Loving Cross

By Kayla_Whiteman

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Parker Martin has spent the past 4 years living with his mother and stepfather in Phoenix Arizona. But now th... More

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By Kayla_Whiteman

*Anson's POV*

All I have to really say right now, is I can't wait for Cash to get here.

This weekend was not what I expected it to be.

Parker, has not talked to me since Friday.

Everything was fine, and then on the way home, he didn't say a word, didn't walk me across the road, and literally, has not spoke to me since.

Yesterday at practice, not a word.

And today, he hasn't even been around.

I'm over his moody bitchiness. I'm supposed to be the one with a vagina, not him.

I threw on shorts and a sports bra, braided my hair, and headed down to the kitchen to find Dyson.

"Can we talk." I jumped up on the counter next to him.

"I'm keeping my mouth shut." He shook his head. "I'm not getting a foot shoved up my ass. From either of you, but I'd rather avoid yours so nope."

I pursed my lips, pulled my phone out, and nodded.

"What are you doing?" He raised his eyebrows.

I started a phone call and put it on speaker.

P; Hello my love.

"Anson you're not serious right now." He shook his head.

A: Hey boo. Did Dyson tell you what's going on with Parker?

P: He did. Parker is mad because every time you two are hanging out, you drop everything when Cash calls.

"Jesus Christ." Dyson sighed.

A; Well, Cash is my boyfriend.

P: Yes, and you're also supposed to be working on your friendship, you guys spit shook.

A; Well, maybe if he would answer my calls or texts, he could've told me that. Where the hell has he been.

P: With Cadence.

"Damn it Pipe hang up the phone!" Dyson yelled and took my phone.

He hung up and tossed it on to the counter.

"He's been hanging out with Cadence to avoid talking to me." I crossed my arms.

"He's not avoiding you." He shook his head.

"He didn't talk to me at all yesterday, he hasn't answered his phone, and he hasn't been home at all today." I nodded.

"Just let it go." He sighed. "Come on, we've gotta get down to the track. Cash'll be here soon."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and walked out the kitchen door.

We hopped in the side by side and he drove us down.

Parker was already out on the track, but what I didn't expect, was Cadence to be in the shop when we got down.

"Oh Jesus Christ Park." Dyson shook his head.

"Hi Anson, Hey Dys." She smiled.

"Hey Cadence." Dyson waved and got on his bike. "Hurry down." He nodded and peeled out.

"HI Cadence." I waved.

"Happy Cash will be here soon?" She smiled.

"I am." I nodded. "Missed him this weekend. What're you doing here?"

"Oh, Parker brought me with him so we could go get a bite to eat after." She nodded. "We had a really good weekend."

I raised my eyebrows as I slid my jersey over my head. "Really."

"Yeah, we've been together all weekend other than when you guys had practice yesterday. Thank you, so much for talking to him about me." She nodded.

"All weekend other than Friday, he was with me Friday." I nodded.

"Yeah, at the beach. He came over after he dropped you off. He said he just wanted to see me. It was actually really sweet."

"Did he now." I pursed my lips.

"Yeah, he said you two had a talk about what he was looking for in a girl and that I fit a lot of it, so he asked me if I wanted to go out last night, and then we're going to get dinner after practice."

"Well, isn't that sweet." I nodded. "I, guess he pulled his head out of his ass."

Or shoved his head right the hell back up it!

"Well, I've got to get down. Enjoy." I smiled and threw my helmet on.

I peeled out of the shop, and the entire way down to the mound I saw red.

This kid REALLY left me to go hang out with his casual fuck, who he literally just called annoying.

I got down, parked my bike, took my helmet off and threw it directly at him.

"Jesus Anson!" He yelled. "What the fuck."

I got off my bike and walked over to him. "You stupid ass hole!" I yelled. "You really fucking left me Friday night without a word since so you can go fuck someone you don't even like, might I add, because you're mad I answered my boyfriends phone call!" I ripped him off his bike and threw him on the ground.

"Anson stop." Dyson jumped off his bike.

"How about you slide on your fucking big boy pants and use your words instead of being a prick and avoiding them Parker!" I pushed him back down as he tried to stand up.

"Ans." Dyson wrapped his arms around me. "Stop!"

"No!" I yelled. "You wanna act like a petty little bitch because of a phone call I'll show you petty! All you had to do was talk to me about it!"

"OK." Dyson picked me up. "On the bike, come on." He set me down on my bike. "Now stay."

"You know what Ani. I don't understand what the problem is. You have a boyfriend so why are you so fucking mad." Parker stood up and got on his bike. "You're the one who told me to ask her to homecoming."

"Yeah, I did. But I didn't tell you to fucking lie to her and lead her on! She's up there thinking that you two are actually going to be something because you told her about our conversation and that she fit a lot of what you were looking for. SO please, tell me one time that Cadence McGraff has ever taken your breath away!"

"Last night!" He yelled. "When she was sucking my dick. How's that for your one time Anson!"

"You know what Parker! You are exactly what every single girl says you are and I am done defending you!" I screamed, put my helmet on, and peeled out.

*Parker's POV*

Now, I really, really don't know why the hell I said that.

The truth is, I am not mad that she answered Cash's phone call.

I am mad because she said that us handing out was nothing big.

The entire night was amazing for me. But to her, it was nothing big.

So, I went to the one person who thinks I am amazing without all the big things, and I rolled with it.

I've been steering clear of Anson because I didn't want to tell her that at all, because I'm not about to sound like a baby back bitch.

Instead of sounding like a baby back bitch, I stooped to an all time low, and did something to make her jealous, when it really just pissed her off profusely.

"Dude." Dyson shook his head. "When she was sucking your dick. Really." He crossed his arms.

I groaned. "Fuck why did I say that."

"Because you're an idiot." He nodded. "Like, you just steering clear of her, that you could've easily fixed by just saying 'I didn't want to say something I'd regret so I took some time.' But, instead, you chose to bring her here and talk about her sucking your dick when you know things are still sketchy between them."

"How the hell am I going to fix that." I shook my head.

"How about a conversation and the Anson cure. A root beer float. Try that, and if it doesn't work, beg her for forgiveness." HE nodded. "Seriously man, maybe if you tell me what happened Friday, I can help."

I sighed. "We uh. We went down to the beach after stopping at Nulls, we talked, and watched some After movie, I threw her in the water and we swam or a while. We changed in to my clothes, I got sand out of her hair, we laid in the bed of the jeep and watched the fire works, then Cash called."

"And then you go fuck Cadence, got it." He shook his head.

"Well, had to get rid of the build up of frustration."

"What frustration." He scrunched his face.

I shook my head. "Your sister, swimming on the beach in a tight romper, changing in to my clothes, smelling like peaches and sunshine, me close to her brushing sand out of her hair, and it taking everything in my body to kiss her cheek instead of kissing her. That frustration."

"Oh no." He put his face in his hands. "Park what the fuck."

"It wasn't supposed to happen. We were supposed to just, have a good time, show her that I can be sweet, and fun, and-"

"That you can be a good boyfriend when she already has one?" He shook his head. "Please tell me you're not doing what I think you're doing?"

"I am not trying to steal her from Cash." I shook my head.

"Then what the hell are you doing?"

"It was supposed to be me." I nodded. "I was supposed to be her first boyfriend. I was supposed to be her first everything."

"Park, you have to stop, right now. No more trying to get her to realize it should be you, just work on your friendship."

And then we heard a corvette coming down the road.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to." I shook my head and watched as Anson rode up to the shop. "Come on." I kicked my bike back on and we rode up.

When we got up there, Cash was all covered in bruises.

"What the hell happened to you." Dyson shook his head.

"Evidently, Andy can lift his foot really high." He nodded. "I'm good though."

"Are you sure you can't just, quit ROTC." Anson shook her head.

"No, I can't just quit ROTC." He shook his head. "We talked about this. I can handle it." He nodded.

"Can you handle a track today with all that." Hal crossed his arms.

"Oh yeah." Cash nodded. "I'll even go with crazy right here to prove it." He smiled at Anson."

"You really think you can take me?" She crossed her arms.

"Oh I know I can." He shrugged and threw his helmet on.

"Then you two first." Dad smiled.

They both peeled out of the shop.

"They're cute." Cadence smiled.

No, no Cadence they're not.

Dyson and I rode down to the mound.

"Just, talk to her later tonight when you get back from dinner with Cadence. Come baring gifts."

I groaned.


Practice was excruciating, mostly because it was hotter than usual today.

I went and got dinner with Cadence, which was a mistake because she literally talked the whole time.

I dropped her off at home, ran to Mooses to get Anson a root beer float, and walked over to the Cross house.

I climbed up the railing to their porch, set her root beer on top of the gutter stock, and pulled myself up.

She was sitting in her bed on her computer when I knocked on her window.

She looked over, got out of bed and crossed her arms.

I held up the root beer float, her face grew softer, and she walked over and opened her window. "Be quiet." She whispered.

"I'm sorry." I shook my head and handed her the cup.

"Oh so he does speak." She nodded.

"He does, and you didn't need to beat my ass earlier." I crossed my arms. "You don't get to be mad about me hanging out with Cadence."

"I'm not mad that you're hanging out with Cadence. I'm mad, because of the reason when you could've just talked to me, and I'm mad because you've always been up front with girls when you're with them. You tell them the truth, you don't lead them on, and you lied to her." She nodded. "I'm pissed, because that is not the Parker I know. The Parker I know, would never do that."

"I know." I nodded. "And I will tell her the truth after this weekend, that I just want to be friends. But Ani, I needed a bit of time before I said something I was going to regret, and I ended up doing that because you pushed me."

"He's my boyfriend."

"Trust me, I'm aware. But we can't work on our friendship if you answer your phone whenever he calls when it's supposed to be you and I." I crossed my arms.

"You couldn't have said that Friday?" She shook her head. "Park I've been beating my brains out the last 2 days trying to figure out why you were mad at me. My boyfriend was gone, Piper was with Dyson, and I was supposed to be spending my weekend with you, and you just up and ditched me, for Cadence, again."

I sighed.

Shit, when she puts it that way, I really am an asshole.

"I'm sorry." I shook my head. "The next time I have a problem, I will talk to you about it. How about next Sunday I make it up to you."

She sighed. "I can't." She shook her head. "I'm, staying with Cash after homecoming, and we have plans the next morning."

I pursed my lips and nodded. "You're staying with Cash?"

She nodded.


I'm going crazy.

It'll be even worse Saturday knowing that she'll be with him. 

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