Our Little Secret~ || Jihan

By Shujii_wa

20.7K 716 356

A short story where Yoon Jeonghan a popular basketball player in their university and Hong Joshua a popular m... More

One || Isa
Two || Dalawa
Three || Tatlo
Four || Apat
Five || Lima
Six || Anim
Eight || Walo
Nine || Syam
Ten || Sampu
Eleven || Labing Isa
Twelve || Labing Dalawa
~Thirteen || Labing Tatlo~
Epilouge 1~
Epilouge 2~
Epilouge 3
Epilouge 4

Seven || Pito

1K 39 37
By Shujii_wa

"Shua" Jeonghan called softly while leaning on Joshua's shoulder.


"How come you never told me you have a brother?"

"Well he Jungkook-hyung isn't really my brother, he's my brother-in-law, He's married to my older brother"

"Ooh still why didnt you tell me about your older brother?" Jeonghan looked at Joshua who looked at him too ans just smiled.

"I dont know come to think of it i never actually talk about my family" Joshua looked away still smiling but only a bit

'Right, Is he and his family in bad terms? but considering he's close with his brothers husband eh i dont know but i dont wanna ask it seems like he doesn't wanna talk about it' Jeonghan thought as he somehow felt guilty for asking.

"Hmmm don't be sad Joshuji you have me" Jeonghan proudly said with Joshua looking at him and smiled confused on why Jeonghan said his sad.

"Who said im sad Hannie?" Joshua asked still smiling.

"Well i figured soooo" Jeonghan then sat on Joshua's lap wrappinf his legs on Joshua's waist.

"Oh? Is the way you'll cheer me up?" Joshua said smirking and holding Jeonghan's waist.

"What if i say yes?" Jeonghan replied also smirking and wrapped his arms around Joshua's neck.

"Well I'll say it works" Joshua added and then they both pressed their lips forming a soft and passionate kiss.

Jeonghan opened his mouth purpisely to let Joshua's tounge in which Joshua did and are now sucking his tounge earning a groan from the older.


Joshua the went down on Jeonghan's neck and started giving it butterfly kisses before biting and sucking it which caused Jeonghan to face the ceiling with his eyes close moaning softly.

"S-shua.. Let's hnm~ s-stop here for mnn.. Now~" Jeonghan muttered out making Joshua stop and the two are looking at each other.

"Sure Hannie" Joshua smiled with Jeonghan smiling too,

"I'll go to the bathroom" Jeonghan then got off Joshua's lap and proceeded to the bathroom and leaned his hands on the sink.

'Why... Why did my stomach suddenly hurted i mean it's been hurting since yesterday but it wasn't bad but earlier was just bad..' Jeonghan thought as the reason why he told Joshua to stop is because his stomach hurted like hell he doesn't really know why.

'Did i ate something yesterday?'

"Hannie you okay? You've been there for a while" Joshua softly said outside the bathroom making Jeonghan snap out of his thoughts and washed his hands and went outside the bathroom to see Joshua worried for him.

"Are you okay Hannie? You've been acting a little timid since yesterday.." Joshua asked.

'So he noticed?'

"Ah No im fine just tired this days, Dont worry Joshuji" Jeonghan smiled whiched calmed Joshua a bit but still worried.

"Okay but if you don't feel well tell me im here Hannie" Joshua then smiled and kissed Jeonghan's cheek making Jeinghan feel better.

"Mhm i will my Joshuji" Jeonghan said smiling calming Joshua down.

"let's sleep them hmm?" Joshua said as he caress the older's hair.



It's now 7:56 am in Wednesday morning Jeonghan woke up to the feeling no one is besdie him he then turn to his side and then saw no one but a note.

"Hey Hannie! Sorry for leaving you alone this morning i wanted to wake you up but figured you needed rest since it's your day off today coach said and yeah something urgent in the band came up and i had to rush so forgive me Jeonghannie >-<"

Jeonghan smiled upon reading the note.

'Cute, How does this guy even top me?' Jeonghan just laughed at the thought and then went to the kitchen.

"eh im too lazy to cook I'll just eat out im craving for sweets rn" Jeonghan said to himself as he fixed himself up and went out then got to the svt cafe, Jeonghan went in and saw Chan waving at him on the counter.

"Channie you work here?" Jeonghan said as he approach the cashier.

"Mhm Just got hired yesterday Hyung!" Chan said happily.

"That's nice" Jeonghan smiled at the younger who's always so energetic.

"Btw hyung how have you been? it's been a long time since we met, How are your relantionship with Shua-hyung? " Chan asked.

"Im doing fine, Me and Joshuji's relationship is fine and sweet as usual we pretty much love each other so much" Jeonghan responded being all proud and yes Chan knows Chan was actually the first one to know because he saw them kissing back here in this cafe.

"That's great hyung anyways what are your order?" Chan said.

"Just a blueberry waffles and a yogurt" Jeonghan replied with Chan writing it down.

"Ok noted hyung you can sit know your order will arrive in 8" Chan smiled and Jeonghan smiled back and nodded and sitted near the window.

Jeonghan was humming a song that he and Joshua are producing which isn't finished yet which title is 'falling for u', he was humming it peacefully looking outside then he suddenly saw Seokmin running on the other side followed by Jihoon chasing him with his guitar like he's ready to hit him anytime and Joshua running after jihoon trying to stop him from hitting the younger and jun, wonwoo and Hanso just outside the music cafe that they were practicing too.

"What-" Jeonghan was dumbfounded seeing that scene but was snaooed out of it when Chan called him.

"Hyung here's your order" Chan then putted Jeonghan's order at the tabe with Jeonghan smiling at him and Chan left.

As Jeonghan just didn't focus on the situation he saw earlier and started to eat he heard some familiar voices




He looked outside and saw Seokmin on outside on the cafe he's in already who saw him.

"Oh hi Hyung" Seokmin stopped running and waved to Jeonghan outside the window with Jeonghan waving back suprised.

"OH YOU STOP I GOT YOU NOW- Oh Hi Jeonghan-hyung" Jihoon greeted Jeonghan too as he stopped swinging his guitar midway.

"You... Ha.. Guys finally... you stopped-" Joshua said breathing heavily and cutted himself off when he saw Jeonghan who was trying hard not to laugh but failed and laughed his heart out.

"HEY WHATS GOING ON OUT HERE?" the manager of the cafe Jeonghan's in went out and shouted at the three.

"Are you guys serious?" Jeonghan said still laughing with Joshua feeling embarrassed.

"You guys are dead to me later" Joshua mouthed to the two who gulped.


"Im sorry about that" Joshua apologized to the manger with the two also bowing.

"It's fine boys just don't do that again it's dangerous" The manager said and went in with Jeonghan coming out of the cafe.

"Seriously you guys-" Jeonghan said still chuckling making the three embarrassed.

"Hyung how about your food weren't you eating?" Seokmin said.

"Oh i finished" Jeonghan replied smiling making Joshua bkush but hid ut since only Seungcheol and Chan knows about their relationship but little did they now that a small boy was eyeing them and is suspicious about them.

"Hyung let's go now and compose the festivals on friday" Jihoon said smirking with the others not knowing why but then proceeded.

"Ah Hanni- Jeonghan we got to go sorry for the trouble" Joshua said all shy which is new to Jeonghan he hasn't saw Joshua this shy when he's around with his friends.

"No it's fine goodluck to your practice" Jeonghan smiled with Joshua smiling gently and the three left.

'Well Shy Joshuji? That's new? I wonder why' Jeonghan thought as he smiled and snuggked his hands on Joshua's favorite jacket which is he's wearing and left.


"Hannie im home" Joshua said as he went in their dorm and heard a groan coming from the living room and saw a sleepy Jeonghan who just woke up.

"Mmm.. Welcome back Joshuji.." Jeonghan mumbled timidly as he sat up on the couch and rubbed his eyes making Joshua cooe and smile at the sight.

'Cute' Joshua thought as he putted his guitar away and sat beside Jeonghan.

"Im assuming you just stayed here for the wholeday?" Joshua said caressing the older's hair.

"Mhm.. It's boring without you Joshuji" Jeonghan said pouting and Joshua chuckling.

"So earlier was Jihoon and Seokmin always like that whenever you practice?" Jeonghan asked.

"Yeah.. Even at school guess your always busy at the gym whenever that happens" Joshua replied smiling too.

"Lmao Seungcheol is dead if he and Jihoon got together" Jeonghan chuckled making Joshua suprise.

"Seungcheol and Hoonie?" Joshua asked with Jeonghan stopped chuckling as he realized he just exposed Seungcheol.

"Shit haha so Yeah.. Seungcheol likes Jihoon for a while now" Jeonghan said with Joshua making an O with his mouth.

"No way Jihoon also likes Seungcheol ever since he saw him last month" Joshua added making Jeonghan suprised.

"Seriously? Omy we can literally set them up" Jeonghan said excitedly with Joshua smiling at Jeonghan.

"What?" Jeonghan asked as he noticed Joshua staring at him all lovely.

"Nothing you're just cute and handsome Hannie" Joshua said as he pecked Jeonghan's cheek making Jeonghan blush.

"No fair Shuji.." Jeonghan mumbled blushing really hard.

"Hm? What was that Hannie?" Joshua asked.

"Nothing" Jeonghan said standing up and going to the kitchen sink as he felt his stomach hurting again and feeling like throwing up.

"Hannie" Jeonghan heard Joshua's soft voice coming from behind him and felt a Joshua's arms wrapping around his waist and stomach.

"What's wrong?" Joshua asked leaning his chin on Jeonghan's shoulder.

"I-im fine..." Jeonghan timidly answered.

"No you're not Hannie, tell me..."

"Im fine Shua"

"Han.. I know you"

"Im fine it's just... my stomach hurts" Jeonghan said truthfully this time.

"Hmm why don't you take a medicine for stomach aches?" Joshua said pulling away from the hug and went to the cabinet to get the medicine.

"I haven't thought of that" Jeonghan then faced Joshua who already got the medicine and glass of water that fast.

"Here, and why don't you want to tell me it's just a stomach ache" Joshua said smiling a bit.

"I don't know.. I just felt embarrased?" Jeonghan said then drank the medicine.

"Oh and about the picture of you that i posted many liked and congratulated us, well me since they didn't know it was you" Joshua said which made Jeonghan happy and glad since many supported them.

"That's nice" Jeonghan said with a big smile on his face.

"Then im gonna post many pics of you like that again hehe" Joshua said all excited with Jeonghan just smiling at him.


It's now Friday and it's the school's festival Jeonghan as usual is at the gym practicing for their match later with the alumni's but Seungcheol isn't allowed to play so Joshua will take his place for a while but since Joshua himself is also busy for he and his band's perfoamance later he's at the music room practicing.

"Shua-hyung! Someone's here for you"

A/N: Ooooohhh???

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