Chapter 15

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" twenty four..
Twenty five..
Twenty six..
And Twenty seven..
And Twenty eight
Twenty nine....
Anddd thrity!!! Yay Binnie won!! "
Sarang clapped her hands furiously while jumping down from Changbin's back.

" I told you Sarang I'm strong and can do more push ups than Chan even with you on my back. " Changbin boasted as he flexed his biceps and muscles while Chan only huffed as he stood up from his push up position.

" It was just your lucky day because I had strained my back yesterday due to dance practice. "

" Oh come on. Don't be a sore loser old man. We all know you have gotten old in your bones. " As always Seungmin quipped in while munching once again on a strawberry.

" When will you stop making fun of my age? I'm not even 30 yet. " Chan groaned in mock annoyance as he crossed his arms.

" But you do look 40. " Changbin backed the 2nd youngest up while shrugging and immediately ducked behind Sarang once Chan clenched his fist in mock attack.

" Save me Sarang! " Changbin wailed.

" No bin. You shouldn't tease daddy like this. " Sarang shook her head disappointedly and stood up on the couch to be on eye level with the leader  before cupping chan's face in her tiny hands. " Look how handsome he is. Daddy smile. "

She ordered and as soon as Chan grinned his cute dimples appeared that Sarang poked while proving her point.
" See just like a cute koala. "

" Yeah just like a koa— "
Minho who had just entered the scene was ready to fire his shot before the door bell rang interrupting his sentence.

" Who— "

" Where is my Yuri!? Step away, I'm here to take her with me! " A lady in her early 30's stepped into their dorm cutting Jeongin, who opened the door, with Manager seon and a male probably in his late 30's on her tail.

" Mrs. Kwon, you shouldn't barge in like this. Let's talk calmly. " The Manager tried to say but she had already entered the living room and as soon as her eyes fell on the child she had scooped the girl in her arms while kissing her cheeks furiously.

" My baby. My Yuri, where were you? You know how mama was so worried about you? " She said with a pout and caressed the little girls squishy cheeks.

" Yes you almost gave your appa a heart attack. " The man, supposedly Mr. Kwon, stepped beside his wife and took Sarang's or what they called her as Yuri's hand with a relieved smile.

" Manager-nim? " Chan questioned in confusion though he, along with the members, guessed who these couples were but he wanted the manager to confirm.

" This is Mr. Kwon Jeongil and Mrs. Kwon Sera. They claimed to be Sarang's parents and after showing us a proof of their family picture, they demanded to meet Sarang and see if she's been treated well. " He explained and immediately Mrs. Kwon spoke up.

" I see she has been kept well but now that we, the real parents of Yuri, are here. We'll take her with us. " She held a confused Sarang in her arms as she gave a small bow in appreciation.

" Yes we thank you for keeping her well. " Mr. Kwon added and they turned to leave but Minho immediately stopped them as he spoke up.

" Wait, I would like to see the family picture. "

" It's not like we don't trust you obviously. Its just that we want to confirm and make sure you are her parents. " Chan quickly added as soon as an expression of offence crossed Mrs. Kwon's feature when Minho spoke up but she nodded nonetheless and gestured towards her husband to show the picture.

" Here. It was taken during sa— Yuri's first day of kindergarten. " Mr. Kwon said and showed them a picture of three. Two were Mr. And Mrs. Kwon beside Sarang who was in the middle of them while holding their hands.

Still Minho found their act suspicious but before he could question seungmin already spoke up what was on all of their minds.

" How did Sarang end up at our door step? "

" It was a good day that day and we decided to visit a park nearby as a family picnic. I wasn't feeling well that day so I asked Jeongil to bring some pain killers for me. While he went to bring the medicine, Sarang was playing at the playground of the park so I decided to just rest my eyes a little. But I fell asleep and when Jeongil came back and woke me up, we realised Sarang is missing and after looking for her for a week we saw your vlog and were really relieved. " Mrs. Kwon made her act, as what Minho assumed, believable by shedding a few tears here and there. Her husband immediately removed a handkerchief and gave it to her while placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

" Why didn't you do a police complaint? " Not believing a single word leaving the couple's mouth, Minho questioned again.

" We did but we live in a different area so the police in that area didn't know anything about Sarang who was here all along. " Mr kwon replied seeing how her wife had started tearing up.

" Isn't her name Yuri? Why are you calling her Sarang then? " Minho again inquired with narrowed eyes causing Mrs. Kwon to chuckle between her tears.

" It's just that you all are calling her Sarang, which is such an endearing name. And of course she is like love for us so we couldn't stop ourselves from calling her Sarang too. " Minho was still suspicious but Mrs. Kwon continued. " I know Minho that you're suspicious of us and we really appreciate you taking care of Sarang like a big brother but believe us, we are her parents and would like to take her back to her own house. "

Minho was once again ready to fire back but Chan placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

" They're right min. I'm sorry Mrs. Kwon but we have grown attached to Sarang over the course of this whole week that it's proving difficult to say goodbye now. " Chan said and Minho had no choice but to huff in defeat.

Maybe Chan was right. Maybe his suspicion was only his feeling of attachment to Sarang that he didn't want her to leave with her parents. Maybe they are telling truth and Minho is just sour like a grumpy cat. Maybe.

But Minho's thoughts were interrupted when once again the door burst open and a huffing lady not older than 30 entered and yelled.

" Get away from my child! "

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