Aurelion Sol Got Summoned In...

Por IanC21

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What happens if you unexpectedly summoned Aurelion Sol in Chaldea what will be their reactions and their expe... Mais

Prologue: The Celestial Creator
Chapter 1: Welcome To Chaldea
Chapter 2: The Origin Of The 3 Demi-Gods Of Frejlord
Chapter 3: Meeting The Saber Of Roses
Chapter 4: Aurelion's Draconic Kin
Chapter 4.5: The Mother Of Genesis
Chapter 5: Teatime With The Young Servants
Special Halloween Chapter: 🎃Ťricķ 🎃r Ţreaţ
Chapter 6: The Lamb And The Wolf

Mini Chapter: An Unexpected Summon

816 23 8
Por IanC21

It was another normal morning in Chaldea the servants were doing their everday tasks as usual in the very confines of this advance structure. As the servants were doing their normal responsibilities we can see that the two masters/summoners are making their way to the summoning room and the two of them entered the summoning facility Fujimaru Ritsuka one of the two masters in Chaldea notice something strange when he entered his pockets that was empty.

Ritsuka: heyyy sis i think i forgot something.

Gudako: Oh my goodness don't tell me.

Ritsuka: yeah i forgot to bring our saint quartz when we were heading here in this location sis sorry my bad.

Gudako: (she sighs very long) so bro what do we do now.

Ritsuka: don't worry sis im just going to go back in our rooms and retrieve our saint quartz its no big deal.

Gudako: ohhhhh okay bro but are going to make it back here in time for our summoning spree.

Ritsuka: no worry sis i'll be back here in a jiffy just give me 15-20 mins and i'll return back here in the summoning room momentarily before you can even say "umu".

Gudako: okay bro good luck.

Ritsuka: thanks sis

As the one of the two masters was returning back to their respective and personal rooms the 2nd master entered the summong room and the doors to the summoning automatically opened revealing none other than Aurelion Sol The Star Forger the new servant that the twin masters/summoners summoned many months ago from another universe they were still suprized that they were able to summon a celestial draconic entity who created and forge the celestial bodies and wonders of the universe that he resides in.

As the female summoner/master was making her way to the summoning construct he was been noticed by Aurelion Sol himself floating in midair and he gradually approached the female summoner and started interacting with her in the very location where she is standing and he said.

Aurelion Sol: ahhhh summoner its a its pleasure to meet you this lovely morning.

Gudako: good morning to you as well Sir. Aurelion you seem happy today is there any particular reason?

Aurelion Sol: well summoner if you must know the servant of the bow (Emiya) he said to me personally the other day that he will prepare a new dish or cuisine for me try out so i can give my own personal feedback whether or not the dish that he made will be suitable to all of the servants in Chaldea and some of the servants that will be accompanying me in this cuisine grandeur will be Artoria Pendragon the wielder of the divine construct "Excalibur" and Ms. Miyamoto Musashi the worlds renowned strongest swordsman in Japan.

Gudako: ohhhhh well thats good Mr. Aurelion.

Aurelion Sol: hehehe it is indeed summoner/master and also summoner can you tell me where is the male summoner/master that always accompanying you in this specific facility whenever the two of you wants to summon another bunch of servants.

Gudako: ohhhhh well as you can see Mr. Aurelion after we made it here in the summoning room my forgetful brother forgot to bring our saint quartz this very specific morning.

Aurelion Sol: hmm that is very unfortunate for the two of you summoners/masters but either way his going to arrived here momentarily right.

Gudako: yes Mr. Aurelion my brother is going to return here once he retrieved our saint quartz from our respective rooms.

Aurelion Sol: very well summoner/master and tell me do you require any of my assistance this morning.

Gudako: nothing in particular this morning Sir. Aurelion.

Aurelion Sol: then i shall i take my leave summoner/master and head out to the cafeteria and if you do require my assistance and my brilliant expertise the two of you can meet me there in the facility where the servants casually eating there morning meals.

Gudako: of course Mr. Aurelion

Aurelion Sol: then i bid you farewell summoner/master and also to your male counterpart as well.

Gudako: okay Mr. Aurelion byeee.

Aurelion Sol: (he nodded and made his way to the exit of the summoning room but not until he made one last glance of the female summoner who was waiting for her male sibling to arrived in the summoning facility and he said one last statement before he focused his attention to his utmost journey to the cafeteria) such mediocrity of those two masters/summoners but either way they are very interesting whenever i encounter them in this advance structure hehe.

As Aurelion Sol continued to his journey to the Cafeteria he notice the presence of the other summoner/master while he was floating in midair and their he notices that the male summoner/master sprinting across the main halls of Chaldea when the male summoner was sprinting he notices Aurelion Sol crossing the same direction where he was making his way to the summoning room and then the two of them eyed for a moment and the only thing that they said was ("Morning Mr. Aurelion") Fujimaru (Morning to you as well) Aurelion Sol and two of them continued their seperated ways to each others destination.

Timeskip 10 mins

As the male summoner finally reached his destination or should i say the summoning room he took a moment to gain some momentum of breathing when he saw the doors of the summoning room automatically opened when he step in through and their he saw his sister waiting for him patiently then he immediately approached her in the very spot where she is standing in front of the summoning construct, the male summoner made his way to to his female counterpart and he said.

Ritsuka: heyyy sis

Gudako: ohhhhh heyyy brother im so glad that your back so did you retrieve our saint quartz

Ritsuka: yup their right here (shows the saint quartz in his pockets to his sister)

Gudako: great so shall we begin our summoning spree brother.

Ritsuka: i thought you'd never asked sis lets begin our summoning spree but i'll let you go first since you've been waiting for me to arrived here.

Gudako: ohhhh okay thanks brother then let me start the summoning spree first.

Then the two masters/summoners started their summoning spree with no hesitation at all. About an hour the two summoners/masters was able to summon some mapo tofu and black keys in their summoning spree but they were able to summon some servants of their copies and enhance their saint graphs but they were not able to summon new servants, when the two of them was about to give up the male master/summoner remembered that he save one of his saint quartz in his last summoning session a month ago, when his sister was about to exit the summoing room his brother called him that he saved a saint quartz in their last summoning session then her sister sprinted immediately to him and they prayed to the last saint quartz to summon a brand new servant.

(Meanwhile in Runeterra)

In the vast emptiness of space we can see a young cheerful girl hopping from one dimensional portal to another the name of this young girl is none other than Zoe herself the Aspect of Twilight she was one of the aspects who protected Aurelion Sol from the wrath of Pantheon (The Aspect of War) her relationship with Aurelion Sol is complicated per say in her general perspective she refers Aurelion as her beloved cosmic pet whenever she wants too meet him in the vast cosmic space personally and this is the actual reason why Aurelion Sol despises her conceptual presence whenever they meet together personally. As Zoe was exploring the vast cosmic space of Runeterra she notices that her beloved space puppy was nowhere to be found and then she said.

Zoe: huh well thats strange where did space puppy go?

As Zoe was looking for Aurelion Sol she notices something in the cosmic space that is not from this universe then she proceeded to search this unknown anomaly. And then she found some remnants of Aurelion's cosmic magic then she found some more traces of Aurelion Sol's cosmic magic heading far from his original location and then she continued to follow the remnants of cosmic magic until she notices a golden spark light shining in the vast space of the cosmos she was intrigued on what kind of magic is this in her mind she thought (maybe this must be the unknown anomaly that space puppy followed since he is is not present in his usual spot observing the inhabitants of Runeterra and then she proceeded to approach this unknown magic not before observing it one last time.

Zoe: wow its soooo pretty i wonder what kind of magic is this hmm this must be this unknown magic that space puppy was following when he was observing Runeterra hehehe did you really think you can from me space puppy i will follow you in which universe you end up with.

And with no hesitation in her eyes she entered the golden spark of light engulfing the vast cosmic space a golden bright light then it gradually disappeared in the emptiness of space along with Zoe's cosmic presence herself.

(Back In Chaldea)

As the two masters were still waiting for the summoning system to summon a new servant the summoning system then proceeded to glow up with three blue orbs and then it changed into golden orbs creating golden spark light that envelops the entirety of the summoning room when the golden light was fading out bit by bit it revealed a new servant that has the appearance of young girl wearing an unknown clothing that they never seen before but the most outstanding feature of this new servant was her hair glowing different bright colors liked that has color variation of the cosmos when the golden light fade out in all of its entirety the new servant notices two unknown people that she has never seen before with no hesitation at all she proceeded to approach the young masters/summoners and then she said to them.

Zoe: hellooo who are you two?

Fujimaru: umm hi my names Fujimaru Ritsuka and this is my sister Gudako Ritsuka.

Gudako: hi

Zoe: your names are very strange its very similar to the region of Ionia

Ritsuka: Ionia?

Zoe: you've never heard of that region before?

Ritsuka: umm no-

Gudako: wait isn't that one the regions of Runeterra.

Zoe: yes its one of the many regions from Runeterra but how did you know that?

Gudako: well its because we've summoned a being from your universe.

Zoe: wait don't tell me that unknown magic came from this universe.

Ritsuka: what unknown magic are you talking about ummm ms-

Zoe: ohhhh i almost forgot to introduce myself how rude of me my name is Zoe The Aspect of Twilight.

Ritsuka: well its nice too meet Ms. Zoe

Zoe: you can just drop the Ms. just call me Zoe.

Ritsuka: ohhhhh okay Zoe what kind of magic where you talking about.

Zoe: hmm if i remember correctly it was golden spark of light.

Gudako: wait you mean your the one who answered the summoning call.

Zoe: yup but i was curious what kind of magic was it.

Ritsuka: well it was supposed to summon a brand new servant.

Zoe: a servant what is that is that similar to a slave.

Ritsuka: not its different Zoe the definition between those are different a servant is a liked a spirit who are the personifications of historical figures, mythical heroes or legendary heroes, divine or demonic depending on the situation of their description from history itself that also includes fictional characters or figures. And the procees of becoming a servant can either be both of them serving something called the Counter Force. The Counter Force can be thought of as basically humanity's subconscious defence against threats that might cause extinction, and it stops such threats by sending out the genuine Heroic Spirits, not the pale imitations Servants are. Back on topic, Heroic Spirits live outside space and time, on the Throne of Heroes, ready to be called into action by the Counter Force.

Zoe: ohhhhh wow so thats what you meant as a servant thats pretty cool sonin actuality the counter force is something liked the planets defensive mechanism that deals upcoming threats and disasters.

Ritsuka: well if you put it that way then yes its something liked that.

Zoe: very very interesting what about Heroic Spirits can you explain it too me.

Ritsuka; of course Zoe continuing my explanation about the other category of becoming a heroic spirit if someone ascends because the general population puts a lot of belief in them or living beings that leave behind great deeds are removed from the Ring of Reincarnation and sublimate into a higher realm and that higher realm is called the Throne Of Heroes or also known as the Ring Of Deterrence.

Zoe: Throne of Heroes i've never heard of that before.

Ritsuka: well believe or not Zoe the throne is liked a plane of existence that exist outside of time and space. Its existence can only be defined as hardware that stores and records their souls only as information or data from their previous lives as living figures or non living figures.

Zoe: OMG thats soooo cool i can't believed that i was been classified as a heroic spirit.

Gudako: actually Zoe there is different categories of heroic spirits if u didn't know.

Zoe: really then what are those categories of heroic spirits Fuji.

Ritsuka: Fuji?

Zoe: yeah i just created a nickname for you since your name is very long for me to refer.

Ritsuka: ohhhhh okay well anyways the other categories of heroic spirits are Saber: Servants placed within this class have high parameters and are powerful melee warriors armed with swords. Lancer: Servants placed within this class are very agile and skilled with long-range melee weapons, such as spears, lances, etc. Archer: Servants placed within this class are usually proficient with projectiles and can survive longer without a Master nearby due to their special class skill Independent Action Rider: Servants placed within this class place emphasis upon speed and powerful Noble Phantasms, which often include their mounts. Caster: Servants placed within this class are adept in Magecraft and have a special Class skill akin to a Reality Marble, called Territory Creation, which alters or creates space around them to enhance their sorcery. Assassin: Servants placed within this class are proficient in assassination and stealth. Berserker: Servants placed within this class are always heroes who have gone berserk in their lifetime or fight recklessly. and those are the seven original categories of class of heroic spirits Zoe.

Zoe: hmm very very interesting but the only category that is standing out for me is the Caster class category since im very knowleadgeable about different types of magic.

Ritsuka: but their is also the extra classes Zoe.

Zoe: wait you mean there's more classes.

Ritsuka: yes the names of these extra classes are Ruler: Servants placed within this class govern the Holy Grail Wars and are summoned by the grail directly due to situations that could threaten the war, they are granted rights of an administrator and Command Spells. Avenger: Servants of this class can be summoned by tampering with The Holy Grail's summoning ritual, Servants placed within this class are driven by revenge that did not fade even after their death's. MoonCancer: Servants placed in this class are described as irregulars that threaten the world of the moon.
Alter Ego: Servants placed within this class are beings split away from the Saint Graph of another and now act independently from their original selves. A phenomenon where one persona of that Heroic Spirit gains independence as a separate entity. Pretender: Servants placed within this class are those who became heroic spirits while pretending to be someone else in life, they are masters of deception, and are able to deceive the World itself with their lies. Foreigner: Servants placed within this class are those who have survived being connected to the Outer Gods that exist outside the universe, and wield strange powers tied to their otherworldly patrons. Such Servants are rarely summoned, as they can inadvertently act as a path for the Outer Gods to enter the world for their own incomprehensible purposes. Shielder: Servants placed within this class primarily utilize a shield and excel in defensive techniques. Faker: Servants placed within this class are represented by fakes, summoning counterfeits and body doubles. Watcher: Servants placed within this class have some function of observing their Master for a greater purpose. Saver: Servants placed within this class are "Messiah" type Servants. Grand Servants (Grand Class) are existences summoned by the Counter Force in order to prevent the extinction of mankind by the Beasts. Beast class is a special container for the Evils of Mankind, they manifests as calamities that threaten human history.

Zoe: wow thats a lot extra classes Fuji.

Ritsuka: yeah i know Zoe but that is just how we categorizes every single heroic spirits in Chaldea.

Zoe: Chaldea you mean this building?

Ritsuka: yes this building is located in Antartica one the 7 continents on Earth itself.

Zoe: hmmm very interesting heyyy Fuji if you could classify me as a heroic spirit in what category can i be suited for.

Ritsuka: well their is alot of classes that could be suitable for you Zoe one you could be a caster, two you could be a foreigner that has a connection with a cosmic entity since your aura is very massive and third you could be the 2nd voyager that was been given as a gift to the universe.

Zoe: hmmm they are all suited for me but the only one that stands for me is the foreigner class that you mentioned that i have a connection to the cosmos itself and also to my space puppy as well.

Ritsuka: space puppy who's that Zoe

Zoe: you know a dragon that has the body of the cosmos that also has an arrogant personality whenever he speaks to me personally and insults me with those complex words that he refers to himself.

Gudako: wait are you talking about Mr. Aurelion Sol?

Zoe: yes thats him but how did you know.

Gudako: well he was the first servant that we summoned from another universe just like you Zoe.

Zoe: i knew it he really thinks he can escape from me hehehe tell me Gudako where is my space puppy now.

Gudako: ohhhh he said that he is in the cafeteria trying out a new dish or cuisine that was been prepared by Emiya.

Zoe: then what are we waiting for lets go Fuji and Gudako i can't wait to meet my space puppy once again

Ritsuka: wait Zoe don't tell me were going to walk there me and my sister are already tired from our summoning spree this morning.

Zoe: were not going to walk there Fuji were going hop there in one of my dimensional portals.

Ritsuka/Gudako; wait what??

Zoe: hehehe let me show you

Zoe then immediately created a dimensional portal connecting to the Cafeteria then she glanced the two masters/summoners and said.

Zoe: there's no time to waste Fuji and Gudako lets go.

She immediately grab the two masters hand and jump into the dimensional portal that she created while the two masters was shouting loudly from unexpected turn of events.

Ritsuka/Gudako; ahhhhhhh

(Meanwhile in the Cafeteria)

As Aurelion Sol was having the best time of hia life enjoying the new dish or cuisine that was been cooked by the servant of the bow (Emiya) he noticed something strange in the cafeteria that doesn't feel right until he notices a dimensional portal out of nowhere and then he sense a familiar presence that he despises from the very core of his existence then two figures started to emerge in the dimensional portal revealing the two summoners/masters who were having a massive headache from their dimensional trip and every single servants approached their two masters giving them two chairs to sit upon and their headaches is starting wear off one more individual started to emerge in the dimensional portal and hopped off from it and it revealed a young girl with an unknown blue strange clothing wearing an amulet with a strange symbol tied from her neck and three more items that is hanging on the left side of her body. And all of a sudden every single servants in the Cafeteria went into a battle stance to fend off this new unknown being when they were about too confront this new figure the two masters explained and confronted their servants that this new figure who suddenly emerge from the Cafeteria was a new servant that the two of them summoned from the same universe where Aurelion Sol came from. After the explaination of the two masters the new servant spotted Aurelion Sol and she approached him personally and then she said.

Zoe: hiyaaa space puppy long time no see.

Aurelion Sol: in what manner of insolence are you doing here twilight!

Zoe: awww don't be liked that space puppy you know i very miss you.

Aurelion Sol: well for me i did not miss your conceptual presence.

Zoe: "gasps" how can you say that space puppy after everything we did as friends this is how you treat me im sooo shocked right now.

Aurelion Sol: don't be such drama queen twilight you know very the reason why i hate you so much.

Zoe: i can't seem to recall space puppy.

Aurelion Sol: uhhhhh nevermind then tell me how did you get here twilight.

Zoe: same as you space puppy there was a golden flash of light that unknowingly appeared in the very space where you reside in.

Aurelion Sol: so that is how you got here what a suprized.

Zoe: you can say that again

As the two celestial entities was a having a personal conversation of their own some of the servants approached them mainly it was the young servants who proceeded to come in their specific location once they reached they fail to notice the attention of four newcomers in their conversation. And the young servants who proceeded to talk to them was Nursery Rhyme, Abigail Williams, Jack the Ripper, Santa Altear Lily, and the newest edition to the young servants was Voyager himself. Then one of the young servants approached the two celestial beings and said.

Nursery: Hello Mr. Aurelion

Aurelion Sol: ohhhhh greetings young Nursery how may i be of assistance to you.

Nursery: nothing in particular this time Mr. Aurelion.

Aurelion Sol: hmmm alright young one.

Nursery: but can i ask (turns her attention to the other celestial servant) who is she Mr. Aurelion?

Aurelion Sol: ohhhhhh you mean this little annoyance.

Zoe: heyyyy thats mean cosmic puppy.

Aurelion Sol: i only said what is rightfully true twilight (turns his attention to all of the servants in the Cafeteria and said) everyone may i have your utmost attention please.

Then every single servants turns their attention to the celestial creator himself.

Aurelion Sol: as every single one are fully aware the arrival of (glancing back to Zoe and turning his attention to back to the servants) twilight herself you should all know that she is the embodiment of mischief, imagination, and change itself.

As every single servants heard this kind particular statement from Aurelion Sol they wonder what kind of entity that this young girl represents this three titles. As very Aurelion Sol was explaining the origins of Zoe, she herself turns her attention towards the young servants and the young masters playing with them then she immediately created dimensional portal to get their at once. As soon she did that the two masters saw another dimensional portal in front of them revealing the figure of Zoe herself gaining the attention of the young servants and her cosmic portal itself. And she immendiately exited from her portal and now she was in front of them the young servants staring at her with curiousity in their eyes. And she began to approach the young servants and said.

Zoe: ohhhhh hello what are your names.

The first young servant who approach her was none other than Nursey Rhyme herself.

Nursery: its nice too meet you Ms. Zoe my name is Nursery Rhyme

Zoe: awwww you look so cute in that outfit of your's Nursery.

Nursery: ohhhhh ummm thank you for the compliment Ms. Zoe

Then the other young servants proceeded to follow her approach and introduced themselves to the Aspect of Twilight herself after the young servants have introduce themselves to Zoe she immediately created a small dimensional portal revealing a type of dessert that they have never seen before she immediately gave one to each of them and said.

Zoe: to show my appreciation for summoning me in this very interesting dimension i gave you my one and only favorite dessert that i created "Chocolate Moooncakes" go on give it a try.

As soon she said that the two masters were reluctant about the baked sweets that they were been given to them by Zoe but the two of them gave in as soon as the young servants tried the chocolate mooncakes that they were been given by Zoe and their reaction was dumbfounded.

Ritsuka/Gudako: this is soooo good

Zoe: hehehe i know right my chocolate mooncakes never disappoint me at best.

Zoe: what about you guys did you liked my chocolate mooncakes as well.

Nursery: it was very delectable i might say

Jackie: it was yummy

Santa Lily: it was quite good Ms. Zoe

Voyager: it was very sweet and tasty.

Zoe: im very glad that you liked my chocolate mooncakes. (Then she turns her attention to Aurelion Sol who was still blabbering about the origins of her as an aspect then she formed an idea that will serve as death wish to her life and then she turns back her attention to our two young masters/summoners still playing with the young servants then she proceeded to approach them once more and said.

Zoe: heyyy Fuji can i ask u favor if u don't mind.

Ritsuka: uhhhh sure what is it Zoe?

Zoe: can you get me two big rounds of tomatoes please.

Ritsuka: ohhhh sure Zoe just give me a minute to ask Emiya if there are tomatoes in the back of the kitchen.

Zoe: okay byeee and thanks.

About a minute or two the male summoner/master returned back from her usual spot and handing out the two round tomatoes to Zoe where she immediately teleported close to the exit of the cafeteria then proceeded to create a celestial slingshot aiming her direction towards Aurelion Sol then she began aiming it towards his location and releasing the tomatoe as a projectile hitting Aurelion Sol's face with splattered reaction and then servants were also suprized who could've done this terrible action as soon as Aurelion Sol wipe some the liquid remnants of the red vegetable he immediately turned his gaze towards young little menace who has smug grin right off from her face and Aurelion Sol says.

Aurelion Sol: are you sane twilight

Zoe: i could be or could be be not why do you ask space puppy.

Aurelion Sol: your undisciplinary actions made an embarassment of my-

Zoe: bla bla bla bla more talking and talking liked an old man come on space puppy.

Aurelion Sol: you snivelling insignificant annoyance come here at once.

Zoe: ahhhh space got angry hehehe (chuckling to herself quietly)

Aurelion Sol: you will feel the wrath of my power Aspect of Twilight.

Zoe: you gotta catch me first space puppy.

Aurelion Sol: why you little-

Then the two celestial servants proceeded to exit the Cafeteria running the around the main halls of Chaldea as soon as the servants saw this they immediately taken upon themselves to apprehend these two before any damages would likely turn into a chaotic event in Chaldea.

And thats going to be it everyone i just can't believe it that a mini chapter just turned into a full chapter my bad well anyways if you any of you has some questions feel free to comment down below about the grammatical errors and origin facts that needs to be explained further. And thats going to be it everyone and im sorry for not updating this story of mine since im kinda busy right now but no worries i will try to upload a new chapter to make it up for it for all of you guys. Once again this IanC21 currently saying peace out.

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