The Sullivan Hogwarts Mystery...

By MisterMuffinut

255 30 78

«Even before entering the Wizarding World, Samuel felt magical. He had just crossed the border between the Mu... More

Character Bios
Chapter 01 - The Journey Begins
Chapter 03 - Welcome to Hogwarts
Chapter 04 - Dealing With Trouble
Chapter 05 - The Duel
Chapter 06 - A Curious Corridor
Chapter 07 - Class Matters
Chapter 08 - Preparing
Chapter 09 - Inside the Room
Chapter 10 - Time Flies
Chapter 11 - Year's End
The Story Continues

Chapter 02 - The Sorting Hat

22 2 5
By MisterMuffinut

Bravery, courage, and chivalry, three traits that Samson felt that he did a terrible job at representing. So then why did he become a Gryffindor?

Rewinding time, to the ride aboard the Hogwarts Express, Samson sat in a carriage, squashed against the doorway. "Do I have to sit next to both Samantha and Samwise?" pleaded Samson, staring across the carriage at Samuel and Rowan, "I'm squished! And against the door of all places!"

Samwise shot a glare, "Well sorry that I like the window seat so much!" Samantha groans, "You guys complain too much - it's way worse being seated between the two of you!" Samuel begins to explain, "Guys, just stop. Rowan needs a place to sit." Rowan speaks up, "Actually, I'm fine with moving if there's not enough spaces. This carriage is for four people after all..."

"Wait-" Samson interrupts, "Stay here, it's all good." Samantha and Samwise side-eye him, although Samuel and Rowan give him looks of appreciation. "Oh, if you insist. Thank you!" cries Rowan. Samson smile, "See, it's good to hear some manners once in a while. You don't get them often with siblings like mine." Samuel sits up, "Oh shush!" Rowan giggles, and Samson can't help but grin.

Although Samuel was older than Samson by a good three minutes, Samson looked at Samuel as a younger brother. No offence to him, but he was smaller, less athletic, and not as social, and Samson felt a need to look out for him. He just hoped that it didn't seem like he was looking down on Samuel, acting condescending and judgy.

The five of them discussed life at Hogwarts and their excitement throughout the ride, a ride that passed by much too quickly. Samson watched out the window by his brother, admiring the gorgeous Scottish scenery. He watched in amazement of the changing landscape, as if hypnotised by its beauty.

Eventually, the express came to a halt, leaving the on-board first years at a collection of boats. Across the water it was - the Castle of Hogwarts itself. Samson believe his eyes - it was majestic, it was grand, it was... Magic.

"What are these boats for?" questioned Samantha, "Are we not taking the carriages like the other students?" Rowan clears his throat and answers, "No, I'm afraid us first-year have to row across the water to the Castle. Although, I find it to have the opportunity to be exciting!" Samwise rolls his eyes, "Ugh, I don't feel like it." Samson elbows his chest, "Cheer up!"

Samwise stares at Samson, vexed. "He's just too lazy to do any of the rowin," joked Samuel. Samwise snapped back, "Hey, stop! It's only funny when it's not in my expense!" Everyone laughs, as they board their mode of transport.

The little boats carried them through a curtain of ivy which hid a wide opening in the cliff face. They were carried along a dark tunnel, which seemed to be taking them right underneath the castle, until they reached a kind of under-ground harbour, where they all clambered out onto the rocks.

When they all entered the Castle corridor, time seemed to slow down for Samson. It was simply amazing... Too wonderful to put into words. And so, of course, his moment of admiration had to be interrupted. "Ugh," moaned Samwise, "Where do we go now? We're lost!"

But before anybody else could panic, a taller girl approached the group. "You're lost, I hear?" She had brown, slicked back hair and eyes of the same time, complimenting her dark skin. Samson looked at her robes: scarlet and gold with a Lion's crest - there was no doubt that she wasn't a Gryffindor.

"Oh, sorry," apologised the girl, addressing the looks of confusion, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Angelica Cole, a fifth-year Gryffindor and the recently appointed Prefect."

Samson scratched his head. "Prefect? What's that? Isn't it like Head Boy and Head Girl? Class President? School Captain?" Angelica laughs, correcting him. "We Prefects are students who had been given extra authority and responsibilities by the Head of House and Headmaster," she explains, "They are certainly more valuable than a Class Leader, and I'm not quite sure what a School Captain is. However, Head Boy and Head Girl do exist here at Hogwarts, greater than the role of any Prefect. Understand?"

The group all shake their heads except for Rowan, who nods. "Good on you," Angelica compliments. Rowan beams, "Thank you. Oh, I'm Rowan Khanna by the way and these are the Sullivan siblings." Angelica freezes for a split second, a hint of fear in here face, before composing herself, "Sorry for that. It's just that... Sullivan..? As in Jacob Sullivan?"

Samantha nods, "You knew him?" Angelica chuckles, "Everyone does. He is - pardon my language - infamous here at Hogwarts. The sudden change from Slytherin academic scholar to ambitious, power-hungry, Vault-seeking madman was sudden. No offence of course."

There is a stunned moment of silence, before Angelica speaks again to discard the awkwardness. "Sorry if that made you uncomfortable. It's just that- nevermind. Anyways, I heard you needed help finding where to go?"

Despite her passionate monologue concerning his brother, Samson found that Angelica relaxed herself oddly quickly, acting as if no interactions happened. Regardless, she led the group to where to go - the Great Hall. There were floating candles, banners and a row of long tables aligned vertically, pointing from the entrance to the stage. At the stage were four Professors, each sitting down in a throne. A podium remained in front of them, as if they were waiting on somebody.

Nevertheless, they all looked so distinct - one wore pure black, suiting his long, greasy black hair and distinguished wrinkled look of disdain. The other wore yellow, a yellow hat seated upon her grey hair and sweet expression. Next to her was some sort of dwarf, a man with parted brown hair and wise circular glasses. Finally, the last person was an older woman with a stern face, dressed in green.

Samson had recognised them all from stories from Jacob. "Severus Snape, Pomona Sprout, Filius Flitwick and Minerva McGonagall." explained Rowan.

Angelica sat the group down at a long dining table seating all of the unhoused First Years. The five began to discuss what was happening, as Rowan explained the ceremony.

"Each first year will be called up, by alphabetical order - surnames - of course, and will be sorted into one the four Hogwarts houses, Slytherin, of the ambitious and cunning, Hufflepuff, for the loyal and patient, Ravenclaw, with the wise and creative, or Gryffindor, for the brave and the noble." Rowan adds, "In case you're curious, I'm hoping to become a Ravenclaw."

Samwise stares in confusion, "But how do they sort us? Do they just stare at us and judge us?" Samuel shakes his head. "Nobody knows, so it'll be a surprise for us First Years."

As the other four chatted, Samson turned around, facing the boy next to him. He was a timid-looking boy, with a face that always looked worried. He had hair like Samuel's, but blonde, paired with a light skin tone and piercing brown eyes. Samson could tell he was nervous. "You okay?" he asked, "You look like you've seen better days." The boy nods, "I've never seen something so... Magical."

Samson smiles in agreement, "Hogwarts? Yeah, it's pretty great." The boy shakes his head in correction. "The whole Wizarding World in general. I'm what you would call a Muggle-born wizard, you see, so none of my parents are magic. I never knew I had anything remotely special until earlier this year... If I'm being quite honest, everything seems big... And scary... And unknown."

Samson stops. He had never met a Muggle-born wizard before, so he didn't know what to do. Fortunately, before the silence got too long, Samson spoke up. "Maybe you should focus on the good. I mean, just look at the world around you! It's unique, it's special it's literally magic!" The boy looks up, slightly inspired, but looks back down. "But I'm still too cowardly... I wish I were courageous."

Samson replies almost immediately, getting carried away in his speech. "For an unknown world, you're facing it really well - for courage is not the lack of fear, but the ability to overcome it!" The boy was about to speak up, expressing further worry, but Samson interrupts. "And before you say that that is not enough, just know that you've already made a friend in me and that if anything happens I'll be there for you. Alright?"

The boy smiles, noticeably less insecure. "Thank you. I didn't catch your name, by the way." Samson grins, "Samson Sullivan."

And for perhaps the first time since his arrival, nobody freaked out about his family. And although it was because the boy was Muggle-born, it still felt good - like he wasn't judged, or criticised.

"Nice to meet you, Samson. I'm Copper. Ben Copper, that is. And I assume the others next to you are your siblings?"

Samson is about to respond when suddenly, he hears a voice from the stage. At the podium was an experienced wizard wearing coloured robes, although covered by his grey beard and hair. Their small, square black glasses rested underneath their eyes. Yes, it was the Headmaster himself, Albus Dumbledore.

Dumbledore did his (apparent) usual speech, but Samson couldn't focus with all of the chatter coming from his table. Dumbledore seemed to notice this, but never acknowledged it. Someone understanding the excitement of the First Years - somebody who could understand his students? Samson knew he would like him already.

All that Samson could gather was some words concerning Harry Potter - a name he'd recognised. He was the infant that had single-handedly destroyed You-Know-Who after He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named killed his parents. The event happened three years ago, yet Samson thought best not to think about it; sure, having a missing brother is bad, but having a story like Potter's would be worse.

After his speech, the crowd applauded, before Dumbledore spoke again. "Now, I believe that it is the time for sorting, am I correct?"

As Dumbledore explained the houses, the Professors brought it out - a large and crumpled brown hat, with a face on it. Then, it spoke, "I am the Sorting Hat!"

Samwise gasped, "It's a hat? Cool!" Before Samantha silenced him.

Then the ceremony begun. The first name was called, "Anderson, Brock!" A tall, athletic boy approached the stage and sat down at a seat. The Sorting Hat was placed on his head, before grumbling hoarsely, "Hmm... Interesting... I see..." There is a minute of silence, before the Hat echoes, "SLYTHERIN!"

Brock's robes turned green and silver, with a Snake crest. The Slytherin table cheered, as he approached it to sit with them.

"Woah. Didn't expect that." announced Rowan. Ben faced Samson, confused, "So... It's a magic hat that can read your thoughts?" Samson shrugged. He was more focused on the idea that maybe, just maybe, he and his siblings would be seperated in the housing process. Impossible! Right...?

The next few students went ahead, until the Hat croaked the next name - a familiar one. "Copper, Ben!" After a bit, the Hat screeched, "GRYFFINDOR!" When Ben's robes changed and he headed to his new table, he shot Samson a look of thanks.

Following Ben, a few others came up. Only few intrigued Samson, however. Penny Haywood, a happy-go-lucky popular girl with blue eyes and braided blonde hair became a Hufflepuff. Rowan, of course, became a Ravenclaw, a fact that he was clearly proud of. Merula Snyde, a manipulative and powerful witch with messy brown hair and an orange streak turned to a Slytherin.

Finally, it was time for the Sullivans. "Sullivan, Samantha!" cried the Hat. A few students looked around, making sure they heard right. Sullivan? Regardless, the Hat began reading Samantha, the social and just girl. Yes, perfect for- "HUFFLEPUFF!" Samson gulped, as Samantha cheerfully approached her table.

"Sullivan, Samson!" was next. This was it - the moment. Ignoring all of the glares and whispers, Samson approached the stage and took a seat.

"Please be Hufflepuff..." thought Samson. "Hufflepuff? Why so?" questioned the Sorting Hat.

"Well that was my sister you just sorted."


"Well, I need to get into her house."


"To take care of her. Of all my siblings. I need to. I've got to."

"Who said?"

"Well, nobody told me to, but I've just got to. It's my moral obligation."

"You are truly a noble young wizard... Do you know what that makes you?"


The Sorting Hat paused, before erupting, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Samson watched in horror as his black robes turned scarlet and gold, and as he walked down to the Gryffindors. Luckily, he got a seat next to Ben.

"Woohoo!" celebrated Ben, "You're with me!"

Samson frowned, watching his siblings from afar, "Yeah, I guess..."

Fortunately, Ben noticed Samson's discomfort, speaking up, "Are you alright?"

Samson nodded, though it was faint.

"You don't need to lie to me..."

"Fine," admitted Samson, "I miss my siblings. Happy?"

"Hey, they'll be fine. Especially if they're anything like you."

Samson was about to speak up, before Ben interrupted.

"A wise man once told me that courage is not the lack of fear, but the ability to overcome it."

Samson smiles warmly, mouthing 'Thanks'. And before anything more could be said, the Sorting Hat stated, "RAVENCLAW!"

Samson immediately looked up to see Samuel in blue and brown robes, signed with an Eagle crest. Samson grinned, thinking, "Samuel's smart. He'll be fine. They'll all be fine. It's not like there'll be another Jacob situation."

Drifting off, Samson immediately snapped back to reality after hearing the three words - "Sullivan, Samwise! SLYTHERIN!"

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