
By LighteningSmiles

488 10 1

"She left me and my dad last year, and all she left behind were two very broken hearts and a letter saying 'I... More

Junior Counselling Day 1.
Day 2.
Flag18 Turquoise
An Afternoon Avoiding Aaron.
Good Mourning.
Out and about.
Friday Feelings.
Not so Alone.
Trouble Times.


19 0 0
By LighteningSmiles

The entire train journey back Louis was updating Mia on everything that happened while she was gone.

-Kendall got pushed into the lake.

-Aaron and Ana were caught doing inappropriate things in the bushes. Then were suspended from their group work for three days because five eight year olds caught them.

-Marco took Sarah out for dinner.

-Spencer's girlfriend came to camp for the evening an he proposed to her.

-Ana had gotten a room swap with Sarah, so she now shared with Kendall and Sarah was with Mia.

-Mia and Louis had found the person they really needed.

When they got off the train Mia took Louis' hand and they walked to camp.

"So who did you go see this evening?"

"My aunt." Mia smiled to herself as she answered him.

They made small talk the rest of the walk back to camp, then Louis walked her to her room after she said she wanted an early night sleep. Ana was not in the room.

"Thanks again for picking me up. I really enjoyed your company."

"No problem Mimi." Louis leaned down and kissed her on her forehead then left.

Mia sat on her bed rubbing her face thinking about all that had happened before the first week of camp was over, and it made staying there for another two weeks seem a little less appealing.

Ana walked into the room to finish packing.

"Oh hey... When did you get here?" Ana asked sitting on her bed and re-tying her laces.

"A minute ago."

"Cool." There was an unbearable silence between them for a minute while Ana finished with her shoes.

"So when were you going to tell me you were swapping rooms?" Mia was in full lawyer mode now. She always seemed to be when she was exhausted.

"Well whenever I saw you next! How was your date with my boyfriend?"

"First off it was NOT a date, he was picking me up from the train station when I came back from seeing my aunt, and secondly he's not your boyfriend anymore. You never deserved him. And you knew it the whole time. You were just waiting for Aaron, you know you were. But when you saw him and me together you freaked out and your inner bitch was released. I know you Ana and there is no way in hell I will let you hurt him again."

Mia had no idea where that came from. She never spoke like that to anyone let alone someone she used to be best friends with! It felt good; standing up for herself and someone else. She finally appreciated James' annoying lawyer lessons when he would lecture her for an hour.

"You wanna fight me Mia? Because I would take you down right now."

"And I think that it's cute that you think you can." Mia was now in full bitch mode.

"How fucking dare you accuse me of any of that. I love Louis with every fibre of my being."

"Then how come you just got suspended for 'inappropriate behaviour' with Mr Grey?"

Mia sat there on her throne as he watched Ana deteriorate beneath her.

"I'm sorry.... I am such a fucking bitch... Mia I am so so sorry...."

Mia knew she wasn't faking it.

"I never meant to hurt you. Really. Or Louis! I still love him so much, but we're too different! We were never going to work out, he is moving at the end of the summer and I couldn't stay with him then! I love you both so much and I always will, but I really like Aaron and he takes out the worst in people, I mean look at what you did to me when you were with him!" Mia chose to ignore that snitty comment.

"Ana shut up. Stop trying to make people feel sorry for you. I have had possibly the worst week, but I have seen the better side of it, which you need to do too before someone else gets hurt."

"Exactly! Someone ELSE! I have hurt so many people this week and I don't know what to do...." Ana was still sobbing, but Mia knew her tactics so she chose not to feel sympathetic.

"I'll be honest Ana. You and Aaron are kinda perfect for each other, and I knew he and I would never work out then he did something unmentionable to me then after I had to stay with him, just because of what he did and how he was meant to be there for me."

The two girls were silent for a while as Ana continued packing and Mia sat and watched.

"Can I ask you something Mia?"

"Yeah, what?"

"Did you actually sleep with Aaron this summer?"

'Ummmm yes....'

"Yeah I did. Why?"

"Do you regret it?"

That was complicated, because if it hadn't had happened then she wouldn't have seen her mother, or ended up with Louis or anything!

"No. I don't. Because it taught me a lot, and not in terms of THAT stuff, but the consequences of what could happen after." Mia knew Ana wouldn't pick up the sub-text of what she just said.

"Oh.... I am really sorry Mia. You know that, right?"

"Yeah. Yeah I do Ana." Ana nodded, then Mia helped her pack. "Can you please just do me a favour?"


"Can you please talk to Louis and just explain what happened because he is completely heart broken."


It was 10:04pm and Mia needed to go for room-check, so she left Ana while she finished packing.

After checking all the rooms Mia headed back to hers but spotted Ana on the way there. She was talking to Louis. Mia smiled to herself and walked back to her room staying out of their way so they could work things out.

She opened her door and found Sarah unpacking her bags with a huge smile on her face which Mia liked seeing.

"Hey new roomie!! Where did you just go?"

"Hey Sarah. Roomcheck."

"Ahh cool." Sarah finished unpacking while Mia put her pyjamas on. Then she walked out of the bathroom and saw Louis sitting on her bed.

"Hey Lou."

"Hey." Sarah knew she had to leave so she went to the bathroom and put her pyjamas on. Mia sat down next to him.

"So Ana just came to talk to me.... You didn't by any chance have anything to do with that did you?" He winked at her then wrapped his arms around her and pulled the petite brunette onto his lap.

"Hmmm.... I may have.. But let's pretend I didn't." He kissed her and she kissed him back.

Sarah came back in and Louis was off. Mia walked him outside and when he saw Aaron approaching, he walked away after planting another kiss on her lips.

"Hey Mia."

"Hello Aaron."

"So the rumours are true about you and Louis..."

"Yes. And the rumours are true about you and Ana I guess..."

"Yeah haha.... Just wanted to say I'm sorry. About everything. I wanted to come see you this evening at the doctor's but I knew you wouldn't have wanted me there. So I stayed. So what are we having?"

"You're right. I wouldn't have wanted you there but I appreciate the thought. Well we're not having anything anymore."

"What? What happened to it?"

"Aaron if you were even the slightest bit intelligent you would know that it is way too early to find out the baby's gender."

"But is it healthy?"

"I'm not having a baby Aaron... It was a phantom pregnancy which means I showed symptoms but I'm not knocked up."

"Oh... Well thats good! I'm glad you're okay."

"Yeah, me too. Thanks Grey."

They hugged each other and as he turned to walk away she shouted "Now be careful with Ana, she is not as mentally strong as me!" He winked then walked away.


"Hey dad its me."

"Mia! Hello my love. How are you doing? How is camp? Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I'm fine. Camp's fun and yes I should be. But I just wanted to check up on you and I wanted to hear your voice."

"Awwh sweety. Thank you. I'm glad you're having fun, I'm great thank you. And I love and miss you so much kiddo."

"I love and miss you too."

"Oh sweety I've gotta go now, sorry. I have to clean up a bit because my friend is coming over tomorrow and I just realised how dirty the kitchen is."

"Who is it?"

"This friend of mine Mary Jenkins, she is a doctor down in Oakley about two hours away from camp! She is moving up here in two months and I am letting her stay here while she finishes moving her things here."


"Dad...... Wait so is she your girlfriend or something?"

"I'm not sure yet. She is really lovely, and I know you'll like her. Alright sweetheart I'll speak to you tomorrow."

"Bye dad. I love you."

'Oh this is just great. One of the only people who knows about the pregnancy is going to be staying with us. Shit.'


Dear all my very special Reeders,

Thank you so very much for being a part of this journey through this story. I really really appreciate everyone's support.

I have a lot of work to do with school now, but I am going to start another story by the end of this week.

I cannot express just how grateful I am for all of you. Thank you so so so so much. Please message me with any comments, questions and/or suggestions.

With love from all the campers and counsellors too,

Reed. Xx

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