Hale Sister

By derekhalekolmlover

72.5K 2.1K 215

Season 1-6 Scott McCall x OC ©️ derekhalekolmlover More

Hale Sister
Book covers
Act I
1) The Hales
2) the dead body
3) assumptions
4) magic bullet
5) Visit from Kate
6) calling the Alpha
7) night school
8) lunatic
9) Wolf's bane
10) kidnapped
11) Kate knows
12) code breaker
Act II
1) new boyfriend
2) complicated feelings
3) ice pick
4) first date
5) confusing feelings
6) honesty
7) Restraint
8) Raving
9) party guessed
10) the puppeteer
11) kidnapped
12) Master Plan
1) tattoo
2) chaos rising
3) trapping them
4) Visit from the alphas
5) frayed
6) Motel California
7) currents
8) visionary
9) the darach
10) the overlooked
11) saving baby Hale
12) lunar eclipse
13) kidnapped.... Again
14) Galvanize
15) illuminated
16) the oni
17) power surge
18) the memory
19) the Shugendo scroll
20) the message
21) de-void
22) I love you, goodbye
23) Divine move
Act IV
1) the dark moon
2) Kate
3) tryouts
4) the benefactor
5) I.E.D
6) Buddhists
7) secrets revealed
8) forgiving
9) Perishable
10) monstrous
11) crashed date
12) Smoke and mirrors
Act V A
1) creatures of the night
2) Senior Year
3) Mercury
4) Condition Terminal
5) dread doctors
6) Required Reading
7) Strange frequencies
8) Ouroboros
9) lies of omission
10) morning after
11) hospitals
12) surprise visit
Act V B
13) Codominance
14) theories
15) Eichen House
16) saving Lydia
17) A credible threat
19) The beast of Beacon Hills
20) Apotheosis
Act VI A
1) Memory lost
2) superposition
3) sundowning
4) Relics
5) Radio Silence
6) the plan
7) heartless
8) Blitzkrieg
9) memory found
10) Riders on the storm
Act VI B
11) Said the spider to the fly
12) fear
13) hunters
14) Face to faceless
15) Pressure test
16) plans
17) getting an army
18) healing
19) broken glass
20) wolves of war
The End

18) surprise phone call

192 11 0
By derekhalekolmlover

Hazel was home alone watching a movie when her phone rang. Hazel quickly answered her phone without looking at the caller ID. "Hello" Hazel said.

"Miss me" Hazel heard a familiar voice say. "Of course I miss you Issac" Hazel said.

"Good or else I would have to come back to Beacon Hills" Issac said.

"You don't want to come back here trust me things get more crazier by the second" Hazel said.

"Crazier than you, dying and coming back to life in Mexico which by the way you're lucky I'm not killing everyone over there for not telling me I mean I'm glad you told me but" Issac said.

"I get it" Hazel said smiling. "Heard about you and Scott" Issac said. "How did you" Hazel started to ask when Issac interrupted. "Word gets around" Issac said. "Are you okay" Issac asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine I promise" Hazel said. "You sure because I can be on the next plane out and be there in seconds" Issac said.

"No, I'm fine I promise I'm a Hale remember well a Hale and a Deaton" Hazel said.

"You're right you can get through anything" Issac said. "How's France" Hazel asked. "It's okay I mean it's nothing like Beacon Hills" Issac said.

"Isn't that a good thing" Hazel asked. "Yeah, it is not alot of supernatural drama" Issac said.

"That's always a good thing" Hazel said, and Issac smiled. "I miss you Hazel" Issac said.

"I miss you two but it's better you're not here I don't want you to get hurt this thing is nothing like we've fought before" Hazel said. "Just please tell me you're staying careful" Issac said.

"I'm a Hale I'm always careful" Hazel said, and Issac smiled. "Yeah, I figured you'd say that" Issac said and Hazel smiled.

"Hey, I gotta go but if you need me call okay" Issac said. "I will" Hazel said. "I mean it" Issac said. "I know and I will okay" Hazel said.

"Okay talk to you another time" Issac said. "Talk to you then" Hazel said and hung up.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

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