all my nights taste like gold...

By roniicantjimout

9.6K 269 95

#3 purinz "It's not like- it won't be the first time we've kissed," Yunjin says. Slurs, really, her voice low... More



499 15 3
By roniicantjimout


(Mature Content Warning)

Everyone begins filtering out when it starts to get late, until there's only six of them left; Chaewon, Yunjin, Jiwoo, Sooyoung, Ryujin and Yeji.

There's a horror movie about vampires playing on the television that Chaewon's pretty sure Jiwoo only picked so she had an excuse to sit in Sooyoung's lap despite the entire sofa being free. Ryujin and Yeji are curled up on one of the armchairs, Ryujin watching the movie in fascination while Yeji hides in her shoulder. Chaewon and Yunjin have migrated to one of the other armchairs, one that's technically big enough to fit both of them, but Chaewon finds herself halfway onto Yunjin's lap anyway. Yunjin's the one to initiate it, looping her arms loosely around Chaewon's waist so Chaewon can settle back against her front, so who is Chaewon to complain?

After one of the vampires eats her third victim in five minutes, and coincidentally Yeji yelps for the third time in five minutes at the resulting scream and spray of blood arcing across the screen, Ryujin and Yeji announce they're leaving.

"Before I'm traumatised any further," Yeji mutters as she puts her coat on, sending Jiwoo a dirty look where she's snuggled into Sooyoung's arms.

"Don't worry," Ryujin beams, slinging her arm around Yeji's shoulders. "I'll protect you from the big bad vampires."

Yeji goes slightly pink, and Chaewon gives her a pointed look while Ryujin is preoccupied with saying goodbye to Jiwoo and Sooyoung. Yeji counters it with a raised eyebrow at her position tucked into Yunjin's side, and Chaewon looks away.

Jiwoo and Sooyoung stopped pretending to pay attention to the movie after the opening credits, and Chaewon isn't really surprised when they disappear into Sooyoung's bedroom when there's still fifty minutes left of the movie, leaving Chaewon and Yunjin alone in the living room.

Despite not being the biggest fan of horror, Chaewon's actually gotten quite into the movie, although that might have something to do with the fact one of the vampire hunters is cute. Yunjin, however, doesn't seem quite as interested in the glaringly obvious tension between the hunter and one of the main vampires (also cute), and spends the majority of those fifty minutes annoying Chaewon and trying to get her attention.

"You're so clingy," Chaewon grumbles, finally relenting and looking at Yunjin once the credits start rolling.

"I'm not clingy," Yunjin says, tightening her arms around Chaewon's waist. "We meet each other halfway. You're just as big a softie as I am."

"I am not."

"You are," Yunjin says in delight, poking at Chaewon's cheek. "A clingy, grumpy little softie."

"Go away."

"A tiny little tsundere who cries at romcoms."

"I don't— that was one time," Chaewon huffs, swatting at Yunjin's hand. "And I am not tiny."

Yunjin chuckles, mumbles something that sounds suspiciously like the tiniest Moomin, and buries her face in Chaewon's shoulder. Chaewon leans into the touch, feels Yunjin breathing against her, the steady movement of her chest against Chaewon's back. Yunjin fits against her so seamlessly, so easily, and Chaewon closes her eyes for a moment.

"Chaewonnie," Yunjin murmurs eventually, voice low and quiet, right her ear. Something about her voice is different this time, and it makes Chaewon open her eyes, turn her head to look at Yunjin.

Even after all these years, the sight of Yunjin's face so close to her own makes Chaewon's heart pound.

It's dark in the living room; the lights are off and the glow from the television is limited with the black screen of the credits, but Chaewon would recognise Yunjin even in the pitch black, every feature on her face as familiar to Chaewon as coming home.

The deep mocha brown of her eyes, her long, dark eyelashes. The slope of her high cheekbones, the curve of her jaw. The little white scar between her eyebrows. Her soft (very soft) Yunjinies, one side of her mouth tugged up into the faintest of smirks, like Yunjin can hear just how quick Chaewon's heart is racing.

Reaching out, Yunjin tucks a loose strand of Chaewon's hair behind her ear, her fingers trailing down her cheek and along her jaw. It's the lightest of touches, Yunjin's fingertips barely grazing Chaewon's skin, but it ignites a raw hunger in her that's impossible to ignore.

The air between them shifts, to something thicker and hotter.

Chaewon doesn't know which one of them moves first — maybe Yunjin tilts her head, maybe Chaewon leans in — but one moment they're just staring at each other and the next moment there's no space between them and they're kissing.

One kiss becomes two. Two becomes three. Three becomes four.

Yunjin's tongue slides against her bottom Yunjinie slowly, and Chaewon parts her Yunjinies automatically, lets Yunjin kiss her deeper and hotter.

Yunjin's arms around her waist turn into her hands grasping at Chaewon's hips and hauling her forward until she's twisted around to settle completely in Yunjin's lap, her knees either side of Yunjin's thighs. Yunjin's hands settle low on her hips, the part just between her waist and the top of her thighs, and Chaewon can feel the warmth of them even through the thick fabric of her sweater.

In the back of her mind, Chaewon remembers that they're still in the living room, in full view of anybody who happens to walk in. It's unlikely that Jiwoo and Sooyoung will resurface before noon, but still. The last remaining piece of Chaewon's common sense manages to cut through the haze in her brain and reminds her that they probably shouldn't be doing this where they could get caught.

Yunjin's moved away from her mouth now, kissing her jaw, the sensitive spot under her ear, the column of her throat. Hot, wet, open-mouthed kisses, with a hint of teeth. Just how Chaewon likes it. In the quiet of the living room, her own breathing sounds louder than it probably is, a symphony of soft exhales and sharp inhales with each press of Yunjin's Yunjinies to her skin and each squeeze of Yunjin's hands on her waist.

She wants— God, she wants Yunjin's hands under her clothes, touching her bare skin. She wants Yunjin everywhere.

"Jinie," Chaewon whimpers. "We should—"

Yunjin chooses that exact moment to close her mouth around Chaewon's pulse and suck hard. The rest of Chaewon's sentence gets lost in a moan, and she can't stop herself from grinding down on Yunjin's lap. Chaewon shudders, wraps her arms around Yunjin's shoulders, slides her hands into her dark hair.

Chaewon wants her closer, needs her closer, needs her—

"Fuck," Yunjin breathes against her throat. "Fuck, you're so hot."

Chaewon is helpless to do anything but moan and grind down again, not when Yunjin sounds like that, low and rough and muttered right against her skin, not when Yunjin's mouth is sucking at the crook of her neck, hot and heavy and intoxicatingly good.

Chaewon feels her move away, lean back, and when Chaewon manages to blink her eyes open Yunjin is looking up at her with wide eyes. Her Yunjinies are kiss-swollen and her gaze is dark. She's looking at Chaewon like she can't look away. Yunjin's hands sYunjinie under the hem of her sweater, fingertips brushing against the bare skin of her waist, and even a touch as simple as that has Chaewon whining and tugging Yunjin back in, pressing closer and grinding down harder on her lap.

"So fucking hot," Yunjin mutters between kisses, lightly dragging her nails across the small of Chaewon's back and tearing another high-pitched noise right out of her throat. "God, Chaewonnie, I had no idea."

What are you talking about, Chaewon wants to ask, had no idea about what, but full sentences seem like an impossible task when Yunjin is sucking on her tongue and tracing her fingertips up and down Chaewon's spine. Her fingers bump against the clasp of her bra and Chaewon shudders.

"Jinie," Chaewon whimpers. "Bedroom, please."

"God, yes," Yunjin says, biting teasingly at Chaewon's bottom Yunjinie. "Let me just—"

Her hands sYunjinie from Chaewon's waist to the back of her thighs, and then she's standing, lifting Chaewon up like she weighs nothing more than a feather. She can feel Yunjin smirking against her mouth when she gasps involuntarily, her legs tightening around Yunjin's waist so she doesn't fall.

God. Yunjin lifted her up so easily, like she weighed nothing. Like she could hold Chaewon down against the mattress or the sofa or hold her steady against the wall and— Chaewon whimpers. God.

In a rare moment of spatial awareness, Yunjin successfully carries her through the dark apartment without knocking into any furniture or dropping Chaewon. They reach her bedroom, and Yunjin kicks the door shut behind her before gently laying Chaewon on the bed.

Yunjin follows her almost immediately, climbing on top of her and nudging Chaewon's thighs apart so she can lie between them, her arms either side of Chaewon's head.

It's a little brighter in Yunjin's bedroom than in the living room; the curtains are open to let the moonlight spill in and the LED lights Chaewon bought Yunjin for her birthday last year for her little aquarium tucked in beside the desk are switched on, drenching the room in pink and purple hues.

Yunjin hovers above her, a soft smile on her face, her dark hair falling around them like an obsidian curtain, blocking out the rest of the world.

"Hi," Yunjin whispers.

"Hi," Chaewon echoes.

Behind her ribs, Chaewon's heart feels heavy, that Yunjin-shaped anchor attached to it weighing her down and drowning her deeper and deeper. Somehow, with Yunjin cupping Chaewon's face with one hand, it doesn't seem as scary as it usually does.

Yunjin kisses her. Yunjin kisses her slow and deep and sweet and time sort of melts into itself. Yunjin kisses her until her Yunjinies are tingling, until her head is spinning, until a slow liquid heat is building in her stomach and pulsing through her veins.

"Off," Yunjin mumbles, tugging at the bottom of Chaewon's sweater. "Take it off. God, take everything off."

There's a feverish ache permeating her whole body, one that only builds and builds as her sweater is peeled off, as Yunjin's shirt is unbuttoned, as jeans are tugged down and underwear tossed onto the floor, and it only gets hotter when Yunjin falls back against her blue sheets, pulling Chaewon on top of her.

Yunjin brings her into a languid, deep kiss, and it's already so much. Limbs tangled together, Yunjin's tongue dipping into her mouth, every inch of skin soft and warm where it's sliding against Chaewon's, and her mind fogs over in mere moments.

Chaewon pulls back, catches her breath for a second before ducking her head to press her Yunjinies against Yunjin's jaw. Yunjin sighs, tilting her head to the side to give Chaewon a better angle to kiss down the length of her throat. The soft, open-mouthed kisses turn into quick, teasing nips when Chaewon reaches the base of her throat, and Yunjin moans quietly, her grip tightening on Chaewon's shoulders where her hands are resting.

Chaewon lets her hands drift down Yunjin's body, mapping out the expanse of smooth skin, squeezing at her chest, stroking along her hips. Yunjin squirms beneath her, the little gasping noises she keeps making encouraging Chaewon to then move her hand inwards, ghosting her fingertips against the inside of Yunjin's thigh.

"Chaewon," Yunjin whimpers, arching closer.

Chaewon wants to memorise the way Yunjin whines her name breathlessly. Immortalise it so she never forgets it, never forgets the way it feels like someone has tugged down the zipper on her chest, leaving her heart exposed for everyone to see.

"Chaewonnie," Yunjin whimpers again. "Please touch me."

So Chaewon does.

Chaewon touches her, and commits everything to memory. Every detail, every noise, every sensation. The way Yunjin shudders when Chaewon kisses a certain spot on the underside of her jaw. The way Yunjin's nails dig into her shoulders and her head tilts back, her dark haired fanned out against the white pillows. The way her breath hitches when Chaewon first moves her hand between her thighs, and the quiet moans that slowly grow in volume when Chaewon starts moving her fingers. The way it's so easy to slide inside her when Yunjin begs for more. The way Yunjin gasps out her name in between shaky breaths, her hips rising up to meet the motions of Chaewon's hand. The way she moans, loud and desperate, and clenches around Chaewon's fingers when she's pushed over the edge. The way Yunjin kisses her messily, breathlessly, as she's coming down, hands tangled in Chaewon's hair as she clings to her and holds her close.

(Chaewon did that. Not Heesu, not Seokmin, not any of Yunjin's many boyfriends. Chaewon.)

Yunjin looks a little dazed, still trying to catch her breath when Chaewon pushes herself up onto her elbows and looks down at Yunjin. Her cheeks are flushed a pretty pink that extends down to her chest, and her eyes are unfocused when she blinks them open.

Even if Chaewon's brain was working at full capacity — which it most decidedly is not at this current moment — Chaewon doesn't think she could come up with a coherent enough way to describe how Yunjin looks, and all she can do is stare.

"God," Yunjin breathes, smiling dopily up at Chaewon. "That was..."

She trails off, one of her hands sliding into Chaewon's hair and sYunjinieping around to cup the back of her neck. Yunjin pulls her down and Chaewon comes willingly, letting Yunjin kiss her softly and roll her onto her back.

Chaewon has done this before, yes, with Tzuyu, with Seungyeon, with a girl whose name Chaewon can't actually remember when everybody went out for Sana's birthday last year, but this time — with Yunjin, her brain helpfully supplies, with the girl you're in love with — feels so dauntingly new.

With Yunjin staring down at her with an almost reverent look on her face, Chaewon can't help but feel a little self-conscious under the scrutiny.

Chaewon might have been on the swim team in high school, but the most regular exercise she's done since she moved to Seoul is running for the subway when she's late for work or class, and their snack cupboard at home is always kept well stocked. She isn't ashamed of her body or anything, she doesn't feel the urgent need to yank her sweater back on or switch off the lights or anything, but next to Yunjin she can't help but feel a little... inadequate.

Yunjin's on the dance team. She lifted Chaewon like it was nothing earlier. She's got abs on her abs. A jawline that could cut glass. Where Chaewon is shorter and skinnier, Yunjin is taller and curvier, and—

"You're so pretty," Yunjin murmurs, her hand skimming over Chaewon's stomach.

And just like that, Chaewon doesn't feel quite so vulnerable anymore. She just wants Yunjin to touch her.

She pulls Yunjin into another kiss, her breath hitching when Yunjin immediately deepens it, tongue licking into her mouth, teeth biting at her bottom Yunjinie, stealing the air right out of her lungs and leaving her breathless.

Now that Chaewon isn't preoccupied by the half of her brain that was desperate to touch Yunjin, she's a lot more aware of the other half, the half that really, desperately wants Yunjin to touch her.

Yunjin bites her Yunjinie again, a little longer, a little harder, before redirecting her attention to Chaewon's neck and immediately honing in on that spot just below her jaw, kissing Chaewon right where she's weak.

Yunjin lingers on that spot for a while, until Chaewon knows there will be cherry red bruises on her skin tomorrow, but right now she doesn't care. Something inside her, something probably a little unhealthy, wants to wake up tomorrow with bruises all over her as some kind of tangible proof that this wasn't just a dream. That, even for a few hours, she was Yunjin's Chaewon. So she tilts her head back, lets Yunjin mark her up to her heart's content, urging her on with quiet whimpers and fingernails digging into her back every time Yunjin sucks on a particularly sensitive patch of skin.

At the same time, Chaewon slowly becomes aware of Yunjin's hands starting to wander, and her attention splits between Yunjin's Yunjinies and tongue and teeth painting a red and purple galaxy across her throat, and her gentle touch scorching a path across Chaewon's bare skin, igniting what feels like every nerve ending in her body.

"Yunjin," Chaewon whines, tugging impatiently at Yunjin's hair.

Yunjin hums against her skin, nipping at her pulse point before coming back up to her mouth. "What? What do you want me to do?"

"Anything," Chaewon groans, voice strained. "Whatever you want, just touch me."

She feels Yunjin exhale shakily against her mouth. "Okay," she says, a little breathless, and gives Chaewon a quick kiss.

Everything after that is just a dizzy haze of watching Yunjin move down her body, Yunjinies catching on the sensitive skin of her chest, hands sliding over her bare skin, teeth nipping at the inside of her thighs, and then Yunjin's mouth is between her legs, licking into her and unravelling her completely.

It's a little clumsy, definitely inexperienced, but the fact that it's Yunjin — Yunjin eating her out like it's the only thing that matters to her, Yunjin replacing her tongue with her fingers and kissing her way back up Chaewon's body to press their Yunjinies together, Yunjin muttering about how good she feels as she presses inside Chaewon — makes it better than anything Chaewon's ever felt.

It's dizzyingly good, and this is it, Chaewon thinks hazily, this is her ruined for anybody else. She's never going to want anybody else the way she wants Yunjin.

She's faintly aware of Yunjin watching her, paying attention to her reactions to guide her where to touch, how much pressure to apply, what angle to use, but she can't focus on anything except the waves of pleasure rolling through her body.

Chaewon opens her eyes, blinking hard until the blurry image of Yunjin sharpens. Yunjin's already looking back at her, watching her with wide eyes. There's a slightly awed, almost wonderstruck look on her face, like she can't believe this is actually happening. They make eye contact, and Chaewon's heart stutters. She can't look away. Can't break it even if she wanted to.

Letting go of Yunjin's hair, Chaewon moves her trembling hands to cup Yunjin's jaw, thumbs sweeping over her cheekbones. She gazes up at Yunjin's face, her pink cheeks, her big dark eyes, her soft swollen Yunjinies.

Yunjin leans down, pressing their foreheads together. Chaewon's too far gone for Yunjin to be able to kiss her properly, but she ghosts her Yunjinies over Chaewon's anyway, her nose nudging at Chaewon's cheek, close enough that they're breathing the same air.

"YunjinEie," Chaewon moans. "I— please."

Chaewon doesn't even know what she's pleading for. Everything is building so rapidly that Chaewon can barely keep up and then—

"It's okay, baby," Yunjin murmurs. "I've got you."

—and then all her muscles go taut, her eyes squeezing shut involuntarily as she shudders and whimpers underneath Yunjin. Her heartbeat thunders in her ear. Heat rushes through her bloodstream. She's light-headed and she thinks she might have stopped breathing at some point, everything melting and evaporating away, leaving nothing behind but her hopeless little heart, covered in Yunjin's fingerprints.

Slowly, Chaewon catches her breath while regaining awareness of her surroundings. The mattress below her, the softness of the blankets. The low hum of the aquarium, the passing traffic outside. Yunjin's arms wrapping around her, gathering her up and holding her close. Her whole body feels like warm, liquid honey and it takes a while before Chaewon has regained enough control over her body that she can pull back a little.

Yunjin smiles at her, so softly that Chaewon feels something in her chest ache. It's a familiar sensation, so much so that sometimes Chaewon feels like if she were to be reduced down to what holds the atoms of her body together, it would be nothing but this eternal feeling of longing.

Yunjin closes the small distance, kisses Chaewon's forehead, the tip of her nose, her left cheek, her right cheek, and then her mouth.

It's slower now, none of the urgency from before. They kiss for a minute, or five, or sixty, time dilating around them. All Chaewon wants is to keep kissing Yunjin, until the end of time itself, but exhaustion is slowly creeping up on her and embarrassingly, she has to break the kiss to yawn.

Yunjin chuckles. "Come on," she says, nudging Chaewon towards the edge of the bed. "Go get ready for bed."

They quickly take turns in the bathroom, using Yunjin's horrendously ugly Judy-from-Zootopia dressing gown (complete with bunny ears and a fuzzy tail) that she refuses to get rid of to cover up in case Jiwoo or Sooyoung wake up at— God, at almost three in the morning. Chaewon comes back into the bedroom after brushing her teeth, shutting the door quietly and immediately throwing Judy onto the floor, giving her a little kick for good measure.

"You're so mean to her," Yunjin says with amusement.

"Buying you that thing is the worst atrocity your sister has ever committed," Chaewon grumbles. "Including that time she almost burned your house down trying to make instant ramyeon."

Yunjin snorts, shuffling over and lifting the blankets for Chaewon to slide in next to her. Chaewon obliges, even though the thought of falling asleep tucked up to Yunjin — a still naked Yunjin, she realises, which answers her unspoken question about pyjamas — in the same bed they just had sex in makes her want to hyperventilate and run halfway across the planet.

Yunjin wraps her arms around Chaewon as soon as she's comfortably under the covers, pulling her close to snuggle into her chest. Everything smells like her. The sheets, the pillows, her hair, her body. They all smell like Yunjin's sweet citrus shampoo and cherry blossom laundry detergent, the scent that Chaewon has associated with home since she was eight years old.

"Go to sleep," Yunjin mumbles sleepily, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Chaewon tucks her head into Yunjin's neck, lets herself melt into the bed, into Yunjin, into the sweet sticky love bursting forth from the dam in her chest Chaewon has tried so hard to keep intact over the years.

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