Chapter 07 - Class Matters

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Hufflepuff was now last place in the House Competition, and Samantha couldn't help but feel guilty. Especially since her Fifth Year Prefect, Jane Court, now had the inconvenience of gathering all of the First Year Hufflepuffs to disclose the issue.

They all gathered amongst the Common Room, sitting in a circular shape with Jane in the centre. The natural sunlight of the location seemed to truly highlight her chin-length blonde hair and light tone. Her brown eyes gazed at the students surrounding her.

Samantha was sitting on the middle of the couch, in between Penny and a boy named Diego. "So," Penny chatted, "I've got something to tell you-" She was quickly interrupted.

"Fellow Hufflepuffs," Jane announced, "You all must be aware of the events surrounding the House Competition..."

"Hufflepuff is losing!" shouted a pink haired girl from the back.

Jane solemnly nodded. "That is correct. Which I find truly disappointing if I'm being honest, as we hold the reputation of being known as patient, just, and hardworking."

Jane began walking around the room, locking eyes with the First Years as if she had a deep personal connection with each and every one of them. Samantha could tell that she was trying to be inspirational.

"And it has come to my attention that the ones most responsible for our house losing points... Are the First Years. And so I ask you... Why would you do so?" Jane rhetorically questioned.

Some students began to speak up, but were swiftly silenced by Jane. "Enough is enough." she commanded, "I need you all to focus on your school work and to make up our lost House points. Understand?"

A few murmurs could be heard around the room, something the Prefect couldn't accept.

"I said we have to make up our lost House points! Prove that Hufflepuff is, truly, one of the best Houses! Understand?"

The crowd around her cheered. "Great." Jane grinned, before declaring, "Alright, that's all. Make your way to your classes!"

The students dispersed, leaving Penny and Samantha to head to Charms.

"Welcome, students," announced Flitwick, as his pupils entered the classroom, "Take a seat. Today we will be learning the Knockback Jinx!"

Samantha excitedly sat down, telling Penny, "Oh, I am so ready for this!"

Unfortunately, Flitwick had overheard as his expression turned pensive. "Actually..." he clarified, "You must be excluded. You are excused for now."

Penny shot up, "What? Why, how's that fair?!"

Flitwick gestured her to calm down, "Ms. Haywood, please relax yourself. This matter is between Ms. Sullivan and I."

Samantha frowned, "But... She's right. What did I do?"

Flitwick approached the girl, explaining that, "I am sincerely and genuinely apologetic for this, but I have to - with the trouble that your brothers are getting in, the staff don't know if you can be trusted as well, especially learning an offensive jinx."

Samantha sat up, "But, sir, I'm not my brothers! Please, I'm my own person!" she persuaded, "Merlin's beard, I'm a Hufflepuff!"

The Charms professor paused to contemplate the argument, before stating, "Alright then. But I must remind you that there will be serious consequences if you misuse this Jinx."

"Understood, professor."

Flitwick then returned to his podium to begin the lesson. "As I was saying, class, today we will be studying the Knockback Jinx known as Flipendo. If used correctly, it has the opportunity of launching the target backwards, as so-"

The Sullivan Hogwarts Mystery: Year OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora