Hale Sister

By derekhalekolmlover

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Season 1-6 Scott McCall x OC ©️ derekhalekolmlover More

Hale Sister
Book covers
Act I
1) The Hales
2) the dead body
3) assumptions
4) magic bullet
5) Visit from Kate
6) calling the Alpha
7) night school
8) lunatic
9) Wolf's bane
10) kidnapped
11) Kate knows
12) code breaker
Act II
1) new boyfriend
2) complicated feelings
3) ice pick
4) first date
5) confusing feelings
6) honesty
7) Restraint
8) Raving
9) party guessed
10) the puppeteer
11) kidnapped
12) Master Plan
1) tattoo
2) chaos rising
3) trapping them
4) Visit from the alphas
5) frayed
6) Motel California
7) currents
8) visionary
9) the darach
10) the overlooked
11) saving baby Hale
12) lunar eclipse
13) kidnapped.... Again
14) Galvanize
15) illuminated
16) the oni
17) power surge
18) the memory
19) the Shugendo scroll
20) the message
21) de-void
22) I love you, goodbye
23) Divine move
Act IV
1) the dark moon
2) Kate
3) tryouts
4) the benefactor
5) I.E.D
6) Buddhists
7) secrets revealed
8) forgiving
9) Perishable
10) monstrous
11) crashed date
12) Smoke and mirrors
Act V A
1) creatures of the night
2) Senior Year
4) Condition Terminal
5) dread doctors
6) Required Reading
7) Strange frequencies
8) Ouroboros
9) lies of omission
10) morning after
11) hospitals
12) surprise visit
Act V B
13) Codominance
14) theories
15) Eichen House
16) saving Lydia
17) A credible threat
18) surprise phone call
19) The beast of Beacon Hills
20) Apotheosis
Act VI A
1) Memory lost
2) superposition
3) sundowning
4) Relics
5) Radio Silence
6) the plan
7) heartless
8) Blitzkrieg
9) memory found
10) Riders on the storm
Act VI B
11) Said the spider to the fly
12) fear
13) hunters
14) Face to faceless
15) Pressure test
16) plans
17) getting an army
18) healing
19) broken glass
20) wolves of war
The End

3) Mercury

237 11 0
By derekhalekolmlover

"Oh, I should've got a haircut" Noah said looking in the mirror. "Well, you know someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut" Stiles said and Hazel smacked his arm.

"Leave him alone who knows I just might cut your hair and you'll know how it feels" Hazel said. "I think you look great" Scott told Noah.

"Well thank you son, I should have had" Noah said while Hazel had to hold on a laugh seeing Stiles's facial expression. "Don't act so surprised" Hazel told Stiles.

"Oh, what am I doing" Noah asked. "This is a terrible idea" Noah said.

"What dad, dad it's one date okay the town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman or man" Stiles said.

"It's a woman Stiles" Noah said. "Okay" Stiles said. "A very beautiful woman" Noah said.

"What beautiful woman by the way" Stiles asked. "None of your business either one of you" Noah said. "I wasn't gonna ask" Hazel told him.

"But if it's somebody I know, can you call me so I can laugh" Hazel asked while Stiles gave Hazel a look. "What" Hazel said. "I want to know" Stiles said. "Stilinski" they heard Donovan yell.

"Stilinski" he yelled again and Noah, Stiles, Scott, and Hazel let the Sheriff's office and went out in the hall. "I'm going to kill you" Donovan said.

"Donovan if you think that shocks me remember it was well documented in your anger expression inventory" Noah told Donovan. "Deputies escort the prisoner out" Noah said.

"I'm not angry like I'm gonna throw a brick through your window I'm angry like I'm going to find you I'm going to get a knife and I'm going to stab you with it until you're dead and when you look at me and you ask me why remember right now because this is why" Donovan said.

"Wow that was awesome" Stiles said. "Eh I give it a c-" Hazel said.

"That was awesome that was great we do one more give us another one maybe like Christopher Walken this time you know" Stiles said and Donovan stayed silent.

"Okay you know what it's fine you'll have plenty of time to work on it when you're in your little cell you know just stuck there forever" Stiles said.

Donovan went to attack when the deputies held him back. "Get him out of here" Noah said and the deputies left with Noah.

"You sure you don't want me to rip his head off" Hazel asked and they all looked at Hazel.

"Oh come on like anyone is going to miss this loser" Hazel said.

"What's an Anger management expression inventory" Scott asked. "It's a test you take when you're applying to become a deputy" Stiles told him.

"That guy wanted to be a cop" Scott asked and Stiles nodded. "At least now he's getting the full law enforcement experience" Stiles said.


Stiles went to start the jeep only for it not to start. Stiles noticed Hazel and Scott looking at him.

"It's anxiety" Stiles said. "What is" Scott asked. "Excuse me" Hazel said. "The Chemo signals oh I'm well aware of how you all monitor my emotional state yeah" Stiles said.

"Okay well we worry about you" Hazel said and Stiles went to start the jeep only for it not to start and for Stiles to hit the steering wheel.

"You okay" Scott asked seeing Stiles shaking. "Alright I got this from Braeden a few hours ago" Stiles said and shown the picture to Hazel and Scott.

"That's the first real bit of information we've gotten on Desert Wolf in months" Stiles said.

"The dessert wolf did this" Scott asked. "Wow and I thought Kate was bad" Hazel said.

Yeah and I'm the one who's been pulling on this thread" Stiles said. "Maybe you should stop" Scott said. "No it's not up to me" Stiles said and started the jeep and drove off.


Scott, Stiles, and Hazel met up with Noah after he called them when he found a dead deputy.

"Boys, Hazel" Noah said seeing them and went to them. "Scott you saw this kid Donovan he, he wasn't like you right" Noah said.

"I don't think so unless he knows how to hide his scent" Scott said. "Well human or otherwise" Noah said. "Wait Donovan you think some kid did this" Hazel asked.

"This kid might have just murdered his lawyer and mortally wounded two officers we've got an APB out on him but" Noah said.

"You think you can find him faster" Noah asked. "I can try" Scott said. "Alright keep it on channel two" Noah said and gave him the walk-ie talkie and Scott left.

"Dad what if it wasn't Donovan" Stiles asked. "I'm guessing you've already got a theory" Noah said. "Yeah I think I do" Stiles said. 


"Scott is that you" a deputy asked after a moment hearing the radio.

"Yeah, I found Donovan he's completely freaked out he keeps saying some name" Scott said.

"What name" Noah asked. "Theo" Stiles said. "Tracy, he keeps saying Tracy" Scott said. "Tracy who" Noah asked. "Stewart, Tracy Stewart" Lydia said.


"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping it was a real disorder it was night terrors" Lydia said.

"Well now she's the night terror especially since no one can find her" Stiles said. "Eh I could take her" Hazel said.

"Please don't I don't want your brother calling me if you end up dead or if your in jail for killing somebody" Scott told her. "You never let me have my fun" Hazel said.

"Okay I know we're all tired and miserable" Scott said and looked at Mason. "Except for you" Scott said.

"Oh, I'm sorry this is all just mind blowing" Mason said. "You're a kitsune I don't even know what that is" Mason told Kira. "I'm still learning" Kira said.

"Liam, we said you could tell him not invite him to the inner circle" Stiles said. "I'm in the inner circle" Mason asked. 

"No" Stiles, Liam, and Hazel said. "Guys look back to Tracy she's just one lone wolf we can find her" Scott said. "One lone serial killing wolf" Malia said.

"Uh she only killed one person you know the other two were mauled" Stiles said.

"Yeah cause that makes things so much better" Hazel said sarcastically. "Alright what do we do when we catch her" Stiles asked.

"I say we put her down" Malia said. "I'm in" Hazel said. "Intense" Mason said.

"Guys let's concentrate on catching her first we'll figure out the rest later" Scott said.


"You think we can find her" Hazel asked grabbing her books from her locker. "Yeah and besides we make a pretty good team" Scott said.

"Yeah I guess you make a point" Hazel said. "Hey it's us we can do this" Scott said. "If you believe then I believe" Hazel said.

"See you after class I love you" Hazel said and gave him a quick kiss. "I love you too" Scott said and they went their separate ways.


Scott, Liam, and Hazel walked into the classroom where Tracy was after Liam found them and told them she was here.

Tracy suddenly grabbed Hayden's arm and Hazel was about to head to Tracy when Scott stopped her.

"I got this calm down" Scott said. "Tracy hey" Scott said getting closer.

"Tracy, Tracy, Tracy let go, let her go" Scott said. "Hey, you're hurting me" Hayden said crying.  "Tracy let go" Scott said. 

"They're coming, they're coming for all of us" Tracy said letting go falling to the floor. Scott grabbed Tracy and left with Mr Yukimura, Hazel, Stiles, and Malia.


"Pupils dilate under normal conditions" Deaton said after checking Tracy's eyes. Deaton checked Tracy's pulse. "Heart rate is 250 and moved her shirt some.

"Evidence of an allogeneic skin graft on the right shoulder" Deaton said and looked at her lips.

"Now this silvery substance at her lips is not something I've seen it almost looks like mercury" Deaton said.

"Well whatever it is she passed out with that stuff going everywhere" Hazel said. "Can't you just give her a shot of something" Malia asked. "She doesn't look to be in pain" Deaton said.

"I meant a shot to kill her" Malia said. "You are definitely my cousin" Hazel said. "I generally prescribe to a code of ethics that frowns on such measures" Deaton said.

"Malia you know we're not going to do that" Scott told her. "How do you know she's not going to kill us" Malia asked.

"She makes a decent point" Hazel said. "Either way eventually I'm going to have to let my dad know she's here" Stiles said.

"Agreed and while I may argue against euthanasia I'm not opposed to a little extra security" Deaton said and grabbed a jar. Deaton opened the jar and spread it.

"Nice touch dad" Hazel said. Deaton looked at Hazel for a split-second hearing her call him dad for the first time and smiled.

"Don't worry Stiles, Tracy won't be able to cross a line of mountain ash she's not going anywhere" Deaton said. "Yeah that's kind of what I'm afraid of" Stiles said.

"Well you and I will be able to get out of here no problem you three not so much" Deaton said.

"Yeah she'll end up dead before she lays her hands on me" Hazel said. "Why does it feel like Derek's still here" Stiles asked.

Malia touched the barrier before pulling her hand back. "Weird" Malia said. "Scott would you mind holding her down" Deaton asked.

"I'm going to be trying a few more invasive tests" Deaton said and Scott and Stiles held Tracy down. Deaton went to cut Tracy with a blade only for her not to bleed and for the blade to end up bent as Deaton took it and observed it.

"I think you're gonna need a bigger blade" Stiles said. Deaton turned Tracy's head noticing something.

"Now this is interesting" Deaton said while Hazel went to Scott and Stiles who walked away from Tracy. "What's up" Stiles asked Scott. "Who is it" Hazel asked.

"It's my mom it's about the driver of the prison transcript she's saying he's awake and talking" Scott said.

Deaton went to touch Tracy and suddenly pulled back. "Malia help me turn her over please" Deaton said and Malia helped him turn her over.

"Driver didn't have stroke or heart attack" Scott said. "Then what did she do to him" Hazel asked.

"Says it was more like his body just locked up like he was paralyzed" Scott said. "I think I know what she is" Stiles said. "Do you care to enlighten the rest of us" Deaton asked.

"Because this doesn't look too good" Deaton said and Scott, Stiles, and Hazel went over to Deaton and Malia.

Deaton lifted up her shirt as she was now on her back and they all looked.

Suddenly whatever was inside her splashed on Deaton and Scott. "Is that what I think it is" Hazel asked when suddenly Tracy hit her with her tail along with everyone else in the room.

Tracy got off the table and left breaking the mountain ash. "It wasn't a werewolf" Stiles said.

"Kanima" Scott said. "Anyone else getting deju vu" Hazel asked. "Hey Deaton how did she get through the mountain ash" Stiles asked.

"I don't know it's a barrier no supernatural creature should be able to cross" Deaton said.

"Scott did it" Stiles said. "Once but it almost killed me" Scott said. "You had to remind me" Hazel told Scott. "Sorry" Scott told her. "We should've killed her" Malia said.

"Meanwhile she's probably on her way to killing someone else" Stiles said.

"Listen everyone we need to concentrate Scott, Hazel, and Malia you three will probably be able to move long before Stiles and I can, but you need to focus" Deaton said.

"Focus on what" Malia asked. "Healing" Scott said. "That's right" Deaton said. "I don't know how to tell my body to heal" Malia said.

"Malia calm down it's okay" Stiles said. "I can't calm down I can't move" Malia said. "It won't last long we're going to be okay" Scott said. "Malia you can do this" Hazel said.

"Doc how do we focus" Scott asked. "Think of a body part your hands, your feet even just the tips of your fingers imagine them moving see it in your mind and your body will follow" Deaton said.

"Okay I'm pretty sure I just felt my right leg move oh yep definitely felt it like a twinge, spasm, something" Stiles said.

"I'm gonna have to disagree and I think I hold an informed opinion" Deaton said. Scott and Hazel saw Malia move her hand. "Malia" Scott said.

"Malia you did it keep going" Hazel said. "I don't think she cut me that deep" Malia said. "Keep going keep moving" Deaton said. Malia slowly started moving. "What's happening" Stiles asked.

"I can't see" Stiles said. "What's happening" Stiles asked. Malia slowly got up off the ground. "Malia, Malia wait for us" Stiles said.

"There's no time" Malia said. "Look she's not a werewolf" Stiles said. "But she has a scent I can find her" Malia said.

"Malia save her" Scott said and Malia left. "And then there were four" Hazel said.


Theo helped Scott up after helping Hazel up. "How did you find us" Scott asked.

"Cause you work here I heard about Tracy I've been looking for you" Theo said and helped Stiles up.

"We lost her" Scott said. "And Malia" Stiles said. "Malia will find her" Hazel said.

"I can help" Theo said and helped Deaton up. "This is Theo" Deaton asked. "Unfortunately," Hazel said.

"Let me help it doesn't have to mean I'm part of the pack or like you've accepted me or anything like that it just means I can help catch this girl" Theo said.

Scott looked from Hazel to Stiles to Deaton. "Scott I can help you" Theo said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

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