I'm Not Her Daddy! || Short S...

By MiroEra021

44.1K 1K 551

What if one day a girl or more like a 3 year old child stumbles on the doorstep of a famous Kpop group, stray... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 05

2.5K 58 14
By MiroEra021

" Daddy! " Is the first thing he heard as soon as he entered his dorm after a day full of work.

He composed some of the songs for their next 10 year's comeback and did a Chan's room as he missed stays and when he entered his sweet home only to be faced with a 3 year old girl surrounded by his teammates, he was pleasantly suprised. It's not the sight that  suprised him, it's the strangeness of not having the members bickering over smallest things or someone just generally putting the house on fire but just them sitting around the living room, peacefully staring at the kid with all the adoration they could muster.

" Hi Sarang, how was your day? Did you have fun? " Chan questioned as he crouched down to be on eye level with the little girl who nodded with a grin.

" I had fun! " She exclaimed happily. " But missed you. " And now she pouted.

" Aww I missed you too. " He said and wrapped his arms around the girl for a warm hug but only to be swatted away from Seungmin.

" Don't touch her, go and get washed up first. " And then Chan took in how the little girl was all dolled up with her hair braided cutely and some small clips decorating her golden brown hair. Even her dress was different from last night.

" Did you gave her a bath? " This time Jeongin nodded with a proud smile. " Yup me and Jisung hyung helped her bath. "

" And I made her hair! " Felix announced happily, obviously proud of his creation.

" Well you did a nice work. " Chan praised and if possible Felix visibly brightened even more.

The group members then decide to have dinner together as they chattered about their day and how Sarang's first day in skz dorm had went.

Somewhere between chuckles and chatter, the door bell rang.
" Oh it must be manager nim. " Chan said as he remembered recieving a message from their manager that he would be visiting soon after he was done to tell them about Sarang's case.

" I'll get it! " The ever energetic youngest said and pitter pattered towards the door. Soon small chatter could be heard from the front door and Manager Seon entered the kitchen along with Jeongin.

" Oh you all are having dinner already? " He asked surprised because usually they would eat late in the night as they always waited for every member. Though today was an exception since they all were eager to come back home to a cute little girl so everyone completed their work early.

" Yeah, little Sarang was hungry and it's better for her to eat dinner early so she can sleep peacefully. " Changbin replied as he was the most health concerned person in their group.

" Ah I see. "

" Would you like to join us? " Chan questioned as they shifted around the already filled dinner table but manager seon shook his head with a polite smile.

" I'll eat dinner with my family. Danbi must be waiting for me at home. " Danbi is manager seon's 12 years old daughter which he had mentioned several times before. Chan nodded in understanding and gestured him to tell about the topic he was here for.

" I talked with my friend who is working as a police officer and asked him to find the little girl's parents but he said normal methods would take time to find them as we barely have any clue of her parents. So he suggested a different method. "

" What method? " Hyunjin questioned him. He didn't mind the cute little kid's company but he was sure Sarang would start missing her parents after staying so many days away from them, even though she was fine right now, she was just a 3 year old girl so it was bound to happen in the upcoming days.

" He suggested to use skz's popularity. "

" Absolutely not. " Minho interrupted before the manager could explain further.
" Sarang is too young to be introduced to the social world plus she could be exposed to the inevitable hatred from the anti's. "

" I know but it's the fastest method to find her parents. Plus it would be good for the group's image if the news of you trying to return a poor little girl back home breaks out. " His wordings further infuriated Minho but before he could retort Chan interrupted.

" Although I wouldn't like using Sarang as a publicity stunt, it would actually be easier to find Sarang's parents using the media. "

" Fine. " Minho huffed when even his hyung seemed to agree.

" Great! We could shoot a video or something showing Sarang so that— "

" No. " This time Chan interrupted their manager. " We will shoot a vlog like we usually do with our own camera but will include Sarang in it. We don't want to overwhelm her with our camera crew. "

Seungmin nodded and adds. " Yeah, it's better if Sarang is comfortable with camera following her and we'll try to keep her privacy as much as possible while trying to show enough for the parents to recognise her. "

" We can send the video after we are done shooting and then the editors can do their work before posting it on our media accounts. " Changbin backed up his members and even the manager seemed to agree.

" Okay. It's doable. " And after discussing about the topic further manager seon suddenly changed the topic.

" So her name is Sarang? " He questioned as he glanced at the cute little girl eating the pasta served infront of her with wide happy eyes.

" We don't know her name. " Felix shook his head. " We just collectively decided to call her Sarang. "

Said girl turned towards the manager while pointing at her chest. " Sarang, hello. " She greeted with an adorable smile that made the manager feel like melting on his place.

He felt the urge to pinch her pink fluffy cheeks but Seungmin stopped him before his fingers could even enter into 5 inches radius from Sarang.

" Uh huh. Wash your hands first. " Manager seon pouted at his rejection.

" She is a making me miss danbi~ "

" Then go home before she misses you too. " Jisung said with a chuckle as the manager nodded in agreement and shuffled around to leave.

" Well I'll leave and take care of Sarang. Even though I don't need to tell you that. " With a last smile towards the little girl and the members, manager seon walked out of the dorm.

" So who'll change her diaper tonight? "


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