Chapter 09

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Sarang clapped her hands as she jumped in excitement at what seungmin held.

" Do you like it? Would you wear it? " Seungmin questioned proudly as he held the thing in his hand for display.

" Of course! I love Yoda! " She clapped her hands as she stared at the Yoda, almost of her size, in Seungmin's hand.

" Good because I only have this. " Seungmin showcased a proud smile and started removing the robes that the Yoda plushy was wearing.

" But wait! What would the Yoda wear? Wouldn't it be uncomfortable naked? " She asked with innocent eyes and Seungmin didn't have the heart to say otherwise.

" Then I'll make him wear any of my shirts so he won't be uncomfortable, okay? " Sarang quickly nodded and got ready to wear the robes.

*Beep Beep Beep*

" Okay times up! Everyone in the living room! "

The members filled into the living room and after Chan had collected the self cams and placed them in a safe area, incase the chaos ends up breaking one of them. Chan didn't want to know how expensive they might be.

" Okay okay everyone settle down! " Chan clapped his hands like he was instructing kindergarten students and after everyone had settled with the things they have prepared, Chan also sat himself down on the floor.

" So has everyone prepared whatever they needed? " The adult-kids nodded with excited grin. Sarang was suspiciously shifting in her place with an equally suspicious grin.

She maybe or maybe not have already selected a winner.

" So everyone let's start showing the things we have prepared and after that Sarang would dress up in your outfit to see if she's comfortable. Okay Sarang? " Chan leaned forward towards the girl who nodded with a toothy smile.

" Let's start with our youngest! " Jeongin kneeled to show the outfit he had prepared.
It contained a jean jacket with safety pins around the middle portion with a cute pink ribbon looping around it which would look like a belt around Sarang's waist and a bodycon tee which originally belong to a teen Jeongin but can easily fit on Sarang because of the stretchable material.

After Jeongin was done explaining he had to go and get Sarang into the outfit.

" I don't like it. " Sarang said as soon as she had walked back into the living room with the outfit. Though the jacket was still a little big on her, the waist pin-belt made it work.

Jeongin pouted as he heard Sarang and as soon as she saw it she immediately widened her eyes. " No no! I mean I like it! "

She immediately corrected herself, not wanting to upset the youngest boy. Jeongin smiled at how adorable she was and shook his head.

" It's okay Sarang, the outfit is supposed to be comfortable so you can say no. " Sarang still didn't say anything but only smiled to assure him and the members cooed.

" Okay next is Seungmin! " Chan mentioned for the boy to go ahead but he shook his head.

" I would like to go last please. "

" Eh? Why? " Hyunjin questioned, now curious as to why Seungmin would like to go last.

" Because we should keep the best to last. " He shrugged with a smug look and Hyunjin scoffed.

" No you can't go last. " Hyunjin refused but Seungmin ignored him and gave pleading eyes to Chan.

" Um.. okay? " Chan said unsure, not wanting to cause a fight to break out. Though Hyunjin slumped he didn't want to fight when Sarang was so excited for some reason.

" Okay now next! " Felix stood up with the Versace belt he stole and the black t-shirt he had.

After he was done dressing up Sarang, they walked out of the room. He had even braided her hair and tied two cute black ribbons at the end of her plaits.

She was wearing the t-shirt with the belt around her waist and since the shirt wasn't that long the belt made it look like she was wearing an oversized shirt over a cute skirt.

And Sarang actually seemed to like it as she posed like a runway model in a video she saw with Jisung.

Everyone clapped to show her their appreciation and she blushed as she hid her cheeks behind her tiny palms.
" You like it Sarangie? "

Felix questioned with a fond smile towards her and she nodded.

" Okay who's next? " Jisung raised his arm and immediately stood up with his outfit.

His outfit was simple but glittery. He had a shirt with glitter over his sleeves which he tucked under a skirt of danbi which manager seon had brought for Sarang to wear.

Sarang wasn't of course fond of glitter nor having the long tshirt bunched up in her skirt. But she hid her expression behind a clueless smile which made the squirrel smile too.

Next up was changbin who of course made Sarang wear the crop top of Chan and a pair of blue shorts. The thing was, to make the crop top somewhat fit Sarang, he had used clothes clips on the back which made Sarang ich uncomfortably but after she had successfully made Changbin remove them the crop top, turned oversized shirt on her, and the most comfortable one so far.

As soon as he saw his turn Minho had stood up in an instant. He showed the cute frock to Sarang but as soon he turned the dress, Sarang saw the shoe laces holding the back of the frock together.

Though she didn't complain and let Minho dress her up. But as soon as Minho tried to tie the lace behind her back, the clothes ripped only leaving the frilly skirt untouched.

" Uh.. we had a ward.. uh.. wadrome? Wadrome milk.. uh.. what was the word? " Sarang tried to search the word she had recently learned through YouTube but her brain seemed to have forgotten it.

" You mean a wardrobe malfunction? I mean yeah I have always suffered from it during my dance performances. " Minho sighed in defeat as he remembered all those times he was frustrated by the outfit that restricted him from dancing on the stage. But having a malfunction even when he was dressing Sarang up seemed like someone had placed a curse upon him.

And he could guess a certain someone who loves seeing Minho naked.

*Ahem* let's keep it pg friendly.

When Minho entered the living room again with Sarang in her normal clothes, everyone looked at them in confusion till Minho held the torn dress up.

" I guess Me and clothes don't go together. " and he sighed. Hyunjin who expected it once again mourned over the dress mentally.

Oh did I tell you about the dress hyunjin had prepared? No? Because no, he didn't prepare anything other than his favourite T-shirt, claiming that since Hyunjin is Sarang's favourite friend, even a normal tshirt belonging to the him would make Sarang comfortable and fill her with warmth.

Basically he was lazy and busy ruining Changbin's outfit.

So lastly Chan stepped up and covered the girl with his favourite hoodie and nothing else. He always felt like hoodies always covered him up and made him comfortable so he thought maybe Sarang would think that too.

The hoodie was long enough to reach till her ankles and the sleeves were long and covered her hands entirely which she flapped like a bird around the room.

" Look I'm a butterfly! " She squealed and ran around the living room while flapping her hands making everyone chuckle in amusement and adoration.


I desperately need a vacation T_T


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