIL BRIDES!!! OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU GUYS!" another fan girl.........

"shall i tell Evelyn to call you back?" asked Jinxx in a rather worried voice.

"oh sure, sure" the call ended. after a minute or two of laughing CC spoke.

"So, sleepover?" 

So! Chapter 3!!!! vote, comment etc etc :D

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