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โœฉ - ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ ๐˜จ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๐˜ด ๐˜ถ๐˜ฑ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ณ ๐˜ค๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜บ ๐˜ฆ... More



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"Cause his bitch coming too."

"Huh? What do you mean his bitch is coming too?"

"Ight so you know when he was in the room with us right?"


"Well his phone started ringing right? And he walked out and when he came back he let out the loudest sigh ever so we asked him what happened cause of course we wanted to be nosy and he goes like that girl Amya, Mya, Mia whatever her name is decided to move here with him."

"WHAAAT, BUT IT'S ONLY BEEN LIKE A DAY SINCE HE MOVED HERE." She whisper shouted, "Aye I guess the bitch is obsessed." He shrugged.

"Shit's crazy but aye just watch out and don't get played ight?" He elbowed her and stood up, he headed towards the door but before he twisted the handle he turned back to her, "Get rest tonight though, I'm taking you and Isaiah out tomorrow."

"Okay, where we going?"

"It's a surpriseee." He closed the door, leaving Y/N thinking what he had planned for them tomorrow. Since she didn't have anything to do she decided to just go to sleep now cause who knows what her brother had planned for them.


Morning came and Y/N was still sleeping when Jeremiah slowly crept into her room and walked over at her, "Y/N." He began shaking her awake until it worked, "What?"

"Get up."

"5 more minutes."

"No bitch get the fuck up, me and Isaiah are already done."

She groaned as she sat up and got up from her bed and walked over to the bathroom. Once she was done she returned back to her room but this time with more energy and began planning an outfit out. She even sent Melanie a picture of it for her to determine if it was a good outfit or no and it was!

She put on the outfit and began doing a little makeup and walked out of the room to find both of her siblings sitting on the couch on their phones, "I'm done."

"Bout damn time." Isaiah rolled his eyes as he stood up from his seat and walked over to the front door, "I didn't even take that long." She followed him to the front door and stood next to him.

"Yeahh you did, you move like a sloth matter of fact you look like one bud."

"If y'all don't shut the hell up." Jeremiah pushed through the two of them and walking out the door while the other two followed him, "Take the keys and turn the car on." He threw them the keys and both Isaiah and Y/N looked a each other.

"I CALL SHOTGUN." The two of them ran, well flew down the stairs towards the car and Y/N ended up reaching the car first, "LOSER."

"Fuck you bruh." He walked around the car, towards the drivers seat and turned the car on, "Ight move." Jeremiah walked up to the drivers seat, kicking Isaiah out.

"Bruh you told me to turn it on."

"Could've done it faster." He got in the driver seat while Isaiah hopped in the backseats, "Ight we have to make a quick stop and then we can go to the place I have planned."


After a couple of minutes they pulled up to a smoke shop and Jeremiah walked in, "What do you think he's getting?"

"I don't know Isaiah, do I look like akinator to you?" She scoffed and shook her head, trying to look more into the shop to see what her brother was buying, "Ight bitch be like that then." He sat back on his seat and looked out the window waiting for his brother to return.

After a couple of minutes, Jeremiah walked out of the shop with a mini bag and jumped back into the drivers seat, "So what'd you get?"

"You'll see when we get there."

He pulled off from the parking lot and started driving to their destination. The ride was like a 2 hour drive until they arrived at the place. "Surpriseee."

Jeremiah pulled up to the aquarium's parking lot and when he fully parked, he unbuckled his seat belt and turned to both of his siblings. He started digging in the bag and taking out 3 edibles, "Take these."

"Hell yeah dude I've always wanted to do this." Isaiah smiled down as soon as Jeremiah placed the edible on his hands, "Don't blame you if it really fucks you up ight?"

"It won't"

The three of them got out of the car and started heading towards the entrance but there was a long ass line, "It would probably kick in before we even get inside."

The line lasted like 13 minutes before they finally made it to the front.


The trio walked up to the booths and Jeremiah payed for all of their tickets. After they paid they started walking inside immediately walking through a tunnel with fishies swimming all around them, "Woaah."

They walked around the aquarium, just saying woaah or ooh ahh almost every step they took. The edibles had already kicked in by the time they entered through the tunnel.

Jeremiah walked ahead of them while Jeremiah and Y/N walked slowly, admiring the view around them. They both noticed Isaiah stop in front of a wall full with jellyfishes. Both Jeremiah and Y/N walked over to Isaiah and stood next to him, joining him admiring the jellyfishes.

"Bro i'm not gonna lie, i wish i was a jelly fish." Isaiah slowly spoke, "Me too.."


After they were done in the aquarium they returned back to the car and noticed Jeremiah was putting another address on his map, "So where we going?"

"You'll see."


The car had finally stopped after a 40 minute drive and they were parked in front of a korean barbeque restaurant, "HOLY SHIT I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO GO TO ONE OF THESE!"

Isaiah started running towards the entrance, not letting anyone else get in the line before him. I mean I don't blame him since the line was literally out the door. Jeremiah sighed and started walking over to the entrance while Y/N followed behind him.

He walked up to Isaiah and dragging him by the ear to the other door, "Bruh you took us out of line now we're gonna have to wait for eternity and let go of me I can walk on my own."

Jeremiah opened the other door and pushed Isaiah in before he walked in himself, "What's your problem." Isaiah rolled his eyes and waited till Jeremiah walked past him to follow him.

He walked up to the desk, "Reservation for Jeremiah L/N."

"For three correct?"


"Follow me!"

The lady grabbed 3 menus and walked them to their table, "Oh.. Woopsies!" Isaiah whispered.

The three of them took a seat and the server got their drinks and brought them after a couple of minutes. Once she was back, they ordered their food and just spoke while they brought their food out.

When their food was out, they started heating the stove up and placed their food on it for it to cook, "Man this is so cool."


"Thanks for today man." Isaiah spoke as he took a bite from his food, "Yeah thanks."

"No problem, I missed going out just us 3."

"Me too."

"Me three.."


It was now around 11:30 when they finally got back home and into the house. Y/n currently rested on her bed while watching something on her tv when she suddenly got a sense of spidey senses.

"Fuck are you kidding me? Right when the show is getting good huh." She complained as she got up from her bed and walked over to her closet, grabbing her suit.

"Swear you can never have a couple of hours to relax." She sighed as she slipped on her suit and cracked open her window and swung out of her room. She swung to the direction from where she felt the senses come from and she stopped on top of a tall building, trying to see what was wrong.

There was a sudden movement that caught her attention. It was 2 dark figures walking out to the roof top of some building. She quietly swung to closer building to see who they were.

As she silently watched, one of the figures walked more into the light and Y/N felt herself tense up.



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