Loving Cross

By Kayla_Whiteman

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Parker Martin has spent the past 4 years living with his mother and stepfather in Phoenix Arizona. But now th... More

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By Kayla_Whiteman

 *Anson's POV*
It's Friday night, tomorrow is the competition, and I am in my back yard laying on my trampoline trying to un wind.
I always have trouble sleeping the night before competitions because I'm so excited.
"Figured you'd be back here." I heard the back gate open.
I popped up and saw Parker taking off his boots.
"And how did you figure that?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Because you're Anson. Even though it's been a while, I know what you do the night before you compete." He smiled and jumped up.
"What's up?" I sat all the way up and crossed my legs.
"I actually need to talk to you about something." He plopped down next to me.
"OK?" I gave him a look.
"It's about Cash." He pursed his lips.
"What about him?" I shook my head.
"Has he ever brought up a Morgan?" He scrunched his face.
"No." I shook my head. "Why?"
"Just, Kinsley was talking today. We asked her how the two of you were since apparently, big brother and best friend get to be clueless. And she said that he hasn't seemed this intrigued with someone since Morgan. So we asked about her."
I sighed. "And?"
"And, she's his ex girlfriend." He nodded.
I felt my self swallow hard. "And what happened?"
He shook his head. "Ani I don't think-"
"Parker." I raised my eyebrows.
"I guess, they were seeing each other for a while, but she didn't want a boyfriend, and when he finally got her to actually be his girlfriend, he shut down and broke up with her after they had sex. I guess he really did a lot of chasing because she was so, I don't know the word." He sighed. "Challenging, I guess."
I shook my head. "Why are you telling me."
"Because I just want you to be careful Ani." He nodded. "I don't want you to get hurt."
I took a deep breath. "So, he just, broke up with her after they had sex because he got what he wanted."
"That's what it sounded like." He shrugged.
I pursed my lips and nodded. I didn't know what to say because I didn't want Parker to know my heart just sunk a little bit. Now I'm kind of scared. Because much like Parker, I don't want me to get hurt either.
"I see those wheels spinning in there Ani." He nodded and wiped my face.
I didn't realize tears were coming out.
I shook my head. "Why does this sound like someone I just got done with."
He scrunched his face. "I didn't put that together." He shook his head.
"I'll talk to him tomorrow about it." I nodded.
"Good." He nodded. "You should. You should also get to bed."
I sniffled, wiped my face, jumped down, and I headed to bed.
I didn't sleep.
I went from sad, to curious, to straight up pissed off because something clicked. If Cash likes a challenge, he found the right fucking one because I'm not about to let him walk all over me. Literally every single person in my life has told me I am the hardest person they have ever had to deal with because I'm hard headed and stick to what I say. I'm a challenge.
I rolled out of bed, pissed as all hell determined to take it out on a vault, and un even bar, a beam and the floor, and I'm fully ready to tear this competition apart.
I went and got in the car with my mom and dad, we went and got Piper.
We traveled to Atlanta, and when Pipe and I got in to the locker room. I exploded.
I told her about what Parker told me. I told her how it made me feel. I told her I'm pissed because he knew everything with Garrett, and that I know nothing about this 'Morgan' and that if I steam roll over her today that I'm sorry.
She however, said I had every right.
We went and warmed up a bit with Marcus, Chris, and my mom, and her and I headed in to the hallway to look at Leo's and get food and a drink.
I'm gonna blow this bitch apart today.

*Cash's POV*
We all got to the competition for Anson and Piper, and Quinn has not stopped screaming about how excited she is since we all woke up this morning.
Dyson, Parker, and the dads were already there when me and my family walked in.
"Hi honey." Miss Sherry hugged me when we walked over.
"Good morning." I smiled. "Hi Margot." I waved.
"Hi Cash." She smiled.
"Hal." I shook his hand. "Dan."
"Guy." I dapped up Parker and Dyson.
"Buddy." Dyson smiled.
"Where's Anson and Piper." I looked around.
"They are out getting food and looking at Leo's." Parker nodded.
"Then I will be right back." I smiled.
"I'm gonna go find Anson." I leaned over and kissed my moms cheek. "Do you need anything?"
She shook her head. "Be careful."
"Mom, it's a gymnastics competition." I nodded and walked out in the hall.
I looked for like 5 minutes when I finally found them.
I walked over and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind. "I'm so excited to watch you do this."
Her body went stiff and she pulled my arms off. "Hi." She went back to looking at Leo's not even looking at me.
"What's the matter?" I stepped beside her looking down at her.
"I have to get back to the locker room." She shook her head and started walking away.
"Anson." I grabbed her hand. "What's up?"
"I have a competition. Enjoy." She pulled her hand away.
"Anson Ryder you know that is not what I meant." I grabbed her hand harder.
She took a deep breath. "I will talk to you after." She tried pulling her hand away again.
"Can you just tell me what's going on?" I shook my head.
"That would be to easy, and you like a challenge. Ponder on it. I will talk to you after." She ripped her hand away and basically sprinted around the corner.
I looked at Piper. "What in the hell was that?"
She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows. "Boy you better think long and hard about what she just said." She shook her head and followed Anson.
OK, so whatever it is, clearly is not good.
I literally just sat there thinking about what I could've done in the month that her and I have actually been seeing each other. But that train of though de-railed when the competition started and she was flying through the air effortlessly.
She took 2 silvers, a gold, and a bronze, Piper gook 2 bronze and a silver, the rest of the placers I didn't really pay attention to because I was too busy yelling for them.
And I almost forgot how pissed she was until I met them in the hall, lifted her up in to a hug and told her congratulations, which she replied with. "Put me down." In the straightest face possible.
I sighed. "What is going on?" I shook my head.
"You know what Cash, I really just." She shook her head. "I don't think this is working."
"No." I crossed my arms. "No you are not doing that right now. You said we would talk after, it's after."
"I really don't-"
"Either you let me take you to get something to eat and we talk, or I will throw you over my shoulder and physically put you in my car since you're acting like Quinn when she doesn't have a nap." I nodded.
She took a deep breath. "Give me a minute." She shook her head and walked over to her parents.
They both nodded, kissed her cheek, and she walked back over. "I have to be home by 11." She crossed her arms.
"That's fine." I held my hand out.
She rolled her eyes and started walking.
She is being fucking ridiculous. I grabbed her by her elbow and pulled her over to my parents. "I'm going to take her to get something to eat if that's OK." I pursed my lips.
My mom gave her a look. "Anson honey, are you OK?"
Anson nodded. "Never better."
"Why don't you go wait in my car, I'll be right there." I looked down at her.
She pulled away and started walking to my car.
"What the hell did you do." My dad crossed his arms.
"I really have no clue." I shook my head. "When I'm not with her, at home, or at ROTC, I'm with Dyson, Parker, or on the track. I really don't know but I'm about to find out. So can I please go."
"Go." They both nodded.
I jogged to my car and got in the drivers side.
"Where do you want to eat." I started it up.
"I don't care." She shook her head.
"Anson, just pick somewhere." I sighed.
She rolled her eyes. "Mooses."
"Mooses?" I raised my eyebrows. "You want to go get Mooses?"
"Mooses has food, I want a milkshake, so yes, Mooses." She nodded.
"There is no where to sit and talk at Mooses." I shook my head.
"You have a car, it's on the beach." She crossed her arms and faced forward.
She didn't say anything.
Jesus Christ.
We were almost back to Helen, and she still hasn't spoke.
"You're really not going to say anything?" I looked over at her.
She turned her head and looked out her window.
We got to Mooses, we ordered food, and we headed down to the beach.
We both sat in the sand.
"So are you going to tell me what's going on now? Because I haven't done anything for you to be this upset with me." I shook my head.
"Wouldn't it be to easy if I just came out and told you." She sighed.
"What in the hell are you talking about." I whined and threw my head back.
"Who in the hell is Morgan?" She crossed her arms.
My head popped up and shot toward her. "Repeat that?" I raised my eyebrows.
She cleared her throat. "Who.In.The.Hell.Is.Morgan." She nodded.
Fucking Kinsley.
I pursed my lips and nodded. "OK." I felt my jaw tick. "Who told you what."
"Doesn't matter. Who is Morgan." She raised her eyebrows.
"Morgan, is my ex girlfriend." I nodded.
"Oh so that's what you're calling it?"
"What in the hell is that supposed to mean?" I felt my jaw tick again.
"Oh, just sleeping with someone and breaking up with them as soon as you do, doesn't really qualify someone as your ex." She shook her head.
I felt my face get so hot I couldn't breathe.
"What were you told about Morgan." I said through gritted teeth.
"You know what Cash, just take me home." She rolled her eyes.
"Or you can just fucking tell me what you were told!" I yelled.
And then she started looking around the beach.
"What?" I yelled.
"Oh I'm just looking." She nodded.
"For?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Who the fuck you think you're yelling at because I know it isn't me!" She yelled and stood up.
"I can't explain anything until you tell me what you were told Anson!" I stood up.
"You chased her for a couple of months, correct?" She crossed her arms.
"Yes, I did." I nodded.
"And then you finally got her to be your girlfriend, you had sex, and THEN you broke up with her! I hate to break it to you Cash but if that's the way you work-"
"Damn it Anson!" I screamed, and I literally threw my entire drink. "You really think that I would do that!"
"According to your mom you did get around, remember!" She yelled.
"Getting around and being a piece of shit are two different things!" I ran my hands through my hair. "And I am really fucking offended that you think that lowly of me!" I yelled.
"Look!" She yelled. "I just got out of something where all he wanted-"
"Do not even finish that sentence!" I pointed at her. "I am not Garrett! I haven't tried to sleep with you! And that is not what the fuck happened with Morgan!"
"I'm finding it hard to believe because Cash Miketish loves a good challenge. Catching a little bit of dejavu?" She crossed her arms.
"No! I'm not! Because you are not Morgan!" I threw my hands in the air. "You are so far away from being Morgan it's not even funny! Yes it was a challenge. It's not a crime to not like easy girls! And for the record, we were sleeping together long before the relationship!"
"Yes Cash that makes it so much better!" She threw her hands in the air.
"How about you take your fucking track shoes off and stop trying to run because I scare you!" I stepped toward her. "And just fucking listen to me!"
"You do not scare me and don't tell me what to do! You want a challenge you've got one now!" She stepped toward me.
"God you drive me fucking crazy! It's been a fucking month and we're screaming at each other on a fucking beach because you have to be so stubborn and hard headed!"
"Thought you liked girls who don't back down!" She yelled.
"Oh Jesus Christ!" I grabbed her by the back of her head with an arm around her waist, and I literally, slammed my mouth on to hers.
Granted, she tried to push me away the entire time. But then, her body relaxed, she stopped pushing, and she sunk in to me.
I pulled away, put my forehead on hers, and took a deep breath. "I do like girls who don't back down, but right now, I really wish you would."
She was breathing really heavily now.
"Now are you going to listen to me?" I raised my eyebrows.
She took a step back and crossed her arms. "I'm listening."
I sighed. "Thank you." I nodded. "It sounded really bad put like that, but that is not what happened." I shook my head. "Morgan and I hooked up a few weeks after we moved to California. My dad was helping out at Camp Pendleton. We hooked up a few times, but that's all it was for a while because she didn't want a boyfriend. I wanted more. I kept trying. And eventually, after 4 months of hooking up, and me trying, she finally said yes. But when she did, everything changed. She got controlling, and possessive, and really manipulative. And I lost feelings. I'm not the kind of guy whose going to pretend when the feelings aren't there anymore. I'm gonna be honest. I don't lie. And I wasn't about to lie to her. I gave it a few weeks to see if it would change, and it didn't. I broke up with her two weeks later. It had nothing to do with sex. And I didn't chase her because she was challenging. I tried because I thought she was something I wanted. She turned out to be the exact opposite." I nodded. "But this, with you, is not the same thing." I shook my head.
She took a deep breath. "How not." She shook her head.
"Because you may be a challenge. But you also scare the shit out of me." I nodded. "She never did that. Anson, I like you." I nodded. "I liked you the minute you pulled in to that shot, and gave me that snarky ass attitude that normally sends people running for the hills. Yes, I like that you don't back down. But I also like the way your hair flops down after you take your helmet off. And, that you eat like a 400lb man on cheat day, but a cat every other day of the week." I shook my head. "I like that you fight your own battles, and that you don't need me to, even though I probably will try to. I like that you're your own person, and that you speak your mind. I like how competitive you are, and that you can drive a truck through a 3ft puddle without freaking out. I like that you have fun in ways that I'm not used to, but you're willing to show me what they're like. And I like that you scare me. Because it gives me a reason to not want to lose you. I like you, because you are everything she was, and wasn't at the same time. This is not the same. It's not about sex. If it was, I would've already tried. You may be a challenge, but this isn't a conquest or a game. I'm going at your pace for a reason. So please, stop trying to run away from me." I reached down and grabbed her hand. "And if you promise to stop running away from me, I'll show you all the reasons you should stay." I pulled her close to me and looked down.
Her face was soft now.
"I know you want to say something, so say it." I nodded.
She shook her head.
"Anson, this is only going to work if you're honest with me. Speak your mind."
She took a deep breath. "You tried for 4 months to get her to be your girlfriend. You like all that about me, but you haven't tried with me." She shook her head.
I sighed and lifted her arms up around the back of my neck. "You've never had a boyfriend." I shook my head. "And I was just waiting to make sure you were ready for one." I moved my hands down to her waist. "Are you?"
She pursed her lips and nodded.
I put my forehead on hers again. "Then tell me you want me to be your boyfriend." I rubbed my nose against hers.
She got on her tip toes to try to bring my lips closer.
"As soon as I hear you say that you want me to be your boyfriend, I'll give you the kiss you're looking for. But I need to hear you say it so I know you're serious." I nodded.
She took a deep breath. "I want you, to be my boyfriend." She nodded.
And I gave it to her. I leaned down, and I kissed her so hard, lifting her in the air and wrapping her legs around my waist.
I pulled away with her hands resting on the back of my neck. "Then I need you to let me." I nodded.
She sighed and opened her eyes. "Are you gonna hurt me?"
"Wouldn't imagine it." I shook my head.
She pursed her lips and nodded. "Then ask." She whispered rubbing her nose against mine.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I gave her a small peck.
She grabbed me by the sides of my face for a long drawn out kiss and I put her back on her feet.
She pulled away and smiled at me. "Boyfriend."
I smiled. "You see what happens when you just talk instead of being a psycho and avoiding me all day?"
She nodded.
"Now, I am going to go get another milkshake, since I threw mine, and I am going to go take you home." I nodded.
"OK." She pursed her lips.
I held my hand out, and finally, she willingly took it.
We walked back up to Moose's. "Do you want another one too?"
She smiled and nodded.
We got our milkshakes, headed back to my car, and headed home.
"You know I'm not taking it easy on you just because you're my boyfriend right?" She looked over at me.
"Just don't avoid me if I whoop your ass." I smiled as I pulled in to her driveway. "Just do me a favor?"
She nodded.
"Next time, just ask me, talk to me if something bothers you. I'm not gonna lie to you." I shook my head.
She leaned over and kissed me. "Promise." She nodded.
I smiled. "Thank you."
I got out, opened her door, and walked her up to her front door.
"I'll see you tomorrow, boyfriend." She smiled.
"You will." I nodded. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." She reached up, pulled me down, and kissed me.
And we heard a slight knock.
"My dad's coming." She pushed me back up. "3, 2-"
And as soon as she hit 1, the door opened.
He looked at her, looked at me and nodded. "Good boy. Pipers upstairs." He closed the door.
"Tell your mom thanks for the heads up." I laughed.
"Goodnight Cash." She walked in her house.
I took a few minutes and a deep breath before I walked off her porch.
Then I heard screaming. "Bitch you got a boyfriend!"
It was Piper.
I looked up, and could see their shadows holding hands and jumping.
I smiled and got in my car.
The smile disappeared as soon as I got home and walked in the door.
"Well?" My dad looked at me as I walked by.
"Kinsley!" I yelled up the stairs as I stomped up.
I barreled directly through her door. "Why in the blue hell would you tell Anson about Morgan, or that I broke up with her directly after we had sex!" I screamed.
"What the hell are you talking about?" She shook her head. "You guys were having sex before you even dated?"
"Exactly, so why did Anson just spend the entire day pissed at me because she thinks I'm with her because she's a challenge, and that I'm going to sleep with her then leave! That is not even remotely close to what happened." I started breathing heavy.
"Cash." She stood up off her bed. "I didn't say anything to Anson about Morgan."
And the look on her face said she was telling the truth.
"Then who did you tell?" I crossed my arms.
She pursed her lips and shook her head.
"Kinsley!" I yelled.
"I may, have let it slip that you haven't been intrigued since Morgan to Dyson and Parker, and then they asked what happened. But I didn't tell them that way. I said that you guys were sleeping together, you kept chasing, and then things changed and you broke up with her. Not that you got her broke up with her after having sex." She shook her head.
And with that, I knew exactly who told her.
"I mean, Dyson's probably just trying to look out for her." She nodded.
"No, it wasn't Dyson." I shook my head.
"How do you know?" She crossed her arms.
"Because I was with Dyson last night, at Nulls." I nodded.
"Oh." She pursed her lips.
Yeah, oh.

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