Adorabella: A new life awaits

By ARandomCasualPerson

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Today is the day Rainbow Dash meets a pony faster than her. She was expecting them to be an existing member o... More

Meeting Her Match
Small Steps
Learning To Trust
The Incident
Slowly Branching Out
Helping Out
Venturing Out
Returning To Fillydelphia
Back Home Safe
Down To The Post Office
After A Week Of Work
Overcoming A Massive Barrier
A Birthday To Remember
A Shaky Afternoon
Quiet Solid Friendship
Going On A Date
A month and a bit later (Summary)
Lead Up To A Birthday
Putting It Behind
The New Home
Nightmare Night
Another Month And A Bit Later (Summary)
The Best Hearth's Warming Ever

Adorable Rocks

30 3 0
By ARandomCasualPerson

I deeply, deeply apologize for the long wait. Your reward for waiting though, is 8k words of cuteness!

Warning! This chapter is deadly. It has very cute moments. The cuteness may be too much! Cuteness OVERLOAD! :3
(Next day)

5:00 PM

Adorabella had just finished her shift, and is about to leave the post office. At this moment she still has her mailpony uniform on.

"Adorabella," A voice said. Adorabella flinches as she turns around. It is only her boss, and Adorabella quickly relaxes. The boss is a really nice old stallion.

"So sorry but I never asked- how was your birthday yesterday?" The boss asked.

"It was great... had a party, and then after... me a- and Rainbow just n- napped on the sofa- didn't d- do m- much else... but it was chill and... n- n- nice," Adorabella quietly and shyly replied.

"Th- thank you... f- for asking." Adorabella added in the same volume and voice. The boss did hear his mailmare employee though.

"Good and- and oh, one of our mailponies have forgotten to deliver this letter today," He stated, giving a letter with his left forehoof to Adorabella. The name on the letter says 'To Marble Pie'. The address that's written on the letter is located in Rockville. Adorabella has a rough guess as to where about the address is. She hasn't been there, but does remember yesterday Pinkie Pie briefly talking about her family's rock farm there, as well as her sisters and parents.

"Oh um- I... I don't mind delivering it... let me get my camera- Ralph won't be available today so I can deliver a few more letters... Rainbow also told me to go there because Pinkie invited me there..." Adorabella nodded, sighing in disappointment that she won't be able to see Ralph today. Since yesterday, she can't stop thinking about Ralph. But she slightly lightened up to see Pinkie Pie again. But she's also nervous and anxious about meeting Pinkie Pie's family.

"Oh no it's just this one letter- and it's fine, don't worry about getting a picture to prove you delivered it. Once you delivered it you can go home or wherever you need to be. I know you'll deliver it just fine. By the end of this month, if you keep it up at this rate, you'll get a pay rise," The boss smiled.

"You're doing really well, you just need to work on being less shy... or at least manage it. Easier said than done, but do try. Other than that, you're doing really well. There's not much to criticize. Farewell," The boss added. Adorabella meakly nods as she flaps her wings and takes off with the letter in her left forehoof.

Rainbow Dash is in the living room. She is reading some newspapers she got on the way back from Wonderbolt training. She sees nothing interesting, and flicks page after page, beuty products, job advertisements, restaurant advertisements, a Daring Do movie coming soon, some life hacks-

"Wait WHAT!?" Rainbow Dash gasps in disbelief. She goes back a page, to the Daring Do page. That caught her attention very easily.

"In Manehatten cinemas, Daring Do movie adaptation of the books- oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!" Rainbow Dash squeals with excitement, like a foal would when they see their role model. Rainbow Dash didn't bother reading the rest of the page. 'Daring Do movie' is all that Rainbow Dash needed to know.

"Um... Rainbow?" Rainbow Dash hears Adorabella's voice. Rainbow Dash is so hyped that she didn't hear Adorabella come in.

"Hey Adorabella- guess what!? There's gonna be movie adaptations of the Daring Do books!" Rainbow Dash ecstatically said aloud, full if excitement. Adorabella smiles to see her best friend get excited.

"That's nice," Adorabella responded, nodding. This gives her an idea to really make Rainbow Dash's day. But she needs to know the days that they come out.

"When is it coming out?" Adorabella asked while starting to take her mailpony uniform off, neatly folding them and placing her hat on top. She flaps her wings and carefully places it on the sofa near the window, where Rainbow Dash is.

"I'm not sure, it didn't say. But it's gonna be released in Manehattan cinemas," Rainbow Dash replied. Adorabella then grabs her coat she got on her birthday, which is on the table next to the sofa. She puts it on.

"Oh, who's letter is that?" Rainbow Dash asked, noticing the letter which Adorabella picks back up with her left forehoof.

"It's for somepony called Marble Pie. Somepony forgot to deliver this letter... so I'm taking it there. Convenient, as I'm heading there," Adorabella replied.

"Oh right, yeah, Pinkie invited you to her family's rock farm for dinner- yeah," Rainbow Dash nodded.

"I'm kinda scared to go though..." Adorabella admitted while speaking in a meek tone. She doesn't know what Pinkie Pie's family is like.

"If you don't wanna go there, I'm sure Pinkie won't mind," Said Rainbow Dash. She doesn't want to pressure Adorabella into going if she's afraid.

"I'm going... I can't just deny her invitation, especially after yesterday being made so special. I do- don't know... h- how... how I'll r- repay a- any of you," Adorabella said more confidently, but stuttering.

"The sisters all really nice. I've met one of Pinkie's sisters, and she's nice once you get to know her. She lives in Ponyville now. I also met the other two one time, and they're nice too," Rainbow Dash reassured.

"Maud, I assume you mean her," Adorabella responded.

"Oh you know her do you?" Rainbow Dash asked, quite surprised.

"I delivered a letter to her address the week before," Adorabella replied.

"Doesn't remembering every little detail drive you mad? It must, surely!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"It used to... but with happiness in my life now... it doesn't drive me insane as much. When my past haunts me... my present shields me..." Adorabella said as she emotionally trembles.

"But I still break..."

"Hey, sometimes you will break, but that's okay. You will feel like that time to time. But when you do feel like that, you don't have to feel it alone," Rainbow Dash pats Adorabella on the back and pulls her close for a hug. Adorabella smugly smiles.

"Now enjoy it at the rock farm. I'll see you when you come back," Rainbow Dash smiled. Adorabella smiles back as she walks into the foyer and opens the door, walking out, then closing the door.

In the clouds, Adorabella within just a few seconds, flew from Ponyville to Rockville, leaving a pink trail behind as she did.

Adorabella is looking for a lone 2 storey house with a nearby windmill, as well as a water tower. In the distance, she sees something that fits the rough description. She dives down, already coming close to the ground. She then slows herself down until she halts in the air, which she halted almost immediately. Adorabella looks around in all directions.

The fear of unwanted attention is still within Adorabella. Even though it's unlikely, there is still the possible chance something could happen to her. To her, becoming a bit more outgoing isn't a call to be less aware and observant.

Adorabella circles around the rock farm like an eagle would circle prey on the ground. But instead of prey, Adorabella is looking out for anypony in the area that may be wondering about that could do harm to her, but she doesn't see any. All she sees 3 earth pony mares. One of them is Pinkie Pie, who Adorabella can easily spot from miles away as she sticks out like a sore hoof in the dull terrain.

One has gold green apple-coloured irises. Her coat is a pale greyish turquoise colour. Her grey mane is the shortest out of the 4 present, only going down to the bottom of her neck. Her tail is also short. Her cutie mark is the lime fruit above 2 stones.

The other mare has violet irises, with a bit of a greyish blue hint. She has a long cyanish grey striped mane that almost completely covers her right eye. Her tail is also long, almost as long and thick as Adorabella's tail. This grey mare's cutie mark are 3 small purple marbles.

Adorabella quickly flies over the house, to the front of it. Adorabella is frustrated she can't just give the letter to the ponies directly. Her shyness and anxieties still drags her, and made even the thought of interaction feel like it had physical weight, heavy physical weight that she can't lift. But she done it before, she can do it again, she tells herself.

Adorabella looks at the door, and panics, seeing there is no letter flap. But she slowly walks to the door, because maybe she can slide the letter through the bottom. When at the door, she notices the gap at the bottom is too slim. Adorabella's heart starts feeling heavy. She knows it's just Pinkie Pie's family, but she never saw them before.

"Oh hey Adorabella! I'm so so happy you could come! You now get to meet my wonderful family!"

Adorabella flinches as she drops the letter and takes a few steps back. It is only Pinkie Pie, but Adorabella keeps her distance as she sees the 2 other earth pony mares, looking at her, then to Pinkie Pie. They have walked over to the house.

"This is for you Marble," Said Pinkie Pie, giving Marble, who is the grey mare, the letter. She takes it with her mouth.

Adorabella briefly glances at Marble, who briefly glances back at her. Both of them take a few steps back and look away from one another.

"Aw don't be shy- Adorabella, this is Marble Pie my younger sister who's only a few minutes younger than me- Marble this is my new friend Adorabella!"

"Also this is Limestone Pie the oldest of us Pie sisters." Pinkie Pie then grabs all 3 in a group hug. Limestone, being her usual temperamental self, breaks apart the hug. Adorabella and Marble uses that chance to take several steps back. Marble meanwhile opens her letter and is reading it from her left forehoof. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie looks in all directions, and sees somepony is missing.

"Where is Maud? When will she be here?" Pinkie Pie had also invited Maud.

"For crying out loud, she will get here when she gets here. Stop asking the same question over and over again!" Limestone frowned. Pinkie Pie had asked the same question over and over, and it did get on Limestone's nerves.

"So uh... who is thus from?" Pinkie Pie asked while grinning, being nosey and attempts to have a sneak peak at the letter Marble is reading. Marble brings the letter to her and hides it under her mane.

"Oh it's private? I'm sorry," Pinkie Pie apologized.

"Mhm..." Marble nodded while now hiding her face as she opens the door and hurries inside with the letter before anypony gets the chance to look at it.

"I wonder who she's writing to, she's been receiving a lot of letters lately," Pinkie Pie wondered.

"Everypony has their secrets, and if they don't wanna share it, it's not our business," Limestone shrugged.

"But what matters is Marble is happy. To a sister, that's all that matters, seeing your siblings happy," Limestone added. Pinkie Pie nods in agreement. Limestone then looks to Adorabella.

"I take it you're this new friend of Pinkie's that wanted you over here for suppa?" Limestone assumed.

"Uh... uh..." Adorabella stammered as she partially hides her face behind her mane.

"...y- yeah," Adorabella nodded. She wanted to go back to the Cloudominium, but after the effort Pinkie Pie went to in organizing the birthday party yesterday, Adorabella would feel ungrateful to refuse the invitation now.

"Alright. Now let's get this straight. Ma and Pa may own the farm, but I keep it running. I don't bite, but cross me and you'll regret it," Limestone frowned. She had just intimidated Adorabella with that, making her take a few steps back.

"And stay away from Holder's Boulder. If you do that, and don't cross me... me and you shouldn't have any problems," Limestone added, in the same tone. Pinkie Pie got in between Adorabella and Limestone. Pinkie Pie gets Adorabella to quickly go inside. Once Adorabella is inside, Pinkie Pie stands firm, looking at Limestone.

"Now come on- don't be harsh on her. I pinkie dinkie inkie promise she won't do anything bad. Just don't go hard on her," Pinkie Pie frowned back. Limestone may deal with a lot of stress from constantly working, but she could've been a lot less harsh.

Limestone sighs and nods. She now understood that she did go harsh on the new guest.

Adorabella is now hesitantly inside the rock farm house. She slowly and shyly walks into the living room, where there is a large rectangular oak table. Before venturing further into the room, she looks for potential options of escape. She sees a window to her right, and a doorway far down the left side, which led upstairs. Adorabella is almost certain this is no trap, but it is just part of her procedure, just in case. She knows she won't ever grow out of it.

Adorabella notices Marble on the right end opposite her, just finishing reading the letter, sitting on one of the seats that's on the opposite side of the table, left side. Marble hides the letter in her mane and looks indirectly at the white pegasus. She always gets anxious and timid with new guests she never met.

Being noticed, Adorabella took a step back. Marble slowly and anxiously looks more directly at Adorabella, who takes a few more steps back, shyly hiding her face behind her mane. Marble also shyly hides her face behind her mane as well. For a minute, there is a very awkward shy and quiet standoff between Adorabella and Marble.

Very slowly, Adorabella slowly inched forward, one step every 15 to 30 seconds. Marble got more on edge as Adorabella got closer. Eventually, after 3 incredibly awkward minutes, it clicked in both minds that the other aren't going to hurt each other. Meanwhile, Adorabella slowly gets closer to the table.

Marble slowly looks at Adorabella directly. Adorabella froze and takes a few steps back. Marble looks more indirectly, and Adorabella slowly goes forward again. Adorabella starts stepping closer at a slightly quicker pace. Marble starts trembling, which Adorabella notices and froze, then returns to her original step-per-30-seconds. Both mares are understanding one another's limits.

Adorabella reaches the table, and takes a seat in front opposite Marble. Then both mares look directly at one another. Adorabella flinches as she draws her head back, but then brings it back forward to it's normal position. They aren't looking at each other.

"H- h- h- hi..." Adorabella stammered as she shyly spoke.

"H- hello..." Marble responded in the same shy tone.

The door is heard opening, then closing. Both Adorabella and Marble flinches. They see it's just Pinkie Pie and Limestone. Adorabella looks away from Limestone.

"I'm sorry, just been up and non stop working all day," Limestone apologized. Adorabella indirectly looks at Limestone and nods. Adorabella can safely guess that rock harvesting is hard work.

Ingeous Rock and Cloudy Quartz, the mother and father of the Pies, then walk in. Adorabella felt uneasy around being near them, because she never had good parents.

"I see you're none other than Adorabella. My name is Ingeous Rock Pie."

"And you shall call me Cloudy Quartz."

"H- h- hi..." Adorabella said as she partially hides her face behind her mane.

"We welcome you today to dine with us in our humble home," Said Ingeous Rock.

"Th- th- thanks," Adorabella shakily nodded.

After they introduced themselves to Adorabella, she doesn't feel as on edge. They the 2 walk out. Any uneasiness around the Pie's parents, Adorabella keeps to herself. Adorabella goes back to looking indirectly to Marble.

"I... I-" As Marble tries speaking, Adorabella flinches, making Marble flinch as well.

"I- I... I k- know h- h- how y- you feel... wh- when you d- don't kn- know a- somepony..." Marble spoke with broken stuttering.

"Y- y- y- y- yeah..." Adorabella murmured, also with broken stuttering.

Meanwhile, seeing the 2 shyest mares she knows interacting makes Pinkie Pie joyful. Seeing Adorabella and Marble managing some small talk made Pinkie Pie's day. While pleased to see Adorabella slowly crawling out her shell, Pinkie Pie is especially pleased seeing Marble taking some steps out her comfort zone as well.

Limestone meanwhile watches with relief, that Marble hasn't ran out the house. She cares about Marble much more than Adorabella. Limestone doesn't know the white pegasus all too well, other than she's this new mailmare living all the way in Ponyville.

Soon, Maud appears as well. She has also been invited.

"Oh. This Adorabella pony you've been on about is that new Ponyville mailmare," Maud said to Pinkie Pie as she came in. The pink earth pony nods.

"When did you meet her?" Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow.

"I've seen her about in Ponyville. She also delivered a letter from Mudbriar to me the week before," Maud replied.

"Oh, about Mudbriar, how are you two getting on?" Limestone asked.

"Good," Maud replied.

Adorabella gets up and sits next to Marble on the other side of the table. The grey earth pony shook, but quickly calms down. Seeing somepony she never related to so well, Marble feels some sense of safety around the guest. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie goes to sit opposite Adorabella while Limestone sits opposite Marble. Maud sits next to Pinkie Pie.

Adorabella and Marble continue speaking 'Quietese' while indirectly looking at one another. Neither of them don't know what to talk about.

"Why don't you three introduce yourselves to her," Pinkie Pie tried helping the other siblings introduce themselves properly to Adorabella.


"And I'm Limestone Pie. You're fine as long as you don't cross me."

Adorabella nods, then looks indirectly to Marble.

"Wh- wh- what's your name..." Adorabella remembers Pinkie Pie saying that the grey mare is Marble. But Adorabella doesn't know how else to start talking to her, other than asking what's her name even while already knowing.

"I- I'm... M- m... m- Marble..."

"I- I am... Ad- Ado- Adorab- Adorabella..."

"Sweet Celestia this is painful to watch and listen to..." Limestone privately thought as she drops her face onto the table while both forehooves are on the table while frowning, she is tired from today, she always feels tired. She is always tired, because she's running a rock farm, and it's a lot of work running a farm.

"W- w- what's your f- favourite colour?" Adorabella meanwhile is trying to come up with questions, anything that can spark a conversation.

"G- g- grey... and d- dark purple... y- yours?" Marble asked back, looking more directly at Adorabella.

"M- mine... mine's black- y- you know... I feel... invisible if- if I'm scared... I l- like black clothing..." Adorabella replied, looking more directly at Marble as well.

"I- I see that... th- that make s- sense. W- with my mane, I comb m- my mane like this... so if I wanna hide... I turn my head left and I- I feel invisible..." Marble shared, turning her head left. Her face is covered by her mane. But she is warming up to Adorabella.

"M- my m- mane is like a c- curtain... so... I can just cover my face too..." Adorabella shared as Marble looks more to Adorabella, who brings her long thick mane to cover her face. Marble lightly smiles, she relates so well.

"C- c- can I..." Marble slowly lowers her head and comes forward to Adorabella's mane. Adorabella hesitantly nods as she lets Marble hide in the long thick pink mane while feeling it. Marble already feels calm and safe, as if the layers of Adorabella's thick mane will shield her, and she starts fiddling with the mane, it feels so thick, but yet, still smooth. While Adorabella is a bit unnerved, seeing somepony who feels so safe to her, Adorabella lets her. Slowly, Adorabella relaxes a little bit and feels good, knowing she is helping a fellow shy pony feel secure.

Marble pulls herself back and goes back to looking indirectly, then directly, to Adorabella. Just like Marble's mane, Adorabella's mane is covering her left eye. Adorabella is also directly looking at Marble. Both of them by now know the other is friendly. Marble nervously reaches for one of Adorabella's wings to feel them. Adorabella extend her wings away, as she didn't like ponies touching her wings.

"S- s- sorry..." Marble puts her forehooves back. She likes pegasus' wings, because of the weird feeling. When feathers are brushed one way, they feel slippery, but they aren't, the feathers are just really really smooth. But when feathers are brushed the other way, they feel rough. It's that what makes Marble intrigued about pegasus wings.

Then, Ingeous Rock and Cloudy Quartz come back. They have came back with dinner, rock and soup. When Adorabella is given hers, she looks at the rock and recognizes it.

"Oh... a really soft type of rock, that... has a salty texture..." Adorabella stated.

"Yes, they taste really really good," Pinkie Pie nodded while grinning. She eats her rock in one go, then drinks the soup in another one go.

"How much do you know about rocks?" Maud asked. Adorabella knowing a bit about rocks has caught Maud's attention.

"I used to h- have a book... with different rocks and shards... b- but I can r- remember everything in it... because of my cutie mark..." Adorabella explained as she slowly nibbles at the rock.

"Interesting," Maud responded. Everypony starts eating their pieces of rock.

"I- I can uh um- uh... try and... find it if... if you want- so you c- can see all th- the rocks..." Said Adorabella.

"I would be interested to look at this book," Maud responded.

"O- or... we can uh... meet up and... go and uh- um- explore and look for d- different rocks?" Adorabella thought of.

"I can see me and you getting along well," Maud responded.

"S- so... ab- about th- the boulder outside... what is it... what is it exactly?" Adorabella asked, trying to start up a conversation.

"Holder's Boulder is like a big luck charm. It brings good luck," Cloudy Quartz answered.

"It is of upmost importance to keep the boulder clean of any hooves," Limestone added firmly.

"That's why everypony must stay away from Holder's Boulder," Pinkie Pie also added on top.

"Mhm," Marble nodded.

Adorabella is now interested to know more about Holder's Boulder.

"H- how old is th- the boulder?" Adorabella is getting more comfortable with talking. She is hiding less of her face behind her mane.

"Very. Long ago, Holder Cobblestone, a great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, found the boulder in a dragon's nest. He then went on to build this very farm around it," Ingeous Rock answered.

"I- I'm guessing th- that's wh- why it's called H- Holder's Boulder... r- right?" Adorabella asked.

"Yeah, doesn't take a genius to work it out," Limestone responded.

After finishing the dinner, Pinkie Pie collected the plates and cutlery.

"Th- thanks for th- the rock and soup... it was... not bad... tasted like... a really hard... crunchy... a um- wedgie- hard crunchy wedgie... in sauce," Adorabella said as she looks at Ingeous Rock and Cloudy Quartz.

"You're welcome. You're one of the most polite guests we've had," Cloudy Quartz said to Adorabella.

"Not gonna lie... I- I was a- anxious at first... but... I like coming here," Adorabella meekly smiled.

"I- I know h- how you feel... when I meet new ponies... I also get anxious..." Marble softly responded, relating to Adorabella.

"W- well... y- you aren't a- alone now..." Adorabella reassured. Adorabella, while not quite there, she always feels so liberated when she is able to get out her comfort zone. It makes her want to be there for her new friend. Adorabella doesn't want to see somepony go down the same path she had done in life. Adorabella wants to use what she learned herself in order to help Marble.

"I'm about to go and start up seconds. Who wants more rocks?" Ingeous Rock asked the family and single guest. The whole family nods.

"What about you, fine guest?" Ingeous Rock asked Adorabella. The white pegasus hesitantly and meekly nods. She doesn't like seconds, it reminded her of when she wanted seconds after having a meal when she was a filly. Meanwhile, Ingeous Rock walks back to the kitchen, to start on seconds. The more Adorabella thought of it, the more she sees things around her change, flashing between where she is now and her foalhood home, everything started feeling real... as if she was still a filly... as if her outgoing achievements was just a wild dream... putting both forehooves on her head doesn't change things... it just made it worse...

"Something wrong?" Pinkie Pie asked. Adorabella looks at Pinkie Pie. The pink earth pony can tell by the white pegasus' eyes that something is bothering her.

"Come with me," Pinkie Pie gently said as she walks out of the living room with Adorabella.

"Is something wrong?" Cloudy Quarts asked Pinkie Pie.

"She just needs um... fresh air," Pinkie Pie said aloud.

"Okay," Cloudy Quartz nodded.

"Adorabella seems like an interesting pony. She has some knowledge on rocks. I would hang out with her," Said Maud.

"She's painfully timid, but I suppose she is alright. She showed some interest about the farm," Limestone responded. She liked the questions Adorabella had asked.

"I see so much of myself in her..." Marble is the one who likes the guest the most. She exactly understands the struggles Adorabella has regarding shyness and anxiety.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Pinkie Pie asked while having a sad face.

"I used to get sc- scolded by my parents wh- whenever I got asked for seconds... I also feel uneasy around y- your parents... because even though I know they won't do anything to me, it just takes parental figures to trigger flashbacks... I didn't want to say anything because I felt rude to..." Adorabella starts to cry. Pinkie Pie pulls Adorabella to her for a hug. Pinkie Pie remembers Adorabella talking a little bit about it yesterday.

"It's okay it's okay..." Pinkie Pie gently rocks Adorabella.

"W- why... why can't I- can't I just- just... just change..." Adorabella stuttered as she held back tears.

"Why do you wanna change? We all adore you for you being you," Said Pinkie Pie, feeling sad for Adorabella.

"I- I... e- even with all the support, I- I... I just want to not be shy and anxious all the bucking time..." Adorabella murmured.

"Being shy and anxious isn't inherently a bad thing. That doesn't define a pony. What they're like as a pony in general is what matters. Being timid doesn't make your adorable cute self anything less," Pinkie Pie reassured while smiling. Adorabella lightly blushes while looking down when Pinkie Pie called her adorable and cute.

"I uh- th- thanks..." Adorabella stuttered while nervously giggling. She no longer feels like she's about to cry.

"Don't feel like you're forced to have seconds. And if you want seconds, there's no wrong in that," Pinkie Pie gently reassured.

"I- I'm sorry if- if you feel like I'm c- comparing your parents to mine..." Adorabella sighed, getting Pinkie Pie to let go of her. Adorabella looks away and to the ground.

"No don't be silly- I understand why. Flashbacks can happen at any time- Adorabella, I'm not mad you had a flashback, okay," Pinkie Pie gently said as she turns Adorabella's head to face her and moves her mane to uncover her right eye, who weakly nods.

The front door then opens, Marble opens it. She has a rock in her mouth, the same type of edible rock. She gently bumps Adorabella with the rock, prompting her to take it. Adorabella goes to grab it with her mouth, but her jaw loses grip and drops it. Luckily Pinkie Pie catches it with her left forehoof and passes it back to Adorabella.

"That was close!" Pinkie Pie sighed with relief.

"Mhm," Marble nodded.

"Th- th- thanks..." Adorabella spoke quietly as she takes the edible rock from Pinkie Pie while looking at Marble. She slowly eats her second rock.

"Alright, suppa time is over. We got to get back to work," Limestone said as she walks out the door.

"I would stay, but I need to catch the train. There is only one train left today," Maud stated as she walks out the door as well.

"Yeah alright, cya," Limestone nodded.

"Bye, thanks for inviting me. It was nice meeting up again like this. It was nice meeting you as well Adorabella," Said Maud. Adorabella, and the other 3 Pies waves to Maud as she walks off, heading to the train station.

"W- where d- do you send the rocks... once y- you collect them?" Adorabella asked.

"We sell them right here on the farm. Either individual customers or big businesses buy our rocks. So we got to work hard on the farm to keep income flowing in," Limestone replied. She is actually enjoying explaining to a guest about what she does. She is appreciating Adorabella's questions.

"D- don't you e- ever have days off?" Adorabella wondered.

"The thing is, with a line of work like rock farming, you can't just have days off. Not to say days off are impossible. I do sometimes take a step back... if Pa lets me," Limestone replied.

"S- so... how do rock farms work? Won't y- you just run out of rocks? Are- aren't you just mining?" Adorabella wondered.

"The rocks here are magical. They grow like a regular plant. We plant them like a regular plant seed," Limestone explained.

"Any more questions?"

"D- do y- you w- want m- me to h- help you out as w- well?" Adorabella asked. Her desire to repay to show she's grateful kicks in.

"Maybe another time, because if I say yes, and if you get injured, it's a whole load of paper work, especially as you're only a guest," Limestone declined.

"Y- yeah... it's p- probably for the best as I... I'm n- not strong..." Adorabella sighed.

"Yeah definitely not if you're not strong, because you literally need to be strong for this. But you volunteering to help us out is appreciated though," Limestone added.

"Adorabella, have you got to go back at a certain time?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I was never told what time to come back. So... I don't know," Adorabella shrugged.

"Well, us three got to go and get more rocks, haven't we?" Limestone said as she looks at Pinkie Pie and Marble.

"Mhm," Marble nodded.

"Yeah- well, if you're going I'll see ya soon Adorabella!" Pinkie Pie cheerily said as she quickly hugs Adorabella before letting go and walking off with Limestone. Adorabella waves at them as they walk around the house, and disappear from view. Marble meanwhile sits next to Adorabella, who also sits down, assuming the grey mare wants someyhing, which she does. Marble wants to hang around with what is looking like her first best friend.

"W- what was wrong... earlier?" Marble asked. She feels for Adorabella, a lot.

"I- I don't want to g- go into it... but... I was heavily bullied as a filly... and my parents weren't nice... and I had a flashback-" Adorabella suddenly feels tugging on the left side of her mane, and she sees Marble gently brushing with it with her forehooves. Adorabella feels a bit more at ease. But she can't explain why having somepony fiddling with her mane is calming.

"Wh- when I'm n- not doing well... I use my h- hoives to brush th- through my mane... so I- I thought it w- would help y- you too," Marble explained.

"I- I was bullied also... a- and even having a loving family... I was scared to s- speak to them... n- not until v- very later on... I don't want to go into it..." Marble added.

"I... I like your wings... can I feel them?" Marble sheepishly requested. She hopes that as she asked this time, she may get a yes.

"I... I don't like my wings being touched... back when I was a filly... bullies used to pull them... as I was the only pegasus in the class..." Adorabella shook her head. She really doesn't like her wings being touched.

"I had n- no pony to turn to... and even though there was my teacher... I w- was scared too... I- I had no pony... I ran from home a- and w- went... went into the Everfree Forest... alone, for a decade..." Adorabella shared.

"I..." Marble couldn't comprehend what she heard. Sure, she likes to have her own space, but she can't imagine having that much space, and fleeing to a dangerous forest, for a decade.

"If I m- met you right now... if I was s- still who I was over th- three w- weeks ago... I would've ran- well, flew away..." Adorabella added, changing topic as that's what she rather do. Marble can't help feeling sympathetic for Adorabella.

"S- same..." Going back a few years, Marble would've ran and hid from social interaction as well.

"B- but... with the f- friends I have now... I feel s- safe..." Said Adorabella.

"C- c- can we b- be friends?" Marble hasn't related to anypony as much as she had with Adorabella. Marble sees Adorabella as a best friend, somepony she can talk to and will understand her. Adorabella nods, and Marble smiles, with Adorabella smiling back. Of course her sisters do, but that's different. But Marble always wanted more friends that woukd understand her, and she feels Adorabella would understand her as well.

"D- do you have a therapist? W- what is it like?" Marble wondered. Adorabella frantically shook her head.

"I I'm a- afraid to reach f- for one... let one s- speak to one... Ralph tried recommending me to try therapy one time last week... but... I'm scared to just speak to some st- stranger..." Adorabella murmured in reply. Marble is just discovering how bad Adorabella's social anxiety in general actually is.

"Oh my- same..." Marble nodded, relating even more to Adorabella. She thought Adorabella may be seeing a therapist, and wanted to understand what it was like, so she could decide for herself if she wanted to give it a go or not. But it seems they're both in the same boat, afraid of therapy as it'd involve talking to somepony completely new who has no connection to anypony they know at all.

"I th- thought that letter was from a th- therapist f- for a second... " Said Adorabella.

"N- no it wasn't... just... just somepony I know..." Marble said as she hides her face behind her almost-as-equally thick mane.

"Anyway... back on topic... Ralph said therapy would be good for me, but I'm just scared to put all my trust and venting to a stranger..." Adorabella shared.

"Wh- who's Ralph?" Marble asked, looking back to Adorabella.

"Oh uh..." Adorabella covers her blushing cheeks with her mane. She often thinks about Ralph

"J- j- just somepony I know... but I couldn't see him today even if I didn't come here today..." Adorabella's voice deflated. She enjoys seeing Ralph on the Mondays Thurdays and Sundays.

"I h- hope things go well for you," Marble said her good wishes.

"Th- thanks..." Adorabella nodded.

"H- how many friends do you have?" Marble wondered.

"The six, including Pinkie, Starlight, Derpy, Ralph... that's about it- oh, and you," Adorabella replied.

"I know Fluttershy too... she's... she's so kind," Marble stammered. There's almost no pony who can rival Fluttershy in kindness.

"I... I also know the main Apple family... and... and they're great, even Big Mac," Marble shared more of her friend list

"Wh- who's uh um... Big Mac?" Adorabella asked.

"Oh um... somepony I once had a crush for... he chose somepony else, but I'm still good friends with him, and the mare he's with," Marble replied.

"Would've been weird if I did end up with him anyway, as... we did meet at a family reunion..." Marble slightly chuckled. Even though they now know they aren't cousins, they didn't know that at the time, and the Apples and Pies meet, thinking they were cousins. It would've been very awkward explaining how they met if they did get together.

"But it's okay, as there's somepony else I now have a crush on-" Marble gasps, because she spilt some information she didn't want to spill, that she has a crush.

"Oh I wasn't meant to tell you that-" Marble panics and hyperventilating, because she isn't ready for anypony to know.

"I won't say anything," Adorabella promised.

"I um... I also uh... um... uh... I... I also uh... ialsohaveacrush..." Adorabella stammered as her cheeks went bright pink.

"Huh?" Marble didn't catch what Adorabella said.

"I... I also have a crush on somepony..." Adorabella hid her bright pink blushing face behind her mane. But Adorabella wanted to share that information, so Marble feels more comfortable, knowing that her friend also has a crush.

"Th- th- this will st- stay between us, r- r- right?" Marble whimpered. Adorabella nods, making Marble sigh with relief.

"You w- won't tell anypony... r- r- right?" Marble didn't want anypony to know. She would be immensely pressured to go to the Pairing Stone for one. She didn't want to lose yet another potential partner she had a crush on. Even if she did get paired with her crush by the Pairing Stone, she didn't want word spreading quickly and the teasing overwhelm her which would prevent her from pursuing for it. She will share that information to everypony when she is ready to. Adorabella isn't ready to share who her crush is either. Both Adorabella and Marble feel good now, knowing they can trust one another with keeping this secret.

"Mhm," Adorabella nodded, then giggling a little bit, accidentally imitating Marble. Marble does giggle a little bit as well.

"Mhm," Marble also nodded, her way of showing she knew Adorabella wasn't mocking her. There is a few moments of silence, until Marble prompts Adorabella by gently poking on her side.

"Uh um... Mhm?" Adorabella responded, not sure what to exactly respond with.

"Mhm," Marble responded back.

"Mhm?" Adorabella responded back, slowly understanding what Marble is trying to get Adorabella to do.

"Mhm," Marble responded back.

"Oh- Mhm," Adorabella responded back. She finally understood what Marble was trying to get her to do.

"Mhm!" Marble responded back.

"Mhm," Adorabella responded back.

"Mhm," Marble responded back.

"Mhm," Adorabella responded back.

"Mhm," Marble responded back.

"Mhm," Adorabella responded back.

"Mhm," Marble responded back. It is turning into a mhm contest. Both of them grin, as if they're about to laugh at their goofiness.





"Mhm..." Adorabella is on the verge of laughter.

"Mhm- ah ha ha ah ha AH HA AH HA..." Marble couldn't contain her laughter, and in sync, Adorabella couldn't either. They both fell into a pit of maniacal laughter over the goofiness between each other.


Adorabella and Marble stop laughing and flinches at the tone. Limestone had come back come back over to them. Adorabella and Marble panic, because they don't know how long Limestone was standing there. What if Limestone heard them confessing they have crushes for different ponies?

"I know you like your new friend here but we need to get on with rock harvesting," Limestone spoke in a calmer tone. She is deep down really happy Marble is being this social and laughing. Meanwhile, Adorabella and Marble sigh internally with relief, that Limestone didn't overhear their crushes conversation.

"Can she stay a little longer... please?" Marble pleaded. Her pupils widen, like a cat's eyes would when starving for attention.

"No, I don't want you distracted," Limestone refused. Marble sighs as she gets up, she wants to continue talking, which feels weird as she never liked talking. But with Adorabella being so relatable, Marble wishes she could talk more with her.

"I'm sure you can meet Adorabella again another day," Limestone reassured. Marble's face lit up back again.

"Bye, I- I hope we can meet again soon," Marble very weakly smiled. Adorabella gets up and hugs Marble, who doesn't flinch. They then let go, and Marble walks off, to wherever Pinkie Pie is.

"Huh, well, you should be honoured. Marble doesn't warm up to ponies that quick usually," Said Limestone. She is happy that Marble has a friend she feels comfortable with.

"I- I am... I- I relate to her a l- lot... she reminds me of Flutters," Adorabella nodded.

"Yeah you're a lot like Marble. It was nice to see Marble speak with a guest. I think you two could work together and solve each other's problems," Limestone nodded. She is still deep down mostly caring for Marble's end, but she now does have some care for Adorabella's end as well. Limestone understands Marble as she's her sister and she's often on the farm. This helps Limestone understand Adorabella a little bit. This helps Limestone to be more patient with her than she would be with most guests.

"Y- y- yeah... I know what pain is like... I don't want to see anypony to go through pain," Adorabella nodded.

"Fair enough. So, I'm guessing you're heading off now?" Limestone assumed.

"W- well... I got to say bye to Ingeous and Cloudy first," Adorabella replied.

"Alright... and... again I'm sorry about earlier, when you first came here," Limestone again apologized.

"N- no it's f- fine... if you wanted to hurt me... I would not be standing right now..." Adorabella nervously chuckled. Limestone snorts slightly.

"Well uh anyway... uh, I enjoyed hearing some of your questions today. I thought they were good questions. I don't easily enjoy things, so, thank you," Said Limestone, having a barely visible smug smile.

"Well, I've got to get back to rock harvesting," Limestone added.

"So uh... I- I- I guess this is a goodbye?" Said. Adorabella

"Yeah, see you later," Limestone nodded as she walks off, to go over to Pinkie Pie and Marble. Adorabella wishes she got to talk to Marble more, but there's no getting past Limestone.

Adorabella turns to the door and knocks on it. It is quickly answered, and it's Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz.

"Is everything fine?" Igneous Rock asked.

"J- just... just- just problems with the- with my past," Adorabella stammered.

"I see," Igneous Rock nodded.

"Are you disappearing now?" Cloudy Quartz asked. Adorabella nods.

"I hope to see you again. You're very polite, and are welcome to come back to visit," Igneous Rock stated.

"B- b- bye," Adorabella nodded as she flaps her wings and waves to the Pie parents, whi waves back. Adorabella then turns in the air while gaining altitude. She doesn't want to set off an Adoraboom on the ground. Once high enough, she shoots off.

Rainbow Dash is still sat on the sofa, and has been chilling. She had long got over her initial excitement over the Daring Do movies that are about to come out. Since, she has been bored without Adorabella around. Rainbow Dash did need a break from constantly caring for Adorabella, but it did feel rather odd not having Adorabella around the house, even for a few hours. In the meantime, Rainbow Dash is reading a book from her Daring Do book collection.

But seeing Adorabella grow out her shell by a lot compared to 3 weeks ago felt so rewarding for Rainbow Dash. She sees Adorabella more as a very close sister. Not being related to Adorabella didn't matter to Rainbow Dash, Adorabella is still a dear sister to her.

Rainbow Dash's ears raise at hearing the door open. She sees Adorabella walking in, into the living room with her, slowly flying to her. She sits on the sofa next to her, then takes her coat off and neatly places it on the sofa. Rainbow Dash can tell Adorabella enjoyed seeing the Pie family.

"So, how did it go?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"W- w- well... I made friends with Marble," Adorabella replied.

"Ah, nice... see? It wasn't bad going after all. If you didn't go, you wouldn't of met a new friend," Rainbow Dash smiled.

"Also..." Adorabella was able to tell Marble this, so she can easily tell and trust Rainbow Dash with this as well. Adorabella is also very careful to not say the secret Marble shared though.

"Th- th- there's somepony I've been crushing on... since yesterday..." Adorabella hides her blushing face behind her mane.

"Uh... can you repeat that?" Rainbow Dash requested, madly blinking her eyes in surprise.

"It- it's too early... nevermind..." Adorabella sighed.

"No no- it's just... that threw me off, like, really threw me off. I just weren't expecting to hear that," Rainbow Dash reassured.

"You... you don't have to tell me who it is you have a crush on... but... I wish you the best of luck in pursuing him... or her, could be anypony," Rainbow Dash smiled, patting Adorabella on the back. Rainbow Dash knows Adorabella is too anxious to continue with this talk, so she switches topic.

"So uh... what was eating rocks like?" Rainbow Dash wondered. She knew the Pie family eat all sorts of rocks.

"They aren't bad... to be honest. It tasted like a very hard wedgie. It was a very soft type of rock," Adorabella explained.

"Ah right, and uh, you made friends with... Marble, did you say?" Rainbow Dash asked to double check. Adorabella nods.

"H- how? When I met her, she ran out the house!" Rainbow Dash stated aloud.

"Me and her... share a lot..." Adorabella replied.

"Oh yeah, definitely. You both likely knew each other's boundaries, which probably helped," Rainbow Dash nodded.

"All of Pinkie's sisters seem nice... even though me and Limestone in particular met on the wrong hoof..." Rainbow Dash bit her lip.

"How?" Adorabella questioned.

"Well a fair amount of time ago... Pinkie said Limestone was feeling really down since Maud moved, and wanted me to cheer her up. Me and Pinkie also happened to be staying at the farm all night to cheer Lime up. So, I thought it'd be a good idea to do a cheer Lime up by pranking her, saying that the boulder was missing while we were still mining rocks... big mistake..." Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth.

"Limestone looked like she was about to strangle me. Luckily Pinkie defused the situation before we got into a fight. Me and Lime are chill now," Rainbow Dash reassured. Adorabella knew Rainbow Dash had a tendency to prank ponies, she knew that within days of moving in as a room mate. But after being told why Holder's Boulder was important, Adorabella can understand why Limestone was about to completely throttle Rainbow Dash.

"Deserved... to be honest, sorry," Adorabella bluntly stated her opinion. She understands Holder's Boulder is important to the Pies, as if it was something sacred to them.

"No offense taken, I also think I deserved Limestone's wrath," Rainbow Dash lightly chuckled. She knew full well that she deserved the backlash from Limestone while knowing that Holder's Boulder was super important to the Pies.

"Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it at the farm, sister," Said Rainbow Dash. She really sees Adorabella as a sisterly friend.

"Thanks, for helping me make friends... I don't know how I would've met them without you... sister," Adorabella smiled, who did see Rainbow Dash as a sisterly figure as well. Both of them hug each other.

With it getting late, and as Celestia lowered the sun and Luna raised the moon, Adorabella started feeling sleepy, and starts leaning on Rainbow Dash.

"You uh... do you want my bed tonight, or you gonna sleep here?" Rainbow Dash asked

"Bed..." Adorabella yawned as she got more sleepy.

"Nah actually- I'm having the bed," Rainbow Dash stated. She decides she is going to have the bed upstairs tonight. Adorabella has been cheeky and had a few extra days in a row at having the bed.

"Alright... I did have some extra bed days..." Adorabella yawned. She knew herself that she got away with some extra days at having the bed. She can't help but have a devious cheeky grin on her face. Rainbow Dash lightly chuckles. Rainbow Dash likes seeing that Adorabella has some cheekiness in her personality, the cute fuzzy kind of cheekiness. All of it is showing that Adorabella is getting better.

Marble was just too good to not include her in the story. I just knew myself that Adorabella and Marble would make great friends with each other. I just couldn't have Marble not appear this story. The 2 of them would just make for an adorable chapter. Both of them being shy mares, why not have them be friends :3?

Also, big shout out to Limestone for not getting too grumpy! Then again, how can anypony get grumpy with Adorabella :D?

Also had to bond Adorabella and Rainbow more towards the end of the chapter :3

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