Reborn as the MOST HATED Vill...

By _littlefears

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You're a college student living at home and working multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet. Neglected by y... More

Chapter 1: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 2: A Pathetic Ending
Chapter 3: Reawakening
Chapter 4: Burn the Bridge
Chapter 5: Back From the Dead
Chapter 7: Business Proposal
Chapter 8: Semantics
Chapter 9: Give and Take
Chapter 10: Bound by Fate
Chapter 11: Declaration of War

Chapter 6: Know Thy Enemy

504 14 1
By _littlefears


After arriving back at the Duchy I was burnt out.

As usual, I went back up to my room to avoid dealing with the vermin who I now call my family.

While laying flat on my bed resembling a starfish, I stared up at the ceiling with a blank expression engrossed in my own thoughts.

After dealing with so much it made me realize, I'm utterly unprepared.

Who knows what I'll be bombarded with next?

I'll have to begin making preparations well in advance.

In fact, I'll need to start making backup plans for my backup plans.

"MY LADY!" Eleanor yelled as she busted through my room doors.

Swiftly I sat up before responding, "What is it?" with a startled expression.

"The Duke-" Eleanor said before getting cut off.

Right away the head butler entered my room before making eye contact with me.

"My lady, I'm here to notify you that the Duke has announced he will no longer be granting you allowance" the head butler interrupted.

"I see..." I responded in a low tone of voice.

"I apologize on his behalf, my lady" the head butler added.

Well, this happened sooner than expected.

Then again I'm sure I deeply offended each and every one of them at that last family dinner, I chuckled.

There's never a dull moment living as a villainess.

The butler seemed watchful as he stood there waiting to see my reaction.

Would the Ivanna of the past have started screaming by now?

Or better yet, would she have started throwing things?

Restoring Ivanna's reputation may take an entire lifetime at this rate, I sighed.

"I understand, thank you for letting me know" I responded with a restful tone.

There's no point in getting worked up,

You reap what you sow.

"Of course my lady, I'll be going now," the head butler said before leaving my room and closing the doors behind him.

Well, it's not like I'm completely broke yet.

After all, I just entered this world.

I still have enough money to last me a little while until I'm able to find a new source of income.

Should I start selling some of my belongings?

I chuckled, the Duke would never expect me to do such a thing.

Well, desperate times call for desperate measures.

But first, I think I need to review my current knowledge of this world,

I was unprepared before but, next time I'll be ready.

This time, I'll be the one who makes the first move.

"Eleanor, is there any quiet place to study here?" I asked.

Eleanor looked puzzled at first before asking me, "Do you not remember your way around the duchy my lady?"

Ah, was it weird that I asked that?

"No it's just...after being unconscious for a year, my memory is still a bit foggy" I blundered.

"Oh, I see,"

"I apologize for being so discourteous my lady" Eleanor responded as if acknowledging her mistake.

"In that case, I would recommend the library"

"It's quiet and there's usually no one around too"

I guess the library will have to do.

"What are you planning to study my lady?" Eleanor asked.

"Just some...wildlife I guess?" I improvised so as to not draw any unnecessary attention to the topic.

"Wildlife?" Eleanor questioned.

"Is there a certain species you're interested in my lady?"

I chuckled, "Humans?"

"Huh?" Eleanor uttered with a bewildered expression.

I giggled, "Take me to the library"

"Oh and could you bring some tea too?" I added as Eleanor guided me to the library.


"We're here my lady, you can look around and find yourself a spot"

"I'll be back with the tea shortly," Eleanor mentioned before walking away.

As I walked through the library I was taken aback.

First of all, the library had two floors separated by a railing with what looked like study areas on the upper floor.

The rows of bookshelves on the first floor were perpendicular to the library walls and they were endless, not to mention how high up the shelves went.

The shelves and the walls were made out of dark wood, while the floor consisted of white marble.

It felt cozy and peaceful, like a safe haven with a classical feel to it.

The ceiling was high up.

It was round and made out of glass making it seem like I was in some sort of old-fashioned snow globe, isolated from the modern world.

I don't think I'll ever stop being surprised by the architecture in this world.

This library is so big, I don't even know where to begin looking for some sort of directory of this world, I thought as I examined the endless rows of bookshelves.

Suddenly, while examining I came across a rather large book on the shelf.

Looking at it, it was a thick book,

The cover was black with a golden accent reading,

The Directory of the Castillo Empire, Year XXXX

So this is the directory?

Will I even be able to lift this thing?

I should really start working out...

As I wrapped my hand around the book and began to slide it off the shelf I thought I had gotten an idea of how heavy it was.

This isn't that bad, I guess I look weaker than I actually am.

However, after sliding the book all the way off the shelf I realized I severely overestimated myself.

Before I knew it the book had pulled me down towards the floor, forcing me to my knees as I stumbled to hold on to it.


Quickly, I dropped the book onto the floor to avoid crushing my hands and to give myself time to regain my composure.

Well that was embarrassing, I thought as rubbed my knees while checking my surroundings to make sure nobody saw me.

Okay, let's try this again,

Not long after, I stood up and began stretching my body, preparing to pick up the book again.

In order to pick up the book, this time I got into a deadlift stance and slowly lifted up the book off the ground before squat-walking with the book against my chest all the way up to the second floor.

Once I reached the second floor, I found the nearest table and threw the book onto it before falling to the floor in exhaustion.

I need a personal trainer asap, I thought as I breathed heavily out of my mouth.

While catching my breath I began to scan the surrounding area.

There was a railing going around the second floor of the library, allowing you to look down to the bottom floor.

The bookshelves on the top floor were part of the library wall and there were rows of long rectangular tables which were perpendicular to the walls.

Each table had multiple chairs that filled up the length of the table creating a study space fitting multiple people.

Each table had multiple lamps, like one of those you would see a lawyer have in their office on a legal drama, as well as a few papers and pens.

Eventually, I dragged myself into one of the chairs and pulled the book closer to me until it was directly in front of me.

As I turned on the lamp, suddenly I heard footsteps walking through the library as they made their way to the second floor.

"I brought the tea, my lady," Eleanor said before placing it next to me on the table.

"Thanks, it smells amazing" I replied, still struggling to catch my breath.

"My pleasure, my lady"

"You can relax for the time being, I'll let you know if I need anything"

"I'm grateful my lady" Eleanor replied before skipping down the stairs and out of the library.

I chuckled, maybe I'll give her a day off next time.

Okay, I need to focus.

After taking a sip of tea, I began to open the directory and flip through the pages.

I guess I should start by confirming basic information.

After grabbing a pen and a piece of paper I titled the page, 

Sinner's Revenge: Current Info 

Soon after I began to create a layout for a diagram representing the relationships between the important players in this game.

For now, I'll just focus on the people in the royal family and the dukedom.

They're the key players after all.

First things first, Emperor Dalton Hastings and Empress Diana Hastings.

Honestly, I don't remember many details about the two of them.

After meeting them, the Emperor seemed to be a wise and capable individual.

And how could I forget that suffocating aura of his?

He's somebody I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of...

Especially not at my current level.

However, contrary to my expectations the Empress didn't seem anything like the character from the show.

I only met her for a short while but I could at least tell she was capable of sympathizing with someone.

Either that or she was an actor in her past life.

For now, I'll have to continue observing them.

Next up, I thought while continuing to read down the page.

The First Prince, William Hastings.

If I recall, the first prince died while Ivanna was still rather young.

He was a stern prince but he was virtuous.

He was loved by the people and cherished within the Empire.

But unfortunately, he suffered from some unknown illness, there was no known cure and because of that, his health continued to deteriorate.

It was predicted that he didn't have much longer to live, however, unexpectedly his health began to rapidly improve almost as if a miracle had taken place.

No surprise given this is a fantasy world after all.

But then, not long after he got into an accident and passed away.

While I don't remember exactly what happened, I remember feeling as though the circumstances definitely seemed a little sketchy...

Next up, the Second Prince, Sebastian Hastings.

I gagged at the mere thought of him, my soon-to-be husband...

Is it a trend in this world for good-looking people to be so repulsive?

Anyways, there was definitely something going on between the second prince and his siblings.

Even though he was the second prince, he was obsessed with ascending the throne although he wasn't first in line.

Could that be a possible motive for instigating the first prince's death? I questioned while jotting down notes.

I'll need conclusive evidence to back up such a claim before I end up getting sentenced to death.

I guess I'll have to revisit this later.

Next up on the list,

The First Princess, Serenity Hastings.

She was undoubtedly a reserved character.

She liked to spend her time alone doing the things she enjoyed. 

However, as the princess grew up she began to develop saint-like abilities and the second prince started to take note.

Since she was still young, she didn't know how to control her powers yet.

The details are a bit foggy but what I do remember is that at some point Princess Serenity had caught some sort of sickness and was isolated in the palace while the rest of her family had attended some kind of event.

In the process, somebody broke into the palace and killed the princess.

It was later ruled that it was done by a group of bandits but,

To be honest, I'm not so sure.

To me, it seemed as if it was set up in a way to look like somebody had broken into the palace and raided the place, killing the princess in the process after she tried to stop them.

Afterward, the bandits were sentenced to death, which I guess is an understandable sentence for harming the royal family but,

To me, it seemed as if someone was simply tying up loose ends.

I just can't help but wonder, "How could a group of mere bandits have gotten past highly trained palace guards?"

Anyone with a conscience would have come to the same conclusion as me, so why did they rule in such a way?

Could the second prince have connections within the royal court?

Does the Emperor know of this? Is he involved as well?

Ah, I'm not getting anywhere with this.

For now, let's move on.

Lastly, the Third Prince, Gabriel Hastings.

I don't have much info on him.

Though he seemed to have people backing him within the shadows.

And from what I remember, he didn't seem to be obsessed with the throne like the second prince. 

But, I picked up the vibe that they weren't on good terms.

I'll have to start observing him...for now, let's just move on to the duchy.

Duke James Hughes and Duchess Audrey Hughes...

I'm pretty sure I got the gist of it, the Duke was in love with the Duchess but she died giving birth to Ivanna.

This created a rift in the relationship between the Duke and Ivanna leading to Ivanna's villainess era.

As of right now, the Duke hates Ivanna's blood which is unfortunately now my blood.

But then again, I've come to hate the Duke just as much so I guess we'll call it even.

The Second Duchess, Anastasia Hughes,

Ivanna's stepmother who married the Duke after the First Duchess passed away.

From what I remember, she's not from within the Empire.

She married not out of love, but to save her family from bankruptcy, allowing them to keep their aristocratic title.

I'm sure the Duke chose her since she looked so similar to the First Duchess.

Not to mention, since she's from outside of the empire, the likelihood of her being a spy is minimal.

Personality-wise, she didn't seem like she wanted to be involved with Ivanna or Julian which I guess I don't particularly mind.

It might just be better this way since I won't have to deal with any additional nonsense.


Julian Hughes...

A prick just like the second prince.

I think there were even a few times he and the second prince conspired against Ivanna.

I'll need to keep an eye on that imbecile and his irrational behaviors.

Lastly, Oliver Hughes.

I don't have much to say about him.

As the son of the Second Duchess, it seemed like he preferred to keep to himself.

Maybe I should reach out to him? He is younger than me after all.

Don't tell me...was Ivanna bullied even by her younger brother?

I sighed, If that's the case...I can't really blame him.

She was a villainess after all.

Well, whatever the case may be, I need to start figuring out what's going on in his head.

This looks decent enough, I thought while looking over my current relationship map.

"Know thy self, know thy enemy"

"A thousand battles, a thousand victories...Sun Tzu" I uttered while staring at my paper.

I guess paying attention in English class was good for something after all.

Well, I guess I should start coming up with ways to make money.

Now that I think about it, I remember a few locations of mines from the novel.

They should still be undiscovered as of right now which means they would still be full of gems.

But...I don't have the power to go and harvest anything in there by myself.

Even if I did, I would probably end up getting swindled in the process.

This is not really my expertise after all...

Maybe I could cut a deal with somebody?

Should I propose joining forces with someone? But who?


THE MARCHIONESS! I remembered as I jumped out of my seat almost spilling my tea.


As I flipped through the pages in the directory I finally came across her information.

Here it is, 

The Marchioness, Sabrina Campbell.

Later on in the show, she begins a jewelry business which was the start of her successful career in the industry.

In the beginning, nobody believed in her yet she was able to beat the odds and make it out on top.

Though her relationship with Ivanna wasn't the best,

Well, I guess it would be more accurate to call it nonexistent...

But for the sake of my livelihood, I have to make this happen.

If I'm able to cut a deal with her she'll be able to use her resources to harvest the gems in the mine.

Then after her business takes off I'll be able to get a cut of the profits...

For now, it seems somewhat plausible,

To be honest, it's all I really have to work with right now other than returning every item in my closet...

And who knows, if I end up pulling this off, I might just be able to make some connections in the process, I thought as a sinister smile formed across my face.

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